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We are taking Jack on his first flight next month - does anyone have any tips for keeping a toddler amused on a 3 hour flight?

I was thinking snacks, cartoons and a few toys and letting him run round the airport until he is knackered in the hope he will sleep.

Yep, all of them!

Longest flight we've been on with ours is an hour. Last time I went to Bristol I managed on my own with the two kids so I'm sure you'll be fine. I took plenty of snacks, drinks (the price of them on planes is outrageous), toys and books. You'll probably find he's content to just be looking out the window at take off and for a while after it. It's around the time the seatbelt lights goes off that I found the excitement fades and it gets a bit boring. For the kids, that is. Although same applies to me.

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Just back from Mallorca with the wee man, he's 8 months. Worried and worried for the weeks before about the flight etc, but I think the noise of the plane lulled him and he slept half way there and half way back. Kept him amused with rice cakes, menus, stuff to chuck about and feeds the rest.

Would really recommend taking a wee one on holiday after this experience. Only real stress was keeping him protected from the sun

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Just back from Mallorca with the wee man, he's 8 months. Worried and worried for the weeks before about the flight etc, but I think the noise of the plane lulled him and he slept half way there and half way back. Kept him amused with rice cakes, menus, stuff to chuck about and feeds the rest.

Would really recommend taking a wee one on holiday after this experience. Only real stress was keeping him protected from the sun

TBH at 8 months I think he would have been fine - significantly less mobile.

Yes, thats about it. How old is he?

He will 18 months at the time of the holiday

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I took the boy to Germany when he'd just turned 2. Drinks from a sippy cup or bottle if they'll take one good for take off so the sucking action soothes. Sweets handy for bribery. The worst bit for us (me) was getting him to sit down for landing as he didn't want to put the seatbelt on. But at 2 he had to have his own seat so that might be easier with an 18 month old.

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Thanks guys - the first time you do something different is always a bit nervewracking

I have heard that the white noise of the aircraft engines is good for putting the littel ones to sleep - on the way out we are due to take off at 1pm just before naptime so I am hoping for zzzz.

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A week today and I am a dad again for the third time. Mrs is well and truly scunnered with being pregnant and wants the wee one out. I say wee, but she is going to weigh about 9lbs 13 we reckon.

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You could always ask them to open the door and let you out if it's too annoying for you?

Why would you take babies or very small toddlers on a long haul anyway?? My sister has two small kids and would only ever go to Spain, France etc on a plane. She says she wouldn't subject herself or other passengers in case of any problems on any flight over 2 hours.

Put in a complaint?

Did the other passengers complain about yours?

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Why would you take babies or very small toddlers on a long haul anyway?? My sister has two small kids and would only ever go to Spain, France etc on a plane. She says she wouldn't subject herself or other passengers in case of any problems on any flight over 2 hours.

I wouldn't. If you want to look back through this thread to the last time this was discussed you'll find I said I couldn't think of anything worse and I wouldn't do it. I wouldn't even take them on short haul and ours haven't flown at all yet.

However, it is a fact that some people have to, and some people choose to. If their children are kicking off then nine times out of ten they are much more embarrassed and annoyed about it than you are. Instead of "raging" maybe you could just chill out a bit and relax in the knowledge that when the flight finishes you don't have to hear it again. The parents will get it the next day, and the one after, and the one after that................

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I wouldn't. If you want to look back through this thread to the last time this was discussed you'll find I said I couldn't think of anything worse and I wouldn't do it. I wouldn't even take them on short haul and ours haven't flown at all yet.

However, it is a fact that some people have to, and some people choose to. If their children are kicking off then nine times out of ten they are much more embarrassed and annoyed about it than you are. Instead of "raging" maybe you could just chill out a bit and relax in the knowledge that when the flight finishes you don't have to hear it again. The parents will get it the next day, and the one after, and the one after that................

Blue Peter badge for you.

Headphones are a fantastic invention thankfully, although that doesn't solve the seat kicking. It still astounds mean how selfish some parents can be with children without considering others, however. I have also seen the other end of the spectrum too, with extremely well behaved kids on planes. We're all brought up differently I guess.

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We're taking Zak on family holiday to Portugal in September. He'll be not far off two and a half by then. I don't think that's an unreasonable age to take him on his first short-haul flight. There's nine of us all together so there'll be plenty of seat swapping to keep him entertained. That with toilet trips, snacks and activities I don't see it been much of a problem at all.

In fact I'd go as far as to say I'm looking forward to having him on the flight.

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Why would you take babies or very small toddlers on a long haul anyway?? My sister has two small kids and would only ever go to Spain, France etc on a plane. She says she wouldn't subject herself or other passengers in case of any problems on any flight over 2 hours.

Oh I don't know possibly because we all don't live within 2hrs of anywhere! When our wee one was 7mths we took her from Sydney to Seattle (14hrs + 3hrs), she was good as gold and barely complained even when it was obvious that her ears were blocked/popping. However, I know other parents who wouldn't dream of taking their kids on a plane because it would be an absolute nightmare.

I've done quite a bit of long haul flying and I've had more issues with other adults on flights, kicking the seat, hammering the touch screens because the film doesn't start quick enough, hogging the arm rest, than I ever have had with kids.

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We took our 2 year old last year to Phuket with us for a family wedding. (They live in Oz and reckoned that Thailand was 1/2 way - it isn't)

No problem on any of the 6 flights apart from the descents to Phuket and Aberdeen. This was only because we didn't wake her up in time to give her Calpol.

Calpol, a tablet with plenty movies on it, loads of colouring books and night flights are the answer to taking kids on long haul in my (limited) experience.

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