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Mo Wonderboy

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WWE Allied Powers : The World's Greatest Tag Teams

Time to get going with this. I'm going to try and power through the rest of the DVD set tonight.

The Miz and John Morrison vs. Shawn Michaels and Rey Mysterio - WWE RAW 17/11/2008

Given the talent involved in this match, you knew that you were going to at least get a decent match from these four guys. Miz still wasn't as polished as he'd become a few months later, but John Morrison was definately on his way by this point. The crowd was a bit dead for this which kind of shocked me, considering how over all four guys were at this point. The match was very straight forward, sticking rigidly with the extended formula before getting to the finish quickly. A bit disappointing all things considered, but yet another decent match on this set. **3/4

The Hart Foundation vs. The Fabulous Rougeaus - WWE Boston Garden 07/03/1987

This one was all over the place. The fans seemed desperate to like this as well, but the match just wasn't happening. It was fine when the Hart Foundation were doing the whole heel control thing, but whenever the Rougeaus were in control, the whole thing fell apart. It's a shame because I expected these two teams to have an absolutely cracking match. Sometimes just doesn't happen for ya ! **

Onto Disc 3 I go.

Edge and Christian vs. The Dudley Boys vs. The Hardy Boys, TLC Match - WWE Summerslam 2000

I suppose if you're gonna showcase a tag team, you should do it right. This wasn't the best of the TLC era and I have already reviewed it twice before, but it's a cracking match so I'll watch it again. I think I've underestimated this match in the past. The match was still the work in progress that I've percieved it as before, but I think I've not really appreciated the absolutely mental aspect of things. You'll never see a high paced spotfest like this in WWE ever again. Still got major problems with aspects of this match, but I've been over that on here before. ****1/2

The Rock N Roll Express vs. Ivan Koloff and Khrusher Khruschev - World Wide Wrestling 09/07/1985

The Express. :D This is a super match, mainly because of the terrific selling of the RNRX. Robert Gibson was amazing here, as he got closer and closer to the tag out while being beat down at each attempt. He'd get inches closer at a time before being stopped. The timing of each little thing was great. LOADS of time given to this match, which was on TV. This must have been on for about 30 minutes at least, allowing both teams to go out and achieve what they were aiming for. The crowd were molten for the whole thing mainly thanks to how popular the Express are. Quite possibly the greatest straight tag team match of all time. *****

The New Age Outlaws vs. The Rock N Sock Connection - WWE Armageddon 1999

The King : "I sorta like doggy style."

J.R. : "Did you just say you sorta like doggy style ?"

The King : " ... no."


The NAO were almost at the end of the line as a worthwhile tag team by this point. They had lost a lot of the chemistry that they had before. If this match had happened in the summer of 1998, the match would have been the bees knees. As it stood at this point, it was still an alright match, but it was clear that Billy Gunn had taken a horrific downward spiral and needed the Road Dogg to sort of make up for his shitness. **

D-Generation-X vs. Rated RKO - WWE Cyber Sunday 2006

Both teams are the showcase, as it's a blockbuster team thing. Eric Bischoff is voted as the referee, and seems to have this weird thing about the guys using the hair, yet will let everything else go, including balls to the ringpost. This goes for BOTH teams. You'd see all sorts of cheating, then a guy would go to the hair and Bischoff starts shouting bloody murder. This match was fairly good and you'd expect no less from these four guys at this point. It's a shame seeing Randy Orton with as much character as he had at this point. He has gone right downhill. ***1/2

World's Greatest Tag Team vs. Los Guerreros - WWE Smackdown 11/12/2003

This was in the midst of a possible split between the Guerreros, so I'm sort of hoping that the storyline doesn't dominate the match too much. Thankfully they didn't even hint at the split untill almost the very end of the match, so I can live with that. Even at that, it added to the match. The match was very good. Haas and Benjamin had effortless chemistry together, and the timing on some of the stuff was great. See the awesome little sequence that leads to them starting to work on Chavo's leg. Super. ****

Dusty Rhodes and Nikita Koloff vs. Lex Luger and Tully Blanchard - NWA Crocket Cup 1987

Look at the names in this one and try and convince me that this was going to be good. Nikita COULD be good now and again, but tended to only be that way when he had the right opponents, and he didn't have that in this case. Tully was the only really talented one involved in the match. The hot crowd was able to keep the interest in the match, but really, this isn't worth your time. *

Legion of Doom vs. Money Inc. - WWE Smmerslam 1992

Miz and Morrison call LOD the best tag team ever. Fair enough. I can think of much better, but you can't deny the pure intensity and star power of LOD. The match itself here is solid if unspectacular stuff. All four men were limited by this point, but thankfully knew this and kept within limitations and kept purely to the experience they have and stuck rigidly to the formula tag team match. It was fun, and definately noteable for the big entrance from LOD. **1/4



What can I say about this set ? It's not without major disappointments but there are some MAJOR must see matches on this set. The NWA/WCW stuff in particular is super. You NEED to seek out the RNR match I reviewed in this post. It's the best straight ruled tag team match ever wrestled. Absolute perfection. Add lots of other rarities and goodies to that and you have a worthwhile collection.

I SHOULD be covering The Rise and Fall of WCW next.

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So we can conclude that being a WCW star was not a hinderance to a WWE career then ?

Not a major hinderance I wouldn't say. I think it may have been used against certain people, but I reckon if you were good enough then it would've been forgotten about.

I think its fair to say that if Vince or whoever in the WWE discover a talent themselves, then they'll put more work into it. If it's a wrestler who worked for WCW or even turned WWE down in the past, their attitude towards them might be a little more soured.

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Not a major hinderance I wouldn't say. I think it may have been used against certain people, but I reckon if you were good enough then it would've been forgotten about.

I do think that, in the Invasion thing, they did quite a bit of damage to WCW guys, in which they dedicated months on end convincing us that WWE was better than WCW and that's the end of it. It took a bunch of WWE guys to make the Alliance credible. I'd say that this one spell of time was very much anti-WCW.

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To be honest I watched The Rise and Fall of WCW and was left disappointed. Some cracking matches on it but the actual DVD wasn't upto much.

Yeah, I downloaded it a few weeks ago, & it was good but it could've been a whole lot better

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Basically if you have seen the Monday Night Wars, you've seen it.

Good documentary is the Monday Night Wars, although they missed out a lot on how much of an impact the Hogan vs Sting match had on the wars and as Y2J , I think, says "That at that time, WWF did have a chance."

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Red Lightning IS good. He is a natural heel, but he's been doing a babyface gimmick recently as one half of the BCW tag champs. He's doing it well to be fair, as he has a boatload of fire in him.

His promo walking to the ring at The Gathering III was glorious.

To be honest I watched The Rise and Fall of WCW and was left disappointed. Some cracking matches on it but the actual DVD wasn't upto much.

Disc Two looks stunning. I'm only getting it for the matches anyways. There's two matches on the set that has me almost creaming.

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Disc Two looks stunning. I'm only getting it for the matches anyways. There's two matches on the set that has me almost creaming.

I'll have an educated guess and say Rock 'n' Roll Express vs Midnight Express and Rey Mysterio vs Dean Malenko? :unsure:

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Those teams went at it time after time, and every single time, it was just incredible. There just isn't enough great tag team wrestling like that.

I still can't recommend the Rock N Roll Express match from the Allied Powers DVD enough. Man, the Express were awesome.

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It's as if you know me.


(I don't)

Those teams went at it time after time, and every single time, it was just incredible. There just isn't enough great tag team wrestling like that.

I still can't recommend the Rock N Roll Express match from the Allied Powers DVD enough. Man, the Express were awesome.

I first started watching wrestling in 1997 and they were part of the NWA set up that they had on Raw is War (along with Windham, Jarrett, Cornette etc) at the time. Been a fan of the Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson partnership ever since and watching their back catalogue just makes you realise how good a team they were.

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