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Mo Wonderboy

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Nae bad.

That just about sums the PPV up. No surprise that WWE yet again put on a terrific PPV now is it ? Spoiler free recap of things coming up.

Kofi Kingston © vs. Matt Hardy vs. William Regal vs. MVP - US Title Match

This was about as extreme as something that isn't very extreme at all. That's not to say that it wasn't good though. It didn't half get going big time right from the word go, but it all felt a bit rushed. I thought they could have given this match a lot more time. You also get to see one of the best Clotheslines on a WWE show for ages in this match.

Rey Mysterio © vs. Chris Jericho, No Holds Barred Match - WWE Intercontinental Championship

I remember back in the days of WCW, these two guys, as good as they were, just did not know how to have a good match. 10 years down the line and that sure has changed. Another belter of a match from these two, and they didn't overdo the No Holds Barred stipulation which makes sense considering what was going to come later. Some right cool spots and the ending was terrific. Worth watching for sure.

Umaga vs. CM Punk - Samoan Strap Match

You have to give these two guys serious credit for having a good strap match. The usual problems with such matches actually got deleted here for a bunch of stuff that made sense. Not an amazing match, and it was never going to be with the stipulation, but a decent enough match which keeps the show going well.

Christian © vs. Jack Swagger vs. Tommy Dreamer, Extreme Rules Match - ECW Championship

First off ...

f**k Dreamer. f**k him in the ass. ECW is a great brand and it doesn't need his past it wrinkled arse ruining the main event scene.

Right. Tommy Dreamer did all sorts of cool stuff that you haven't seen from him in a while, which was always going to be the case. However, he didn't seem to have a clue when to do the moves, and the match didn't come across very well because of that. Swagger and Christian were left to salvage the match and they did a good job of that. The expected mediocre stuff here.

Vickie Guerrero © vs. Santino, Hog Pen Match - Miss Wrestlemania Crown

I'm actually disgusted with myself that I watched this. Why was this on the show when the US Title match could have gotten more time ? Not just that, but this was totally like a RAW segment. Didn't belong on what had been a solid PPV up to that point. Shockingly bad.

Randy Orton © vs. Batista, Steel Cage Match - WWE Championship

Disappointing. When you consider that these two guys can at least have a decent brawl, it just didn't go right this time. However, rumours would suggest that Batista was injured going into this match. Well, if he wasn't injured before, he sure is now. Not much use of the cage and it was pretty short. Something was up here.

The Big Show vs. John Cena - Submissions Match

Shocking that these two guys got the show back on track. It was just as slow and methodical as the match last time out, but this time they made it work and they told a really good story right through the match, with both men using the stipulations to their advantage. Could have been a bit better paced, but this was decent stuff.

Edge © vs. Jeff Hardy, Ladder Match - World Heavyweight Championship

Exhausting just to watch. I can't imagine how those two guys feel after a match like that. Edge is involved in yet another belting match this year as he goes from strength to strength. Both guys came out with yet more new and innovative ways to hurt each other using ladders, which I didn't think was possible but there you go. Good spots with a story = great match.



The show ended on a real high, and the rest of the show was pretty good too. It had a bit of a dodgy middle, but the majority is worth watching.

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Will they actually get behind CM Punk this time then and book him as a credible

champion? I hope so as he could be the injection of fresh talent the title scene

so badly needs. Perhaps a heel turn is imminent. How good would it be to see him

taking the high ground with his straigh edge lifestyle? He would be utterly


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Will they actually get behind CM Punk this time then and book him as a credible

champion? I hope so as he could be the injection of fresh talent the title scene

so badly needs. Perhaps a heel turn is imminent. How good would it be to see him

taking the high ground with his straigh edge lifestyle? He would be utterly


I'm taking different things into account here. The upside of CM Punk as a heel is that you instantly rid yourself of the awkwardness of his face mic work. The man is a natural heel. Basically because he's a Grade A cockend. So why not use that ? He's a terrific heel.

You need to look at how he won the title though. A lot "fairer" than the first time around, and you have the PG issues with CM Punk as well. Would an anti-drug crusader being a heel really work in the WWE of today ? Or will WWE be more interested in making the next big star ? I certainly think Punk has the right tools in spades, so long as they can be used right. He's showed himself to be more than good enough to adapting to the style of WWE and has had some belting matches with a variety of opponents.

Even though he's won this belt before, WWE still haven't properly pulled the trigger with him and I genuinely feel that the only way they can do that is to turn him heel.

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The Chris Jericho vs Rey Mysterio fight was once again excellent to watch, i really enjoyed the match which was full of action while the ending was superb...all hail king Y2J! :D

I was pretty pissed that Edge lost the title again, why don't the writers give the guy a long title reign?, giving him short stints are exactly boosting his credibility. Have to say i thought it was hilarious seeing CM Punk cash in on Jeff Hardy though and the crowd booooo'd Punk big time! :lol:

Now that CM Punk has got the World Heavyweight Title, hopefully he can have a successful run as a heel but i'm not going to get my hopes up considering his first reign as champion was awful, however if he can cut as good promos as he could in ROH, he should do well.

Also with Edge divorcing Vickie, is it just me or is Edge beginning to turn face?, lets face it he needs a change to his character as he has been a heel for ages. Futhermore with Punk ruining Hardy's dream, he will get massive heat from the crowd while Jericho is the best heel in the WWE right now in my view, so where does this leave Edge?

Edited by Parscelona
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Also with Edge divorcing Vickie, is it just me or is Edge beginning to turn face?, lets face he needs a change to his character as he has been a heel for ages. Futhermore with Punk ruining Hardy's dream, he will get massive heat from the crowd while Jericho is the best heel in the WWE right now in my view.

It's not just you. I think there's been wee hints at this for a while now.

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Bit gutted as I am a bit of a YOOMANGA mark.

Agreed, Umaga is a really good worker in the ring and is very athletic for a big guy, surely they must have a good reason otherwise Vince really is losing his mind.

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Bit gutted as I am a bit of a YOOMANGA mark.

I think we need to get more names like this on here.

Randy Ortan ( Lilian Garcia's version ! )

Jack Swaggah !




Mr. Injury ... Injury

Anymore ?

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I think we need to get more names like this on here.

Randy Ortan ( Lilian Garcia's version ! )

Jack Swaggah !




Mr. Injury ... Injury

Anymore ?

Your forgetting JAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNN CENA and Lilians version of Ted Deeby.........Assy.

I wonder what the story behind Umaga is........it must be a good one.

LULZ at The King confusing Batistas elbow for a broken arm on RAW :lol: . Orton had him in an arm bar and bent his elbow.

King whilst watching the replay of Batista bending his arm at the elbow: "This is hard to watch as you see Batistas arm being snapped by Legacy....... :lol::lol::lol: . Commentary is fucking woeful these days.

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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Couldn't care less about the new RAW GM and RAW in general now that Triple H is back..........I'll stick only to SD! and ECW from now on.

EDITED: Apparently Vicky is done with WWE for real after she handed her notice in to spend time with her daughters.

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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