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I've got number two on the way. One of the best bits about being a dad was it let me compress my hours at work. Bascially finish at ten on a friday (work from home that day anyway). Get to pick the wee man up from nursery and got the rest of the day to do what ever we want. Although there's only so many times i can go to the museum in chamber street.

It's great just being able to take him out and answer all the radgy questions he has. thankfully "why?" has now stopped, unfortuantely we're on to "whats that?".

looking forward to number two coming although a bit gutted that we've had to cancel christmas at Disneyland Paris!!

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Disappointing TBH Your parents were "^^Doing it wrong^^".

Nah. I did get a "Christmas" name

EDIT: apparently, even 100% sober, I canna spell "name"

Edited by Raidernation
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My wee boy's just climbed out of his cot, he's nearly 2 should we have had him in a bed by now? Given me the absolute fright of my life!

Do YOU think he should have been in a bed by now? There's your answer. You know him better than anyone else. Our youngest is 3 in September and still in his cot. We tried a bed a while back. First night was fine, the following week was a bloody nightmare. He wouldn't settle in it once he realised he could get out and when er did get him to sleep, we'd wake up and find him in bed with us or anywhere else in the flat he fancied - particularly the places he's not allowed during the day. He went back to a cot and he'll go into a bed when we feel a bit less terrified about the idea of him wandering about at night.

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