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Well it's been another dreadful week here.

I've been ill since last weekend (I blame visiting Greenock!) though I've been a bit brighter Thursday / Friday. Both boys have shown signs of similar since about Tuesday, though Steven was worse than Thomas unusually. Both off food, not sleeping well and being sick. Wed night the wife began to feel ill and was quite rough yesterday. Wed and Thurs nights I got no sleep at all sitting up with Steven. This morning the wife collapsed in the kitchen then threw up after trying to get up and help and I had to phone an ambulance!

Jesus Christ it's been a week of it. She's being treated for suspected swine flu now and it appears likely that the rest of us have had it already without being aware that's what it was.

Boys have gone to different granny's to give us a night's rest. They still aren't very well. I'm feeling much better and even got some sleep earlier. Hopefully everyone else will be improved tomorrow.

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You really aren't having much luck at the moment. Didn't you say your wife had the swine 'flu vaccination? Don't bother trying the lottery for a while!

I hope you all start feeling a bit healthier soon. It must be a nightmare for you at the moment. :(

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You really aren't having much luck at the moment. Didn't you say your wife had the swine 'flu vaccination? Don't bother trying the lottery for a while!

I hope you all start feeling a bit healthier soon. It must be a nightmare for you at the moment. :(

She hasn't had it this year. She had it when pregnant (both times I think, certainly the first time). I presume like every other flu it mutates constantly and so what she had then would be irrelevant now? :unsure:

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She hasn't had it this year. She had it when pregnant (both times I think, certainly the first time). I presume like every other flu it mutates constantly and so what she had then would be irrelevant now? :unsure:

Yeah, I would imagine so. I should probably read up on that. :ph34r:

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Yeah, I would imagine so. I should probably read up on that. :ph34r:

Actually, thinking about that, I think she got innoculated whilst pregnant the second time and Thomas got it as a baby. I wonder if that's why he's been less badly affected than the rest of us? Steven and I have definitely never been innoculated against it. Wouldn't explain why Maureen wasn't similarly mildly affected right enough but with Thomas generally having problems with viruses anyway we have been astonished he's not been the worst hit by this.

Ach it maybe all means nothing. It's not even confirmed as swine flu yet. No idea how long the tests take to come back for that.

Edited by Skyline Drifter
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Coming up for twelve weeks the scan is a week on monday. Really hoping all is well we have just moved into a new house which took 5 months of fucking stress to complete and are now dragging this seventies behemoth into this millennium. All of which caused my wife an unhealthy amount of stress she has started to sleep through the night now for the first time in about 6 weeks. I fear this child will be climbing the Walls when it arrives

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Coming up for twelve weeks the scan is a week on monday. Really hoping all is well we have just moved into a new house which took 5 months of fucking stress to complete and are now dragging this seventies behemoth into this millennium. All of which caused my wife an unhealthy amount of stress she has started to sleep through the night now for the first time in about 6 weeks. I fear this child will be climbing the Walls when it arrives

I've got scan number 10 in the morning. RAH have been great again. This is a growth scan as my wee boy was small for his gestation. If all is well I may get the choice to go midwife led instead of consultant lead. 35 weeks this Thursday, had Ruairidh at 37 so we're in getting organised mode here as I don't want to be caught out like I was last time. Hospital bag is still in the car after Friday's trip to triage :lol:

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Looks like I'm going to have another small baby. Baby is fine but is little, back in a fortnight for another growth scan. No reason for it to be small, have good diet, don't drink or smoke and watch my caffine intake. Gutted as a month ago we were tracking spot on the 50th percentile. :(

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Cal's only on the 9th percentile I think and you've seen for yourself how perfect he is ;)

And Ru was (is!) a tiddler and he's perfect too!

I know, just didn't expect such a drop through the percentiles. She's not even tracking on his line, she is below that. And then there was all the hassle having had a little baby to get him to gain weight from the HV.

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Went and got a pack of vests and body suits in tiny baby size today after yesterday's scan. Was chatting to my GP today and she said it would be more worrying if Ruairidh had been a big baby and this one little, wasn't in to see her about that but she was great and really reassuring. :)

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I hate bairns. They're so smug and cocky. I'll tell ya, if that Pressley guides them to the SPL, I'll pull that hair oot, strand-by-strand.

Carry on.

Edited by Muggy
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