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Mo Wonderboy

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I just watched Starrcade '97 for the first time there. Been meaning to for years. Cant remember a PPV with such a big fight feel about it. Very rare to see the crowd, announcers etc into a match so much. Every single thing Hogan or Sting done, the crowd erupted. Wasn't a great match but much like Hogan/Rock at WM18, the crowd, announcers etc made the match.

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Batista can work great matches when he can be bothered, Cena gets a lot of shit that he "can't wrestle"...yet he has put on a hell of a lot of good matches. Although if there was one criticism of Cena it would be that he needs to sometimes mix his moves up a bit yet on the whole Cena doesn't deserve the abuse as he is a talented wrestler.

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Ric Flair in the late 80s and early 90s, a time that was considered one of his best times, he was very much a formula wrestler in the mould that Cena is. The same can be said for Bret Hart's career for the most part. Both men, and Cena, could mix it up with different opponents though and it could usually work. Yet the former wrestlers won't get the stick for it and the latter will.

Sting vs. Hogan was a fucking wretched match in which Hogan tried, and succeeded, to make Sting's title win look like gash, and yes, he DID have a lot to do with how it was booked.

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I just noticed that Destination X is tonight. TNA have done there usual best in not promoting Jeff Hardy or RVD or even put them in a match with someone.

You would think they would be trying there best to get their new talent over but instead put on a ppv with a bunch of cruiserweights.

I dont know why anyone in the US, with Wrestlemania next Sunday, would spend money on TNA's PPV tonight.

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Destination X is a minor PPV so they decided to make it an X Division showcase. I don't really have an issue with that. Lockdown is apparently a major, so they'll be keeping the PPV debut of RVD for that. One of the more sensible things they have done recently.

The reason they'd spend money on it is because, on paper, it actually looks pretty tasty. There's four matches on there that I really want to see and another couple that COULD be entertaining.

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Ah Wrestling, along with poker and football, one of my favourite things. I can't pretend I've just read the last 148 pages but I'll try to contribute in the future. My best memory of Wrestling was when I went to Wrestlemania 20 at Madison Square Garden (i've still got the chair in my house). It wasn't the best Wrestemania (think X-7 gets that) but it was such an experience to actually be there.

As for this years Wrestlemania, I'm hoping that it will be much better that the Royal Rumble. I do though have my reservations,

HHH vs Sheamus, seems to have been thrown together at the last minute to give Hunter something to do.

Ditto the tag team title match

Money in the Bank, probably too many folk in it, wrestlers like Kane should be no where near this.

I'm expecting some sort of swerve in the Legacy triple threat match but the quality should be ok.

Y2J vs Edge seems to have been set up so that Edge can win the World title back, Jericho will never be a main eventer and screams of "transitional champ".

Cena vs Batista features 2 of the worst workers in the company, they will probably take every short cut in the book to make it more interesting, which leads onto

Vince vs Bret, which, for all the hype around Bret Harts return to the ring, he can't work anymore and Vince isn't a worker. Can't help but think these to matches will be intertwined/

The only match I can think be guaranteed to be of a high standard is HBK vs Undertaker, although it seems unlikely, with all the expectation, that they will be able to top last year.

Excellent post and all not far from the truth. Have a green thing.

Ric Flair in the late 80s and early 90s, a time that was considered one of his best times, he was very much a formula wrestler in the mould that Cena is. The same can be said for Bret Hart's career for the most part. Both men, and Cena, could mix it up with different opponents though and it could usually work. Yet the former wrestlers won't get the stick for it and the latter will.

Sting vs. Hogan was a fucking wretched match in which Hogan tried, and succeeded, to make Sting's title win look like gash, and yes, he DID have a lot to do with how it was booked.

Starrcade 97 is up there with being one of the best rivalrys there ever will be. Agree though Hogan basically dominated Sting the whole match. What did Hogan have to do with it? Just curious....

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He had creative control and basically controlled the match. He basically wanted to avoid losing completely clean, and that's why they did the "fast count" shit. He basically dominated and won the match before the match was restarted making Sting look like absolute shit.

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Batista? Naw

Cena? Definetly...I'm confident the two pull a shit hot match out at Mania.

I've just been reading this and found it **ahem** quite interesting.

A letter to Linda McMahon

Just read that. She's fucked. The entire thing was doomed from the start and was folly and/or arrogance of the highest order to even think it was remotely plausible. They just cannot answer those points addressed in the letter. They have no comeback and no excuse, especially regarding the points about steroid abuse. She and the WWE have been shown to be liars when it comes down to this issue and have been shown to be doing the bare minimum about steroid and drug abuse in the WWE.

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Didnt want to limit this to a top 5, as there over 200 matches to choose from! My wrestling fanfare goes back as far as WMVII so here are some of the matches and no doubt the order will change.

1. HBK vs Taker WM25 - In my opinion the best match I have ever seen.

2. Austin vs Rock WM17 - Despite the poor heel turn at the end, an absolute classic.

3. MITB 1 WM21 - Innovative, and immensley entertaining. Shelton Benjamin has never performed any better!

4. Macho Man vs Ultimate Warrior WM7 - Not everyone's cup of tea, but over 20 minutes of a story told superbly well.

5. HBK - Razor Ramon WM10 - This might seem dated now, but at the time it was off the chart in terms of violence and how they both used the ladder.

6. Rowdy Roddy Piper vs Bret Hart - WM8 - Again, a great piece of storytelling, and Piper has never been in a better match.

7. Brock Lesnar vs Kurt Angle Wm19 - Despite the botched ending where Lesnar nearly killed himself, a clinic of a match before hand, amazing considering the condition of Angle's neck.

8. HHH vs Undertaker WM17 - A very under-rated and overlooked match, but they put on a great match for me, with a sick bump at a sound stage if i recall correctly.

9. Jericho vs HBK - WM19 - In a WM that had some very strong matches, the chemistry between these two was electric and it was great to See Michaels back at a Wrestlemania.

10 Bret Hart vs Owen Hart WM10 - What a way to open the show, and who would have guessed that the Rocket would get one over on his big brother.

Plenty more could be added but those are the 10 that spring to mind off the bat.

Edited by Clyde4life
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For those that dont want Destination X to be spoiled, look away now.

For those that have seen it or dont care. Feast your eyes on the epic last few minutes of the PPV, here. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Read the spoilers earlier today of how it ended and thought it was pathetic, even if it was normal speed, it looks just that.

Although i'm a wwe guy, i thought the latest tna ppv was for x division only?

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For those that dont want Destination X to be spoiled, look away now.

For those that have seen it or dont care. Feast your eyes on the epic last few minutes of the PPV, here. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Maybe that's why I don't watch TNA? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

That's better than WWE, is it?

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8. HHH vs Undertaker WM17 - A very under-rated and overlooked match, but they put on a great match for me, with a sick bump at a sound stage if i recall correctly.

Yeah it looked sick at first. Then the camera cut to reveal a big fucking crash mat :lol:

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Although i'm a wwe guy, i thought the latest tna ppv was for x division only?

I think it was to showcase the X Division, I dont care about TNA enough to know if they usually do it x division only.

My only reason for watching TNA is for Hall and Nash.

Maybe that's why I don't watch TNA? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

That's better than WWE, is it?

Who said it was? The ending was stupid, and some guy decided to make a take the piss video out of it which is pretty funny. What the hell made you bring up the WWE is better than TNA stuff?

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