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Mo Wonderboy

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I know it's been discussed several times before but watching that final Batista-Cena segment just made me realise how good a Cena heel turn could actually be! I hope it happens some time after WrestleMania, and hopefully while he's holding the belt.

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I'm sorry but how many times has that promo been cut by Cena over the past 5 years. "Woooo look I've been taking a beating for a while but I'll still beat you come *insert PPV name here*". Same old, didn't get me fired up or ready for Wrestlemania.

Batista cuts a good promo at the start.

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Just seen some TNA stuff online, specifically stuff between Abyss and Hogan. Dreadful, just fucking dreadful. Abyss just now looks like a crybaby fanboy. He looks like he should be nowhere near the main event scene. Whatever was remaining of his aura has been utterly annihilated. How can anyone take him seriously after the whole thing where Hogan gave him his ring (chortle!)? Such a load of shite.

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I'm actually really enjoying the Hogan/Abyss/Flair/AJ stuff. It's not how a main event fued should go, but it's actually being played for laughs and all four of them look like they're loving it. Especially Flair who has been magnificent. It's making a joke of the main event scene though, and that's going to harm TNA. I'm not finding myself caring at the moment.

How much did all four of them ham up this week ? :lol:

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What do people think of the recent Goldberg rumours?

The following is a recent tweet from the official Twitter page of Bill Goldberg:

"Yes, I am in negotiations with the WWE. Looks like ole Hogan and TNA missed the boat. Shame for the fans they didn't even try. Anyone got any issues on the TNA side I suggest you bring it up with them. Truth is I never thought I'd even consider it...then came my son. No one said I'd wrestle but the door is open to again."

He has also just wrote this on twitter:

If I was to wrestle 1 more time, who would the fans want me to wrestle?

I remember reading about WWE trying to do some sort of deal with Goldberg so they can use his likeness in games etc, probably release a dvd and do action figures, with the possibility of putting him in the Hall of Fame next year.

Now I think there might be 2 possibilties from what might be happening,

1. He's saying this stuff to try leverage a better deal with TNA.

2. There might be a possibilty of him having one last match at Mania next year.

Now to answer his question of who would I want him to wrestle?

Goldberg - Undertaker, Wrestlemania 27 at the Georgia Dome :D

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Im not so sure the signing Goldberg would make that much sense. He'd fit in better in TNA. WWE's target audience ie. kids wouldn;t know who he is. He was a massive name in WCW in the 90's but what would they know about. I know people will say what about Hart but kids will only know Hart as being at the centre of Montreal.

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Apparently it's kinda like a legends contract, where he'd make one off appearances and affilate himself with WWE. Not a bad guy to have in that sort of deal.

ICW Week 2

Charles Boddington is here and isn't happy that he has nobody to manage. He says he used to manage Sheamus and Drew McIntyre. The fans chant "Boddington". Boddington at a fan : "You look like a spastic by the way." :lol: YASS ! He brings out William Grange though. Bodders asks Grange why he even gets out of bed for ICW. William Grange slags off the fans of the Old Farm, and the fans of ICW. Umm ... not QUITE the opening promo that we had last week I have to say. A fan has a "I Love Willy Grange" shirt. Grange says he'll never give up because he loves us all from the bottom of his heart. Can't he make his mind up ? Anyways, they want Falcon and we have an advert for the next show.

William Grange vs. Falcon - Submissions Match

These two guys have had problems clicking in the past, and you can see it from the opening stages of this match too. Awkward exchanges, but at least we got to see Grange bust out some big Suplexes. Falcon actually unleashes a pretty awesome Top Rope Dropkick in the latter stages. Some great hangtime there. Tornado Snap Suplex from Falcon also rules. Falcon has innovated some badass shit in his time. His Tilt-a-Whirl Adrenaline Spike is a wonder to behold. He doesn't hit it here unfortunately. This is an alright match between two very good talents. They have never been able to get anything together though and this match is just another example of that. **1/4

Chris Renfrew has something to say. "f**k this" and "f**k that". f**k YOU !!! He hits the buckie. Is losing a six man tag really that depressing ?

We come back to William Grange who's in the ring. William Grange isn't happy with the fans going at him and he is leaving ICW. Grange's fan comes out of the audience. She decides that she wants to be the secretary of William Grange. The campaign for Grange begins here !

Jack Jester vs. Rob Cage - ICW Deathmatch

Basically, this has lots of weapons and stuff, making it a Deathmatch. Jester's manager has a dildo gun. Some guys bring out barbed wire and drawing boards. Before I go onto give my full opinion of the match I should credit both guys with the absolutely mad punishment which was above and beyond the call of duty. However, the match was basically a bunch of bumps thrown together. If I had seen it in person I probaby would have appreciated it more. It was good fun but not something which I'm gonna give a shit about. **

Next week we have Noam Dar vs. The Highlander and the main event of the three weeks for the ICW Title, Liam Thompson taking on the champion, Darkside.


That's this week's and, to be honest, it isn't great.

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Just seen some TNA stuff online, specifically stuff between Abyss and Hogan. Dreadful, just fucking dreadful. Abyss just now looks like a crybaby fanboy. He looks like he should be nowhere near the main event scene. Whatever was remaining of his aura has been utterly annihilated. How can anyone take him seriously after the whole thing where Hogan gave him his ring (chortle!)? Such a load of shite.

Exactly. One of the main things I hate about TNA right now is how they are handling Abyss.



worst storyline since DX went to the little peoples court.... that was actually the worst thing I've ever seen in wrestling

Katie Vick, shut up and don't exagerate!

Remember when this guy was actually believable!

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I always loved that banner at the top of the screen when Impact first started on Fox Sports in America. Gave it such an American feel with the match going on and how much time limit was left.

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Goldberg in the WWE again would be immense if they handled him right! Think enough of the audience WOULD know who he was and the others would just cheer along. Think of who he could feud with; Edge, Cena, Orton, Batista, Taker, Y2J, Punk, Hornswoggle.

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Not sure if this merits a spoiler or not...but what the hell:

TNA star Orlando Jordan, who last appeared on iMPACT in February with his controversial bi-sexual gimmick, will return this coming Monday night with another racy angle.

Jordan is lowered into the ring from the rafters wrapped in yellow caution tape with a TNA logo. Jordan is also wearing make-up now and has changed his hairstyle. Jordan then crawled through the ring and sat down on a couch with his male and female valets. Behind them on a wall is the tri-colored bi-sexual pride flag as well as two male symbols and one female symbol. Fans in the arena chanted "that was creepy" after the segment.


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