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Mo Wonderboy

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Just got round to watching Raw and the worst thing writers could do with Orton just now is turn him one way or another.

In a way it is similar to Stone Cold in that no-one knew who or when he would strike (I'm watching 1997's Raws just now and he is in superb form, before all the beer drinking and catchphrases he's just running everyone down at the mouth and the crowd still don't like him as it's still pre-mania 13.). But Cena's reaction to Orton post-match was good bit of writing, no handshakes, back-slaps or high fives which would have seen him pushing towards the face turn and Cena giving him a wide berth after the match in case he was next.

I'm dreading the day they turn Orton face. He's just not a face, much in the same way Edge isn't. They need to keep him heel or tweener at worst...I got a feeling that an Orton face turn would be a disaster.

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Just watched the end of Raw.

Pretty sad, but it's good to finally see a wrestler bow out and it isn't the result of a bad injury or death and before they are of the age where they should be picking up a pension and living on glories long gone.

HBK's speech was a cracker, and I believe him when he says that's it. He's got a young family and seems to be happy with his personal life, he had nothing more to accomplish in the ring and if he does come back to TV it'll be in a strictly non-wrestling capacity, he could certainly do a better job than Cole or Striker as an announcer. I just hope he doesn't get that 'itch' that most wrestlers talk about after they've retired.

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It's a shame that HBK went when he was so good, but I agree that it's nice that he's bowed out in such a way. If he does indeed decide enough is enough, he'll never be remembered as someone who kept going even when he wasn't as good as he used to be. Would be fitting for such a great performer.

I can see him getting the itch on a one-off basis at one point. I can't see him doing much more though.

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Guys like HBK can't quit cold turkey. I don't have any doubt that he'll wrestle again, but I agree woth Dom, on a one off basis. The good thing about Shawn though is he's been smart woth his money and is pretty much set for life, unlike Flair. I'm gutted to see him go...but I'd rather this than see him end up in a wheel chair or worse. It's good to see someone decide to leave on their own terms.

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It's a shame that HBK went when he was so good, but I agree that it's nice that he's bowed out in such a way.

It's a blow to the WWE as well to lose a performer who realistically could still have been in main events for another couple of years, or even been given another run with the belt if they needed him to.

He's pretty much a lock for next year's HOF now though. Taker the year after as well if he finally decides to pack it in (even though he's proven he can still have some cracking matches).

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I think the time was right for HBK to leave, lets be honest apart from the PPV's his performances have been pretty bad, he looked as if he had lost his mojo and just could not be bothered being there, don't get me wrong that could have been the writers who told him to do this but we all know what he is like as a performer and on RAW i feel as the weeks went by the fans were seeing a side to HBK that they had not seen before and I think maybe he even felt that way too.

Edited by M0rtonfc
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I see JR came out and said he is NOT retiring and says he still has a few years left in him yet, great news, Psycho Sid came out and said he wants to get back into the ring in a big way but would prefere WWE over TNA, his son is also a wrestler now who sid has had matches with in the past.

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I see JR came out and said he is NOT retiring and says he still has a few years left in him yet, great news, Psycho Sid came out and said he wants to get back into the ring in a big way but would prefere WWE over TNA, his son is also a wrestler now who sid has had matches with in the past.

Aye that made my week when I read that, delighted. Hopefully Good ol' JR is on top form when he getsback to full health and gets that Todd Grisham to f**k when he does.

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J.R. must go to Raw, him and lawler on raw is what is the best combo, cole suits smackdown... J.R. on Raw just works better

Either way the sooner he is back the better!

MYYYY GOOOOD!! Gotta love that shout of his.

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I see JR came out and said he is NOT retiring and says he still has a few years left in him yet, great news, Psycho Sid came out and said he wants to get back into the ring in a big way but would prefere WWE over TNA, his son is also a wrestler now who sid has had matches with in the past.

Again, the spell I'm watching in the old WWF Raw episodes is the time between Rumble and Mania 13.

Micheals has just won the title back from Sid and dropped it as he 'lost his smile'. But Sid is fucking marvelous. He cuts a promo in one of the first Raws of the year where he stands in the ring and tell's JR that you have to 'Hit, or be hitten, Kick or be kicken'. I just lost it at that point but he was a cracking character.

Folk we're cheering a heel Sid a good 6 months before they were cheering a heel Austin. Though some of that might have been to do with the HBK hate from the male demographic of fans at the time. Plus on a side note, you can see the hatred in Bret Hart's eyes everytime he's forced to stand in a ring and cut a promo with, or on, Michaels. Shawn on the other hand is just being a cocky p***k as Hart hated him and he loved the fact that he got under his skin on a personal level.

Hope what both of them said about each other this Monday was true and they have patched things up. I know Michaels had been pushing for a reconcilliation for a long time, but Hart just never believed the whole 'I've found God' thing from Michaels, always thinking it was just another of his ploys.

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Big Sid has been considering coming back to the fold. With the right booking, Sid could still make an impact, when you consider that the guy just had "it". A frightening guy.

HBK and Hart apparently did speak a couple of times. I guess Hart just had to see HBK and judge for himself before deciding if he was gonna reconcile or what. Compare their embrace on the last night to the one where they were in the ring. That one was sincere.

As for HBK's performances on TV not being that good, I'm sorry, but I'm just not buying that. Has had absolute stormers with all sorts of guys since he returned which haven't taken place on PPV.

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Jericho and Batista are reported to want some time off, like months... So I expect this to be te reason Jericho lost the title 2 days after Mania.

Batista is yes. He's making a movie after Extreme Rules. As for the Jericho thing, if your getting that from what he said on twitter, I think that was more of an April Fool. But he does have a tour with Fozzy over here in May, but I dont think he would miss much time because of it.

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Batista is yes. He's making a movie after Extreme Rules. As for the Jericho thing, if your getting that from what he said on twitter, I think that was more of an April Fool. But he does have a tour with Fozzy over here in May, but I dont think he would miss much time because of it.

I got it from pro wrestling insider, I never use twitter, can't see the popularity in it myself, but yeah the men in question are both going to be taking time out, the thing about the movie is spot on, another wwe film which will be straight to dvd... I think they should keep the acting to in the ring, saying that I did think the condemned was pretty decent for a wwe film, but I just hate how they over promote them on raw, the amount of product placement that is rammed down your thoat on that show now...

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