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our oldest is 7 and i think i see him about twice a week! to be fair, he's my wife's from a previous relationship so is away at the weekend and during the week, he tends to either at his pals or his pals are here, either way, they tend to be up the stairs or outside and you get used to the banging about on the floor pretty rapidly! Biggest problem there is I can't get him every saturday for the fitba making his apprentice ship somewhat difficult!

the second is 5, also at School and a moody wee shite, she winds the wife up summat chronic (two peas in a pod) but the best way deal with both when they set off is just to laugh at them, they both end up laughing in spite of themselves! She's also good for conversation, she has an interesting belief system where she believes in god without any question but refuses to believe in space!

the youngest is 3 and a total gem, and hilarious with it. I'm told she's like me when i was wee and she disappears into her own wee worlds all the time. Does spend have the time thinking she's a dog though and has developed a proper English accent which is just bizarre.

all 3 are a great laugh though and to be honest, 3 is easier than two was! not expecting that to continue with four though and four is definitely the full stop.It'll be good fun having them all chipping in to help. colds and bugs are a nightmare though, usually takes a month or two for them to work round the house.

a good bed time routine is a must for anybody though. ours are in bed for 7 every night, granted they sometimes arse about being up and down a lot but they are always settled for 8. Most of their pals seem to go to bed about 11 o'clock, i reckon that would be a bit of a nightmare, that's heading towards m bed time!

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How many weeks are you? I think the head (I'm sure Ayrgirl will correct me if I'm wrong!) can engage as early as 34 weeks.

She's 35 weeks on Monday. So we're past 34 weeks!

As much as i can't wait to see him, i'm hoping he stays in for at least another two weeks! Just to give his wee lungs more time to develop.

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our oldest is 7 and i think i see him about twice a week! to be fair, he's my wife's from a previous relationship so is away at the weekend and during the week, he tends to either at his pals or his pals are here, either way, they tend to be up the stairs or outside and you get used to the banging about on the floor pretty rapidly! Biggest problem there is I can't get him every saturday for the fitba making his apprentice ship somewhat difficult!

the second is 5, also at School and a moody wee shite, she winds the wife up summat chronic (two peas in a pod) but the best way deal with both when they set off is just to laugh at them, they both end up laughing in spite of themselves! She's also good for conversation, she has an interesting belief system where she believes in god without any question but refuses to believe in space!

the youngest is 3 and a total gem, and hilarious with it. I'm told she's like me when i was wee and she disappears into her own wee worlds all the time. Does spend have the time thinking she's a dog though and has developed a proper English accent which is just bizarre.

all 3 are a great laugh though and to be honest, 3 is easier than two was! not expecting that to continue with four though and four is definitely the full stop.It'll be good fun having them all chipping in to help. colds and bugs are a nightmare though, usually takes a month or two for them to work round the house.

a good bed time routine is a must for anybody though. ours are in bed for 7 every night, granted they sometimes arse about being up and down a lot but they are always settled for 8. Most of their pals seem to go to bed about 11 o'clock, i reckon that would be a bit of a nightmare, that's heading towards m bed time!

My sisters friends have 4 girls and they also swear by getting them all down sharp and being organised. She says going from 1 to 2 was the hardest and the next 2 just slotted in.

She's 35 weeks on Monday. So we're past 34 weeks!

As much as i can't wait to see him, i'm hoping he stays in for at least another two weeks! Just to give his wee lungs more time to develop.

My first was born at 37 weeks, he was little but other than that was fine!

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Aye, anything over 37 weeks would do me fine! I think then he won't be classed as premature.

Just watch now, there'll still be no sign at 41 and a half weeks! :lol:

Ach, when he's ready he's ready!

No their not after 37 weeks. My waters went at 36+6 and had I had him that day he would have been classed as prem. Only problem was they didn't alter his wee red book to reflect that he was born at 37 weeks so I had a bit of a battle with the midwives regarding weight as they were plotting him from EDD but the HV staff nurse came out, took the page out and plotted him from 37 weeks gestation, which helped a little but he was still a little thing.

I had a growth scan week past Monday and this one is estimated in 10th percentile so they're scanning me again on Monday as it's a little small but if she was born next Thursday at same stage as her brother she'd probably weight about the same as he did. I was scanned and checked at 36 weeks as I thought I was in labour with my son and they told me that I had a huge baby, 6 days later I gave birth to a small baby so it's not all that acurate! :lol:

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Baby is now measuring about 5lb 14oz and is a touch above the 10th percentile so the doctors are happier with that. Head is also one fifth engaged. Dr made me appointment for 4th April but said he doesn't expect me to need it. :lol: If the weight is accurate then she's currently 7oz bigger than Ruairidh was at birth at 37 wks gestation.

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Baby is now measuring about 5lb 14oz and is a touch above the 10th percentile so the doctors are happier with that. Head is also one fifth engaged. Dr made me appointment for 4th April but said he doesn't expect me to need it. :lol: If the weight is accurate then she's currently 7oz bigger than Ruairidh was at birth at 37 wks gestation.

I keep telling you, you'll have her on my birthday!!! :):)

(27th March, although there is only 23 hours in that day this year <_< )

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Actually, thinking about that, I think she got innoculated whilst pregnant the second time and Thomas got it as a baby. I wonder if that's why he's been less badly affected than the rest of us? Steven and I have definitely never been innoculated against it. Wouldn't explain why Maureen wasn't similarly mildly affected right enough but with Thomas generally having problems with viruses anyway we have been astonished he's not been the worst hit by this.

Ach it maybe all means nothing. It's not even confirmed as swine flu yet. No idea how long the tests take to come back for that.

The answer to that was about a fortnight and it WAS swine flu.

Hope I never have that again. I haven't felt that weak and drained before ever. In hindsight I'm amazed I managed to keep on my feet and not miss work!

My parents caught it as we were starting to get over it and have been laid low for a fortnight too which left us with real problems on the child minding front but they are back on duty today at least. The wife's parents didn't get it but they were vaccinated before the winter started so that would explain that.

I can see how people with other health problems end up dying from it. Horrible experience. Fortunately the boys have bounced back fine now and Thomas in particular is eating like a horse this last few days. Making up for a fortnight of not eating much really. :)

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I keep telling you, you'll have her on my birthday!!! :):)

(27th March, although there is only 23 hours in that day this year <_< )

The 26th is the worst day I could go, my cousin who is babysitter on call is working in Perth, my inlaws who would also babysitter off for a day trip to Oban, my mum working on Jura and my Dad working on Skye!

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36+6 today.....where I was with when I went with Ruairidh.....dropped my sister off at the airport got home and waters went......I'm dropping my Dad there this evening.... :unsure::lol:

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Double test next week then second scan on Nov 5th. Feel like we are in this together gang, shall we meet for crumpets and tea?

Bump's dropped again. Now waddling like a penguin. 37+4 today.

Good to see you still in the game Rowan! If that's the right thing to say!?

Wee man is still holding on in there, midwife expected him to come early but looks like he'll go right to the due date if not beyond.

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Good to see you still in the game Rowan! If that's the right thing to say!?

Wee man is still holding on in there, midwife expected him to come early but looks like he'll go right to the due date if not beyond.

Your missus 37 weeks today? I'm nearly at a week longer than last time! Hospital in fortnight if I'm still here. Woke my husband at 1am on Sat morning and told him I'd started. By 1.45am we were considering calling his folks to come up and watch Ruairidh but decided to leave it another half hour. 2.20am....everything stops. Didn't have any of this nonsense last time!

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our oldest is 7 and i think i see him about twice a week! to be fair, he's my wife's from a previous relationship so is away at the weekend and during the week, he tends to either at his pals or his pals are here, either way, they tend to be up the stairs or outside and you get used to the banging about on the floor pretty rapidly! Biggest problem there is I can't get him every saturday for the fitba making his apprentice ship somewhat difficult!

the second is 5, also at School and a moody wee shite, she winds the wife up summat chronic (two peas in a pod) but the best way deal with both when they set off is just to laugh at them, they both end up laughing in spite of themselves! She's also good for conversation, she has an interesting belief system where she believes in god without any question but refuses to believe in space!

the youngest is 3 and a total gem, and hilarious with it. I'm told she's like me when i was wee and she disappears into her own wee worlds all the time. Does spend have the time thinking she's a dog though and has developed a proper English accent which is just bizarre.

all 3 are a great laugh though and to be honest, 3 is easier than two was! not expecting that to continue with four though and four is definitely the full stop.It'll be good fun having them all chipping in to help. colds and bugs are a nightmare though, usually takes a month or two for them to work round the house.

a good bed time routine is a must for anybody though. ours are in bed for 7 every night, granted they sometimes arse about being up and down a lot but they are always settled for 8. Most of their pals seem to go to bed about 11 o'clock, i reckon that would be a bit of a nightmare, that's heading towards m bed time!

Same age gap as us - 5 and 3. Theyre just beginning to play together more and more and dissapeared off upstairs for a couple of hours yesterday playing :)

Cant agree more about a good bedtime routine. Both hours go to bed around 7.30 and we've never had any problems with them playing up at bedtime .. thank god!

Two is definitely enough for us though

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It shocking how quickly it fly's in. Natalie's down to 3 weeks monday!

I've now gone a week longer than last time! 38 weeks tomorrow. Consultant a week on Monday when I would think he'll do a sweep. Been really sore and sleepy all day today, grateful the wee one is at nursery all day!

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Your missus 37 weeks today? I'm nearly at a week longer than last time! Hospital in fortnight if I'm still here. Woke my husband at 1am on Sat morning and told him I'd started. By 1.45am we were considering calling his folks to come up and watch Ruairidh but decided to leave it another half hour. 2.20am....everything stops. Didn't have any of this nonsense last time!

Official dute date is this Monday coming. He has dropped massively and midwife reckons he is good to go soon. Best of luck when it's 'TIME'.

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Official dute date is this Monday coming. He has dropped massively and midwife reckons he is good to go soon. Best of luck when it's 'TIME'.

And to you guys. Mine's head was one fifth engaged last week. We're booked into see the consultant a week on Monday if nothing has happened.

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