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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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His promo work is a lot better I reckon. I loved it when he was ripping Magnus a new one. He was a complete one trick pony in WWE, although in saying that, he did show glimpses of cracking promo work when he was fueding with The Undertaker. He practically carried that fued on the mic. Agree on the shit wrestler part though.

The forums I go on seem to be largely in favour of The Nasty Boys after being initially hesistant with them being Hogan's mates. It's amazing how good shape Saggs is in ! Knobbs looks well out of it right now, but that doesn't seem to matter, because I really wanna see Team 3D vs. The Nasty Boys. From the very first time The Nasty Boys appeared, you knew there were good times ahead. Team 3D have pulled their weight big time as well in this fued. It's all good.

The new regime doesn't like MCMG. Amazingly enough, they like Beer Money Inc., so I'm not sure where they're gonna fit in. They don't like the Suicide character, so you won't be seeing that again. They don't like Daniels, Homicide and The British Invasion as a group, but you might see some singles stuff from them. I personally thought The British Invasion was one of the more fun gimmicks in TNA, but since Hogoff seem to have a good handle on things, so I'm willing to let it all slide. :P

They'll hate The Young Bucks though, which is a shame, because I adore them.

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Seriously? He's still shit. All thats changed is his name. Shit gimmick, shit wrestler.

I was on a wrestling forum the other day and was reading how much everyone hates the latest incarnation of The Nasty Boyz....I'm fucking loving them. Obvoiusly not wrestling wise but the gimmick is so entertaining.

AJ and Flair are great together. AJ is playing the role well and it was a smart idea to turn him heel have the partnership with Flair.

I couldn't care less about Pope when he was in WWE, but now, he's a fucking herolaugh.gif .

To be honest, TNA has me far more entertained than WWE at the moment. As well as the wrestlers I've mentioned, I'm enjoying the non-wrestling characters.. ie. Foley, Bischoff and to an extent Jarrett.

The only thing I've got to complain about them is the lack of MCMG and Beer Money.

In all serious though, Pope is infact "pimpin"

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They way you referred to Theadore by his last name had me in stitches. Was very funny actually seeing Carlito stopping Long from falling flap on his head, imagine a lasp in concentration from Carlito and Theadore was in trouble there.

Believe that playa

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Good episode of Raw this week - sets things up nicely on a few fronts.

I have to say RAW this week was one of the best I've watched in a long time, for some reason it never annoyed me as much as it has done recently. I think I'm just a bit chuffed that DX are now over, HHH and HBK are far better on their own, well for my personal viewing anyway.

Is it just me who thinks HHH looked so uncomfortable wearing all the DX merch and having to parade back stage and do stuff like a 12 year old? I would love to see HHH turn heel instead of HBK but that's not gonna happen mad.gif

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I have to add my name to the list of those who despise R Truth. The guy is just fucking shit. He was shit as K Kwik, he was shit as Ron Killings, he was probably a shit rape in prison.

He is shit.

Edited by DA Baracus
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I have to add my name to the list of those who despise R Truth. The guy is just fucking shit. He was shit as K Kwik, he was shit as Ron Killings, he was probably a shit rape in prison.

He is shit.


Everything about him is shit, even just looking at him without all the ghastly moves he does in the ring, his entrance and his character you just think right away..... How shit is this guy.

I know I mentioned it before but I hate that move he does when he ducks then does the splits, surely someone should take him a side and tell him that 1. It's out of time to what is actually going on in the ring and 2. You look like a complete and utter fanny.

I honestly can't believe he put a few people out in the Royal Rumble and also had the cheek to win a fight on Smackdown, surely he's not going to be given a push? Apart from a bunch of kids in the crown shouting 'WHATS UP' back at him what else has he got?


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Sure I read somewhere that WWE wanted more black stars. That'll be why, because I refuse to accept R Truth is considered entertaining by anyone over the age of 12.

Edited by Liam'
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Sure I read somewhere that WWE wanted more black stars. That'll be why, because I refuse to accept R Truth is considered entertaining by anyone over the age of 12.

That's the important audience Liam, but if you notice, he doesn't get much of a reaction from them either.

They are really pushing for R-Truth to be big. The thing is, they have Big Zeke. Not a great wrestler, but he looks like a tank and has a decent bit of charisma. They COULD push him to be big.

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If they want to push a black wrestler then it has to be Shelton Benjamin. Sure Benjamin may not be the greatest on the mic but i think that he has been improving ever since he became a face, the guy is clearly more suited to being a good guy than a heel as the fans are right behind him.

Additionally, Benjamin is a great athlete and has a lot of ability (unlike R Truth), the problem is that he has been placed in many fueds over the last year or two with people who aren't very good. You can see that when Benjamin works with talented individuals like Christian the match is a big success.

I would have him move to Smackdown and fued with Drew McIntyre over the Intercontinental Title and then slowly push him up against the likes of CM Punk.

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I remember when Benjamin got a major push years back and the guy was a revelation. I read somewhere he pissed off a wwe road agent, or someone like that backstage, and since then all they do is keep him down. If they werent so petty they could still make him a big star. Great athlete and he always steals the show in the money in the bank matches at wrestlemania. I think if he went to TNA then the X divison would suit him down to the ground.

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