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Mo Wonderboy

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Making who SmackDowns tp heel? Both Batista and Taker are face. Who does that leave? Dolph Ziggler?

Mike Knox obv.

Btw CM Punks promos annoy me but not in a good way. They were good at first but sometimes now when he goes on his 15 minute rants I start channel hopping.

Edited by Sir Kevin Of Kilsyth
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The Gathering III from the Kelvin Hall was tonight. Results ...

Damien O'Conor df. Chris Renfrew to win the SWA Laird of the Ring Championship.

A bit short, but that can be understood given the nine match card. The action in the time that it was given was as good as you would expect from these two guys. I missed Renfrew's music after the f**k up of the last time, but thankfully, we had it in full this time.

Falcon df. Zack Sabre Jr. by pinfall.

Falcon won using his awesome Tilt-a-Whirl Adrenaline Spike ! Awesome. The match had a dead crowd for the most part but both guys still put out a very good effort and a great match resulted from it. Sabre did throw out some Danielson things, like the "WHOOAAA !!!" at the Mexican Surfboard, and the swaying of the hips at the Muta Lock. Not that I mind, but it just seemed a bit odd. Good match.

Nikki Storm df. Jetta by pinfall.

This didn't click in the slightest. Infact, I'd go as far as to say that it was pretty crappy. I can only imagine that this was a one off from these two, since they have gotten some praise for their TXW fued, but it wasn't happening here. Not even in the slightest.

Conscience and Majik both lose and both retire in the Career Match.

Had some good fun at the expense of Conscience during the match, but I can't say I'm pleased. I'd love for Conscience to come back and sort of murder Eric Canyon with a chainsaw or fire. Anything really. The ending was Conscience tapping and Majik being pinned. Eric Canyon used this oppertunity to get rid of them both. The match was fittingly a bit of a war between the two men but it just seemed a bit dull in parts. I think it suffered, much in the same way as the first match, with the time it had. It just felt a bit short to me.



At this point, I'm a little underwhelmed. A pretty bad match, two disappointing matches and a pretty good match. The worrying starts here. Of course, never fear ...

"The Butcher" Scott Renwick df. Liam Thompson, Darkside, William Grange and Kid Fite to win the Money in the Bank Match.

This begins the terrific second half in terrific fashion. The action in this one was absolutely fantastic, which it should be when you consider the talent that was in it. The timer going off for the 5 minutes to go mark seemed to take a lot of fans off guard. The crowd were megahot for Butcher, so it was a good idea having him come out first, which made the fans care about the entire match. Darkside was probably the highlight of the match actually. All five men were great though. Great match.

Adam Shame df. Johnny Moss by pinfall.

This match slowly but surely sucked me into it and by the end I was way into it. It wasn't as big and bruising as I had previously suspected it would be, but it turned out that it didn't have to be. Boddington was winding up some of the crowd a treat. I don't think Shamer is really working as a babyface yet after a superb heel run, but I'm sure given some time, it'll come together.

Micken df. BT Gunn by pinfall to win a Ladders Are Legal Match.

Wowzers. This was absolutely spectacular. Don't get me wrong. There wasn't much in the way of originality and innovation here. Although there was a fairly cool Whisper in the Wind spot on the floor. What they DID do was up the insanity ante and whipped the crowd into a frenzy with effort alone. They deserved every single praise they got and will get, because they put on something very special tonight. This is a match that I need to see again.

Red Lightning df. Jack Jester by DQ.

I loved the slow build to the ending, with everyone, including the ring announcer looking at the ref like "don't DQ him" and then the reaction when he DOES. The match had it's place as a come down after the insanity that came before. I don't really remember much about the match. I spent most of it in shock.

"The Butcher" Scott Renwick df. Lionheart and Wolfgang to win the NWA Scottish Heavyweight Championship.

I really should have stuck to my convictions and said that Butcher was going to win the title. A deserved win, but I totally had the Lionheart win bought when he was going up for the Frog Splash and was totally deflated when he hit the knees. Why does he always do this to me in triple threat matches ? This was yet another corker of a match in the second half.



A show of two halfs. That second half was probably worth the price of admission alone. A couple of genuine beauties in there. I don't think I've seen that many matches of that quality on one show for quite some time. I recommend getting a DVD if it gets released.

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"The Butcher" Scott Renwick df. Liam Thompson, Darkside, William Grange and Kid Fite to win the Money in the Bank Match.

This begins the terrific second half in terrific fashion. The action in this one was absolutely fantastic, which it should be when you consider the talent that was in it. The timer going off for the 5 minutes to go mark seemed to take a lot of fans off guard. The crowd were megahot for Butcher, so it was a good idea having him come out first, which made the fans care about the entire match. Darkside was probably the highlight of the match actually. All five men were great though. Great match.

I knew this one would have been a belter, a but gutted I didn't go now. :rolleyes:

"The Butcher" Scott Renwick df. Lionheart and Wolfgang to win the NWA Scottish Heavyweight Championship.

I really should have stuck to my convictions and said that Butcher was going to win the title. A deserved win, but I totally had the Lionheart win bought when he was going up for the Frog Splash and was totally deflated when he hit the knees. Why does he always do this to me in triple threat matches ? This was yet another corker of a match in the second half.



A show of two halfs. That second half was probably worth the price of admission alone. A couple of genuine beauties in there. I don't think I've seen that many matches of that quality on one show for quite some time. I recommend getting a DVD if it gets released.

I'll be looking to get the DVD just to see this.

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I knew this one would have been a belter, a but gutted I didn't go now. :rolleyes:

If you're gonna get the DVD for any match, make it the ladder match. It's unreal. The crowd were going absolutely batshit for it and I can't blame them one bit. I was sucked in big time.

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Random PBPs of stuff.

Lets see what I can find and watch this time around. Loads of time to do these as well seeing as P and B was down.

Match 1

TNA Weekly PPV 27/08/2003

NWA World Heavyweight Championship

AJ Styles © w/ Vince Russo vs. Raven

I'm gonna have to look out the ladder match these guys had. One of the more famous TNA matches ever to happen. Styles with a kick and then he bounces around a bit. Another kick and he's being all cocky. Another kick from Styles and then Raven with a straight right hand to send the champ down. Headlock from Raven and he sends down Styles and a two count quickly. Raven into the ropes and the Rebound Dropkick misses. Low Headbutt gets a two count for Raven and then they head for the floor. Styles gets right back into the ring because he knows Raven has the advantage on the floor. RAVEN EFFECT DDT ... countered. Raven sends Styles back to the floor and once again Styles gets back into the ring.

Suplex from Raven and that gets a two count. Styles into the ropes and he gets dumped over the top rope and this time Raven seems to have the advantage he was looking for. Styles then gets sent into the steps and Raven has a trashcan. Swinging trashcan shot to the head of Styles. Russian Legsweep into the railing. He then does this again and this is why Styles didn't want to end up on the floor. A hat-trick scores for Raven and Styles is in all sorts of trouble. Another one and this is taking the piss a bit. Another one. If it wasn't such a weak looking move, I might be able to put up with it. He goes back into the ring and Russo has the ref distracted. Low blow from Styles.

QUEDABRA DDT FROM STYLES !!! CM Punk and Julio Dinero now take Vince Russo to the back and allow the two men in the ring to go at it. Right hands from Styles and then Raven with right hands. Enziguri from Styles gets the advantage back. Styles was busted open earlier in the match. Suplex from Styles and then he heads to the ropes and hits a Knee Drop. That gets a two count. Styles then rips at the face of Raven and then some chops. Raven with the Superkick to knock down Styles. Styles onto the apron and a Springboard Rana sends down Raven and that doesn't get anything because Raven has his foot under the ring ropes. Snapmare and a kick to the back from Styles.

Another kick to the back and then he turns Raven around and goes with the Muta Lock. Raven gets into the ropes. Styles heads for the floor and brings a chair into the ring. Styles now wedges the chair between the middle and the top buckles. Superkick from Styles stops Raven coming in. Raven into the ropes and the Drop Toe Hold into the chair from Styles and that gets a two count. Styles has the chair in the seated position again and sends Raven into the ropes, and Raven throws the chair into the face of Styles ! Jabs from Raven and then the Discus Clothesline followed by another Clothesline and then the Running Knee Lift and the fans are into this. Styles into the corner and then the Avalanche/Bulldog sequence gets a two count for Raven and now he has the chair. STYLES SPRINGBOARDS RIGHT INTO A CHAIR SHOT !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! RAVEN EFFECT ... STYLES GETS HIT WITH HIS OWN STYLES CLASH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... SINN COMES OUT AND BREAKS THE COUNT !!! RAVEN EFFECT DDT FROM STYLES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Right hands from Styles. Sinn gets onto the apron. Styles Dropkicks Sinn off of the apron. THE RAVEN EFFECT DDT ... countered with the ref bump. RAVEN EFFECT DDT !!! Of course, there's no referee. Slash comes in and gets powder sent into his eyes. SLASH HITS HITS STYLES WITH THE EYE OF THE STORM !!! COVER FROM RAVEN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Styles gets set on the top rope. TOP ROPE DDT ... Shane Douglas comes out and stops it. STYLES LEAPS INTO A POWERBOMB FROM RAVEN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Shane Douglas comes in with the low blow. THE STYLES CLASH FROM STYLES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Match Winner : AJ Styles

Match Rating : ****1/4

Match Comments : There were times when the TNA overbooking of main events worked like a charm and this was one of them times. They knew how to play on the emotions of the fans this time around. It managed to make AJ Styles look like a real fighting champion without taking away from the cowardly heel side of him. The action was great too as when Raven is motivated he can bring the awesome. The match was really good and is well worth a look.

Match 2

WWE MSG 28/12/1990

Earthquake and Dino Bravo w/ Jimmy Hart vs. Hulk Hogan and Tugboat

Deary me, how did I end up with this one to watch ? Bravo is going to start the match with Hogan. Lockup and Hogan gets sent into the corner. I just can't believe that Bravo is stronger than Hogan in any way. Just look at the two of them for f**k sake. Bravo says he's gonna throw Hogan out of the ring and Hogan challenges him. Lockup and Hogan sends Bravo into the corner. Bravo runs into a Back Body Drop and then Jimmy Hart gets sent off of the apron. Atomic Drop and then right hands from both of the babyfaces. Tugboat into the ring and a Double Back Elbow from the babyfaces. Arm Ringer from Tugboat. Bravo tries to runaway and Tugboat stops him moving and back in comes Hogan.

Double Axe Handle from Hogan and he continues the work on the arm. Running Back Elbow and down goes Bravo. Chop then sends down Bravo and in comes Tugboat. Double Big Boot from the babyfaces. Bravo into the corner but he raises a boot and then he hits the Manhattan Drop and in comes the Quake. Elbow Drop from Quake misses and in comes Hogan. Right hands from Hogan and the fans are hot for this. Body Slam on Bravo and then the same for Quake. Into the corner goes Quake and Hogan with the Clothesline. Hogan then bites the head of Quake. Quake sent into the boot of Typhoon and then he comes in and clubs away. Stinger Splash in the corner from Tugboat.

Clothesline sends down Quake and then Bravo gets in a cheap shot after Hart distracts the referee. Tag is made and in comes Bravo and gets a two count. Bravo spits on Hogan. Clatty wee b*****d. Tugboat sent into the ropes and a Double Clothesline. Big Splash from Quake ! That gets a two count as Hogan makes the save. Chinlock from Quake. Right hand and then a Headbutt from Quake. Choke in the corner from Bravo and Hogan is getting pretty annoyed. Kicks in the corner from Quake. More choking in the corner from Quake and Hogan is being a bit calmer about things untill Bravo hits him. Bravo then chokes Tugboat. Headlock from Bravo. Another tag and Hogan is back in the ring. Double Slam from Bravo and Quake. Elbow Drop from Quake and then he signals for the end. EARTHQUAKE SPLASH ... COUNTERED BY HOGAN !!! We then have the hot tag and in comes Bravo and Hogan. Hogan is on fire. BIG BOOT FROM HOGAN !!! SCHOOL BOY FROM HOGAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Match Winners : Hulk Hogan and Tugboat

Match Rating : **1/4

Match Comments : This was bog standard Hogan tag team stuff. The heels dominate his partner. He comes in, cleans house and wins the match pretty easily. Tugboat was made to look like a complete muppet in this match as he hardly got an offensive move in there.

Match 3

WCW Worldwide 02/01/1993

Barry Windham and Bryan Pillman vs. Shane Douglas and Ricky Steamboat

Oh man, this is the kinda thing I wanna see more of. Windham taken down with a Back Body Drop and then a chop from Steamboat. Right hands to the stomach from Steamboat. Windham into the corner and another chop and in comes Douglas. Snapmare and then an Elbow Drop from Douglas and a Headlock. Windham with the takedown and in comes Pillman and they end up in the corner and we have an exchange between the two men and this is a fight. Douglas fights out of the heel corner and he goes to the arm and in comes Steamboat. Chop to the arm and then a Hammerlock Body Slam. Arm Ringer from Steamboat and another Hammerlock Body Slam and then he goes back to the arm.

Arm Breakers from Steamboat and then into the corner and in comes Douglas. Double Back Elbow and down goes Pillman but he comes back and in comes Windham. Double Clothesline from the heels and then a right hand from Windham and into the ropes he goes. Powerslam from Douglas gets a two count. Headlock. Flying Forearm from Windham. Body Slam and then in comes Pillman. Into the corner and then some chopping from Pillman and Douglas comes back into the match and then Windham tags in and gets an Elbow Drop. Windham pushes down Steamboat and then he sends Douglas over the top rope behind the back of the referee. Pillman to the floor and he sends Douglas into the apron and the referee never seen that either.

Suplex from Windham and that gets a two count. Elbow to the top of the head and there's more where that came from. Then we have right hands from Windham. Knee Drop from Windham gets a two count as Steamboat comes in to make the save. In comes Pillman and he chops down Douglas and then he hits Steamboat. Into the corner they go and Shoulder Blocks from Pillman. Steamboat tries to drag out Windham but the referee doesn't see the Sunset Flip from Douglas as a result and now we have more double teaming in the corner. Chinlock from Pillman and he takes down Douglas with it. Windham helps Pillman to get some leverage and then Windham is tagged into the match and Douglas gets sent face first into the top buckle and that gets a two count as well.

Douglas into the ropes and a Clothesline gets a two count for Windham. Pillman gets into the ring he chops away and punches the stomach. Body Slam from Pillman and then he goes onto the middle rope and he jumps right into the boot of Douglas. Hot tag and Steamboat works on both of the heels. Chops ahoy ! Body Slams ! Windham into the ropes and another chop. Windham then sent out of the ring. Snapmare on Pillman and then right hands. WINDHAM WITH A DDT ON THE CONCRETE ON DOUGLAS !!! Windham gets into the ring and he knocks down Steamboat and Windham is now tagged into the match and he hits some right hands. Suplex from Windham.

ROCKET LAUNCHER FROM THE HEELS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Pillman stomps on Windham and in comes the partner with a right hand. Back Drop Suplex from Windham and that gets a two count. Dustin Rhodes runs down to the ring to help Shane Douglas. Clothesline from Windham. Rhodes now gets into the match and into the ring, but the referee stops him and the referee then allows this to happen. HE GOES MENTAL ON WINDHAM !!! Pillman runs into a boot and Steamboat with a chop and a right hand. Rhodes is now in a bad way. THE CAST TO THE HEAD OF WINDHAM !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Match Winner : Dustin Rhodes and Ricky Steamboat

Match Rating : ***1/2

Match Comments : They were obviously holding back because this was a TV match, but it didn't stop all four men putting on a hell of an effort for the rabid crowd that they had. The final sequence didn't make much sense as the referee just completely contradicted himself with the decision that he made. Either let a guy wrestle or send him away for god's sake. The tag team action was quality though, so you can't complain about that, and the ending of the match went a long way to payoff the heel turn that Barry Windham made.

Match 4

NWA Weekly PPV 20/11/2002

NWA World Heavyweight Championship

Ron "The Truth" Killings © vs. Jeff Jarrett

Lockup and Killings into the ropes and he takes down JJ. Killings then with some dancing. Lockup and a Headlock from JJ. He takes down Truth and then hits the ropes and runs into a Dropkick. Lockup and a right hand and more from Killings. Truth gets over JJ. Flying Forearm and JJ gets to the floor for a time out. Back into the ring he gets. Killings then does some taunting and gets in the face of JJ. JJ then with right hands and sends Killings into the ropes and hits a Dropkick and then chokes Killings over the middle rope and then drops his weight across the back of Killings. Truth into the ropes but he comes out with a low blow and JJ finds himself in trouble. Right hands from Killings.

Kick to the back from Killings and then JJ runs right into the Downward Spiral on JJ. More right hands from Killings and then JJ tries to get over him. That didn't work. Running Powerslam from Killings and that gets a two count. More right hands from Killings. JJ gets annoyed and comes back with right hands and sends Killings into the corner. Splits and then a kick from Killings. THE AXE KICK FROM KILLINGS !!! That is a bit early in the match, is it not ? ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Into the corner and Killings with some more right hands. JJ sends him into the ropes. He misses an Enziguri. FIGURE FOUR LEG LOCK FROM KILLINGS !!! That will add some humiliation to this one. JJ roles the move over to turn the momentum in his own favour.

Right hand from Killings and then he gets sent into the corner. Back Drop Suplex from JJ and the control goes right back to him. Right hand from JJ and then more right hands and then he gets sent into the ropes. POWERBOMB FROM JJ !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Right hands in the corner. The ref tries to get involved and JJ checks on him. Killings then brings a chair into the match and he slides it into the ring. CHAIR TO THE HEAD OF KILLINGS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! THE STROKE ... blocked. Both men with some reversals. Sitdown Front Suplex from Killings gets a two count. Killings heads for the top rope and JJ crotches him on there. JJ signals for the end. THE STROKE FROM JJ !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!!

I didn't buy that for a second. Killings rolls to the floor to avoid further attempts and JJ follows him. JJ then gets whipped face first into the ringpost and that busts him open. No surprises there. Right hands next to the announce table. The blood goes all over Tenay. I hope he catches something from it. Into the crowd both men go, as if this big match couldn't be anti-climatic enough. Chair to the stomach and then the back of Killings and down he goes. The brawl heads to the back of the Asylum and then Killings puts JJ onto the table and he is now going to the balcony area. BODY SPLASH OFF OF THE RAIL ON THE BALCONY THROUGH A TABLE FROM THE TRUTH !!! Killings is heading for the ringside area, but JJ is up and both men are now back into the ring.

Right hands from Killings. Kick to the stomach from Killings. He then rips at the head of JJ. JJ then has a bit of a fight back. Both men are now exchanging right hands. Killings into the ropes and then he lays out the referee. Right hand sends down Killings. Both men collide in the middle of the ring. Mr. Wrestling III hits the ring. GUITAR OVER THE BACK OF KILLINGS !!! JJ DIDN'T EVEN SEE IT !!! REF IS IN THE RING !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Match Winner : Jeff Jarrett

Match Rating : **1/2

Match Comments : This was quite anti-climatic to say the least. It would appear that Ron "The Truth" Killings has absolutely no idea how to put together a match which is epic, and therefore doesn't really have much in the way of drama to add to this. It even appeared at times as if Jeff Jarrett was wrestling with himself. It was pretty poor. The points for the match have been handed out for the pure effort from both men, which made the match quite watchable.

Match 5

WCW Saturday Night 09/05/1992

WCW Television Championship

2/3 Falls Match

"Stunning" Steve Austin © w/ Paul E. Dangerously vs. Barry Windham

First Fall : Both men are cautious to open and we have the lockup. That's untill Austin decides to do some stalling and the fans aren't happy with that. Lockup and into the corner they go. Lockup and a Headlock Takedown from Austin with the Side Headlock and he keeps the move locked in. Once again he doesn't get much in the way of success and the fans are behind Windham. Another takedown with the Headlock. Back Drop Suplex from Windham, but Austin manages to hold onto the move and this is clearly a time wasting exercise. Windham gets to his feet again and he goes to the Overhead Wristlock to escape the move and Austin turns it into a Headlock so this time Windham goes with another Suplex and that works this time.

Snapmare and a Chinlock from Windham. Austin is battling and fighting at this point. Windham into the ropes and he takes down Austin. He misses a boot, but hits a Dropkick and then a right hand. Austin comes back with shots of his own and then a Knee Lift, but he misses a pair of Elbow Drops. More right hands from Windham. Austin into the ropes and a Back Body Drop from Windham. Windham with a right hand and Austin goes over the top. The referee decides that it wasn't deliberate. To the floor and Windham with right hands. Back into the ring they go. Austin gets a shot and then a Snapmare, but Windham goes right to the Headlock that Austin had earlier in the match.

Although is it really in his interest to go with moves like that ? Time is the enemy for the challenger in a TV match. Shoulder Block from Austin and then another. Right hand from Austin and then Windham into the corner and he raises a boot and then a Clothesline gets a two count for Windham. Right hand from Windham. Suplex from Windham and then he floats over and that gets a two count. Snapmare and then the Sleeper Hold from Windham. Jawbreaker from Austin and that gets him out of the move. Short Arm Clothesline from Austin and that gets a two count. Head first into the top buckle from Austin. That gets a two count. Head Scissors from Austin. Austin into the ropes. DDT FROM WINDHAM !!!

That went nowhere and Windham lost control but comes back into the match and he puts Austin on the top rope. SUPERPLEX FROM WINDHAM !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Second Fall : Austin into the ropes and he comes back with clubbing blows. Windham into the ropes and a Running Back Elbow and Windham goes over the top rope and that was a nasty fall. Austin then attacks from behind with a Double Axe Handle off of the apron and he must be looking to win the second fall by count out. Windham gets into the ring and Austin goes to work with stomps and kicks. Gutwrench Suplex from Austin and that gets a two count for the champ. Suplex from Austin and that gets a two count. Drop Toe Hold and then a Camel Clutch. Windham then raises the head with a low blow. Looked unintentional, but Windham is enough of a veteran to know what he was doing there.

Clothesline from Austin and Windham doesn't have the chance to get back into the match. That gets a two count for Austin. Head first into the top buckle goes Windham. The same again in the opposite corner. Austin then pushes the face of Windham into the buckle with the boot. Windham then with an elbow to the stomach. Kick to the stomach and then Windham into the ropes. THE STUN GUN FROM AUSTIN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Third Fall : Both men are unloading with right hands and Austin takes the control and then he throws Windham to the floor. Austin knees Windham off of the apron. Windham around the apron and then Austin Suplexes Windham back into the ring. That gets a two count. Right hands from Windham and then to the stomach. Jawbreaker from Windham and this match is going downhill. It's not as if it was amazing in the first place. Dropkick from Windham and that misses, so Austin gets a nearfall. Body Slam from Austin and then the Leg Drop off of the buckle and that gets a two count. Chinlock from Austin. Windham fights out, but he can't hit a Body Slam and that gets a two count and Austin goes to the Front Facelock. Austin then uses the ropes for leverage and how could the referee NOT know about that there ? Austin allows Windham up and clubs away. Windham runs right into a Back Elbow and then a two count for Austin. Windham into the ropes and a Back Body Drop from Austin and that gets another two count. We then have a ref bump, which I'm sure is going to add to the greatness of the match ... oh, what greatness ? WINDHAM WITH A ROLL UP FOR THE TITLE !!!

Match Winner : Barry Windham

Match Rating : DUD

Match Comments : How could two guys with that sort of talent have a match as bad as this ? It was absolutely horrific action which had no redeeming factors whatsoever.

Match 6

WWE RAW 14/06/1993

Doink the Clown vs. Marty Jannetty

This was the first of two matches I remember from these two. The second being a 2/3 Falls Match. Marty tries to drag Doink to the floor, and Doink with a boot and then right hands and into the ring. Chops from Doink and then clubbing blows. Marty into the corner and he gets over and hits some right hands. Doink runs into an elbow and a nice Facebuster and that gets a two count. Arm Drag and an Arm Bar from Marty. Clean break doesn't come as Doink with right hands. He charges down Marty with a Shoulder Block. Head first into the top buckle goes Marty and then again. Marty then does the same to Doink. He slides under Doink and then sends him into the ropes and a sweep from Marty gets a two count and then goes back to the Arm Bar.

Commercial break. We come back from commercials and a Dropkick from Marty followed by an Arm Drag and an Arm Bar. Doink uses the trunks and sends Marty to the floor where the babyface comes back with right hands and then sends Doink into the ring and goes to the top rope. High Cross Body gets a two count for Marty and he hits the ropes. Powerslam from Doink and that will change the momentum pretty fast. Elbow Drop from Doink and then the Arm Bar from Doink. He lets go and then the Back Drop Suplex from Doink. Doink then stretches Marty in some pretty crazy fashion. Body Slam and then Doink heads for the top rope. TOP ROPE SEATED SENTON FROM DOINK !!! That is pretty mental right there.

A lot of great offense in this match actually and that gets a two count. Neckbreaker Submission from Doink. Jesus christ, Marty is going through torture. Marty gets to his feet and Doink hits the Neckbreaker and that gets a two count. Doink to the middle rope and a Double Axe Handle takes down Marty. Kicks to the chest from Doink. Doink heads for the top rope. He slips and that gives Marty the chance to slam him back into the middle of the ring. Right hand to the stomach from Marty and then another. Doink into the ropes and a Spinning Back Elbow from Marty.

Right hands from Marty and a Dropkick. Suplex from Marty and that gets a two count. Right hand from Marty. Clothesline from Marty and that gets a two count. Marty into the ropes. Facebuster from Marty and that's another two count. Doink picks up Marty and both men end up on the floor. Right hands from both men. Atomic Drop on the floor. SUPERKICK ON THE FLOOR !!! We have a double count out from both of these guys. The fight continues after the bell rings though.

Match Winner : Double Count Out

Match Rating : ***3/4

Match Comments : Stick an ending on this match and you have a 4* match.

Match 7

WWE Judgement Day 2007

WWE United States Championship

2/3 Falls Match

Chris Benoit © vs. MVP

Fall Out : The sound here is horrific. This would be the big payoff of Benoit basically making MVP look like a million. Lockup and into the ropes they go. They stay in the corner and then the lockup goes to the floor. Both men back in the ring and slaps exchanged. Benoit goes for submissions and MVP dodges them. Lockup and an Arm Drag and another, Drop Toe Hold and a Crossface attempt and MVP finds the ropes. Kick to the leg from MVP. Lockup and a Headlock Takedown and Side Headlock from MVP. Benoit with knees to the back and MVP decides to stand with the move. Back Drop Suplex from Benoit and then both men exchange strikes. Benoit gets the advantage. MVP goes to the leg and takes down Benoit and the champ goes for an arm. Benoit then gets into the ropes. Benoit with some chops and right hands. MVP sends Benoit into the ropes and then sweeps him down. That gets a two count and then MVP with Elbow Drops to the leg. Submission work on the leg, and then some kicks and the just slams the leg into the canvas for a two count. Kick to the leg from MVP. More submission work. Benoit gets into the ropes again and then uses the time he took to hit a chop. More chopping and then right hands. ROLLING GERMAN SUPLEXES !!! Benoit is having trouble with the knee though and MVP is up first. HE RUNS INTO THE CRIPPLER CROSSFACE !!! MVP finds the ropes. MVP then kicks away at the leg of Benoit and continues the assault that he had been doing earlier. MVP misses a Yakuza Kick and then SHARPSHOOTER FROM BENOIT !!! MVP finds the ropes again. Enziguri from Benoit, but MVP is up quickly and Benoit hits another. MVP goes right back to the leg though. MVP then drops a stomp on the leg of Benoit. PLAYMAKER FROM MVP !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Fall Two : We have a short rest period and then head for the second fall. Benoit goes to work with knee strikes with the good knee. Right hands from Benoit and then he unloads with some chops. Right hand and then Benoit into the ropes and he jars the knee. MVP goes right to work on the leg of Benoit and then drops an elbow off of the apron. Back into the ring and that gets a two count. Kicks to the knee again. Spinning Toe Hold from MVP and then Benoit kicks MVP away, but that doesn't do much. Benoit is then put in the tree of woe. YAKUZA KICK TO THE KNEE OF BENOIT !!! That gets a two count for MVP. MVP then grapevines the bad leg and has Benoit in trouble. Fans chant "This Is Boring !", which seems a bit harsh to me. Might be a tad bit long, but not boring. Chops from Benoit. MVP counters the Crossface and then the Samoan Crab on Benoit !!! Benoit manages to find his way to the ropes. Cravat from MVP and then knees. Loads of knees. PLAYMAKER ... COUNTERED ... A SECOND COUNTER FROM BENOIT AND THE CRIPPLER CROSSFACE FROM BENOIT !!! MVP elbows his way out. SMALL PACKAGE FROM MVP !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Dropkick to the knee from MVP. ANOTHER SMALL PACKAGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Match Winner : MVP wins 2-0

Match Rating : ***1/4

Match Comments : This match did it's job. It made MVP look like an absolute star against one of the top guys in WWE. Almost the entire thing was dominated by MVP and he dissected Benoit's knee for the whole match, won completely clean and didn't need any cheating. The only problem is that it was a wee bit long for what they were going for, but kudos to Benoit for the job he did here.

Match 8

ECW March 1998

FBI ( Tracy Smothers and Little Guido ) vs. Too Cold Scorpio and The Sandman

We open the match with Smothers and Scorpio. Smothers goes for a leg and Scorpio manages to avoid that. Lockup and a Fireman's Carry from Smothers and then some dancing. Lockup and an Arm Drag and another from Scorpio and then he does some dancing of his own. Smothers gets all up in Scorpio's face and we have a push from Smothers. Right hand knocks down Smothers and then he goes mental. Scorpio into the ropes and a Cross Body Block and then a Dropkick. Smothers into the corner and a Stinger Splash. Swinging Leg Drop gets a two count. Spinning Cross Body Block and then Guido comes in and gets some punishment and then in comes The Sandman.

Guido into the ropes and a Clothesline misses. Swinging Neckbreaker from Guido and that gets a one count. Stomps from Guido and then in comes Smothers. FBI work over Sandman in the corner and then Guido back into the ring. Guido with some abuse for the crowd. Double Chop from FBI and then the Pisan Double Elbow gets a two count. Guido to the middle rope and the Leg Drop gets a two count. Sandman into the ropes and he runs into some double teaming and that gets a two count. Stomps from the FBI. Sandman comes back into the match and hits a Body Slam. Tommy Rich on the floor stops a Somersault move, and then Guido gets a cheap shot for a two count. Ref bump and in comes Smothers.

Scorpio hits the ring and we haven't had an official tag have we ? Superkick takes down Smothers ! Body Slam on Guido. SPINNING SPLASH OFF OF THE TOP ROPE !!! Tommy Rich into the ring and Scorpio knocks him out. Dropkick from Smothers and then the FBI lay a beatdown. CHAIN TO THE HEAD FROM GUIDO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... SANDMAN BREAKS THE COUNT BY BRAINING THE REF WITH A CANE !!! Sandman into the corner. Scorpio takes down both Rich and Smothers. CANE TO THE HEAD OF GUIDO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Match Winners : The Sandman and Too Cold Scorpio

Match Rating : **3/4

Match Comments : I can't really break the 3* mark in good conscience as there was a whole lot wrong and it was too short, but there was some mega fun booking to be had here and ECW sure knew how to get it right from time to time.

Match 9

WWE Smackdown 16/11/2007

WWE Tag Team Championships

MVP and Matt Hardy © vs. The Miz and John Morrison

MVP and Miz in to start. Lockup and then into the corner and we have a clean break and then MVP takes control in the ring. MVP with some strikes and then knee strikes to the head. Miz is phased. YAKUZA KICK IN THE CORNER !!! Matt is tagged into the ring and that gets a two count. Morrison comes into the match and Matt is in control pretty early. Bulldog from Hardy gets a two count. Into the corner and Morrison does some distracting, so as Miz can set Hardy up for a shot from Morrison right to the leg. Kick to the leg from Morrison. Morrison with a strike and then more kicks to the leg and in comes Miz with kicks of his own.

Miz then slams the leg into the ringpost. That doesn't even get a one count and back in comes Morrison. More work on the leg of Hardy. MVP gets the fans to cheer for Hardy. Clothesline from Hardy and he heads for his corner, but Morrison stops him and lands the Dragon Screw. That gets a two count. Morrison misses a charge and then Matt does some work, but the chop block and Miz gets a three count. Eh ? Really ? MVP wants the champs to come back and he envokes the rematch clause right now.

Oh right, back from adverts and MVP blows his knee again and tags out and he must be faking. Miz goes right back to the leg of Hardy and slams it into the canvas. Morrison comes in and kicks the leg again. Morrison then locks in a submission and Hardy gets into the ropes, but he's in the wrong corner and Hardy with a fight back. Knee Lift and the Neckbreaker from Miz and that gets a two count. Half Crab from Morrison. Hardy gets into the ropes and back into the middle of the ring, where Morrison grapevines the leg and Hardy stays in a bad way. Hardy taps out. You can't be serious ?

Match Winners : The Miz and John Morrison

Match Rating : *

Match Comments : This was a squash match. The only thing keeping it intriguing was the wondering if the tag titles would stay where they were when MVP called for the rematch. Mostly, the match was kind of boring, but that wasn't the fault of the guys in the ring. It was the fault of the booking, but in saying that, it was only that way to extend other storylines. Fair play to that.

Match 10

WWE RAW 30/06/2003

World Heavyweight Championship

Triple H © vs. Rob Van Dam

HHH takes control early in the match and then rubs the face of RVD into the mat. RVD comes back into the match. High Knee from HHH and that gets a two count. HHH then shoves the right hands into the face of RVD. Chop from HHH and then RVD into the ropes and he comes out with the Spinning Heel Kick. Right hands from RVD. HHH into the corner and then the Rolling Monkey Flip from RVD. Kick to the head and then an Enziguri misses, but the back kick gets a two count. Another kick to the head and that gets a two count for the challenger. HHH into the ropes and a Dropkick gets a two count for RVD. Clothesline sends HHH over the top rope. Baseball Slide from RVD and then to the floor they go. Head first into the apron goes HHH.

MOONSAULT PRESS OFF OF THE MIDDLE BUCKLE ONTO HHH !!! Ric Flair is now heading for the ring. Commercial break and RVD with right hands to HHH. RVD is unloading big time and then the backflip and the Dropkick. HHH into the corner and the Spinning Heel Kick from RVD. RVD back into the ring and then HHH rolls right back out. More right hands from RVD and into the ring he goes. Flair wants into the ring and the ref stops him. HHH with a Chop Block to RVD and now we go to school. Flair drags RVD to the corner of the ring and rams the leg of RVD into the ringpost and then unloads with right hands. HHH sends the knee of RVD into the apron and then back into the ring they go. Another Chop Block from HHH. HHH then rams the leg of RVD into the canvas.

Elbow Drop onto the leg from HHH and the referee is trying to keep HHH at bay. Into the middle of he ring. Modified Indian Deathlock from HHH and he has RVD in trouble here. RVD gets into the ropes and Flair gets in some shots behind the referee's back. FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK FROM HHH !!! Flair then helps HHH get some leverage. The same thing happens again. RVD pulls HHH into the middle of the ring to allow himself to turn the move over without Flair making an impact, and he does turn the move around. HHH into the ropes but the damage has been done. HHH gets kicked into the top buckle but then RVD runs into a boot. Spinning Heel Kick from RVD and down goes HHH. RVD with another kick and HHH is now in some trouble.

RVD with a series of Shoulder Blocks. Cross Body Block gets a two count for RVD. Right hands from RVD. RVD into the ropes and he drops behind HHH. Spinning Heel Kick gets another two count for RVD. Forearms from RVD. RVD goes behind HHH and hits a Spin Kick. SPLIT LEGGED MOONSAULT !!! ONE ! TWO ! FLAIR BREAKS !!! RVD then chases Flair around the ring and actually catches him. Superkick knocks down Flair. Flair : "Mother fucker !". HHH WITH THE PEDIGREE ... countered. Catapult into the top buckle. FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... FLAIR STOPS IT !!! DQ !!! Eric Bischoff orders the match to be restarted with a No DQ rule.

HHH now has a steel chair. VAN DAMINATOR ON THE FLOOR FROM RVD !!! Eric Bischoff makes it pinfalls anywhere. MOONSAULT ON THE FLOOR !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... ORTON SAVES !!! Orton brings RVD into the ring. Spin Kick sends down Orton. RVD back to the floor while HHH heads up the ramp. RVD heads up the ramp and catches HHH. THE PEDIGREE ON THE RAMP ... COUNTERED INTO A BACK BODY DROP ON THE STEEL !!! ROLLING THUNDER ON THE STEEL !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! PEDIGREE ON THE STEEL !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Match Winner : Triple H

Match Rating : ***1/4

Match Comments : Pretty good for a 2003 era Triple H match. The match just went along fine. I have major issues with the selling from RVD though. He had his knee beaten for about 5+ minutes and then just done a series of kicks to come back into the match as if it never happened. Plenty of good booking and good drama helped this above the norm though.

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I watched RAW last night as per and I think this may be my last time for a while, some of the stuff in it is now cringe worthy and people like that Hornswaggle guy make me want to throw my TV out the window, how many more times do we need to sit and watch a terible fight for him to pop out under the ring with his stupid wee face!!

I'm also sick of John Cena, he is terrible and I really can't believe he is the face of the WWE! DX are shocking too and don't even get me started on the Cena v Orton patter!

Only Smackdown from now on I think.


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