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Mo Wonderboy

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Jericho vs Edge at Wrestlemania equals epic proportions, who cares about Taker/HBK or Cena/Batista when you get the two best superstars in the WWE one on one against each other at the grandest stage of them all.


The Jericho promo on Monday night was brilliant - he's fully deserving of this latest run.

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The Jericho promo on Monday night was brilliant - he's fully deserving of this latest run.

Agreed, it kinda reminded me off his Y2J character last night with him jumping around saying "i'm going to Wrestlemania baby"!

Jericho is the most deserving person to hold the World Heavyweight Championship right now, considering he has spent the last year and a half making the Intercontinental title and Tag Team titles relevant again.

Also he is clearly the WWE's most reliable guy considering he has spent more time on both Raw and Smackdown in the last year than any other superstar, hell he even popped into ECW a couple of times. He works a lot of matches and never gets injured, also he manages to keep his character interesting...i loved it when he came out the chamber when Taker was down then when Taker sat up Jericho went f**k that and hid back in the chamber. :lol:

I can't wait to see Edge vs Jericho at Wrestlemania as it's a match which i've always wanted to see plus it's fresh and if both guys wrestle to their potential it's simply going to be a classic. Jericho will probably only have the title until Wrestlemania as Edge needs to win the title clean to put himself fully over as a good guy and show that he doesn't have to cheat to win. Nevertheless hopefully Jericho gets another run with the belt this year.

Also i wasn't meaning to sound negative about Cena/Batista and HBK/Taker because i think both will be excellent matches. HBK/Taker doesn't need much explaining considering their history and chemistry while Cena/Batista is the true "good vs evil" match at Wrestlemania this year. Although in saying in that i'm much more looking forward to Edge vs Jericho since they are both my favourite superstars.

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This Orton and Legacy thing is intriguing but it also confusing me, i don't know whether they're all heel or whether Orton is now a tweener.

It's obvious that the WWE writers wanted to turn DiBiase face however recently Orton has been getting a lot of loud crowd reactions (in a good way) and has been made to look a lot weaker lately. Examples include his fued with Sheamus, while Rhodes has been screwing up his matches and DiBiase eliminated him at the Elimination Chamber. Additionally it looked like Rhodes/DiBiase had a plan to take Orton out on Raw yet he was one step ahead and DDT'd Rhodes and RKO'd DiBiase to protect himself.

If Orton becomes a tweener then i think it's a good move as i think he would be kick ass at being the guy who just takes out everyone regardless of whether they're heel or face...the question is whether he will turn tweener, or has he already? :unsure:

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The Jericho promo on Monday night was brilliant - he's fully deserving of this latest run.

Agreed, Jericho is the best guy in WWE the now.

But I was just reading up on this NXT show that starts tonight and realised that all the WWE 'Pros' are mid-card guys and then one of them is the World Heavyweight Champion :lol:

I just found something that I didn't know about NXT prior:

Variety Magazine recently did an in-depth piece on WWE NXT and its reality concept.

The show will "pair up eight of WWE's current stars with rookies that come from Florida Championship Wrestling".

It appears that they'll be breaking Kayfabe a lot more than first thought. The article continues, "WWE has long kept that a secret from fans, opting to produce shows that turn its athletes into colorful characters involved in over-the-top storylines. But "NXT" will have pros mentoring rookies, with egos often getting in the way, as they learn the ropes of competing in the ring in front of live audiences, creating characters and speaking on camera."

There will be several seasons a year where successful rookies will progress to the main Raw or Smackdown rosters.

Interesting to read that they plan on breaking Kayfabe, cosidering the whole Wrestling business is build around Kayfabe.

I wonder then does this mean that the WWE Pros are just gonna be themselves when tutoring and on-camera with theses 'Rookies'? Because I would think having Chris Jericho on Raw and Smackdown everyweek being the cocky, arrogant brilliant heel that he is, would be completely pointless if he was just himself on NXT.

I really hope that they dont break Kayfabe too much and that the Pros keep there gimmicks while doing this show. I think some of the partnerships could lead to people being tag teams and it could lead others into fueds, especially with The Miz and Daniel Bryan. I think it'll be great watching The Miz tutoring someone and I am really looking forward to this show. And I aint looked forward to a WWE show in a long time.

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Agreed, Jericho is the best guy in WWE the now.

But I was just reading up on this NXT show that starts tonight and realised that all the WWE 'Pros' are mid-card guys and then one of them is the World Heavyweight Champion laugh.gif

I just found something that I didn't know about NXT prior:

Interesting to read that they plan on breaking Kayfabe, cosidering the whole Wrestling business is build around Kayfabe.

I wonder then does this mean that the WWE Pros are just gonna be themselves when tutoring and on-camera with theses 'Rookies'? Because I would think having Chris Jericho on Raw and Smackdown everyweek being the cocky, arrogant brilliant heel that he is, would be completely pointless if he was just himself on NXT.

I really hope that they dont break Kayfabe too much and that the Pros keep there gimmicks while doing this show. I think some of the partnerships could lead to people being tag teams and it could lead others into fueds, especially with The Miz and Daniel Bryan. I think it'll be great watching The Miz tutoring someone and I am really looking forward to this show. And I aint looked forward to a WWE show in a long time.

Jericho has been far and away the best in the company for the past 18 months+.

On the point about NXT, if they indeed plan on breaking kayfabe then I for one won't be watching. You'd be aswell watching Hogans Celebrity Wrestling. Also I think they included Jericho as a mentor to throw people off the scent of his win on Sunday. I wouldn't be surprised if he was pulled and replaced by someone else.

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Found a stream in the end, and this is a must-see.

Bryan being made to seem like he can legitimately hang with the best.... Punk openly saying he doesn't want to be there and acting irritated by his rookie... Michael Cole representing the stereotypical WWE way of thinking and Matthews playing the smark... New camera angles giving the show a unique feel. Great stuff all round.

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Surely for the next 4 weeks we can expect no more pish like Divas on bucking broncos on Raw?

Yeah, that was utterly pointless - not even ShowMiz could save that. I don't think there's too much life left in the Guest Host thing anyway, though it had been decent in recent weeks with Shatner and Springer. Austin is booked in for March 15th and The Rock has been touted for a slot in the future as well. Apart from that, there aren't really any inspired choices left.

Can't say I am happy about the HBK/Taker rematch. No way could it ever be as good as last year. Shawn retiring Mark after retiring Rik though. Hmmm.

It's only HBK's career that's on the line.

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Yeah, that was utterly pointless - not even ShowMiz could save that. I don't think there's too much life left in the Guest Host thing anyway, though it had been decent in recent weeks with Shatner and Springer. Austin is booked in for March 15th and The Rock has been touted for a slot in the future as well. Apart from that, there aren't really any inspired choices left.

It's only HBK's career that's on the line.

To be fair, it gave me a boner.

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NXT certainly seems like a reality TV show that will centre around Bryan Danielson. It's a great idea to pair him with the Miz considering the momentum Miz has with him being the US Champion and one half of the tag team champions as it will help Danielson to get over, although he really needs to change his ring gear. In saying that, his first match was against the World Champion and that says it all, the WWE are clearly high on him.

However most of the other rookies didn't impress me. One in particular stuck out and that was Darren Young, i thought Sheamus had a problem with his skin well this guy needs to be stuck in a freezer to see if his ridiculous tan wears off. Also Heath Ledger sucks and doesn't have the look to be a WWE superstar.

Will this show be much of a success? i'm not sure but time will tell.

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