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About diamonds2002

  • Birthday 22/05/1976

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  1. Have to agree with most of what has been said. Airdrie weren’t spectacular but we were better than Arbroath in all the individual battles. Thought Todorov was good it was a shame he didn’t get a goal for himself. Equally CalGals hold up play to release the quicker players was excellent. It’s certainly an aspect of his game that is often forgotten. defensively we looked solid and to be honest if Arbroath had played all day they still don’t think they would have scored.
  2. Surprised no one has mentioned mcstravick’s finish for the winner absolutely exquisite
  3. The sauce loves playing for Scotland . Fucking loves it
  4. Gilmour off so he can give the England team Covid again
  5. We should be looking to put another couple past this shower
  6. Feels like the spark has gone out the game now
  7. Stewart is quality at the Scotland games. His yasssssssssssssssss for the McLean goal against Norway is a classic
  8. Also delighted for the big daft hibee getting his goal
  9. Would love Billy Gilmour to get a goal. If the boy gets one the floods gates could open for club and country
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