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His middle name is after my grandparents on my mother's side. I had to take a couple of seconds and a silent pause before I managed to tell my mum that. My grandmother died the year before I met the wife. My grandfather died the year after I met her but had Alzheimers for his final year or two. It was important to me to keep their name alive. It meant a lot. :bairn

My mum died 3 months before my son was born and he was given her maiden name as his middle name :bairn

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He is a particularly lovely boy, no doubt. :D

I cried at the birth of mine too, it was enormously moving. He plopped out (for want of a better word) and then opened one eye and looked up at me. Then he was quickly ushered out to the SCBU because he was premature, and I just sank into a chair and wept for about ten minutes solid.

Enjoy this time, it's something special. :D

Whereas it took me two days to realise that I had a son. It was three weeks before we could take him home. Enjoy the first few weeks as we just had endless trips to the hospital and when when Cal came home he was like a different baby to the one that was in the hopsital. His middle name is Robert which was my dad's name and he died five years before I had Cal. If we had a girl middle name would have been Pauline after Neil's mum who died 3 weeks before Cal was born :bairn

Edited by Ayrgirl
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I was very emotional at the time of the birth, and I completely broke down when I phoned my dad to tell him. The big girls blouse that I am.

It's perfectly acceptable Stewarty.

Congratulations SD, cracking wee boy you have there. :)

My wee girl's middle name is Jean after Carols Gran incidentally.

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It's perfectly acceptable Stewarty.

Congratulations SD, cracking wee boy you have there. :)

My wee girl's middle name is Jean after Carols Gran incidentally.

My son is Ruairidh for my dad, Rod(erick) and Alasdair is his middle name for his daddy. If I'd have had a girl her middle name would have been Sarah after a close friend who was killed in a car accident the week before her 18th birthday 10 years ago his summer.

I didn't cry at the birth as I was as high as a kite but over the next few days I repeatidly did. Partly hormones, part utter fear of what to do and part sheer delightat finally having our baby.

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The hell with that! Though I see there is one floating about the First Division Board for some reason :huh:

It's been a very long day (and if the wife ever wants another child she can have someone else sit with her through labour!) but all worth it in the end. Looked set for a midnight-ish birth but suddenly around tea time everything started to happen very fast which was a relief to all parties.

Welcome to the world Thomas. :D

7lb 13oz born at 19:02, 19/02/09


Congrats, mate.

I must say, Absolutely splendid choice of name.


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Well Thomas came home today and the wee bugger certainly has a fine pair of lungs on him! So much for barely uttering a sound the first 24 hours. Maureen has had no sleep two nights running in hospital and they've had to take him away to give her 2-3 hours both nights. Now he's home we're bracing for the storm tonight although right at this second he's being an angel. Tried to wake him to give him a feed before proper bed and he wouldn't wake so it's up in three hours for the next one instead. Going to be a long night / week / month / year I expect <_<

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Had a we read of baby whisperer and my god its alot to take in. Is a good read but wow its in good detail
Haynes do a baby manual, which is much better, and uses 'bloke speak'.

The trouble with these books is that the babies haven't read them!

Will someone please think of the children!! I can just imagine the scene when sprog asks daddy for help with their Primary 1 english homework. :(

I made an arse of myself recently with my son's year 2 homework (also primary school - he's 6 years old). :(

Beautiful Picture.

Aye, he's gorgeous! Congratulations SD. A little belated but this is the first of me seeing this thread for a while.

You're all making me cry!

Me too, but you have an excuse!

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Guest The Phoenix
Made a mistake, is 23rd.

Appologies stewart, cheers for noticing mate.

Glad your there to keep me right here


Old habits die hard for ex Mods. ;)

On the other hot topic - I didn't cry at the birth of our first. I just stood with my mouth wide open in sheer amazement at the side of the incubator (she was jaundiced). It is truly incredible how such a little thing can produce such a truly wonderful creation (with a little help from the female).

Congrats SD and best of luck G_Man.

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Good luck with that. The info we got was that being induced is usually a little worse than natural labour. Not entirely sure why but that's what they said. She got Prostin at 6pm Wednesday, had her waters broken manually at 9:30am Thursday and went into proper labour about 1:30pm Thursday. From there it was a long 4 - 5 hours (Jesus that was long) and a very short final hour and a half. It's worth every second though.

I will be thinking of you when I get a spare second. Good luck for Sunday but more likely, good luck for Monday.

I take it your wife didn't need the drip then? I horrible time getting induced. Went in on the Sunday, had first dose of Prostin, another on Monday, spent two days with minor contractions, finally got waters broken on Wednesday about 1pm, reached 5 hours of the maximum dose of Oxytocin and eventually had to have an emergency section. Wee man eventually came out 0:00 on the Thursday! You guys were very lucky!

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I take it your wife didn't need the drip then? I horrible time getting induced. Went in on the Sunday, had first dose of Prostin, another on Monday, spent two days with minor contractions, finally got waters broken on Wednesday about 1pm, reached 5 hours of the maximum dose of Oxytocin and eventually had to have an emergency section. Wee man eventually came out 0:00 on the Thursday! You guys were very lucky!

She had the drip yes. Wasn't Oxytocin, something similar Systocin maybe? Or is that the same thing with a different brand name?

She got up to maximum dose for a while though they turned it down as it was working too well! :huh:

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Congratulations SD.

You beat to it. My partner is to in to be induced on Sunday! I'm now starting to get really nervous :o

Good luck with that. The info we got was that being induced is usually a little worse than natural labour. Not entirely sure why but that's what they said. She got Prostin at 6pm Wednesday, had her waters broken manually at 9:30am Thursday and went into proper labour about 1:30pm Thursday. From there it was a long 4 - 5 hours (Jesus that was long) and a very short final hour and a half. It's worth every second though.

I will be thinking of you when I get a spare second. Good luck for Sunday but more likely, good luck for Monday.

I am still thinking of you. I hope it's going well. :unsure:

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I'm knackered. I thought this was supposed to pass when you were well into second trimester... grrr! I should be glowing by now! (To be fair, my hair, nails and skin are in brilliant condition for a change, but I'm so tired!) Also feeling like a whale. I took pics of my bump at 14 weeks and again at 17 weeks, and the difference in the size is massive! Have been rubbing in the anti-stretchmark cream like mad! Think it's giving me a rash though... <_<

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