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We're on a little family break in Dublin just now. We decided today to take in a few of the sights. We got the guided tour around Kilmainham Gaol and Madi proceeded to scream her head off from the second the tour began. The noise carried right through the place and must have disrupted all of the tours. Does anyone ever feel awkward in these situations? I mean I know there's nothing to be done about it, and she has her reasons for crying, but I never know what to do. Do we take her and leave? Do we try and stay through it?

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It's awful when they kick off. All depends on situation but if disrupting others I'd leave until they alm down. If everyone can ignore it then carry on regardless.

The place we were had excellent acoustics too so the noise carried throughout and the tour guide was trying to give his speech so it was best to break off on our own and away from everyone. Eventually I took her outside to calm her down a wee bit. I just never know if/when it's best to leave. It was definitely disrupting everyone else so we made the right call I think. That'll teach me not to take her places she's not interested inlaugh.gif.

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Nice one the_craig!

I'm 16 weeks today and after being a wee bit concerned earlier today that I hadn't felt any movement yet (which I know is crazy, but after a miscarriage, I think I'm allowed to be a wee bit of a paranoid mentalist), I've been sitting feeling loads of wee kicks for the last ten mins. Fantastic :D

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Congrats the Craig and nice going Debs!

Our little boy Harry is one today. Can't believe how quickly the time has gone, it's been such a quick year. Having a birthday party for him later. Quite annoyed as my parents have decided to go away for the weekend, even though they obviously know when his birthday is, so are going to miss it.

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Talking of taking kids to the football.

My wee boy was 1yr & 2months old when he went to his first game, a 5-2 win over QP at Hampden. He doesn't go that often just now as he'd rather go to his grandparents on a Saturday.

I encourage this as I'd lost all of my grandparents by the time I was eleven and think quite a bit how I wish I'd been able to spend a lot more time with them.

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I haven't puked in a week now. Fantastic :)

That must feel like a huge weight off your shoulders. Mrs Addie has been puking for what feels like months (in reality it's been two weeks). Took her to Wishaw General this morning and she has some anti-sickness pills that dissolve in your gums or something like that. She can't take any fluids and as a result has some really sore heads and hasn't eaten at all for three days.

As she is in her bed most of the time I have spent loads of time with the kids this week which is great. We have done so much we have run out of ideas for the weekend, so taking them to watch Wishaw Juniors this afternoon. It will be Danny's first game so that will be interesting and I'm hoping he doesn't run onto the pitch! As all three of us haven't been to a Juniors game before it's something new for all of us really.

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Talking of taking kids to the football.

My wee boy was 1yr & 2months old when he went to his first game, a 5-2 win over QP at Hampden. He doesn't go that often just now as he'd rather go to his grandparents on a Saturday.

I encourage this as I'd lost all of my grandparents by the time I was eleven and think quite a bit how I wish I'd been able to spend a lot more time with them.

grandparent love is the best, your boy's made a good choice. I've stopped going to the football now on a saturday in favour of looking after my granddaughter, wouldn't have it any other way tbh.
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My daughter took in the last 10 minutes of a Saints friendly at Station Park when 9 months. She obviously won't remember it but thought it would be a nice thing to tell her.

She is now 3 and I have started taking her to Saints U20's game at McDiarmid on a Tuesday (I live near the ground so its handy). She isn't a fan of loud noises, so it was ideal to start with these, espically when its not too much of a hassle to leave early and there is tons of room etc. Have been to two so far, left the first one after she started crying when Saints went 1-0 up after an hour and got a fright, and at half-time at 2-2 vs Killie the other night because she was freezing. Could see during the second one she was a bit more "used to it" already.

She quite looks forward to it, and had asked before I took her if she come to the football when she was a big girl. One the way down to the ground she was jumping between the yellow stones marking out car park while I held her hand - exactly what I done when I my Dad started to take me. Had a wee lump in my throat as she did!

Oh, and my best bit of advice - buy a sweet for them there......bribery is the best option.:lol:

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I dont really get the fuss on having a large family, ours are evenly spaced, i've got boy's of nearly 16 and 7, and girls of nearly 15, 9 and 1,

We are mid 30's and feel we still have enough love (and just about sanity biggrin.gif) for another, we can afford them and we love kids, so i dont really see what the big deal is.

I'm not having a pop btw, just explaining our reasons for having a large® family smile.gif

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My friend was hospitalised several times due to sickness even on anti sickness meds. Not just to 12 weeks but all the way to the end. She was also on crutches with spd. Poor lass.

I'm pretty lucky that I keep pretty well, hips and back are having their moments this time.

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I'm pretty lucky that I keep pretty well, hips and back are having their moments this time.

My girlfriend is having a lot of hip pain already this time.

As for me? I have never been as cool and calm in all my life, what a complete turnaround from the first time, where I was a bag of nerves for pretty much 9 months.

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