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Pregnancy And Parenting

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One of the things Maureen said was "Under no circumstances am I doing that again". One of the things I said was, "If she does, she can find someone else to sit with her through it!" :lol:

I don't know if we'd want more kids. House isn't really big enough for more and we're a good bit older than most people starting families but we'll see. At this point, Lord alone knows how people cope with twins and more, my admiration for them knows no bounds! I'd imagine coping with a toddler AND a baby would be just about as difficult and if we were going to have more we'd need to do it damned soon. Given the long four years plus it's been to get to this stage I'm not convinced it would be as easy as all that just to have another anyway.

My dad's cousin and wife had 9 IVF attempts as she was told in her 20's she'd never concieve naturally. 9th attempt gave them a little boy. 3 more attempts and they decided enough was enough. Aged 42 she fell pregnant naturally!! they now have a a wee girl of 18 months and son of 5.

We could probably fit 3 in this house fairly comfortablly but finacially it'll probably be two.

Re swaddling: I swaddled Ruairidh until he was 3 months, he settled well when swaddled. All the midwives in the ward swaddled the babies. My mum had bought us a beautiful shawl which was perfect for swaddling. In fact here's a pic of him all cuddled in. Gosh looking at the pictures I forgot how small he was, in this one he's well under 5lbs.

Edited by C.J
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Guest The Phoenix
I refuse to believe anything that comes out of that laddie's mouth.

Experience. ;)

Hmmm... I've probably got the edge on experience and I'm going with him on the pregnancy stakes.

If time proves me wrong, I will personally go up to Dundee and beat him to death with a glass bottle of Barr's Irn Bru. :lol:

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Hmmm... I've probably got the edge on experience and I'm going with him on the pregnancy stakes.

If time proves me wrong, I will personally go up to Dundee and beat him to death with a glass bottle of Barr's Irn Bru. :lol:

But what about the 30p you get for taking them back?!

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Proof is waiting for you stewarty, your just a sad old man, likes to pick on those who are younger, away you go mate, your boring, a bit pathetic.

Tosser really.

That is all, finished we your lot of crap, is boring

The lady doth protest too much, methinks :lol::lol:

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Re swaddling: I swaddled Ruairidh until he was 3 months, he settled well when swaddled. All the midwives in the ward swaddled the babies. My mum had bought us a beautiful shawl which was perfect for swaddling. In fact here's a pic of him all cuddled in. Gosh looking at the pictures I forgot how small he was, in this one he's well under 5lbs.

Gosh, what a great dad I am! Sometimes I do things I didn't know I had in me. My absence from the thread for the last hour was to do with Thomas waking himself up with hiccups so I took him away before he woke Maureen, walked the house with him, changed a dirty nappy, fed him and got him back off to sleep ALL BY MYSELF. :D

He's settled down again but that's him an hour early on the feed stakes for the night already. On the plus side he had a massive scoff so hopefully he'll be okay through to 4am now if he doesn't get hiccups again. He seems to get them a lot.

Thomas has been swaddled since he was born basically. That's what we were told to do at Cresswell (maternity unit). He seems to like it although he does like to have his arms up beside his face and he has scratched his own nose so we've had to get him babygrows with the foldover sleeves to stop him doing that.

His cord has come away already after just four days which is quite early apparently.

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I remember giving my daughter a bath a few days after getting her home,her umbilical cord(SP?) fell off into the bath water,I was alone in the house at the time and had to call my Dad as I was in floods of tears thinking something had gone wrong,or I had did something wrong.

My Dad came rushing over,and when he saw it in the bath he laughed at me for being so worried about it. :( It was my first baby,how was I to know,I wont be going through all that again any time soon. :P

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I remember giving my daughter a bath a few days after getting her home,her umbilical cord(SP?) fell off into the bath water,I was alone in the house at the time and had to call my Dad as I was in floods of tears thinking something had gone wrong,or I had did something wrong.

My Dad came rushing over,and when he saw it in the bath he laughed at me for being so worried about it. :( It was my first baby,how was I to know,I wont be going through all that again any time soon. :P

I don't think you're alone, that would have freaked me out as well. I'd probably have tried to glue it back on.

My wee bro had his 2nd on Sunday. Really proud to be an Uncle again.

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Gosh, what a great dad I am! Sometimes I do things I didn't know I had in me. My absence from the thread for the last hour was to do with Thomas waking himself up with hiccups so I took him away before he woke Maureen, walked the house with him, changed a dirty nappy, fed him and got him back off to sleep ALL BY MYSELF. :D

He's settled down again but that's him an hour early on the feed stakes for the night already. On the plus side he had a massive scoff so hopefully he'll be okay through to 4am now if he doesn't get hiccups again. He seems to get them a lot.

Thomas has been swaddled since he was born basically. That's what we were told to do at Cresswell (maternity unit). He seems to like it although he does like to have his arms up beside his face and he has scratched his own nose so we've had to get him babygrows with the foldover sleeves to stop him doing that.

His cord has come away already after just four days which is quite early apparently.

:D :D It's a great feeling isn't it!

Did Thomas get hiccups in the womb? Ruairdh did and still gets them nearly every day.

The fold over sleeves are so handy as mitts don't stay on.

Hope you got some sleep :)

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I don't think you're alone, that would have freaked me out as well. I'd probably have tried to glue it back on.

My wee bro had his 2nd on Sunday. Really proud to be an Uncle again.

I was freaked out,as no one told me that it dries up and falls off!

:D :D It's a great feeling isn't it!

Did Thomas get hiccups in the womb? Ruairdh did and still gets them nearly every day.

The fold over sleeves are so handy as mitts don't stay on.

Hope you got some sleep :)

I hate those scratch mitts,they where far too big for the baby,and like you said they never stay on them.

Speaking of gloves/mitts for a baby,when I was born my Mum put on woollen mitts to keep me warm,the wool inside the mitt got stuck around one of my fingers and I had to be taken to hospital to get it cut off my finger,when they got it off the finger was quite badly blackened,and they thought they might have to cut part of my finger off. Now I have a strange shaped finger.

My parents weren't to know that would happen as they where first time parents,that really freaked them out.

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She had the drip yes. Wasn't Oxytocin, something similar Systocin maybe? Or is that the same thing with a different brand name?

She got up to maximum dose for a while though they turned it down as it was working too well! :huh:

Syntocinon is artifical Oxytocin ;)

Congrats ND - Jessica is a lovely name.

SD the four hourly feeding is probably because jaundiced babies can be quite sleepy and can subsequently miss feeds. It's more than likely just to make you aware that you should wake bambino to feed him rather than leave him sleeping for too long. Leaving him 6 hours wouldn't make any difference IMO.

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I'm a dad too!!!!

Had a baby girl this morning. We didn't need to be induced (went for a curry saturday night) and within a few hours labour started. 25 Hrs from start to finish. In the end it needed a caserean.

Words really cant explain the emotions during those 25 hrs.

Little baby Jessica.

Mum and baby are doing fine aswell. It really was the greatest experience ever. Not to sure my partner will be to keen on a rerun for another few years though.

Who's next then?

Smashing! Congrats - lovely name too. :D

Who's next indeed! P and B'ers are reproducing at an alarming rate!

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:D :D It's a great feeling isn't it!

Did Thomas get hiccups in the womb? Ruairdh did and still gets them nearly every day.

The fold over sleeves are so handy as mitts don't stay on.

Hope you got some sleep :)

I don't know if he did or didn't. I'm not sure Maureen would have recognised them. But yes, he's had frequent hiccups every day, quite often during or shortly after a feed.

Those foldover sleeves are a Godsend.

I got to sleep about 1am, got up with Maureen about 4am for his feed, back to sleep at 5am and up again at 8am for the next one. At which point Maureen stayed up and I went back to bed again with Thomas in his crib next to the bed in the sunlight as instructed to help the jaundice. I got up for good about 10:30 when the midwife was due. This system is fine, slightly staggered sleeping suits us. Maureen goes to bed much earlier than me and rises much earlier too. All well and good just now, will need to be adapted a bit when I go back to work next week. :(

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will need to be adapted a bit when I go back to work next week. :(

That's why part of me is delighted I opted for redundancy now, I'd hate to go through this whilst working. Hopefully by the time I'm back into it, she'll be sleeping longer at nights.

Watch out for growth spurts SD, the first one will be starting soon, where the kid basically wants fed around every hour or so, that can last around 2-3 days, and it's not great fun.

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