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Mo Wonderboy

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On a related note, this is the only match I've ever watched where I was actually offended that I spent my time watching it.

At least the infamous Cage Tyler vs. Kriss Sprules match that did the rounds had the great commentary on it.

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On a related note, this is the only match I've ever watched where I was actually offended that I spent my time watching it.

At least the infamous Cage Tyler vs. Kriss Sprules match that did the rounds had the great commentary on it.

That commentator was brilliant. I hope the people watching that didn't pay any admission money to get in, that was shocking.

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Wow.....the crowd went fucking nuts :lol: .

By the way, you totally couldn't hear/see them calling the match as they went along.

That guys gimmick is fucking awful. Also he has no concept of selling. :lol:

Truly, truly ghastly. Horrible. Pathetic. In fact there aren't enough words. :lol: Whoever organised the show should be shot. :lol:

Send it to Dave Meltzer.


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Reflection of perfection? :lol:

The best in the world today? :lol:

Every bit as good as I say I am? :lol:

He does the whole promo and then repeats it all over again in the same promo :lol: . Great find Dom :lol: .

Still better than that lame beginning to RAW, that wee guy with the microphone was pointless.

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The Best of Smackdown Disc One

I decided I'd much rather watch this set than the WCW set for now. I want a decent mix of entertainment and wrestling and I have no doubt that this set will deliver that for me.

#100 - John Cena and The Spinner - 14/04/2005

This would be the introduction from John Cena of the spinner belt. William Regal calls Cena "mental" for it. I guess it has some historical significance to it. The comments from the people talking about it are needless.

#99 - Unlikely Merger - 31/10/2002

Eric Bischoff is under a Vince McMahon mask. Bischoff then kisses Stephanie. That will see Triple H being very happy. That is among the top moments ? Really ?

#98 - Here Comes The Chokeslam - 10/07/2003

This is The Big Show chokeslamming Brock Lesnar off of the steel steps through the announce table. Right, that is actually one very cool bump. That was in a Falls Count Anywhere Match. Would have been nice to see the match actually.

#97 - A Smackdown Tradition

It'd appear that it's food fights. Very good. I guess it's all about the fun of it.

#96 - Randy Orton vs. The Undertaker - 16/09/2005

This would be the first full match of the set. Taker throws Orton to the canvas when we come back from commercials and this thing is on. Headlock from Taker. Taker charges down Orton after hitting the ropes. Taker into the ropes again and a Hiptoss from Orton and then some right hands and uppercuts. The referee tells Orton to lay off. Taker into the corner and comes out with a HUGE Big Boot and that gets a two count. Overhead Wristlock from Taker and then he hits a Shoulder Block to add to the pain. Taker then throws Orton's arm onto the top buckle before hitting it with a right hand. Orton into the corner and Taker runs into an elbow, but Orton runs into the Fujiwara Armbar and Orton gets into the ropes. Taker then continues to work on the arm and shoulder. Taker then opts for a body shot and goes for Old School. Orton is doing all he can do block it and eventually crotches Taker on the top rope. Orton goes for a Superplex but Taker blocks, so Orton hits a European Uppercut. SUPERPLEX FROM ORTON !!! Orton is now shouting "Dad, bring the truck !". "Cowboy" Bob Orton is now backing a truck into the arena. Taker sits up and Orton now kicks Taker down and hits the DDT. A casket is getting rolled out of the truck. Knee Drop from Orton. Commercial break and we come back to the Orton Chinlock. Taker charges Orton into the corner and the referee wants a break. Taker then comes back into the match with elbows, but Orton hits a LOVELY Dropkick and that gets a two count. Chinlock yet again from Randy Orton. Taker grabs the referee and then gets to his feet. Orton doesn't allow time for a fight back and hits a Body Slam. Orton onto the middle buckle. Orton then jumps right into the boot of Taker and he sells it brilliantly. Taker comes back with right hands yet again. Taker into the ropes and Orton avoids the Tombstone. THE ORTON BACKBREAKER FROM ORTON !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Kicks to the chest from Orton and then chokes with the boot. Right hand to the stomach from Taker and then Orton with a right hand. They exchange blows. Headbutts are exchanged as well. Right hand exchange as well. Both men having a war in the middle of the ring at the moment. Taker into the ropes and he comes out with the Flying Clothesline. Orton into the corner. Snake Eyes and the Running Big Boot from Taker, followed by the Leg Drop and that gets a two count. CHOKESLAM ... countered. Orton into the ropes. Kick to the face doesn't end well for Orton, and he gets knocked over the top rope. Taker goes out and chases Bob Orton away. Taker then opens the casket and sees a dead Undertaker in the casket. That stuns him for long enough to allow Orton to send Taker into the ring steps. Into the ring and Orton keeps control of the match. TAKER WITH A LAST RIDE OUT OF THE CORNER ... Orton avoids it and Taker accidentally knocks out the referee. THE RKO FROM ORTON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! That was with another referee coming to the ring and now Taker sits up. CHOKESLAM FROM TAKER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... BOB THROWS THE REF OUT AND LAYS OUT THE REF !!! Taker with a right hand and Orton falls to the floor. RKO ... Taker blocks. TOMBSTONE FROM TAKER !!! THE ORIGINAL REFEREE COMES IN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! **3/4 Neither man clearly wanted to make the big effort, so they hid that with some incredible NWA style overbooking, with added craziness. To be fair, the booking and timing of the match is what made the crowd really come alive for this one. Good fun match which I'm glad I had the chance to see.

#95 - Mattitude

This is all about the Version 1 era, which is the best thing that Matt Hardy has ever been involved with. He did some cracking cocky promos and the Matt Facts are great fun. Well earned spot on the list for that.

#94 - Show Hunters - 23/09/2004

This was when Kurt Angle used a tranquilizer gun to stop The Big Show from Chokeslamming Matt Morgan and Mark Jindrak. The Big Show looks like a right state. I have to admit, that is an inventive way to take down The Big Show, but there was no need for the stupid music on this production. The Big Show then gets shaven. Was a good moment though, totally ruined for this set.

#93 - Eddie Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio, Steel Cage Match - 09/09/2005

This is a match that I've been meaning to watch for quite some time now. This fued was hit and miss, but the stuff they did on free TV was, for the most part, very very good. Eddie then just unloads on Rey, but the smaller man makes a comeback. Rey gets sent face first into the cage. Eddie then launches Rey into the cage face first three times. Both men up and Eddie then sends Rey into the ropes and he comes out with a Moonsault Press, which he turns into an Arm Drag. Monkey Flip from Rey. Dropkick and Rey hits the ropes. Rey sees that he can't do the 610. Eddie mocks Rey for not being able to do it, so he settles with Dropkicking Eddie in the face. Rey heads up the cage and Eddie catches him. SUPER SUNSET BOMB FROM REY OFF OF THE MIDDLE BUCKLE !!! Rey is now going for the escape and Eddie blocks it. Eddie has the ankle of Rey, and Rey lands on the top rope leg first. We come back from commercials and Eddie is the one going for the escape. Rey is trying to stop Eddie from getting out. Eddie kicks Rey off. Rey pulls Eddie onto the top rope. RUSSIAN LEGSWEEP OFF OF THE TOP ROPE FROM EDDIE !!! Both men struggle to get back up. Rey then takes a DESPERATE lunge for the escape and both men now battle on the cage. Rey is hanging over the side of the cage, but Eddie brings Rey back onto the roof. Eddie almost falls off. Rey and Eddie battle on the top rope again. Dropkick from Rey when both men are up there, and both men fall into the ring. Both men battle up again and Rey and Eddie do battle, untill Eddie PLANTS Rey with the DDT. Eddie then goes for the door and Rey does everything he can to hold on. Rey now has the tights and then kicks to the chest and Eddie is DESPERATE to get out of the door. Rey to the ropes. Wheelbarrow Bulldog from Rey. Another commercial break and we come back to Rey trying for another escape attempt. Oh dear ... Rey avoids a Super Bomb by going for the escape. Eddie has him again. SUPER RANA OFF OF THE VERY TOP ROPE FROM REY !!! Rey then heads for the escape and Eddie does what he can to stop him. HIGH CROSS BODY OFF OF THE TOP OF THE CAGE ... EDDIE MOVES AND REY CRASHES AND BURNS !!! Eddie is now going for the escape yet again. He is heading for the floor but decides to head for the top rope. FROG SPLASH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! ***3/4 That was an epic match there, but with too many dead spots to be a classic. There was some cracking spots in the match, and they basically carried the match. There was also some pretty good little teases of big spots which usually ended up leading to near escapes. Both men have done both better and worse. Probably worth a spot in the list though.

#92 - Mr. America

Now here was a big load of shite. Hogan was gone, but Mr. America came in, and he did all sorts of stuff like Hogan. He didn't even try to hide the fact that he was Hogan. Yet nothing was done about the fact that he was Hogan. Something should have been done about the shit match he had with Roddy Piper. A low point in Smackdown history.

#91 - Out of Tune - 19/07/2001

This was a superb wee skit actually. This is when we got the "old" Stone Cold back, and Vince McMahon decides to sing a wee "welcome back" song for him. Steve Austin decides to tune up the guitar by hitting McMahon with it. BOOYAH !!! Great to see that on there.

#90 - Signs of Friendship

This is all about Edge and Kurt Angle. Edge taking the piss out of Angle with signs with stuff on the back. Then there was the t-shirt incident was super. I forgot about the signs actually. "YOU SUCK". :lol: It also started the "You Suck" chant. Historic and funny.

#89 - Chris Jericho vs. Chyna - 30/12/1999

Chyna has The Kat with her. That woman was really good for nothing but showing her tits that one time. This is the rubber match. Lockup and a Headlock from Jericho. Hammerlock from both wrestlers and then Jericho with the Shoulder Block. Chyna with a Back Elbow and then right hands. Razzle Dazzle from Chyna and then the DDT and that gets a two count. Right hands and then Jericho is caught in the ropes and then Chyna goes for a move and Jericho moves, leaving Chyna landing on the floor. Springboard Dropkick sends Chyna to the floor and then slaps her and sends her back into the ring. Jericho to the top rope. He jumps right into a low blow. Kick to the stomach and then the Swinging Neckbreaker gets a two count. More right hands from Chyna and then she gets sent into the corner. Bulldog from Jericho. LIONSAULT FROM JERICHO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Right hand from Jericho and then he gets sent into the ropes and a Spinning Heel Kick from Jericho and he heads for the floor and gets himself a chair since the referee was taken out. Chyna ducks a shot. PEDIGREE FROM CHYNA !!! The referee is down though. Another referee runs down and we get a two count. Suplex on a chair and both people are counted down. ** Chris Jericho carried this one on his back. Chyna was capable of being decent, but she just was not playing ball in this match, with her bumping making Jericho look horrible most of the time. Jericho had to do the work of two people in this match as a result. The ending was kinda famous so that's why the match was on here, but could they not just have the ending and not the match ?

#88 - Hardcore Injury - 29/06/2000

I remember this one. Kurt Angle with a Moonsault and he landed right on the arm of Hardcore Holly and he broke it. That one put out Holly for a VERY long time.

#87 - No Way Out - 24/02/2000

Stephanie McMahon put out a warrant for the arrest of Cactus Jack and then he got put in a cage by the cops and then it was left to HHH and Stephanie to watch over him. The cage is chained to a bus and then Jack is being dragged out of the arena. Cool moment I suppose, but it just doesn't shock the way it's intended.

#86 - The Return of Piper's Pit - 10/04/2003

Vince McMahon was on the pit and Piper just gave him a right good roasting. Rikishi has a coconut and brings it to the ring. He wants to hit Piper, but Sean O'Haire stops him. Coconut to the head of Rikishi. That was a cracking segment actually and most of the good got cut from it here.

#85 - Carlito vs. John Cena - 07/10/2004

This would be the debut of Carlito. Cena looks LIVID with Carlito on his way to the ring. Cena chases Carlito out of the ring. Cena then catches him and hits some right hands. Carlito into the ropes but he hits the breaks and heads to the floor. Clothesline from Cena. Cena with a big hand "You can't see me." before sending Carlito face first into the steps. Back into the ring they go. Kicks to the stomach from Cena and he's unloading big time. Carlito tries to run again and that doesn't go well. Hard Irish Whip into the corner from Cena. Delayed Vertical Suplex from Cena. That gets a two count for Cena. Kick to the head of Carlito and then more kicks. Carlito into the ropes and a Back Body Drop from Cena. Cena slides along the ring and then lands a Leg Drop for a two count. Kick to the stomach from Cena. Carlito into the ropes and a Sidewalk Slam with added muscle flex gets a two count and Cena is now getting a bit cocky with the newcomer. Cena heads to the floor to deal with Carlito and then sends him into the ringpost. Kick to the stomach and then more right hands from Cena. Carlito hits the breaks again, sending Cena over the top rope and to the floor. Head first into the apron goes Cena and then some right hands. Carlito then breaks the count and unloads with more kicks. Another left hand and back into the ring they go. Cena comes back with right hands. Carlito finds his way back into the match, but Cena then takes control back and hits a Catapult, sending Carlito into the crowd. Back from commercials and Cena is the man in control. Carlito runs into a bot. Cena misses the High Cross Body and it misses the mark. Swinging Neckbreaker and that gets a two count. Kick to the chest from Carlito and then Cena into the ropes and a Back Elbow. That gets a two count. Suplex from Carlito and that gets another two count and Carlito seems to be getting annoyed. Slingshot Elbow Drop from Carlito and that gets another two count. Sleeper Hold and that allows Cena the chance to do those stupid facial expressions. Cena with the Back Body Drop and that gives him an opening to get back into the match. Right hands from Cena and then Carlito into the ropes and a Back Elbow from Cena and another. Flying Shoulder Block gets a two count. Who does he think he is ? Warrior ? Bulldog from Cena. FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! F-U FROM CENA ... Carlito finds his way onto the apron and Cena knocks him to the floor. Carlito now grabs the U.S. Title and brings it into the ring, only to get slapped. Carlito then has the chain. CHAIN TO THE HEAD OF CENA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! **1/2 This did exactly what was intended. Cena was acting like the cocky veteran which he WAS compared to Carlito, but then ended up getting outsmarted himself. The match was entertaining enough.

#84 - Sewage Bath - 09/10/2003

Eddie Guerrero basically soaks The Big Show with sewage. Another attempt to recreate the Austin beer truck moment. Another epic failure in that respect, as this one got absolutely zero reaction.

#83 - The Boogeyman

There's something a bit good about that gimmick. If there was a better wrestler under all of that then this guy could have gotten over big time, but whenever he got in the ring, he was just absolutely useless. He actually ate a mole off of someone's face. That's fantastic.

#82 - Hulkster Returns - 23/01/2003

This is when Hogan returned to Smackdown after the run of 2002, and it was quite the moment. The fans applauded this guy on their feet for about 10 minutes. The fans were fucking CRAZY for Hogan on this night and it has stuck in my mind ever since. Should be higher in the list. No question. Spontaneous things like that are just out of this world to watch.

#81 - Triple H vs. Tazz - 20/04/2000

Tazz was the ECW Champion at the time. Yup, the actual ECW champ. He faces the WWE champ in this match. Lockup and into the corner they go. Tazz with a right hand and the fans like that. Kick to the stomach and right hands from HHH. HHH into the ropes and Tazz with a pair of Clotheslines and into the corner where Tazz goes nuts with the kicks and punches. T-Bone Suplex gets blocked by HHH and then the Game lands a Clothesline. Right hands from Tazz and then HHH into the ropes and he kicks Tazz but misses a Clothesline and gets sent over the top rope. More right hands from Tazz and then the brawl heads around the ring and a Body Slam on the floor from Tazz. Tazz then gets sent into the steps. HHH breaks the count and heads back out and drops Tazz on the railing. Into the ring they go and a Suplex from HHH followed by a Knee Drop. That gets a two count. Into the corner they go and Tazz fights his way out, but HHH with a knee and then Tazz with the Back Drop Suplex. Tazz with more right hands and HHH into the ropes and a Back Elbow. Head and Arm Suplex gets blocked, but he then hits a Northern Lights Suplex for a two count. More right hands from Tazz, but then the Knee 2 Face from HHH. TAZZMISSION FROM TAZZ !!! Low blow from HHH behind the back of the referee. PEDIGREE FROM HHH !!! TOMMY DREAMER COMES OUT OF THE CROWD AND GETS A CHAIR BUT HE HITS TAZZ !!! PEDIGREE ON DREAMER !!! PIN ON TAZZ !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! ** Cool ending aside, this match really wasn't up to much.

#80 - Bar Room Brawl - 20/01/2000

Basically, the guy on the bar talks up the Acolytes and the New Age Outlaws and then the APA happen to show up themselves. This results in a brawl between the two teams. Amazingly enough, this brawl was better than their match at the Royal Rumble. This wasn't memorable in the slightest bit.

#79 - GORE ! GORE ! GORE ! - 09/08/2001

One of the most memorable moments for me, as Rhyno attacks Jericho and then Gores him through the back of the Smackdown set. That was cool as hell and always looks good. The Miz shouting "GORE ! GORE ! GORE !" was great.

#78 - Time to Play the Game - 23/09/1999

Basically, Triple H has to go through a gauntlet. I can remember HHH facing Kane and Mankind in the Inferno and Boiler Room matches. I guess this definately deserves it's spot in the list. The last match was against The Rock in a Bullrope Match. Triple H wins three out of five matches and he makes it to Unforgiven 1999. Not great, but good.

#77 - Rock N Sock Connection

Yeah, they were pretty awesome. Well, not as a team. They had absolutely zero chemistry as a tag team. They rocked as a promo couple. Their odd couple schtick was super. Some brilliant clips with these two guys. You can't help but appreciate the stuff these guys were doing.

#76 - Chris Jericho vs. Hulk Hogan, No DQ Match - 02/05/2002

This features the most fake sound noises ever for Hogan heading to the ring. These flashing lights might give me some sort of seizure. Hogan tosses Jericho across the ring to open the match. Lockup and Jericho gets thrown to the floor. Lockup and a Headlock from Hogan. Hogan into the ropes and he charges down Jericho. Jericho runs into a Hiptoss and then a Body Slam. Arm Wrench and Jericho finds himself in trouble. Rake to the eyes and then a Back Drop Suplex from Jericho and now the momentum has changed. Stomps and kicks from Jericho. Hogan avoids an Elbow Drop and then he lands a series of right hands. Chops and right hands. Hogan runs into an elbow and Jericho heads for the top rope where Hogan catches him and sends him back into the middle of the ring. The same old right hand attack from Hogan follows and then we have the "10 Punch" in the corner. Jericho with a low blow and that gets the momentum back in Jericho's favour. Jericho slaps Hogan in a mocking fashion. Jericho misses a charge and ends up on the floor. Hogan heads out after him and gets sent into the ringpost. Jericho then heads to the top rope and lands on Hogan. Hogan's throat is done. The Macho Neck Snap from Jericho. Hogan has felt THAT a few times. Hogan is on the second rope and Jericho lands his weight across the back of Hogan before mocking the crowd. More right hands from Jericho but he then misses a charge and hits the middle rope and Hogan is fired up. Right hands and a Body Slam from Hogan. Elbow Drops and then he hits the ropes but he misses the third Elbow Drop and that does no good. Bulldog from Jericho. LIONSAULT FROM JERICHO !!! HHH heads for the ring at this point. HHH decides to join the commentators. Shot to the throat from Hogan and then right hands. Big Boot misses and then Jericho hits a DDT and that gets a two count. Hogan is hulking up. "YOU !!!". Hogan with a load of right hands on his own. Big Boot ! LEG DROP ... JERICHO BLOCKS AND GOES INTO THE WALLS OF JERICHO !!! Hogan gets into the ropes and Jericho heads for the floor in frustration and gets a chair. Chair across the back from Jericho. The Undertaker's music hits. Hogan is now up. SCHOOL BOY FROM HOGAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! ** That was a sort of dodgy match there. It just followed the usual Hogan formula with a couple of twists. The formula has been worked much better than that too.

#75 - Gold Medal Thief - 30/08/2001

Steve Austin steals Kurt Angle's gold medals and then drops them over a bridge. Not much else to this, but at least the moment is memorable, so it warrants a place.

#74 - Gold Medal Auction - 29/07/2004

Angle's medals are seeing a lot of action now, aren't they ? Eddie decides to auction a whole load of Kurt Angle's stuff on wwe.com. Eddie's mic skills are way underrated as this wee promo shows. There's some amazing wisecracks. Of course Eddie was ready for Angle to try and take his lowrider, and Angle gets sprayed when he tries to start the car. HA ! Superb stuff.

#73 - Funeral Fight

This is when Dawn Marie quite literally lamped Torrie Wilson. Well, Dawn and Torrie kissed which was kinda hot, but the whole angle with Torrie Wilson's dad dying was ridiculous. What a load of shite.

#72 - Life Sucks - 11/05/2000

This basically revolves around Vince McMahon slagging of the fans and Chris Jericho. He then ends up cutting an absolutely stunning promo about the fans and things not being fair. I never seen this promo, so I'm glad this is on here, because it's super. "Life sucks and then you die !".

#71 - Al Snow and Steve Blackman

Steve Blackman wears a cheese hat. Blackman always had the Lance Storm sort of weird charisma, where he looked boring, but it made him sort of endeering. Not many guys can pull that off. WWE seemed to recognize that and put him with Al Snow who was superb when it came to character. Absolutely everything I seen from these two guys was gold.

#70 - Rey Mysterio, Finlay, Batista and Jeff Hardy vs. MVP, Kane, JBL and Brian Kendrick - 03/10/2008

We open with Kendrick and Finlay. Both men jostle for position and Finlay ends up on top. Manhattan Drop from Finlay and then Kendrick into the corner and a Shoulder Charge from Finlay. In comes Batista and he lands a stomp on the chest and then Shoulder Blocks in the corner. Suplex from Batista gets a two count. Finlay into the ring and he lands a European Uppercut. Chest then gets dropped on the apron. Kendrick then gets caught in between the apron and the ring, and Finlay unloads. Commercial break and Rey comes into the ring afterwards. Kick to the head from Rey and then the Snap Leg Drop before Rey gets in the face of Kane. Hardy then comes into the match and lands on the arm. Snapmare and then a Dropkick to the back of the head and that gets a two count. Finlay tags in, but Kendrick hits him with a Dropkick and suddenly things have changed. Hornswoggle is on the apron dancing with Kendrick's jacket and Kendrick is NOT amused. He chases the midget and runs into a Clothesline, so Big Zeke hits Finlay with the same move. JBL throws both men back into the ring. He gets tagged in and takes control of the match. JBL with his bully-like kicks and then the Short Arm Clothesline. Elbow Drops from JBL, and everything he does is much like Stan Hansen in execution. Kane then tags into the match. Poke to the eye from Kane. Finlay into the corner and then a Clothesline from Kane, followed by some stomping. MVP then kicks the stomach of Finlay and knees come in. Body Slam and a Knee Drop from MVP gets a two count and then he has a Front Facelock in. JBL then comes into the ring and Finlay manages to mount a fight back, but he runs into a Clothesline for a two count. Finlay into the ropes and he comes out with a DDT and that gets the fans behind him. Hot tag and in comes Batista and MVP who cleans house. Kane comes in and Batista hits him with a Spinebuster. MVP gets the same and he signals for the bomb. Kendrick comes in and stops it. RUNNING POWERSLAM FROM BATISTA !!! REY WITH THE BIG SPLASH OFF OF BATISTA'S SHOULDERS !!! Rey was tagged in. Why didn't he cover the man ? Rana sends Kendrick into the second rope but then MVP comes in. He ends up in the same position. Kane takes Rey out of the ring to stop the Double 619. Back from commercials again and Kane gets a two count with a Dropkick and then locks in the Chinlock. Kane thinks that Kendrick is better off in the ring. I disagree, but there you are. Cross Arm Camel Clutch from Kendrick. Dumbass moves like that are why Kane is better in there. Kendrick agrees he's shite and tags out. JBL comes in and taunts Batista and then hits the Fallaway Slam on Rey and that gets a two count as Batista comes in and breaks the count. MVP tagged in. Rey into the ropes and he gets hit with a Flapjack. Kendrick then comes back in with a stomp off the top and that gets a two count. Rey fights back into the match and Kendrick runs into a boot. TILT-A-WHIRL REVERSE DDT FROM REY !!! Jeff then gets tagged into the match and hits some right hands and then the Sleeper Drop. TWIST OF FATE ... MVP escapes. WHISPER IN THE WIND FROM JEFF !!! BIG BOOT FROM JBL !!! LOADS AND LOADS OF MOVES ALL OVER THE PLACE !!! 619 ON MVP !!! SWANTON BOMB FROM JEFF !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! ***1/4 This was pretty amusing stuff. The action was non-stop from start to finish. That was a given as nobody had the excuse of not putting in their best effort since it was an 8 man tag.

Edited by DomDom
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