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It's nothing serious, reflux and excema and she smiles away anytime they see her and is gaining weight. They don't see her screaming in pain and scratching as she's itchy alot of the time.

Reflux isn't a minor issue. Our youngest boy coming up for a year had it and he basically hardly sleeps. We're both knackered with it.

We're Hoping neocate solves it, to do a phased switch over of milks.

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Im gonna be a dad again, the wife is 12 weeks pregnant.

Wow, well done lad! :D


I'm going down to Glasgow in a couple of days to visit Lyn-Marie and the boys, Rowan and her family and my friend who had a baby girl on Wednesday... I'm not going to be clucking about at all. Oh no. <_<

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It's nothing serious, reflux and excema and she smiles away anytime they see her and is gaining weight. They don't see her screaming in pain and scratching as she's itchy alot of the time.

Night scratching with excema can be a big problem for our four year old, you go into the room some mornings and it resembles a bloody battle scene

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Well add, aquagenic urticaria to the list, she's reacting to water. Goes bright red.

Chico, we're using nturamigen as they think she may have a lactose intolerance.

My GP managed to get a dermatology appointment for Tuesday this week.

Looking forward to seeing Debbie this week!

Well done Gman.

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Well add, aquagenic urticaria to the list, she's reacting to water. Goes bright red.

Chico, we're using nturamigen as they think she may have a lactose intolerance.

My GP managed to get a dermatology appointment for Tuesday this week.

Looking forward to seeing Debbie this week!

Well done Gman.

oh rowan, poor wee soul if she's reacting to water.

There's not a great test for lactose intolerance it's trial and error, got lucky with our toddler as he went on neocate after six months and solve things where as with our baby we've been on various stuff for him to help him with reflux.

Been nearly but not quite as bad ad my eldest, only sorted her after a year by buying soya milk and using that as her main drink.

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We are on gaviscon and on a(not spelt right!) too neither helping much. They said by 6 months it should start improving....it's getting worse! We've just started solids....she's bringing them up too!

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We are on gaviscon and on a(not spelt right!) too neither helping much. They said by 6 months it should start improving....it's getting worse! We've just started solids....she's bringing them up too!

Aye infant gaviscon seems not to do much.

We only get the odd meal barfed up but it's still a pain in the arse.

I'll ask my wife all the details on the meds and post for you.

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Don't know where my 'laprophamine ' went to in last post. I def typed it in! If I hear the phrase 'but shes gaining weight' or 'aw look at her smiling away there can't be much wrong with her' one more time I may punch someone (you're warned Debs lol!)

Last week her neck was weeping on a couple of occasions it was so red and sore. One of the cream, double base, the first time we used it she went bright red and she started screaming. We had to get her straight in the shower which go the cream off her but made her redder! I'd been using cotton wool and water on her aat bum changed thinking it would be better for her sensitive skin :( not realising that that was what was making her bottom red. I've switched to wipes now.

I'm back to work in 3 weeks but thankfully the nursery are fabulous and I've already had a long chat with them about it all and I have no worries that they will be totally supportive.

Thankfully none of it is serious illnesses in any way. But the constant backing and foring to GP trying to get them to take me seriously is wearing.

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I have a 4 and a half week old who has a cold any advice please

Get your wife to put a drop of breastmilk up her nostrils. Wee bit of snuffle baby on a hankie and tied to the cot. Into the bathroom with the shower on full heat to steam it out. You can get nasal aspirators from Boots.

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But the constant backing and foring to GP trying to get them to take me seriously is wearing.

Yeah, that's the experience we (mainly my wife to be honest) had as well, although your poor wee one sounds even worse than my boy Callum was. We tried several different medicines, each with varying degrees of success. Gaviscon, Colief, Infacol, Carobel and changed his milk to Neocate. The clear winner was Carobel, which is basically just a feed thickener, but it almost stopped the sickness and the post-feed screaming. To some extent he just grew out of it as well.

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No point comparing them, G_Man - my son has loads of words (some quite impressive too - he knew what a telescopic handler was before I did) but we don't get much in the way of sentences. He's started putting a few words together, but nothing amazing. Just keep talking to him and he'll pick i up soon enough. If you're worried, you could always ask the HV.

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Yep, what Reina said. They're all different and will do things in their own time. Our toddler is 3 in December and he's not got the widest vocabulary, but he's getting there. Going to nursery is certainly helping because where we can understand what he's trying to communicate to us without words, he's forced to tell the nursery staff what he wants because they don't know what all his gestures and actions mean. The more you talk to him, the more he'll learn. Watch his television programmes with him and talk about what's happening, encourage him to do the same. Read to him daily - it's quality time you spend with him and is something else to talk about. Like Reina says, your HV will be able to give you advice too and will cover speech in developmental checks.

Edited by Mrs M
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