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Mo Wonderboy

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A lot of the WCW shows around the time they went ahead in the ratings were horrible. The quality of the shows don't matter. All that matters is giving people a reason to watch. Quality would be nice, but TNA are in the business of making money.

The last time TNA wanted Hogan, other things were coming his way. He doesn't have that this time. He's free and clear to do his work with TNA.

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WWE Raw was fairly interesting to say the least!

Kofi Kingston really impressed me, he was helped by being in a match with Jericho, who put him over...you can't dislike Jericho, he really does like to help new stars coming through. Furthermore it seems as if Kofi is getting a big push considering he is heading for a feud with Orton.

Kofi's mic skills were excellent when he was destroying Orton's car, although praise must also go to Orton who played his part with his superb facial expressions...he really is the best guy in the business when it comes to that.

I felt bad for the Big Show however it was really funny when Jericho went screw this i'm out of here when it was announced that Big Show vs Triple H was a lumberjack match! :lol:

Cena vs HBK vs HHH? Meh...Cena will retain, this just plants the seeds for DX splitting up.

PS: How the f**k does Sheamus get moved from ECW to a bigger brand? Christian is the one who deserves to be promoted not Casper the bloody ghost.

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A lot of the WCW shows around the time they went ahead in the ratings were horrible. The quality of the shows don't matter. All that matters is giving people a reason to watch. Quality would be nice, but TNA are in the business of making money.

The last time TNA wanted Hogan, other things were coming his way. He doesn't have that this time. He's free and clear to do his work with TNA.

Yeah thats true that people will watch just to see Hogan, even if he's doing f**k all. Kinda shit for this whole pushing the younger guys thing there doing if they give Hogan the title. Even though Matt Morgan and Hernandez are both shite.

They'll be desperate to get Sting back on board to do another Hogan/Sting match no doubt.

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WWE Raw was fairly interesting to say the least!

Kofi Kingston really impressed me, he was helped by being in a match with Jericho, who put him over...you can't dislike Jericho, he really does like to help new stars coming through. Furthermore it seems as if Kofi is getting a big push considering he is heading for a feud with Orton.

Kofi's mic skills were excellent when he was destroying Orton's car, although praise must also go to Orton who played his part with his superb facial expressions...he really is the best guy in the business when it comes to that.

I felt bad for the Big Show however it was really funny when Jericho went screw this i'm out of here when it was announced that Big Show vs Triple H was a lumberjack match! :lol:

Cena vs HBK vs HHH? Meh...Cena will retain, this just plants the seeds for DX splitting up.

PS: How the f**k does Sheamus get moved from ECW to a bigger brand? Christian is the one who deserves to be promoted not Casper the bloody ghost.

The end of Raw was pretty class with everyone beating the shite out of Big Show, although they made it too obvious that the triple threat was getting made at the end. Was surprised at that cause I thought they would do Jerishow - DX.

And you are right, Christian deserves to be moved, hopefully to Smackdown if anywhere, and given the World Title :D

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Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff have signed for TNA.

I shit you not.

It's 1994 all over again. How long before he is champ? Will be good in raising the profile of TNA but the actual product will suck balls.

Also I think I remember reading that Flair said he wouldn't work for TNA after what WWE did for him so I'm not too sure about that one.

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Yeah thats true that people will watch just to see Hogan, even if he's doing f**k all. Kinda shit for this whole pushing the younger guys thing there doing if they give Hogan the title. Even though Matt Morgan and Hernandez are both shite.

Hernandez is NOT shite.

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Sheamus got the push up to RAW as he is HHH's mate. I read an interesting interview with Trips recently where he talked about how Sheamus is sort of his protege. Just had a quick look but I can't find it again.

Was in the most recent edition of Power Slam.

Anyway, I thought Hogan and Bischoff had just launched the HULKAMANIA promotion that was to also feature Ric Flair. Really the both of them should just retire, although seemingly they need the money, especially Flair who apparently has to pay a staggering amount to ex wives each month!

But really, are they trying to turn TNA into WCW?! Who will they sign next? Or should that be "Who's next?!"

And on the topic of TNA; Desmond Wolfe?! What a terrible name! What was wrong with Nigel McGuinness?! They let others like Homicide, AJ and Joe keep their names! Desmond is an awful name! I can't picture anyone called Desmond being any good at anything ever.

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And on the topic of TNA; Desmond Wolfe?! What a terrible name! What was wrong with Nigel McGuinness?! They let others like Homicide, AJ and Joe keep their names! Desmond is an awful name! I can't picture anyone called Desmond being any good at anything ever.

I dunno. Desmond Wolfe would make a great Bond villain. Just sounds like some really cool guy with a bad hairdo to me. The Desmond doesn't matter with such a cool second name really.

Nigel McGuinness might have done what Low Ki did. Stop TNA from using that name.

I don't think Morgan is either. About a year or so he was but he has came on a lot since then.

He's came on in the more vital areas of promo work and his look in the ring, but as far as wrestling goes, he isn't very good. He's got some way to go there.

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Sorry for the treble post, but it's time for another review.


ECW on SyFy 27/10/2009

Good looking main event tonight.

Abraham Washington is the opener for tonight, and his guest is Tiffany. Tony Atlas has actually been a superb addition to the show with that fake laugh stuff. The whole idea behind the talk show thing is finally becoming something decent. We have Shelton vs. Sheamus tonight. A normal match with Sheamus ? About time ! William Regal is now heading for the show. He's not getting a title shot, which has been the case for quite some time. Regal has his eyes on Washington after Tiffany leaves and destroys the set of the show. FUED~~~!!! Not really. You can imagine what Regal is going to do to Tiffany.

There's a new commentator for ECW here. Byron Saxton is the man. Don't know him, but he doesn't sound unlike Tazz.

Sheamus vs. Shelton Benjamin

Lets see how well Sheamus has really caught onto the WWE style. He's horrible at squash matches, but he is a decent wrestler, if nothing spectacular. The thing about Sheamus is that he has such a unique look. That's what might be endeering HHH to him. This was the much expected improvement that I was expecting from the big Irishman. Sheamus' smashmouth offense works against someone with credibility because there isn't the same air of inevitability. Decent match here. **1/4

Christian © vs. Yoshi Tatsu - ECW Championship

ECW did a good job of making Tatsu look credible by giving him a cracking wee music video and stuff earlier in the show. Lets hope he can look just as credible when it comes to challenging in there. The crowd seemed to be solidly behind Yoshi when they headed into the final stretch of the match. Yoshi Tatsu had his best match here and both men provided a match well worthy of making it onto a PPV. It's matches like this that make me wish that ECW would get more time on PPV. Christian has been on a sensational run this year since returning to WWE. ****



There's nothing bad to be found on this show.

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Time to preview Sunday's big show. The best show that will take place in the UK there. I have a nine hour bus trip and two nights in a pishy guest house, but it'll be all worth it for this bad boy.

Dragon Gate UK 01/11/2009

Dragon Gate make their UK debut, as part of a European tour which makes stops in Spain and Germany. The UK show is the only one bring promoted as a proper Dragon Gate show, which is very cool.

Match 1 : Marty Scrull and Jonny Storm vs. Genki Horiguchi and Ryo Saito

It says a lot for the quality of this show that Jonny Storm and Ryo Saito are in opposing sides in the opening match. I can see Genki and Ryo going into full on dickhead heel leading to the fans getting right behind their UK heroes. Marty Scrull is a member of a tag team with Zack Sabre Jr. who have been getting rave reviews, and Jonny teamed with Jody Fleisch, so these guys have tag team experience. Once they get the heel stuff of the Japanese guys out of the way, I expect this to turn into fast paced big move madness. A good choice for an opener.

Match 2 : Mark Haskins vs. KAGETORA

The second of two UK vs. DG matches, and this might well be one of the surprise packages of the night. KAGETORA hasn't really been around all that long. First time I seen him was a corker of a match against fellow El Dorado regular, Kota Ibushi. Dragon Gate have blooded him in. Mark Haskins is one of the standouts in the UK scene and this match is clearly a big chance for him to make an impression on the higher ups of the promotion. This match could be a disappointment considering it's place on the card, but with it being a five match show, I can see every match and every performer putting on the best match possible. If these two guys meet expectations, it'll be great.

Match 3 : Masato Yoshino vs. Dragon Kid

The first half main event, and it's a big 'un to say the least. These guys have done battle for quite some time and have been involved in some sensational singles matches. Dragon Kid actually innovated the Dragon Rana move, and can take guys out with a wide array of Hurricanranas. Masato Yoshino is fast as f**k and the speed of the guy will likely lead to some fans having seizures. I'm not sure what to expect from this, because even on big shows, these guys can be so hit and miss. I can only hope that the main event spot on an overseas show helps matters.


I get more blitzed.

Match 4 : Susumu Yokosuka vs. Shingo Takagi

Susumu Yokosuka is definately one of the most under appreciated wrestlers on the Dragon Gate roster. The guy NEVER has a bad match. EVER. Shingo Takagi is very well appreciated and with good reasons. He's a kinda big guy, but he can also work spotfests very well. This makes him perfect for ANY type of match. This match MIGHT steal the show from the main event, but when you see the main event, you can see why I'm hesitant to suggest that it will. It will be a beauty.

Main Event : CIMA and The Young Bucks vs. PAC, BxB Hulk and Naruki Doi

This is exactly the sort of match that made Dragon Gate famous outside of Japan. Big multi-man tag team matches with no tags and loads of dives and head drops and just mentalness. The pace of this match from start to finish is bound to be frightening. In CIMA, PAC and the Bucks, you have guys who can make up moves on the spot if they have to. In Doi and Hulk, you have two guys who have loads of big bombs to throw. I can't see past this as the UK Match of the Year. The only match I can think of that looks like it can beat it takes place right before this one.

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Internet goes down for two days and while I'm away Hogan and Bischoff sign for TNA?!

Two big acquisitions who really could be the ones who push TNA onto the next level. Hogan makes his debut this week on Impact, which is on Virgin 1 on Friday then repeated on Bravo on Saturday.

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Internet goes down for two days and while I'm away Hogan and Bischoff sign for TNA?!

Two big acquisitions who really could be the ones who push TNA onto the next level. Hogan makes his debut this week on Impact, which is on Virgin 1 on Friday then repeated on Bravo on Saturday.

Ric Flair will be included apparently. That's what WO are reporting.

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TNA is on Virgin on Fridays is is? Never noticed that.

This is the first week for it i believe.

Is this weeks Impact a live one? Because I thought TNA taped Impacts a few weeks in advance and if they have for this week then surely Hogan on Impact will just be a video interview or something similar.

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