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Mo Wonderboy

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Why ? I'd certainly not be fussed by either man wanting to wrestle for the top promotion in the world. Would be a huge oppertunity for them.

Their careers would be down the drain within 6 months and would be back in TNA within a year. Plus TNA are on the up, they are established main eventer in TNA and why would you want to risk that and go to another company. Look at where Christain Cage just spent the last year of his career after being an established main eventer.

Not to mention Chris Harris said that his time in WWE was the worst in his life he said.

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Their careers would be down the drain within 6 months and would be back in TNA within a year. Plus TNA are on the up, they are established main eventer in TNA and why would you want to risk that and go to another company. Look at where Christain Cage just spent the last year of his career after being an established main eventer.

Not to mention Chris Harris said that his time in WWE was the worst in his life he said.

To Chris Harris first. The reason he went nowhere was because he wasn't very good. His bombing could be seen coming a mile off. He was the weak link in America's Most Wanted. TNA tried pushing him down everyone's throat and it didn't work. I'm not sure why anyone would expect it to work in WWE.

As for TNA being on the up and up, that's speculation.

As for Christian being where he is now, the ECW Title probably means more than the TNA one. Thankfully the Hogoff regime are doing their bit to rectify this. Christian has a good spot though in the upper midcard of WWE.

As far as careers going down the drain, who says that the likes of AJ Styles and Samoa Joe couldn't flourish ? Well, the current incarnation of Joe looks like a fat backayrder so he probably WOULD go down the drain, but AJ Styles has the potential to go far, much like the success stories that have come before.

Wanting to prove yourself on the biggest stage of them all isn't a reason to lose respect for someone, and if they tried and failed at it, then they'd have at least gave it a shot, and the door would be open in TNA.

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To Chris Harris first. The reason he went nowhere was because he wasn't very good. His bombing could be seen coming a mile off. He was the weak link in America's Most Wanted. TNA tried pushing him down everyone's throat and it didn't work. I'm not sure why anyone would expect it to work in WWE.

As for TNA being on the up and up, that's speculation.

As for Christian being where he is now, the ECW Title probably means more than the TNA one. Thankfully the Hogoff regime are doing their bit to rectify this. Christian has a good spot though in the upper midcard of WWE.

As far as careers going down the drain, who says that the likes of AJ Styles and Samoa Joe couldn't flourish ? Well, the current incarnation of Joe looks like a fat backayrder so he probably WOULD go down the drain, but AJ Styles has the potential to go far, much like the success stories that have come before.

Wanting to prove yourself on the biggest stage of them all isn't a reason to lose respect for someone, and if they tried and failed at it, then they'd have at least gave it a shot, and the door would be open in TNA.

I am not for one minute saying Chris Harris was a decent wrestler, far from it. All I was saying was then when we was there he had a horrid time. And I agree Storm carried AMW. I have my photo with them in 2004 for the record.

Regarding the ECW title, hardly TNA have already beaten ECW in the ratings so if that is anything to go by then the TNA title is much more significant. WWE only care about people with a strong gimmick that will make them money and due to AJ's mic ability I don't think he'd be a hit in WWE. I suppose I just hate the WWE product right now and want them to fail miserably for subjecting viewers to so much crap over the past 5 years.

Michael's obvious over-selling made that match brilliant. It was also very iconic. Listen, the Rock match with Hogan at WM18 was hardly a classic, but it was still enjoyable to watch!

Nothing iconic about Michaels overselling Hogan, it made it all silly and the match couldn't be taken seriously. And Hogan and Rock was enjoyable because because the Rock was involved.

A couple of points:

1. Cena v Batista at the PPV was amazing. Well done to Batista for finally managing to go a full match without botching.

2. WWE fans are fucking stupid; http://www.midwestambulance.com/

That is shocking.....

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Sure we could discuss whether TNA is just another diddy promotion or whether Batista is a walking talking pimpmobile or whether Sheamus is scared of the local sun tanning salon the fact is we have our new World Heavyweight Champion. He is the man who is the best in the world at what he does and once more proving it by destroying Undertaker (RIP bitch!), hell the Deadman may be able to survive fire but he can't defeat the greatest force in the world that is Chris Jericho! 8)


Jericho vs Edge at Wrestlemania equals epic proportions, who cares about Taker/HBK or Cena/Batista when you get the two best superstars in the WWE one on one against each other at the grandest stage of them all.


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I am not for one minute saying Chris Harris was a decent wrestler, far from it. All I was saying was then when we was there he had a horrid time. And I agree Storm carried AMW. I have my photo with them in 2004 for the record.

I should also note that he was out of shape at the time he went to WWE. Did you see that debut on ECW. :lol:

Regarding the ECW title, hardly TNA have already beaten ECW in the ratings so if that is anything to go by then the TNA title is much more significant. WWE only care about people with a strong gimmick that will make them money and due to AJ's mic ability I don't think he'd be a hit in WWE. I suppose I just hate the WWE product right now and want them to fail miserably for subjecting viewers to so much crap over the past 5 years.

TNA gets it's rating because of an overall product, much of which isn't aimed at the top prize. ECW had a product where everything going on in the hour of wrestling revolved around either 1) getting a shot at the title or 2) wanting a shot at the title. Every title reign seemed to have some length to it and when the next guy won, it was a big deal. I couldn't name most of the TNA champs. I could probably name every single ECW champ though.

WWE only care about people with a strong gimmick that will make them money and due to AJ's mic ability I don't think he'd be a hit in WWE. I suppose I just hate the WWE product right now and want them to fail miserably for subjecting viewers to so much crap over the past 5 years.

Surely you'd much rather WWE had another boom period and put on great shows week after week again ? Why would any wrestling fan want any different ? I know I'd much rather see good than shite, and with the guys in WWE, we know they are capable of it. Hell, see the Mania card currently for proof that WWE can put on a good show. You can also see a lot of last year's PPVs for evidence of the same.

Is Shaemus a good guy?

No. He's a c**t. You should get on splendidly.

And yeah, Jericho holding the gold is great. Lovely to see he's now getting two reigns where he's not going to be treated like a fool.

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I should also note that he was out of shape at the time he went to WWE. Did you see that debut on ECW. laugh.gif

TNA gets it's rating because of an overall product, much of which isn't aimed at the top prize. ECW had a product where everything going on in the hour of wrestling revolved around either 1) getting a shot at the title or 2) wanting a shot at the title. Every title reign seemed to have some length to it and when the next guy won, it was a big deal. I couldn't name most of the TNA champs. I could probably name every single ECW champ though.

Surely you'd much rather WWE had another boom period and put on great shows week after week again ? Why would any wrestling fan want any different ? I know I'd much rather see good than shite, and with the guys in WWE, we know they are capable of it. Hell, see the Mania card currently for proof that WWE can put on a good show. You can also see a lot of last year's PPVs for evidence of the same.

Nope just started watching again January 4th so I didn't see Harris in ECW.

But I'm not too sure about that. How could you not be hooked on TNA say they had a storyline of a similar magnitude to Sting vs Hogan or an nWo-like storyline which could change the fortunes of the entire company.

Thing is, I'm much more interested in Sting, Hogan, Angle and Joe compared to Edge, Sheamus, Cena and Orton.

Wresltemania has always been a great show and I near enough watch it every year but it's only 1 show.

Dunno if you saw TNA last week but where do you think the Joe kidnapping storyline is going?

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But I'm not too sure about that. How could you not be hooked on TNA say they had a storyline of a similar magnitude to Sting vs Hogan or an nWo-like storyline which could change the fortunes of the entire company.

They don't though. That'd be like saying "what if WWE had that ?". Neither of them has. There's lots of good in TNA at the moment, but that's not to say WWE hasn't been good. The lead up to Wrestlemania has been great fun. The Hart/Cena/McMahon/Batista stuff has been dramatic enough. CM Punk has been a revelation, and especially since the Rumble. Chris Jericho is Chris Jericho. Drew McIntyre. :D Crazy Shawn. The Legacy's split.

Wresltemania has always been a great show and I near enough watch it every year but it's only 1 show.

Backlash was good fun last year. TLC was good fun. Breaking Point was terrific, as was Summerslam. Most of the PPVs were solid outside of that. Only one which really failed was Royal Rumble.

I think they're doing something fairly essential with Joe. A way of repackaging. As for who done it ... Rikishi did it.

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They don't though. That'd be like saying "what if WWE had that ?". Neither of them has. There's lots of good in TNA at the moment, but that's not to say WWE hasn't been good. The lead up to Wrestlemania has been great fun. The Hart/Cena/McMahon/Batista stuff has been dramatic enough. CM Punk has been a revelation, and especially since the Rumble. Chris Jericho is Chris Jericho. Drew McIntyre. biggrin.gif Crazy Shawn. The Legacy's split.

Backlash was good fun last year. TLC was good fun. Breaking Point was terrific, as was Summerslam. Most of the PPVs were solid outside of that. Only one which really failed was Royal Rumble.

I think they're doing something fairly essential with Joe. A way of repackaging. As for who done it ... Rikishi did it.

That may well be but I will admit that I just want to see TNA succeed.

I hear Haku had been around in the back at TNA for several weeks now.

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Elimination Chamber. :huh:

Haha, I meant the time they had a proper match on ppv, I canny mind when it was. Anyone know?

Jericho vs Edge at Wrestlemania equals epic proportions, who cares about Taker/HBK or Cena/Batista when you get the two best superstars in the WWE one on one against each other at the grandest stage of them all.


You a woofter?

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