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Mo Wonderboy

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I was really meaning that it would be someone would be behind screwing AJ. Like Hogan coming out and telling Hebner to 'RING THE BELL!'

Then I suppose Earl Hebner would go on to be the nWo Referee like Nick Patrick was back in the day.

Don't forget Patrick's amazing tasche back in the day.

Love how Hogan points to the "Hogan owns Vince" sign..

Also love the new nWo music or nWo 2000 music Hogan is using..

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Awesome, I hope he gets a chance to do cover versions of wrestlers entrance music!

I hear voices


In my head


I can smell an album deal out of that for Shatner:

They think...

...I'm cute...

...I know...

...I'm sexy... etc

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I heard the Nasty Boys and Venis are back in TNA?? What are they looking like these days?

Venis looks in good shape I guess, didn't really add anything to Impact and himself along with Orlando Jordon and Nasty Boys imo have been poor signings by TNA. Nasty boys are in horrible shape just like Scott Hall but they've probably been brought in because of Hogan with both being good friends of Hogan.

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Venis looks in good shape I guess, didn't really add anything to Impact and himself along with Orlando Jordon and Nasty Boys imo have been poor signings by TNA. Nasty boys are in horrible shape just like Scott Hall but they've probably been brought in because of Hogan with both being good friends of Hogan.

It will be an embarassment to all involved if they are going with Nasty Boys v Team 3D. Probably the 4 most out of shape wrestlers in the business.

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The Nasty Boys are a laughably bad signing, as are Hall, Venis, Jodan and Waltman. This is what the detractors of Hogan's move to TNA were afraid of, i.e. the old friends act. Terrible!

So have TNA signed the Young Bucks? If so then that should be a good one.

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I know it's unfortunate that WWE now own the rights to the nWo, the music and Hogan has had to use the nWo 2000 music.

Would love to have heard that iconic "N.....W.....O" in TNA, among the other phrases like "4,4,4,4 life", "we are in control" and the macho man's "ohhhhhhh yeahhhhhhh"...

That would've been 2 sweet Edited by The Hero of the Day
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I actually dont think Scott Hall is the worst signing. His popularity isn't in any doubt and if they can keep him sober neither is his talent. Was a top worker back in the day and I don't think his abilities declined that rapidly at all. Just the fact that he is so unreliable and is likely to fall off the wagon at any time.

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Venis looks in good shape I guess, didn't really add anything to Impact and himself along with Orlando Jordon and Nasty Boys imo have been poor signings by TNA. Nasty boys are in horrible shape just like Scott Hall but they've probably been brought in because of Hogan with both being good friends of Hogan.

When were they ever in good shape though unsure.gif

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Smackdown was alright this week. Jericho teaming up with the Hart Dynasty was interesting and it was also great to see Jericho finally pick up a win, with what looked like the liontamer.

Gallows burying Matt Hardy was funny, hopefully Hardy will go and join his brother in TNA as he's boring as hell and out of shape.

John Morrison really needs to sort out his mic skills, he has no talent when it comes to segments/interviews and his attempt at being funny with the Scottish accent didn't work at all.

While the main event was fine, i'm starting to get tired of seeing Mysterio vs Batista, the ending made sense with both men being taken out by Taker, resulting in a triple threat match at the Rumble. I'm hoping that Undertaker loses the title, he is crippled and the champion should be on the Smackdown show consistantly.

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Dom Dom's Mammoth PBP Reviews

I like doing these ... for good matches. So here's the deal. I'll either review 1) matches I KNOW are good, so I'm only doing them to add them to my ratings archive and 2) matches which look good on paper. So much so that I think "need to see that".

Match 1

ECW 26/06/2007

Johnny Nitro vs. John Cena

Here's an interesting one. This is the first televised match after the death of Chris Benoit. It's also the ECW Champ vs. WWE Champ. This match got good reviews, but I have no idea whether that was because of the circumstances or what not. Looks good on paper. Thankfully the commentators aren't doing their "sombre voices". Lockup and Cena with the Headlock. Cena holds onto it, not allowing Nitro to send him to the ropes. Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock from Cena and then the Headlock again. Cena into the ropes and a Shoulder Block knocks down Nitro and then into the Chinlock. Into the corner and the ropes they go. Clean break and Nitro charges into a Drop Toe Hold. Cena runs right into a back elbow and then right hands from Nitro. Nitro into the corner and then Cena with the Release Fisherman Suplex gets a two count. Kick to the back of the head of Nitro. Sidewalk Slam from Cena and that gets a two count. Right hand knocks down Nitro. Into the corner face first and then a HARD Irish Whip from Cena. Nitro into the corner and he dodges a charge and now we have an exchange of right hands. Flying Shoulder Block misses and down and out goes Cena. Cena then gets sent into the steps. Back into the ring they go and that gets a two count. Nitro then unloads with rights and then forearms and gets another two count. Kick to the chest from Nitro and down goes Cena and then Nitro chokes with the boot. More kicks from Nitro and then the European Uppercut. He then rakes the head into the middle rope. Back Drop Suplex from Nitro gets a two count. More right hands from Nitro and Cena tries to get away. Cena into the corner and Nitro runs into an elbow. CENA GETS FUCKING MURDERED WITH A CLOTHESLINE !!! Cena then chokes Cena on the bottom rope. I'm still trying to get over that Clothesline ! European Uppercut from Nitro and then Nitro whipped into the corner and a Bulldog from Cena. Cena charges and then ends up on the floor. Commercial break and we come back to Cena sitting on the top rope. Nitro gets sent back into the middle of the ring. Dropkick sends Cena back to the floor though. To the floor goes Nitro and back into the ring for a two count. More right hands from Nitro. Cena is suddenly finding his feet and comes back into the match with a flurry. PROTOBOMB !!! FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE !!! F-U ... countered. SPRINGBOARD ROUNDHOUSE KNEE TO THE HEAD FROM NITRO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Back Drop Faceplant gets a two count for Nitro. Sleeper Hold from Nitro follows that. Cena charges Nitro back into the corner to escape. Somersault Ace Crusher from Cena and then he heads for the top rope. TOP ROPE FAMEASSER !!! THE STFU FROM CENA !!! IT'S OVER !!!

Match Winner : John Cena

Match Rating : ***1/4

Match Comments : This was the usual TV fare from John Cena. He gave Nitro quite a lot here considering that he was quite a bit down the pecking order even though he was the ECW Champion. Neither man had the chance to bring their big guns apart from Cena bringing the STFU.

Highlight of the Match : Cena eats a Clothesline.

Match 2

ECW One Night Stand 2005

Mike Awesome vs. Masato Tanaka

You HAVE to have seen this show, or at least this match. Joey Styles' commentary in this match is kind of weird given what came after this. Eric Bischoff and the RAW superstars turn their back on this match. It's a shame because these two guys are about to put them to shame. They exchange chops right off the bat and Tanaka into the ropes. Belly 2 Belly Suplex from Awesome and then Awesome onto the apron. Tanaka runs into the Slingshot Shoulder Block and he ends up on the floor. OVER THE TOP PLANCHA FROM AWESOME !!! Tanaka sent into the railing, and he sends Awesome into the front row. RUNNING CHAIR SHOT TO THE HEAD OF AWESOME !!! Awesome is whipped into the railing again, but this time he comes out with a Clothesline. Awesome then sets the first table of the match against the railing. Awesome onto the apron, where he hits another Clothesline and onto the apron goes Tanaka. RUNNING AWESOME BOMB SENDS TANAKA HEAD FIRST THROUGH THE TABLE !!! Not lost the knack for the maniacal then ! AWESOME SPLASH !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!!

Foley : "As a guy that's been through a table, that's not the landing you want."

Somehow I didn't need your expertise to figure that one out. Tanaka tries to avoid an Awesome Bomb, but then Awesome just KILLS him with the bomb. Awesome heads to the floor and grabs a chair. CHAIR TO THE HEAD OF TANAKA !!! TANAKA FIRES UP !!! ANOTHER CHAIR SHOT !!! TANAKA IS FIRING UP !!! DIAMOND DUST ON AWESOME !!! He now grabs two chairs and puts them next to each other. TORNADO DDT ON THE CHAIRS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! ELBOW DROP OFF THE TOP WITH THE CHAIRS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! ROARING ELBOW ... REVERSED INTO A MASSIVE RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX !!! SPEAR BY AWESOME !!! TOP ROPE CHAIR SHOT !!! Awesome then gets another table and doesn't seem to be sure how to put it into the ring. He finally gets it into the ring which gets a sarcastic cheer. Tanaka set on the top rope. TORNADO DDT OFF THE TOP ROPE FROM TANAKA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Tanaka heads to the top rope and Awesome stops there. SUPER AWESOME BOMB ONTO THE BROKEN TABLE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Awesome hasn't done enough damage and sets a table. AWESOME BOMB OVER THE TOP ROPE THROUGH THE TABLE !!! BIG SPLASH OVER THE TOP !!! FOR f**k SAKE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREEEEEEEEEE !!!

Match Winner : Mike Awesome

Match Rating : ****1/4

Match Comments : Umm ... yeah. Those two guys absolutely mauled each other out there. It's amazing to think that this was basically a greatest hits of their previous matches. Because while they did nothing original and it just played like a usual match, it was STILL amazing. That is a testement to the sort of match these two guys were capable of.

Highlight of the Match : Awesome finishing with the Pescado.


Match 3

WWE RAW 07/02/2000

DX and The Radials vs. The Rock, Cactus Jack, Too Cool and Rikishi

This match is seen as one of the best matches on RAW ever. Loads of cool stuff going into this one. The match kicks off without Rikishi and Too Cool getting there, and all of a sudden this one is going CRAZY. Rock and HHH head up the ramp and the crowd is HOT. HHH Suplexed on the ramp. Pac left in the ring with someone but who cares ? Ah, we're in the ring with Sexay and Pac. Sexay with right hands in the corner and then Pac sends him into the ropes. Neckbreaker from Sexay and then he misses a Knee Drop. In comes Saturn who runs into a Powerslam and in comes Scotty. Double Elbow Drop and then right hands from Scotty. Bulldog from Sexay. W-O-R-M ... THE WORM !!! Saturn sends Scotty into a cheap shot by Malenko and then hits a Belly 2 Belly and in comes Malenko. Scotty runs into a Dropkick and then into the corner with Scotty and a Clothesline. Reverse Suplex from Scotty and in comes Rikishi. Malenko sends him into the corner, but that does no good. Malenko into the ropes and Rikishi tries to land his weight on him. Here comes Benoit. Samoan Drop from Kishi. BENOIT WITH A RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX ON RIKISHI !!! WHOA !!! Belly 2 Belly Suplex from Rikishi to Benoit. Butt Bump and then in comes Cactus. INSANE pace ! Beat down in the corner and then he goes after HHH and sends him onto the announce table and then Saturn throws Cactus back into the ring. HHH is now in the ring with Cactus and he beats him down in the corner. HHH then shoves down the referee. HHH walks into a right hand. Pac into the ring. Swinging Neckbreaker from Foley. IN COMES THE ROCK !!! He plays house on fire. Spinebusters ahoy ! ROCK BOTTOM ON PAC !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... HHH SAVES !!! ALL SORTS GOING ON !!! BRONCO BUSTER ON ROCK ... HE EXPLODES OUT OF THE CORNER WITH A CLOTHESLINE !!! SEXAY IN WITH THE TOP ROPE LEG DROP !!! SPINNING HEEL KICK FROM PAC !!! SOMEONE SAVE MY FINGERS !!! Sexay into the ropes and the High Knee from HHH. Finally a wee bit of rest as Saturn comes in. Sexay hit with a Clothesline and in comes Benoit. Double Back Elbow and then the double snot drop. Back Drop Suplex from Benoit gets a two count. HHH distracts the babyfaces and then the beatdown commences behind the referee's back. Suplex and a beauty from HHH and in comes Saturn with a Running Leg Drop for a two count. Chops from Saturn. In comes Malenko. Double Dropkick. Shades of the Midnights. In comes Benoit again. DOUBLE DDT AND SEXAY IS BACK IN THE MATCH !!! IN COMES CACTUS AND HE'S GOING CRAZY ON BENOIT !!! The match then breaks down. PEDIGREE ON SEXAY !!! BENOIT WITH THE FLYING HEADBUTT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Match Winners : DX and The Radicals

Match Rating : ****1/2

Match Comments : Thank the good lord that one is over. Absolute murder to keep up with it. The absolutely insane heat and the frightening pace that they managed to keep makes this a must watch.

Highlight of the Match : Benoit's power show, hitting the German Suplex on Rikishi.

Keep watching at the end for one of the truly great WWE moments of 2000. Poor quality, but it didn't hinder it for me. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x24qma_raw07012000-dx-radicals-vs-rock-cac

Match 4

WWE Smackdown 03/10/2002

Chris Benoit vs. Rey Mysterio

We're in the midst of the Smackdown Six at this point. So this should be some good stuff right here. Benoit opens the match by going mental and then lands a Backbreaker. Rey is whipped hard into the corner. Benoit runs into boots and then a Tilt-a-Whirl right into a chop. :lol: Benoit beats Rey all over the place. CRUXIFIX BOMB ... countered into a Rana. La Magistral Cradle from Rey and gets a two count. Wheelbarrow Bulldog gets a two count. Monkey Flip misses, but he still manages to take Benoit to the floor. SPRINGBOARD SOMERSAULT PLANCHA FROM REY TO BENOIT !!! Back into the ring they go. That gets a two count. Forearms from Rey and then a Flapjack into a Backbreaker from Benoit. OUCH ! Rey is whipped hard by Benoit. Back Drop Suplex from Benoit and that gets a two count. Back Body Drop from Benoit. Rey whipped into the corner chest first and then knees to the kidneys and then a kick to the head. Cross Arm Choke from Benoit. Rey counters into the same move. Benoit turns him around and then Rey rolls into a Sunset Flip, but Benoit quickly gets out and hits a Clothesline. HUGE Chop from Benoit. Jesus that one made me cringe. He charges Rey into the top buckle and then again. Stretch to the arms of Rey with the knee in the back. Rey gets out and then a Full Nelson. BRUTAL WHEELBARROW SUPLEX FROM BENOIT !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! SHORT ARM CLOTHESLINE BEHEADS REY !!! Rey into the ropes and he comes out with the Dropkick. Rey with right hands. Some countering leads to a Spinning Heel Kick from Rey. RUNNING DROPKICK TO THE FACE OF BENOIT DOWN IN THE CORNER !!! SPLIT LEGGED MOONSAULT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Some more counters lead to the Enziguri. 619 ... countered into the Shoulder Breaker and now Benoit heading for the top rope. FLYING HEADBUTT FROM BENOIT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! THE CROSSFACE ... REY INTO THE ROPES QUICKLY !!! Rey into the corner. German Suplex blocked. SPRINGBOARD LEG DROP TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD !!! 619 !!! WEST COAST POP FROM REY ... ANGLE COSTS BENOIT !!! RANA FROM REY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Match Winner : Rey Mysterio

Match Rating : ***3/4

Match Comments : This could easily have been on the midcard of a PPV. No lack of effort or big moves and both guys just went all out on each other. Benoit was especially vicious in the middle portion of the match.

Highlight of the Match : Benoit's Wheelbarrow Suplex.

Match 5

WWE Backlash 2005

WWE Intercontinental Championship

Shelton Benjamin © vs. Chris Jericho

After already going on a good IC Title run, Shelton was coming off of his career performance at Wrestlemania 21. WWE decided to capitalise on this and fued him with a big name. Lockup and both men exchange reversals. Arm Drag and an Arm Bar from Shelton gains him a wee bit of control. Jericho then gets an Arm Ringer and Shelton kips up and does so again. Shelton with a lovely escape into an Arm Drag and an Arm Bar. Jericho with a slap to the face which doesn't make Shelton happy and a brawl gets going. Forearms from Jericho and then Shelton. Chopping from Jericho. Shelton into the ropes and he comes out with a kick. Suplex is blocked and then Jericho onto the apron. SUNSET BOMB TO THE FLOOR ... blocked ... REVERSED INTO A RANA ON THE FLOOR !!! Jericho breaks the count and goes out to deal with Shelton and takes the padding off of the railing and drops Shelton on it and sends him back into the ring. Kick to the stomach from Jericho. Delayed Vertical Suplex from Jericho and then the cocky cover gets a one count. Chinlock with a knee in the back of Shelton. Jericho sends Shelton into the ropes and he comes out with a Flying Forearm. Dropkick stops Shelton from getting any momentum and then he chokes Shelton over the bottom rope. More hard chopping from Jericho. Irish Whip and then a Stinger Splash from Shelton and then the Back Drop Suplex. Headbutt from Shelton and then he gets sent into the corner. Bulldog from Jericho. LIONSAULT ... Shelton sends Jericho over the top rope in mid move. Jericho to the top rope and Shelton is fighting with him up there. SHELTON LEAPS ONTO THE TOP ROPE AND HITS A SUPERPLEX !!! The ol' Lance Storm trick there. That gets a two count for Shelton. HUUUUUGE Flapjack gets a two count for Shelton. Sleeper Hold with the Body Scissors from Shelton. Exchange of strikes after the exchange and then both men hit a Clothesline on each other. Stinger Splash misses from Shelton and then Jericho runs on the back. Drop Toe Hold sends Shelton over the middle rope. Jericho into the ropes but he runs into the Samoan Drop ! That gets a two count. Shelton runs into a boot. RUNNING ENZIGURI FROM JERICHO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Shelton into the ropes and he gets tossed onto the apron. SPRINGBOARD BULLDOG FROM SHELTON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Shelton almost blew that, but it was an impressive move. WALLS OF JERICHO ... Shelton escapes. THE T-BONE POWERSLAM ON JERICHO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... JERICHO IS IN THE ROPES !!! He drags him into the middle of the ring and gets a two count. T-BONE POWERSLAM ... escaped. Spinning Heel Kick from Shelton ... COUNTERED INTO THE WALLS OF JERICHO !!! Shelton is now fighting his way to the ropes and he gets there. The fans aren't pleased. Kick to the stomach and then more kicks. JERICHO WALKS RIGHT INTO THE HURRICANE KICK FROM SHELTON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Jericho into the ropes and Shelton misses a Dropkick. LIONSAULT ... hits the knees ... WALLS OF JERICHO INTO A PINFALL REVERAL SEQUENCE WHICH SHELTON GETS THE BETTER OFF !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Match Winner : Shelton Benjamin

Match Rating : ***1/2

Match Comments : The action in this match was smooth as hell most of the way, but at times it was almost TOO crisp, like it looked rehearsed. We know it is, but we don't need to have it made so clear to us. The match was mainly a showcase of Shelton Benjamin with a competitive edge thrown in by the crafty veteran in Chris Jericho. The match was pretty good.

Highlight of the Match : Shelton's leaping Superplex.

Match 6

WWE Judgement Day 2003

WWE Tag Team Championships

Ladder Match

Eddie Guerrero and Tajiri © vs. Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin

This is the blowoff to a fued between Team Angle and Los Guerreros, but Chavo Guerrero picked up a fairly serious injury so Tajiri came in as a replacement. We start with assorted brawling. Eddie gets whipped into a ladder. Tajiri and Haas in the ring and a Spinning Heel Kick from Tajiri. Buzzsaw Kick coming but Shelton attacks from behind. Choke with the boot from Haas. Tajiri into the ropes and a Double Back Elbow from Team Angle. Eddie Guerrero gets into the ring but Shelton anticipated that and goes on the attack. Gorilla Press Slam/Gutbuster from Team Angle on Eddie and then they head for a ladder. Tajiri blows a big move. Eddie doesn't. Shelton has no luck in ladder matches, does he ? Team Angle have a ladder set up. Handspring Back Elbow sends Team Angle off of the ladder and in comes Eddie. Baseball Slide sends the ladder into Shelton's face. EDDIE AND TAJIRI SEND A LADDER LOW WITH STEREO DROPKICKS !!! Eddie and Tajiri now bring another ladder into the ring. European Uppercut sends Haas onto a ladder. It's a sandwich. SLINGSHOT SENTON ONTO THE LADDER SANDWICH FROM EDDIE !!! Tajiri is now setting the ladder in the ring and is heading for the gold. TAJIRI GETS PULLED DOWN AND HIS JAW BOUNCES OFF OF THE BOTTOM RUNG !!! Eddie with a Dropkick sending Shelton off of the ladder. Ladder now set against the corner. Right hands from Eddie. T-BONE POWERSLAM SENDS EDDIE INTO THE LADDER !!! Tajiri is put on the ladder and then a Body Slam from Shelton. Haas puts Tajiri on the ladder against the ropes and Shelton climbs another one. THE AWA SPECIAL FROM TEAM ANGLE WITH THE LADDERS !!! HOLY SHIIIIIIIIIIT !!! Haas is now climbing the ladder but Eddie into the ring. HE PUSHES THE LADDER OVER AND HAAS LANDS ON HIS HEAD ON THE FLOOR !!! JESUS CHRIST !!! Eddie now has the ladder wedged between the top and middle buckles. Eddie is whipped HARD into the ladder by Shelton. Tajiri kicks the ladder into the head of others. SUPERKICKS ON HAAS AND THEN SHELTON !!! Tajiri now has the ladder and he rams both members of Team Angle with the ladder. Tajiri into the corner. TARANTULA ON HAAS !!! SHELTON BREAKS THAT WITH A LADDER TO THE HEAD !!! Team Angle are now beating on Eddie in the ring. EDDIE MONKEY FLIPS SHELTON INTO THE LADDER AND HAAS !!! Suplex then drops Shelton over the top rope. Haas is sent out of the ring and Eddie now wants to head for the gold. Haas into the ring and then Eddie has to fight off both men. Eddie heads for the gold again. Eddie kicks down Shelton. EDDIE WITH THE FROG SPLASH FROM THE TOP OF THE LADDER !!! This now gives Haas a chance to head for the gold though. Haas is now climbing and Eddie is going to climb the other side. Haas and Eddie fight at the top. SUNSET BOMB OFF OF THE LADDER FROM EDDIE TO HAAS !!! Eddie is heading for the gold. Tajiri climbs the other side. GREEN MIST TO SHELTON !!! WE HAVE WINNERS !!!

Match Winners : Eddie Guerrero and Tajiri

Match Rating : ***3/4

Match Comments : Can't go for 4* in good conscience as there was some majorly botched stuff, but this was spectacular stuff. You could tell that not much had been planned for Tajiri as he didn't do many moves. He DID take a couple of big 'uns though, but nothing that Chavo wouldn't have taken himself. It's still a very good match given the circumstances.

Highlight of the Match : Ladder assisted AWA Special from Team Angle. Brilliant move.

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Match 3

WWE RAW 07/02/2000

DX and The Radials vs. The Rock, Cactus Jack, Too Cool and Rikishi

This match is seen as one of the best matches on RAW ever. Loads of cool stuff going into this one. The match kicks off without Rikishi and Too Cool getting there, and all of a sudden this one is going CRAZY. Rock and HHH head up the ramp and the crowd is HOT. HHH Suplexed on the ramp. Pac left in the ring with someone but who cares ? Ah, we're in the ring with Sexay and Pac. Sexay with right hands in the corner and then Pac sends him into the ropes. Neckbreaker from Sexay and then he misses a Knee Drop. In comes Saturn who runs into a Powerslam and in comes Scotty. Double Elbow Drop and then right hands from Scotty. Bulldog from Sexay. W-O-R-M ... THE WORM !!! Saturn sends Scotty into a cheap shot by Malenko and then hits a Belly 2 Belly and in comes Malenko. Scotty runs into a Dropkick and then into the corner with Scotty and a Clothesline. Reverse Suplex from Scotty and in comes Rikishi. Malenko sends him into the corner, but that does no good. Malenko into the ropes and Rikishi tries to land his weight on him. Here comes Benoit. Samoan Drop from Kishi. BENOIT WITH A RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX ON RIKISHI !!! WHOA !!! Belly 2 Belly Suplex from Rikishi to Benoit. Butt Bump and then in comes Cactus. INSANE pace ! Beat down in the corner and then he goes after HHH and sends him onto the announce table and then Saturn throws Cactus back into the ring. HHH is now in the ring with Cactus and he beats him down in the corner. HHH then shoves down the referee. HHH walks into a right hand. Pac into the ring. Swinging Neckbreaker from Foley. IN COMES THE ROCK !!! He plays house on fire. Spinebusters ahoy ! ROCK BOTTOM ON PAC !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... HHH SAVES !!! ALL SORTS GOING ON !!! BRONCO BUSTER ON ROCK ... HE EXPLODES OUT OF THE CORNER WITH A CLOTHESLINE !!! SEXAY IN WITH THE TOP ROPE LEG DROP !!! SPINNING HEEL KICK FROM PAC !!! SOMEONE SAVE MY FINGERS !!! Sexay into the ropes and the High Knee from HHH. Finally a wee bit of rest as Saturn comes in. Sexay hit with a Clothesline and in comes Benoit. Double Back Elbow and then the double snot drop. Back Drop Suplex from Benoit gets a two count. HHH distracts the babyfaces and then the beatdown commences behind the referee's back. Suplex and a beauty from HHH and in comes Saturn with a Running Leg Drop for a two count. Chops from Saturn. In comes Malenko. Double Dropkick. Shades of the Midnights. In comes Benoit again. DOUBLE DDT AND SEXAY IS BACK IN THE MATCH !!! IN COMES CACTUS AND HE'S GOING CRAZY ON BENOIT !!! The match then breaks down. PEDIGREE ON SEXAY !!! BENOIT WITH THE FLYING HEADBUTT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Match Winners : DX and The Radicals

Match Rating : ****1/2

Match Comments : Thank the good lord that one is over. Absolute murder to keep up with it. The absolutely insane heat and the frightening pace that they managed to keep makes this a must watch.

Highlight of the Match : Benoit's power show, hitting the German Suplex on Rikishi.

Keep watching at the end for one of the truly great WWE moments of 2000. Poor quality, but it didn't hinder it for me. http://www.dailymoti...als-vs-rock-cac

Fuckin hell that was an awesome match. I've been wanting to see that for years and years. Pace of the match and the crowd were just electric.

Who exactly is the smackdown six btw? Benoit, Angle, Rey, Edge, Taker and Lesnar? I'm just guessing but is that right?

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Smackdown is incredibly shite.

Undertaker & Batista are responsible for that, It's still miles better than the abortion that is Monday Night Raw though.

ECW is the best wrestling show around & has been for some time

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