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WCW Nitro 13/11/1995

Backstage promo time, and Hulk Hogan looks like a right dick in a black robe and some sort of mask. He says The Dungeon of Doom are scared of Hogan. He says that Savage is going to bring the head of Meng on a silver platter. He doesn't know if Sting is on his side. He's obsessed with Meng and this silver platter.

Meng vs. Randy Savage

I was actually enjoying Meng in this match, and thinking that he looked totally badass in this match, but then he started to get as boring as sin and stayed in the corner chopping Savage for about three minutes. Took all of the momentum out of the match that he helped to build. The match was still decent though thanks to the intensity of both men.

The Shark hits the ring after the match to attack Savage. Lex Luger hits the ring as well. They attack the arm of Savage with a brutal attack.

Kensuke Sasaki vs. Chris Benoit

The fans don't take long to get into Sasaki thanks to the aggression and the snap that he adds to his moves. This match wasn't as good as I'd hoped it would be though. It was far, far too short and as a result, it just felt like a bunch of moves glued together.

The commentators said that Chris Benoit is in the Horsemen during this match. Did I miss something here ?

Johnny B. Badd © vs. Eddie Guerrero - WCW Television Championship

This is a really good fast paced cruiserweight style match from these two guys. Johnny B Badd brought all of the high flying to this match while Eddie Guerrero was trying to keep the match on the ground and basically pin Badd whenever he got the oppertunity. Love when the two guys just start leathering each other and the referee has to split them and tell them that he'll end the match. The time limit draw means we're going to get more of this in the future, which I won't complain about since this was great.

After the match they continue brawling. They then shake hands out of respect for each other.

Mean Gene is in the ring with Jimmy Hart, The Taskmaster and The Giant. Hart says the only thing that bothers him is he doesn't know what he's going to do with the 500 Hulkamania jackets. HA ! The Taskmaster says that the title will go to The Giant, and it'd be stupid to bet against him. The Giant : "There can be only one !". Highlander ? I get his point and we head for commercials. Decent promo there actually when anyone other than The Taskmaster was talking.

Dean Malenko vs. Sting

Hey ! This should actually be a decent match ! Dean Malenko actually looks ridiculously small next to Sting here. Malenko is clearly aware of this and goes for the leg at the first possible oppertunity. Sting annoyingly forgets all about the leg injury the very second that he starts to make his comeback which is annoying, but this was a decent back and forth battle and Malenko was made to look pretty good in there.

Mean Gene is in the ring with Sting. Gene says that Hogan wants Sting one on one next week. He doesn't get Hogan coming and looking for him. He says he's looking forward to meeting Hogan to clear up everything. A basic promo to set up the main event for next week.

Show done.

WCW Nitro 20/11/1995

Scott Norton vs. The Shark

This match doesn't even reach the ring initially as they just beat the shit out of each other on the aisle and at ringside before getting into the ring. This time we actually get a winner though. With a Body Slam. What is this, an old Survivor Series match ? Regardless of this weird ending of such a heated fued at the moment, this was yet more fun from these two guys as they just want to kill each other at the moment.

The Shark is none too amused with that ending. I wouldn't be either. He just got pinned with a Body Slam.

We have Mean Gene with Jimmy Hart and The Taskmaster. Jimmy Hart tries to put a wedge between Sting and Hogan, as if it wasn't there already. The Taskmaster gets the microphone, and I die a little inside. I'll admit that he made me zone out again and I have no idea what he said.

Disco Inferno comes out for a dance before Eddie's music hits. :laugh: I thought we weren't gonna see that again.

Bryan Pillman vs. Eddie Guerrero

It was supposed to be Ric Flair facing Eddie, but he says that he's gonna give Pillman this one. Eddie got the win in this one and it was an absolutely massive one for Eddie it has to be said. The match wasn't all that great though. I don't get why since I got some amusement from Pillman and Eddie brought the big offense. Something was missing here though.

Big Bubba vs. Road Warrior Hawk

Love it when Hawk ends up in a Bearhug and Hawk just gives a sort of "what is this ?" look and then goes on to beat the crap out of Bubba. This was a bit of a nothing match. Mongo : "Look at this action.". Yeah, I'm looking at it, and it's not very good. The ending is pretty stupid as well, but it builds to the Duggan/Bubba match that's going to happen. Thank god the build up for THAT hasn't been on Nitro. This match is one for skipping.

Sting vs. Hulk Hogan

Sting is wearing the red and yellow of Hulk Hogan. Hogan was going to attack from behind before Sting actually stopped him and noticed him. The fans are booing Hogan like hell as a result of his tactics. Hogan brought all sorts of heel stuff here and did it well, and this match might have a lot to do with why WCW knew that the Hogan heel turn would work if it was done right. Not a great match by any stretch, and a lot of missed stuff, but this is worth watching to see Hogan doing this stuff as a babyface.

The Dungeon of Doom hit the ring and everyone is brawling and the significant thing about this is that Sting is fighting back against the Dungeon. Savage stops a Double Chokeslam on Sting and Hogan. Savage eats the Chokeslam himself. Double chair shot sends The Giant over the top rope and to the floor.

Show done.

WCW World War 3 1995

WCW declares war ! Mean Gene is with Hogan, Sting and Luger. Hogan says the dark side of Hulk Hogan is gone. Everyone declares happy days. I thought this was supposed to be war ?!?! PUSSIES !!!

Johnny B. Badd © vs. Diamond Dallas Page - WCW Television Championship

The winner of this match gets the Diamond Doll. The Doll has shown signs that she would rather be with Badd and DDP is trying to win her over. Not gonna do much good if he loses here ! DDP called him "Johnny B Bozzo" before the match. Not the best of insults there. For the most part, this match was really good storytelling, but I reckon it could have done to lose a couple of minutes. The stuff with the Diamond Doll on the floor was also pretty good. Nice match.

Big Bubba vs. Hacksaw Jim Duggan - Taped Fist Match

I don't get the point of making this a taped fist match. They didn't really sell the punches an awful lot, and the match was just like a normal match with the exception of added tape. They eventually get some taped fist stuff going after a while, but since they killed the credibility after a while, I couldn't get into it. It was weird to see the heel win a match in spite of interference. Big Bubba is clearly better than most !

Ric Flair is with Mean Gene. Once again, he goes on about The Horsemen being the best thing going today. He says that once again, The Nature Boy will rule WCW.

Cutie Suzuki and Mayumi Ozaki vs. Bull Nakano and Akira Hokuto

Expectations are high here. I have no idea why since I haven't seen most of these women, but I've heard good things about Hokuto and I do like what I seen from Nakano. Everything about Nakano here is brilliant. The match takes a while to get going, but boy oh boy does this get going. The opening minutes are unforgivably dull. This match also features the most horrible ( in a good way ) German Suplex I have ever seen. This starts horribly, but regardless of that, it's well worth a watch.

We're with Mean Gene, Lex Luger and Jimmy Hart. Hart says that Luger has everything. Luger says that he is the flagship of WCW, but he seems to be talking to the floor. Hmm.

Kensuke Sasaki © vs. Chris Benoit - WCW United States Championship

Could someone tell me how Sasaki managed to win the US Title and where he won it ? Benoit has lost the trunks which has the big star at the back of 'em. I expected much, much more from this match. The only interesting thing about it was Chris Benoit busting out some of the stuff that he would become known for, but hadn't yet pulled out of the bag at this point in WCW.

We have The Taskmaster, Jimmy Hart and The Giant with Mean Gene. The Taskmaster calls The Giant the uncrowned champion. The Giant goes fucking mental talking about Hogan. That's the most mental I've seen him to date.

We now have Randy Savage with Mean Gene, who is certainly earning his corn this evening. Mean Gene asks if Savage is jittery. "I'm always jittery.". Fair enough. Savage says that he's a million percent fit, which is better than one hundred percent, even though he has the bad arm from the attack of the Dungeon of Doom.

Lex Luger vs. Randy Savage

This is a fued that has been building and building and it's finally gonna explode in a BIG way here. I can't see this being the end of it, but I've been looking forward to it anyways. It says a lot for WCW's booking at this time that I was looking forward to a Luger match. This match is the very meaning of TV stuff. Having these two guys in a match which lasts 5 minutes and is only angle development and putting it on a PPV is absolutely criminal.

Sting comes out and helps Randy Savage by talking to Lex Luger who gets up and leaves.

Ric Flair vs. Sting

This is one bigass grudge match. Flair turned on Sting, who said that if Flair did that, he'd leave him for dead. I've watched this one before, so thankfully, I know how disappointing this match is. I'm not sure if I'd call a Sting/Flair match disappointing anymore though, considering how painfully mediocre and average every match I've seen from them has been. I've not had the chance to see their acclaimed 45 minute match yet, but I've seen a good few other matches and none of them has been particularly good, and this one is the same.

Mean Gene is with Hulk Hogan again. How come Hogan gets TWO promos ? Hogan says that he's going to prove that Hulkamania is the greatest power in the universe.

World War 3 Match - WCW World Heavyweight Championship

60 men in 3 rings. I don't like battle royals at the best of times, so I can just imagine how much I'm going to despise this one. Every right gets their own commentators which is a nice touch. The fans are reacting like some major stuff is going on, but I can't for the life of me see a single thing that is going on during this match. The crazyness of the eliminations towards the end was terrific though. Another dodgy ending to a PPV main event is stupid. Had to expect it from WCW though.

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That Raw was absolutely awful, the opening segment was terrible and none of the matches were any good, the only highlight was Jericho on commentary.

Who the hell was that sidekick to the guest host? he was not funny one bit and sounded like a monkey on speed...i actually hoped that Orton would kick the annoying little c**t right in the skull, shame Cena didn't put the STF on the bugger.

Whoever writes Raw really needs to get a grip and get some tips from the writers of Smackdown on how to actually put on a good show.

Edited by Parscelona
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That Raw was absolutely awful, the opening segment was terrible and none of the matches were any good, the only highlight was Jericho on commentary.

Who the hell was that sidekick to the guest host? he was not funny one bit and sounded like a monkey on speed...i actually hoped that Orton would kick the annoying little c**t right in the skull, shame Cena didn't put the STF on the bugger.

Whoever writes Raw really needs to get a grip and get some tips from the writers of Smackdown on how to actually put on a good show.

I think he took quite a sore one to the head after being thrown outside the ring. I found it funny anyway. :D

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My Nitro downloads have gone a bit on the haywire side. ARGH ! I'll still do as much of these as I possibly can.

WCW Nitro 27/11/1995

After that PPV, there's all sorts of stuff unsettled going into this next batch of Monday Nitro.

Johnny B. Badd © vs. Diamond Dallas Page - WCW Television Championship

DDP comes out with flowers for The Diamond Doll looking like he might be wanting to win her back, but uses it as a chance to sucker punch Johnny. This wasn't a match really. Just a way to add a wee bit intrigue to the "is she really in Badd's corner" thing that they seem to be going with, but I can't help but feel that they are doing this sort of storyline far too much.

The Taskmaster and Jimmy Hart are with Mean Gene. Taskmaster blames Luger for the loss of the title to Savage. Jimmy Hart will sort it out apparently.

Cutie Suzuki and Mayumi Ozaki vs. Bull Nakano and Akira Hokuto

Another rematch from last night. I can't see them getting as much time as they did on the PPV. I don't know if that will be a hinderance or a welcome change. This wasn't as good as the night before, but it was still really enjoyable stuff and the crowd was waaaayy into it.

Hugh Morrus vs. Hulk Hogan

This was pretty much your standard Hogan affair against wrestlers of a similar status. The heel beats on him for a wee while and then Hogan comes back with the Big Booy and the Leg Drop. It was fun the first couple of times, but these matches are getting awfully tedious by now.

We now have Savage and Hogan to look at the footage. The video goes blank when we're about to see Hogan pulled under the bottom rope, and this then leads to the Dungeon of Doom hitting the ring. THE GIANT CHOKESLAMS SAVAGE ON THE AISLE !!! WHOA !!! We head for the ring, where Sting does his bit to help out, and distracts The Giant long enough to let Hogan beat the crap out of The Giant with a chair. That was a pretty good segment apart from the weakass chair shots from Hogan.

Bryan Pillman and Arn Anderson vs. Sting and Lex Luger

TENSION~~~!!! I am, of course, talking about Sting and Luger, and Luger tossing Pillman off of the top rope right into Sting. This was "accidental" though, and Luger did everything in his power to help Sting through the course of this match. Pillman was all over the place in this match and made everything he did look horrible. Was he already on the decline by this point ? I can see he looks a bit podgy. Anyways, a disappointing outing here.

After the match, we have an AMAZING segment with The Four Horsemen doing a number on Luger and Sting, only for Hogan to hit the ring. Flair tries to stand his ground and evidently, that doesn't go well. We're left with Sting, Luger and Hogan in the ring. Hogan wants Luger but Sting manages to hold him off and then Sting and Hogan share a manly hug. Aaaaawwww. Heat packed segment which is just bags of awesome.

WCW Nitro 12/04/1995

Harlem Heat © vs. The American Males - WCW Tag Team Championships

The Heat must have gotten a rematch due to the weird nature of the Males title win. The WCW camera crew clearly see the love story between the Colonel and Sherri as being more important than the tag team titles. Losers. Some insane heat for Harlem Heat in this match, both positive and negative. Jesus christ, this team are OVER. This wasn't a bad match but Scotty Riggs is still doing my head in. He makes Bagwell look good in comparison. Then again, Bagwell might actually be good at this point.

Sting and Lex Luger are on the aisle with Mean Gene. Gene says that there is a Triangle Match coming between Flair, Luger and Savage. Sting says that momentum is going his way, so he expects to win. He says that he'll go after Luger as much as Flair. Luger says the exact same thing, except he says that he is going to win the title.

Kurasawa vs. Sting

Col. Parker isn't with Kurasawa because he is busy shagging Sherri. Ugh. This is pretty much a sqush match.

Scott "Flash" Norton vs. The Giant

This one is intriguing. They have done a decent job of making Scott Norton look good up untill now. I'm not expecting him to WIN here, but a competitive showing could do the world of good. That was a very good big man match only because of how much of a competition Norton made it. Norton should come out of this match in a better position than he was in.

Charles Barkley comes out with "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair. Barkley says that he isn't a patch on Flair. Man knows. Flair says that the two of them are going to tear the town down. Barkley says that the best wrestling fans are in the arena. Flair says that Barkley might become a Horseman full time. That might have been the most pointless segment of all time.

Randy Savage © vs. Lex Luger - WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Anyone who got the World War 3 PPV will be pissed with this. Luger and Savage have a nothing match which acted as nothing more than angle development and it wasn't much more than five minutes long, while the TV show gets a match between the two men about two weeks later for the title. Add to that the fact that this was a long and physical match worthy of a PPV, then you have an absolute farce.

All sorts of shenanigans post-match with Hogan hitting Sting instead of Luger. After the break, Mean Gene is in the ring and the fans are booing. Sting just confirms that he is on Hogan's side, and he says that Luger is his best friend regardless of the Jimmy Hart thing. Savage points out that he predicted Luger's turn and he's right, and Sting continues to back Luger up. This is turning out like an episode of Jerry Springer. Hogan tells Sting to keep Luger out of his face. Sting says he'll do everything in his power to do just that.

End of show.

Edited by DomDom
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