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Mo Wonderboy

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I'll remind you.


It was just a chair shot Lance, chill out.

Used my words to get my point across. There was no need to display the level of fudology you have just shown here. Nice one!

I don't think you're quite grasping the meaning of the word 'literal'.

It's seems to be a term b*****dised by people who don't know what it means.

If Goldberg had 'literally' killed a guy with a spear, the guy would be dead, and Goldberg would be in jail.

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A Wee Bit of FIP 2008

Right, featured inside are ...

Roderick Strong vs. Erick Stevens - FIP Redefined 2008 ( ****1/2 ) FULL MATCH : http://www.megavideo.com/?d=CEGYAMCQ

Roderick Strong vs. Erick Stevens, Last Man Standing Match - FIP Dangerous Intentions 2008 ( ****3/4 ) FULL MATCH : http://www.megavideo.com/?d=3Y5RRF4K

Go Shiozaki vs. Erick Stevens - FIP Heatstroke 2008 ( ****1/4 ) FULL MATCH : http://www.megavideo.com/?d=0BFF9LTM

Roderick Strong vs. Erick Stevens, Dog Collar Match - FIP Hot Summer Nights 2008 ( ***1/2 )

Go Shiozaki vs. Roderick Strong - FIP Fallout 2008 ( ****1/4 ) FULL MATCH : http://www.megavideo.com/?d=X6CNWKPK

And for shits and giggles ...

Bryan Danielson vs. Davey Richards - ROH The Final Countdown Tour ( ****3/4 )

Can't get a video for that last match. Lost it !

Roderick Strong vs. Erick Stevens - FIP Redefined 2008

This was the supposed high point of the fued that these two guys had. The fans are split down the middle for these guys. Lockup and into the corner they go. We have a clean break out of that. Hammerlock from Strong and he has that locked in good and proper. Hammerlock reversal from Stevens. He grounds Strong with that. Strong tries to battle to his feet. He eventually breaks out and has Stevens grounded with a Hammerlock of his own. Arm Ringer follows that from Strong. Strong with some flipping and flopping and then an Arm Ringer of his own. Overhead Wristlock from Strong. He bridges Strong back. Stevens with a takedown and he now has a leg of Strong. Two count with a rollup, and then Stevens with a variation of the Surfboard. Strong with his own version of the move. That was a nice reversal there. Into the ropes and we have another break. Stevens into the ropes and Strong catches him with a Cross Body Block. Snapmare and a Chinlock from Strong. Stevens is working to his feet and then he takes down Strong and has an Overhead Wristlock on the mat. Elbows to the arm from Stevens and Strong gets into the ropes. They lock hands and down goes Strong. Strong avoids many pinfall attempts and then has a Japanese Stranglehold with knees in the back. Stevens : "Oh crap." :lol: Stevens counters that to a pin for a two count and then an Arm Drag from Strong gets a stalemate. Lockup and a Headlock from Stevens. Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock from Stevens. Strong manages to escape the move with a Head Scissors. Stevens then gets onto his knees and then rolls free and goes to a Headlock and adds something of a leg lock to that. Strong is going for the ropes as Stevens has him in an awkward position. Strong counters to a Hammerlock and then Strong turns it into a pin for a two count. Front Facelock from Strong. This is some quality wrestling. Clean break again. Lockup and a Headlock from Strong. Into the ropes and another clean break and they then argue in the middle of the ring. Strong and Stevens then go chop for chop on each other and that was BRUTAL. Strong with a kick and then chops, but Stevens refuses to back down. Strong with the Leg Lariat and now he has the control. Body Slam from Strong and an Elbow Drop and that gets a two count. Forearm from Strong. Into the opposite corner and more chopping, but again Stevens comes back with chops of his own. This is super. Head first into the top buckle and then Stevens clubs away and lands some more chops. Snapmare and then a Clothesline and an Elbow Drop gets a two count. Arm Ringer from Stevens and then he lands a Russian Legsweep and locks in a Body Scissors. Strong tries to force the shoulders down, but can't get a three count or make Stevens release so Strong gets into the ropes. Strong comes back with a forearm. Forearms vs. chops. Strong with a big chop of his own. Strong then just clubs away at Stevens. Shots to the back and then a BRUTAL forearm to the head and the fans are loving this at the moment. Hell, so am I ! Another chop from Strong. Back Drop Suplex from Strong and that gets a two count. Waistlock from Strong. Stevens crawls to the ropes. Strong then traps the arm and that makes live hard, but Stevens eventually gets into the ropes. Stomp to the back from Strong. Backbreaker then follows that and that makes the first and gets a two count. Headbutts to the mid section from Stevens and then chops. Forearm exchange from both men and Stevens hits some. HUGE FUCKING CHOP FROM STRONG !!! THIS IS A FUCKING WAR !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Camel Clutch from Strong with a knee in the back. Chops from Stevens. CHOO CHOO ... into an elbow. CHOO CHOO CONNECTS !!! BOTH MEN CONNECT WITH A BIG CLOTHESLINE !!! Strong runs right into a chop and then elbows. Strong into the ropes. Back Body Drop from Stevens. JACKHAMMER FROM STEVENS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! ENZIGURI FROM STRONG !!! YAKUZA KICK FROM STRONG !!! Stevens ends up on the apron from that. Strong goes onto the apron to meet him. Strong wants a Back Drop Suplex. Strong kicked off of the apron. STEVENS WITH A LEAPING BACK ELBOW OFF OF THE APRON !!! STRONG HITS STEVENS IN THE HEAD WITH THE BELT !!! It was an accident. Strong is BADLY busted open. The referee nearly calls for the bell and the referee allows the match to continue. Strong sends Stevens back into the ring and pleads innocence. Strong backs off allowing Stevens. STRONG WITH A RUNNING FOREARM !!! BACK DROP BACKBREAKER FROM STRONG !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Into the corner and Strong with a HARD forearm. Stevens is BADLY busted at this moment in time. Strong with chops and he stands back as if to say "how is he continuing this match ?". Stalling Front Suplex from Strong. Leg Drop from Strong and he gets a two count from that. Strong holds up Stevens and then unloads with slaps and chops and the fans are a bit taken back by this. DISCUS CHOP FROM STRONG !!! FIREMAN'S CARRY INTO THE DOUBLE KNEE GUTBUSTER !!! SECOND ROPE KICKS !!! FLYING ELBOW DROP OFF THE TOP ROPE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! HALF NELSON BACKBREAKER !!! THE BOSTON CRAB FROM STRONG !!! The fans are NUKED at this point. Stevens gets into the ropes. Strong then sets Stevens on the top rope. Stevens with a headbutt on the top rope and he tries to knock Strong into the middle of the ring. Strong comes back with a big forearm though. Stevens refuses to take no for an answer. So does Strong though. FLYING SHOULDER TACKLE FROM STRONG !!! Stevens runs into the Enziguri. HUGE FUCKING LARIAT FROM STEVENS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Strong into the ropes. FLAPJACK INTO THE POWERSLAM !!! PUMPHANDLE POWERBOMB FROM STEVENS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! STRONG WITH THE SCHOOL BOY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! HUUUUUUUUGE RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX FROM STEVENS !!! STEVENS WITH A LARIAT AND IT HITS THE REF BY MISTAKE !!! CHAIR SHOT TO THE HEAD FROM STRONG TO STEVENS WITH THE REFEREE DOWN !!! The referee is now counting Stevens out and Strong can win the title like this. It's a 20 count. BOTH MEN ARE CLOSER TO THEIR TARGET !!! THE REFEREE FINISHES THE COUNT !!! RODERICK STRONG RETAINS THE BELT !!!

Sweet jesus, do you want to see an absolute war of a match ? Even when they were doing the countering at the start of the match, neither man was giving an inch. The match made Erick Stevens look like an absolute hero. He wouldn't back down an inch. Even when he was bleeding buckets and taking a huge beating, he took it all and continued to come back, and Stevens had to make a huge shortcut in order to win the title back. It was hard hitting, bloody and vicious. ****1/2

Roderick Strong vs. Erick Stevens, Last Man Standing Match - FIP Dangerous Intentions 2008

Fancy a side of hate with all of this hate ? Stevens attacks Strong outside the ring to open the match. Stevens had his head shaved by Strong before this match came along. Strong with lefts and rights then a shot across the back. Forearms from Strong and Stevens tries a fightback and then slams Strong into the apron. Can to the head from Stevens and then face first into the railing twice. Strong with a low blow and that's legal of course. Stevens then sends Strong back first into the ringpost. Stevens drops the edge of a chair into the gut of Strong and then hits him in the back with a chair. Strong claws at the eyes and then unloads with a chop and then clubbing blows to the bacj. Chairshot to the back of Stevens. Kick to the stomach from Strong. HARD SLAM ON THE FLOOR FROM STRONG !!! The referee counts down Stevens and he gets up at five, so Strong slides a chair at his leg. Kick to the stomach from Strong and then he has another chair, and hits Stevens in the back of the head with it. Forearms from Strong. Strong and Stevens exchange chops. Forearms to the back from Stevens and then Strong gets whipped into the railing. Double Axe Handle to the back and now they brawl to the merch area. Strong then gets thrown into a row of chairs. Chair across the back of Strong and the referee counts him down. Stevens with a chair to the gut and then the chair across the back again. Another chair shot across the back from Stevens. Strong stops a chairshot and then he has a chair. Strong piles some chairs. SIDEWALK SLAM ON THE CHAIRS ON THE FLOOR !!! Strong gets whipped into the wall at the back of the hall. Slam onto a pile of tables from Stevens. Stevens looks at some DVDs and then hits Strong with one. Stevens with a DVD shot of his own. Forearm shot from Strong but then chops from Stevens. Head first into the food stall from Stevens. Stevens then presses the chair into the back of Strong. Chair across the back of Strong and then more chair shots. Chair across the back from Strong and then another shot to the back. Strong then moves the railing about. HE THROWS THE RAILING AT THE HEAD OF STEVENS !!! Kick to the stomach and then a chop from Strong. Strong has the railing set against the ring apron. That looks like there's gonna be some pain. BODY SLAM ONTO THE RAILING FROM STRONG TO STEVENS !!! HOLY SHIT !!! The referee gets the count going. Strong throws a bunch of chairs into the ring as Stevens gets up at the count of eight. Strong has the chair wedged between the top and middle buckles in all corners. Well, it's original, I'll give them that. Stevens comes back into the match at that point. FOREARMS WITH RIGHTS AND LEFTS !!! STEVENS SLAMS STRONG INTO THE CORNERS IN THREE OF THE CORNERS !!! CHOO CHOO ... Enziguri from Strong and that is a lucky escape for the champ. Strong throws a chair into the middle of the ring and then sets Stevens on the top rope. What in the name is Strong going for ? BACKBREAKER ACROSS THE TOP TURNBUCKLE FROM STRONG TO STEVENS !!! That is some right innovation there. Stevens gets up to his feet at the count of nine. Strong has a pile of chairs prepared in the middle of the ring. Kick to the face and Strong then goes for the Gibson Driver. TKO ON THE PILE OF CHAIRS FROM STEVENS TO STRONG !!! Strong rolls under the bottom rope and lands on his feet which breaks the count. STEVENS WITH A RUNNING SHOULDER TACKLE OFF OF THE APRON SENDING STRONG FLYING UP THE AISLE !!! Chops from Stevens. Stevens then gets whipped into the ringpost. Strong now has another chair. Chair to the back from Strong to Stevens. STRONG BREAKS A CHAIR OVER THE HEAD OF STEVENS !!! Strong has a hell of a contraption made up of about 15 chairs. There's six facing each other with loads on top. They battle on the apron. HALF NELSON SLAM SENDS STEVENS THROUGH ALL OF THE CHAIRS !!! HOLY FUCKING MOTHER OF GOD !!! Stevens is down on the floor and this one has to be over. STEVENS IS UP AT THE COUNT OF NINE !!! The crowd can't believe that one and Strong is just pissed right off. Into the ring and Stevens is battling like a maniac at the moment. HUGE RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX FROM STEVENS !!! CHOO CHOO !!! LARIAT !!! THE DOCTOR BOMB FROM STEVENS !!! THIS COULD BE THE END FOR STRONG !!! Strong uses the ropes and eventually gets to his feet. Chops in the corner from Stevens. Strong is now set on the top rope. Kick to the face from Strong. TOP ROPE SUPERPLEX FROM STRONG !!! DOUBLE KNEE GUTBUSTER AND THE YAKUZA KICK !!! GIBSON DRIVER FROM STRONG !!! STEVENS IS UP AT NINE !!! ANOTHER YAKUZA KICK !!! STEVENS IS UP AT NINE !!! ANOTHER YAKUZA KICK FROM STRONG !!! HE'S UP AT FOUR !!! ANOTHER YAKUZA KICK !!! Strong now has a chair wedged between the top and middle buckles. YAKUZA KICK AND HE CLUBS AWAY AT STEVENS !!! HE HITS A YAKUZA KICK WITH STEVENS' HEAD WEDGED BETWEEN TWO CHAIRS !!! IT'S OVER !!!

Somehow they managed to top their amazing battle for the belt. The action was violent right from the word go and didn't let up. There was one problem with it. No blood ? One belt shot was enough to bust open Stevens the last time around and he took a LOT more than that in this match and he remained unbusted. I don't quite get the logic behind that. It was another impressive showing from Stevens who took much more than any man would take and just kept on getting more fired up untill Strong pushed the boundaries. ****3/4

Go Shiozaki vs. Erick Stevens - FIP Heatstroke 2008

Go Shiozaki has got Sean and Phil Davis as managers with him. There's a lot of fans of both men. It doesn't help that Go isn't exactly a great heel. Lockup and into the corner they go. Stevens misses a chop. Go's got a bit of a chop on him too so this is going to be interesting. Stevens goes to the arm of Go and then we have a reversal. Both men with more reversals and the fans appreciate the action between the two men thus far. Lockup again and into the corner they go. Go then misses a chop and Stevens is aware that Go can chop. They lock hands and Stevens is bridged back. The same happens to Go. Go kicks Stevens into the ropes. Go then goes to the arm and then a Hammerlock. Stevens then sweeps Go and goes to the leg. Go goes for the Cross Armbreaker to counter that and Stevens is doing a good job. Lockup again and Stevens into the ropes and they collide in the middle of the ring. Go does the same. Stevens into the ropes and then Go runs into a chop. Hiptoss from Stevens and then a Body Slam. Headbutt from Stevens and then a right hand and a knee to the head. Snapmare from Stevens. Elbows to the shoulder of Shiozaki and he gets a two count from that. Punch to the stomach from Go doesn't do much and then into the corner. Shoulder Charges in the corner from Stevens. Stevens then has words with the idiots on the floor. Stevens chokes Go with the boot. Headbutt from Stevens, but Go comes back with right hands. That didn't go wrong. Forearm exchange from Go and Stevens. Sidewalk Slam from Stevens and that gets a two count. Arm Ringer from Stevens and then the Russian Legsweep and then he works a submission into that. Go gets into the ropes there. Right hands to the stomach from Stevens and then a big chop. Go then rakes at the eye of Stevens. Stevens runs into a boot. DRAGON SLEEPER LEAVES STEVENS HANGING FROM THE TOP ROPE FROM GO !!! Leaping knee to the head from Go and that now leaves him an opening. Go with a choke using the boot. Shot to the stomach but Go is having none of it. Go with a chop to the throat. Stevens into the ropes and a lovely Dropkick gets a two count for Go. Mocking kick to the head from Go and then he hits a chop. This leads to a chop exchange and Go just opts to throw Stevens into the corner. Headbutt from Go. Another headbutt. Knee Lift from Go and then a Body Slam. Go then with a Camel Clutch and he rips at the face of Stevens a wee bit too. The referee didn't like that, and Go has to let the move go. Slaps from both men. You don't wanna annoy Stevens if you can avoid it. Knee to the head from Go. Stevens is draped over the ring apron and Go with clubbing blows over the back and then he hits a Running Knee to the head. Go then gets a chair. Go then sits Stevens on a chair and hits some chops but STEVENS COMES BACK !!! Boot to the face from Go puts an end to that. Choke with the boot on the floor from Go ! Stevens gets sent back into the ring. Stevens battles to his feet in the corner. RUNNING CHOP FROM GO !!! RUNNING KNEE IN THE CORNER !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Dragon Sleeper from Go and some of the audience wants him to top. Knees from Stevens break that. Go with a Sleeper Hold. That was never gonna win the match, but they try and make you believe that it can do the job anyways. When was the last time any promotion made you try and believe that. Jawbreaker stops a second attempt, but Go uses the hair to escape. SAMOAN DROP FROM STEVENS AND HE'S BACK IN THE MATCH !!! Stevens comes back with right hands and chops. Go into the ropes and a Back Body Drop and then a Running Back Elbow. Powerslam from Stevens and that gets a two count. Go comes back with a big chop but misses a charge. Second Rope Shoulder Tackle from Stevens. THE CHOO CHOO FROM STEVENS !!! EXPLODER SUPLEX !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Against the ropes and a big chop from Stevens. Stevens into the ropes and he ducks a Clothesline. Rana sends Stevens to the floor. SUICIDE DIVE FROM GO SHIOZAKI !!! Back into the ring we go. Running knee to the head from Go and then both men to the apron. Both men try for German Suplexes. Stevens goes to the apron and sweeps Go and hits a Clothesline there. Into the ring. PUMP HANDLE POWERBOMB FROM STEVENS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Into the corner. Choo Choo misses. FISHERMAN BUSTER FROM GO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! DRAGON SLEEPER FROM GO !!! STEVENS MAKES THE ROPES !!! SMALL PACKAGE FROM STEVENS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... GO PICKS HIM UP DEAD WEIGHT FROM THERE !!! He sets him on the top rope. SUPERPLEX FROM GO AND STEVENS IS GETTING BACK UP !!! Clothesline exchange. SUPERKICK FROM GO !!! STEVENS WITH THE DISCUS LARIAT !!! We have a chop exchange from both men now. Go with another series of chops and then they both hit running chops. CHOPS TO THE NECK !!! CHOP TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD FROM STEVENS !!! SAMOAN DROP COUNTERED INTO THE DRAGON SLEEPER COUNTERED INTO A PIN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! OKLAHOMA ROLL ... COUNTERED INTO THE DRAGON SLEEPER !!! RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX TO COUNTER !!! BIG LARIATOOOOOOOOOOO FROM STEVENS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! No interference yet. Phil Davis gets involved. GO FLASHER FROM GO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Body Slam and Go is signalling for the end. THE MOONSAULT FROM GO ... Stevens stops him mid climb. Both men battle up there and Go sends him down. LEG LIFT LARIAT FROM STEVENS !!! Sean Davis gets on the apron and distracts Stevens. Stevens takes him down. BIG SPLASH FROM SEAN DAVIS !!! GO IS GONNA GO FOR THE MOONSAULT !!! MOONSAULT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREEEEEEEEEEEEE !!! THE FANS ARE FUCKING RAGING !!!

That ending was absolutely amazing and the fans reaction says it all. A very good match here actually, as the fans began to slowly but surely realise that there was a real chance that Go Shiozaki might actually win the FIP Title. When he eventually did, the reaction was absolutely insane. I have no complaints about the match itself. It followed many of the patterns from the previous two matches, except that Stevens was much more dominant. It was the numbers game that made him the underdog this time though. He almost battled through and then the Heartbreakers made the difference. ****1/4

Roderick Strong vs. Erick Stevens, Dog Collar Match - FIP Hot Summer Nights 2008

The two men get attached to the chain. Strong goes to the floor right away. He wants Stevens out there with him. Stevens wants Strong in the ring. Stevens almost pulls in Strong but doesn't quite work. Stevens is getting there again and Strong is holding onto the bottom rope. He gets him into the middle of the ring, but Strong once again manages to get away. Stevens goes out and slams Strong into the railing and then he does that again. Chop exchange and then a right hand from Stevens. Stevens with clubbing to the back of Strong. He rams the back of Strong into the apron and then a chop. Strong then rakes the eyes of Stevens. Strong pulls Stevens into a Back Elbow and then some forearms from Strong. Strong with a choke with the chain. He then chokes Stevens with the help of the railing. Kick to the stomach from Stevens and then he and Strong with a series of strikes. Right hands from Strong to Stevens and then a big stomp. Strong gets a chair. These two men sure made good use of a chair in the last man standing match. Strong then throws a chair into the ring. Into the ring they go. Strong chokes Stevens with the chain. A boot in the back along with that. Strong has a chair in the seated position. STRONG HAS STEVENS' HEAD IN A CHAIR AND HE HITS IT WITH A CHAIRSHOT !!! Strong wraps the chain around his wrist and then he lands right hands. Stevens is now busted open. Camel Clutch and Strong rips at the face and then hits a series of right hands to cut. He then rips at the face yet again. Camel Clutch again. STRONG HANGS STEVENS OVER THE TOP ROPE !!! Stevens with a shoulder block to the midsection. Strong comes back with chops. Strong brings him back in with a Suplex and that gets a two count. Strong gives the audience a bit of abuse and then Stevens comes back with rights and lefts. Stevens with a series of right hands and one knocks Strong down and Strong heads for the floor. Strong with some HARD chops against the apron. Right hands from both men betwen the buckles on the floor. Both men then pull the chain. Stevens then sends Strong into the ringpost, and for once, Strong has been busted open in this match and Stevens doesn't seem like the underdog that he was in the earlier matches all of a sudden. Stevens is now trying to pull Strong into the ring. Back Elbows from Stevens and yeah, he's now the man in control. Stevens runs into a boot. TKO FROM STEVENS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Strong goes through the legs of Stevens. HALF NELSON BACKBREAKER FROM STRONG !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Strong chokes Stevens. GIBSON DRIVER ... Stevens manages to block that. Right hand exchange from Strong and Stevens. Strong into the ropes. RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX !!! BIG LARIAT !!! DOCTOR BOMB ONTO THE CHAIN FROM STEVENS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Stevens is now pulling Strong up the ropes. Strong is blocking the Doctor Bomb from up there. LARIAT KNOCKS STRONG OFF THE TOP ROPE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Enziguri from Strong. YAKUZA KICK FROM STRONG !!! DOUBLE KNEE GUTBUSTER !!! THE GIBSON DRIVER FROM STRONG !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! YAKUZA KICK FROM STEVENS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! BRUTAL YAKUZA KICK FROM STRONG !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! LEG LIFT LARIAT FROM STEVENS !!! LARIAT !!! DOCTOR BOMB !!! A SECOND DOCTOR BOMB !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!

When the big nearfalls are predictable, you know that something has gone wrong before that point. It had the hate and the brutality that you have come to expect from these two guys. The heat was there, but it never had the same level of build and emotion that the previous matches had and it hurt this match pretty badly. Not to worry. It was still a good addition to the fued. ***1/2

Go Shiozaki vs. Roderick Strong - FIP Fallout 2008

So Roderick Strong had turned babyface again against and was wrestling against the heel faction of the Heartbreak Express and Go Shiozaki. Needless to say who the fan favourite in this match was after the reaction that Go got for winning the belt last time out. The face heat for Strong is massive. Go does have a small band of supporters but it's mainly Strong in this hall this evening. I can't wait for this to get going. Lockup and against the ropes they go. We have a clean break from that. Go really can't carry a heel look, but it just goes to show what solid booking does for ya. Strong tries to kick Sean Davis. Lockup and Go goes to the arm of Strong. Strong stands on the arm and then Go gets away and backs into the corner. Go wants Strong to back off and then stretches the arms a wee bit. They then lock hands and down they go. Strong bridges and then pushes up, but Go pushes him down. Strong pushes back up a second time, and then Go just decides to work on the arm when Strong looks like he's gonna get an advantage. Strong eventually escapes. Strong with a Head Scissors. Go with a bridge and Strong strikes him to keep him down. Go rolls to his front and then pushes his head out, but Strong manages to keep Go down again. Go DOES push his head out and then goes to the legs and stomps on the back. Headlock from Go. Go into the ropes and he charges down Strong. Leg Lariat from Strong and that gets a two count. Forearm from Strong and then he gets swept down. High Cross Body gets a two count for Strong. Strong with chops, and then Go comes back with chops of his own ! Strong into the corner and Go runs into a boot. Sean Davis knocks Strong down, and Go gets a Dropkick after that. Go then kicks Strong to the floor. Double Axe Handle off of the apron from Go and then he sends Strong into the ringpost. AVALANCHE AGAINST THE RINGPOST FROM DAVIS !!! Go then stands on Strong. Strong comes out of NOWHERE with chops. Go sends Strong face first into the railing. He drapes Strong over the apron and then he hits that big Running Knee Lift. Knee Drop from Go. Body Slam and another Knee Drop and that gets a two count. Head Scissors from Go. Strong turns himself into the ropes. Go gets a wee shot in with his leg just for good measure. Headbutt from Go. More of them and Strong is knackered in the corner. Choke with the boot in the corner. Running Knee in the corner and that gets a two count for Go. Go runs into an Enziguri. HE HITS A HUGE LARIAT ON STRONG !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Didn't get over to him on time. DRAGON SLEEPER ... Strong gets into the ropes pretty quickly. Go runs on the back and then drops two Elbow Drops. A big third Elbow Drop gets a two count. Camel Clutch from Go. Strong gets out. Forearms knock down Go. Strong into the ropes and he gets sent into the corner. Running Chop from Go and then the Body Slam. KNEE DROP OFF THE SECOND ROPE ... MISSES !!! Strong comes back with chops. DISCUS LARIAT IN THE CORNER FROM STRONG !!! Dropkick from Strong gets a two count. Slingshot Suplex from Strong gets a two count as well. Strong tries to pick up Go. HALF NELSON BACKBREAKER FROM STRONG !!! THE STRONG HOLD !!! GO GETS INTO THE ROPES !!! Strong with a chop and then he sets Go on the top rope. TOP ROPE SUPERPLEX ... Go knocks him down. KNEE STRIKE OFF THE TOP ROPE !!! RUNNING KNEE TO THE HEAD FROM GO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! DRAGON SLEEPER ... Strong blocks. FISHERMAN BUSTER ... blocked. SLEEPER HOLD INTO THE DRAGON SLEEPER AND GO HAS STRONG IN A BAD SPOT !!! STRONG GETS INTO THE ROPES !!! Strong onto the apron. BACK DROP SUPLEX ON THE RING APRON FROM STRONG !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX LANDS STRONG ON HIS HEAD !!! SAITO SUPLEX FROM GO !!! SUPERKICKS FROM BOTH MEN !!! Strong gets the better of a chop exchange. Slap to the face from Go. Enziguri from Strong. GO FLASHER FROM GO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! BUCKLE BOMB FROM GO !!! MOONSAULT FROM GO ... HITS THE KNEES !!! DOUBLE KNEE GUTBUSTER !!! GIBSON DRIVER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOOUUUUTTTT !!! Sean Davis on the apron and Phil Davis comes in. THE BODY SPLASH MISSES FROM SEAN !!! YAKUZA KICK FROM STRONG !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... SEAN STOPS THE REF !!! SUPERKICK FROM GO !!! TWO CHOPS TO THE HEAD !!! GO FLASHER !!! ANOTHER GO FLASHER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREEEEEEE !!!

That was a terrifically booked main event from FIP yet again. This match succeeded in all of it's jobs. It got Go Shiozaki even more over as a b*****d heel purely by how the match was booked, and got the Heartbreak Enterprises over too. It got Roderick Strong over as the guy who was clearly better than Go Shiozaki, but still couldn't outdo his opponent. I have no idea how that match didn't end in a DQ and a title change though. That's a small glitch, but a significant one nonetheless. Still a very good main event. ****1/4

Davey Richards vs. Bryan Danielson - ROH The Final Countdown Tour

The production on this is pretty terrible. Danielson wants a handshake and Richards wants nothing to do with that. The fans tell Richards that he's gonna get his fucking head kicked in. In those words. Richards works the arm early and Danielson escapes and wrestles rings around Richards, and Richards decides that's as good a time as any to head for the floor. They lock hands and Richards has the advantage from there. Danielson rolls through and the fans like that. Danielson blocks a kick. Richards back to the floor and he grabs a chair. The referee stops him bringing the chair into the ring. Lockup and a Headlock Takedown from Danielson. Head Scissors from Richards. Danielson with the headstand and then he goes to the Bow and Arrow Hold. Richards reverses into a pin and gets a two count. Richards with an Indian Deathlock. The fans chant "You Still Suck !" at Richards. Richards with the Muta Lock. Danielson counters to the Mexican Surfboard and Richards into the ropes before any real damage can be done. Lockup and a Headlock from Danielson and he charges down Richards. Oklahoma Roll from Danielson and then a School Boy. Richards then goes after the arm of Danielson. Roll Up gets a two count for Richards. Slap from Danielson and Richards laughs at that. He seems to be happy with those tactics. Kick to the stomach and a Headbutt from Richards. Snapmare and a kick to the back. "American Wolves !". Jumping Headbutt from Richards and then he gets sent to the ropes. Knee to the stomach and then a kick to the back from Danielson. Mexican Surfboard from Danielson is hinted, but he decides to pull at the nose instead. Indian Deathlock from Danielson this time. He turns it into a two count. Richards backs into the corner. Jumping Headbutt on Danielson and then he runs into a boot. Danielson runs into a boot, and then hits a Springboard Kick. Richards heads for the top rope and Danielson stops him up there. Richards blocks the Superplex. SUPER SINGLE ARM DDT FROM RICHARDS !!! Richards has words with a few of the fans in the audience. He then lays the arm out and hits a Leg Drop. Hammerlock and then a Hammerlock Back Drop Suplex from Richards. Chops from Richards. He rolls through and then has a sort of Hammerlock applied and then he locks in the Arm Bar with it. Danielson fights his way into the ropes. Danielson comes back with forearms. Spin Kick from Richards stops that and then a Body Slam. To the top rope. FLYING HEADBUTT TO THE SHOULDER FROM RICHARDS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Richards then goes for the Cross Armbreaker. HE HAS IT LOCKED IN !!! Danielson gets into the ropes. Richards tells the referee he has 'till five and then he goes out and takes a swing at a fan and the fans HATE him. Kick to the head from Richards. Richards stretches the arms and has a foot in the back of Danielson. Danielson fights to his feet and Richards manages to lock the move back in. Back Drop Suplex from Danielson and he finds his way back into the match ! Forearm exchange from both men now. Richards with a kick to the arm. Richards into the ropes. He runs into a Dropkick from Danielson. Danielson with the Running Forearm in the corner and then a Northern Lights Suplex and that gets a two count. Both men with a cracking pinfall exchange. CROSS ARMBREAKER FROM RICHARDS AGAIN !!! Danielson rolls through. Kick to the chest from Richards. HANDSPRING ROUNDHOUSE KICK FROM RICHARDS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Into the corner and Richards with shots to the stomach. Headbutt from Richards. Danielson gets over Richards. HUGE RUNNING ELBOW STRIKE FROM DANIELSON !!! Danielson heads for the top rope. HUUUUUGE TOP ROPE DROPKICK FROM DANIELSON !!! Danielson into the ropes. SHINING WIZARD FROM DANIELSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... RICHARDS INTO THE ROPES !!! Richards avoids Cattle Muttilation. Richards runs into a boot. Roundhouse Kick from Richards. SUPER RANA FROM RICHARDS !!! RUNNING KICK TO THE CHEST ... DANIELSON CATCHES HIM IN THE ANKLE LOCK FROM THERE !!! Richards gets into the ropes. Danielson then stomps on the ankle again and again. Headbutts to the stomach and then a chop. HANDSPRING ROUNDHOUSE KICK FROM RICHARDS ... DANIELSON CATCHES HIM IN THE ANKLE LOCK AGAIN !!! DANIELSON CARRIES THAT INTO A GERMAN SUPLEX !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... RICHARDS COUNTERS RIGHT INTO THE KIMURA !!! WHOA !!! DANIELSON IS IN TROUBLE !!! DANIELSON COUNTERS THAT INTO THE CROSS ARMBREAKER !!! TRIANGLE CHOKE FROM DANIELSON !!! RICHARDS GETS OUT AND LOCKS IN THE CLOVERLEAF !!! DANIELSON COUNTERS INTO THE SMALL PACKAGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Forearm exchange. Danielson runs right into a Dropkick. BATSHIT CRAZY TOPE CON HILO FROM RICHARDS TAKES HIM INTO THE THIRD ROW !!! That move never gets old. Richards throws a can in the face of a fan. "American Wolves !". Some of the fans chant for Richards and he's NOT happy with that. Richards runs into a boot. Both men with boots. Both men go face to face. Forearm exchange now. Spin Kicks from both men. GERMAN SUPLEX FROM RICHARDS !!! THE KIMURA FROM RICHARDS !!! DANIELSON GETS INTO THE ROPES !!! Richards goes onto the apron to meet Danielson. They fight on there. Kick to the back of the head from Danielson. BELLY 2 BELLY SUPLEX FROM DANIELSON SENDS RICHARDS OFF OF THE APRON !!! Danielson with a Baseball Slide and Richards ends up in the crowd. SPRINGBOARD SOMERSAULT PLANCHA INTO THE CROWD FROM DANIELSON TO RICHARDS !!! 17 and Richards isn't even over the railing. Richards JUST makes the count. Both men go face to face again. Right hands from both men. Kick to the chest from Danielson and then Richards with one of his own. This goes back and forth. Richards spits on Danielson and we now have a slap exchange. Danielson wins that. Both men block kicks. FLYING KNEE STRIKE FROM DANIELSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! CATTLE MUTTILATION FROM DANIELSON !!! Danielson traps the arms. THE ELBOW STRIKES FROM DANIELSON !!! RICHARDS ESCAPES AND INTO THE KAWADA KICKS !!! ELBOWS FROM DANIELSON !!! KICKS FROM RICHARDS !!! KICK TO THE FACE !!! DRAGON CATCHES ONE AND HITS THE DRAGON SCREW !!! ONE MAN ALARM CLOCK FROM RICHARDS !!! DR DRIVER FROM RICHARDS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Richards sets Danielson on the top rope. Danielson fights out. Forearm. Danielson drops behind. TOP ROPE BACK DROP SUPLEX FROM DANIELSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! DANIELSON WITH THE ARMS AND THEN HE LANDS THE KICKS !!! TRIANGLE CHOKE FROM DANIELSON !!! HE GOES INTO THE CATTLE MUTTILATION !!! DANIELSON WITH THE ELBOWS AGAIN !!! WE COULD BE REACHING THE END OF THIS MATCH !!! THE REFEREE IS LOOKING !!! THE REFEREE ISN'T STOPPING IT !!! FOR f**k SAKE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! TIGER SUPLEX ... RICHARDS LANDS ON HIS FEET !!! DANIELSON MISSES A CHARGE !!! DROPKICK TO THE SHOULDER FROM RICHARDS !!! SHOOTING STAR PRESS FROM RICHARDS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! THE KIMURA FROM RICHARDS !!! DANIELSON TAPS OUT !!!

This was SOOOOOOO close to being the perfect match. The one place where it fell was the awkward stage between the apron spot and the rest of the match. It was just TOO badly done to go the full marks, but this match was very very special. Nothing else to be said really. ****3/4

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A Wee Bit of FIP 2008

Right, featured inside are ...

Roderick Strong vs. Erick Stevens - FIP Redefined 2008 ( ****1/2 ) FULL MATCH : http://www.megavideo.com/?d=CEGYAMCQ

Roderick Strong vs. Erick Stevens, Last Man Standing Match - FIP Dangerous Intentions 2008 ( ****3/4 ) FULL MATCH : http://www.megavideo.com/?d=3Y5RRF4K

Go Shiozaki vs. Erick Stevens - FIP Heatstroke 2008 ( ****1/4 ) FULL MATCH : http://www.megavideo.com/?d=0BFF9LTM

Roderick Strong vs. Erick Stevens, Dog Collar Match - FIP Hot Summer Nights 2008 ( ***1/2 )

Go Shiozaki vs. Roderick Strong - FIP Fallout 2008 ( ****1/4 ) FULL MATCH : http://www.megavideo.com/?d=X6CNWKPK

And for shits and giggles ...

Bryan Danielson vs. Davey Richards - ROH The Final Countdown Tour ( ****3/4 )

Can't get a video for that last match. Lost it !

Roderick Strong vs. Erick Stevens - FIP Redefined 2008

This was the supposed high point of the fued that these two guys had. The fans are split down the middle for these guys. Lockup and into the corner they go. We have a clean break out of that. Hammerlock from Strong and he has that locked in good and proper. Hammerlock reversal from Stevens. He grounds Strong with that. Strong tries to battle to his feet. He eventually breaks out and has Stevens grounded with a Hammerlock of his own. Arm Ringer follows that from Strong. Strong with some flipping and flopping and then an Arm Ringer of his own. Overhead Wristlock from Strong. He bridges Strong back. Stevens with a takedown and he now has a leg of Strong. Two count with a rollup, and then Stevens with a variation of the Surfboard. Strong with his own version of the move. That was a nice reversal there. Into the ropes and we have another break. Stevens into the ropes and Strong catches him with a Cross Body Block. Snapmare and a Chinlock from Strong. Stevens is working to his feet and then he takes down Strong and has an Overhead Wristlock on the mat. Elbows to the arm from Stevens and Strong gets into the ropes. They lock hands and down goes Strong. Strong avoids many pinfall attempts and then has a Japanese Stranglehold with knees in the back. Stevens : "Oh crap." laugh.gif Stevens counters that to a pin for a two count and then an Arm Drag from Strong gets a stalemate. Lockup and a Headlock from Stevens. Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock from Stevens. Strong manages to escape the move with a Head Scissors. Stevens then gets onto his knees and then rolls free and goes to a Headlock and adds something of a leg lock to that. Strong is going for the ropes as Stevens has him in an awkward position. Strong counters to a Hammerlock and then Strong turns it into a pin for a two count. Front Facelock from Strong. This is some quality wrestling. Clean break again. Lockup and a Headlock from Strong. Into the ropes and another clean break and they then argue in the middle of the ring. Strong and Stevens then go chop for chop on each other and that was BRUTAL. Strong with a kick and then chops, but Stevens refuses to back down. Strong with the Leg Lariat and now he has the control. Body Slam from Strong and an Elbow Drop and that gets a two count. Forearm from Strong. Into the opposite corner and more chopping, but again Stevens comes back with chops of his own. This is super. Head first into the top buckle and then Stevens clubs away and lands some more chops. Snapmare and then a Clothesline and an Elbow Drop gets a two count. Arm Ringer from Stevens and then he lands a Russian Legsweep and locks in a Body Scissors. Strong tries to force the shoulders down, but can't get a three count or make Stevens release so Strong gets into the ropes. Strong comes back with a forearm. Forearms vs. chops. Strong with a big chop of his own. Strong then just clubs away at Stevens. Shots to the back and then a BRUTAL forearm to the head and the fans are loving this at the moment. Hell, so am I ! Another chop from Strong. Back Drop Suplex from Strong and that gets a two count. Waistlock from Strong. Stevens crawls to the ropes. Strong then traps the arm and that makes live hard, but Stevens eventually gets into the ropes. Stomp to the back from Strong. Backbreaker then follows that and that makes the first and gets a two count. Headbutts to the mid section from Stevens and then chops. Forearm exchange from both men and Stevens hits some. HUGE FUCKING CHOP FROM STRONG !!! THIS IS A FUCKING WAR !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Camel Clutch from Strong with a knee in the back. Chops from Stevens. CHOO CHOO ... into an elbow. CHOO CHOO CONNECTS !!! BOTH MEN CONNECT WITH A BIG CLOTHESLINE !!! Strong runs right into a chop and then elbows. Strong into the ropes. Back Body Drop from Stevens. JACKHAMMER FROM STEVENS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! ENZIGURI FROM STRONG !!! YAKUZA KICK FROM STRONG !!! Stevens ends up on the apron from that. Strong goes onto the apron to meet him. Strong wants a Back Drop Suplex. Strong kicked off of the apron. STEVENS WITH A LEAPING BACK ELBOW OFF OF THE APRON !!! STRONG HITS STEVENS IN THE HEAD WITH THE BELT !!! It was an accident. Strong is BADLY busted open. The referee nearly calls for the bell and the referee allows the match to continue. Strong sends Stevens back into the ring and pleads innocence. Strong backs off allowing Stevens. STRONG WITH A RUNNING FOREARM !!! BACK DROP BACKBREAKER FROM STRONG !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Into the corner and Strong with a HARD forearm. Stevens is BADLY busted at this moment in time. Strong with chops and he stands back as if to say "how is he continuing this match ?". Stalling Front Suplex from Strong. Leg Drop from Strong and he gets a two count from that. Strong holds up Stevens and then unloads with slaps and chops and the fans are a bit taken back by this. DISCUS CHOP FROM STRONG !!! FIREMAN'S CARRY INTO THE DOUBLE KNEE GUTBUSTER !!! SECOND ROPE KICKS !!! FLYING ELBOW DROP OFF THE TOP ROPE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! HALF NELSON BACKBREAKER !!! THE BOSTON CRAB FROM STRONG !!! The fans are NUKED at this point. Stevens gets into the ropes. Strong then sets Stevens on the top rope. Stevens with a headbutt on the top rope and he tries to knock Strong into the middle of the ring. Strong comes back with a big forearm though. Stevens refuses to take no for an answer. So does Strong though. FLYING SHOULDER TACKLE FROM STRONG !!! Stevens runs into the Enziguri. HUGE FUCKING LARIAT FROM STEVENS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Strong into the ropes. FLAPJACK INTO THE POWERSLAM !!! PUMPHANDLE POWERBOMB FROM STEVENS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! STRONG WITH THE SCHOOL BOY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! HUUUUUUUUGE RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX FROM STEVENS !!! STEVENS WITH A LARIAT AND IT HITS THE REF BY MISTAKE !!! CHAIR SHOT TO THE HEAD FROM STRONG TO STEVENS WITH THE REFEREE DOWN !!! The referee is now counting Stevens out and Strong can win the title like this. It's a 20 count. BOTH MEN ARE CLOSER TO THEIR TARGET !!! THE REFEREE FINISHES THE COUNT !!! RODERICK STRONG RETAINS THE BELT !!!

Sweet jesus, do you want to see an absolute war of a match ? Even when they were doing the countering at the start of the match, neither man was giving an inch. The match made Erick Stevens look like an absolute hero. He wouldn't back down an inch. Even when he was bleeding buckets and taking a huge beating, he took it all and continued to come back, and Stevens had to make a huge shortcut in order to win the title back. It was hard hitting, bloody and vicious. ****1/2

Roderick Strong vs. Erick Stevens, Last Man Standing Match - FIP Dangerous Intentions 2008

Fancy a side of hate with all of this hate ? Stevens attacks Strong outside the ring to open the match. Stevens had his head shaved by Strong before this match came along. Strong with lefts and rights then a shot across the back. Forearms from Strong and Stevens tries a fightback and then slams Strong into the apron. Can to the head from Stevens and then face first into the railing twice. Strong with a low blow and that's legal of course. Stevens then sends Strong back first into the ringpost. Stevens drops the edge of a chair into the gut of Strong and then hits him in the back with a chair. Strong claws at the eyes and then unloads with a chop and then clubbing blows to the bacj. Chairshot to the back of Stevens. Kick to the stomach from Strong. HARD SLAM ON THE FLOOR FROM STRONG !!! The referee counts down Stevens and he gets up at five, so Strong slides a chair at his leg. Kick to the stomach from Strong and then he has another chair, and hits Stevens in the back of the head with it. Forearms from Strong. Strong and Stevens exchange chops. Forearms to the back from Stevens and then Strong gets whipped into the railing. Double Axe Handle to the back and now they brawl to the merch area. Strong then gets thrown into a row of chairs. Chair across the back of Strong and the referee counts him down. Stevens with a chair to the gut and then the chair across the back again. Another chair shot across the back from Stevens. Strong stops a chairshot and then he has a chair. Strong piles some chairs. SIDEWALK SLAM ON THE CHAIRS ON THE FLOOR !!! Strong gets whipped into the wall at the back of the hall. Slam onto a pile of tables from Stevens. Stevens looks at some DVDs and then hits Strong with one. Stevens with a DVD shot of his own. Forearm shot from Strong but then chops from Stevens. Head first into the food stall from Stevens. Stevens then presses the chair into the back of Strong. Chair across the back of Strong and then more chair shots. Chair across the back from Strong and then another shot to the back. Strong then moves the railing about. HE THROWS THE RAILING AT THE HEAD OF STEVENS !!! Kick to the stomach and then a chop from Strong. Strong has the railing set against the ring apron. That looks like there's gonna be some pain. BODY SLAM ONTO THE RAILING FROM STRONG TO STEVENS !!! HOLY SHIT !!! The referee gets the count going. Strong throws a bunch of chairs into the ring as Stevens gets up at the count of eight. Strong has the chair wedged between the top and middle buckles in all corners. Well, it's original, I'll give them that. Stevens comes back into the match at that point. FOREARMS WITH RIGHTS AND LEFTS !!! STEVENS SLAMS STRONG INTO THE CORNERS IN THREE OF THE CORNERS !!! CHOO CHOO ... Enziguri from Strong and that is a lucky escape for the champ. Strong throws a chair into the middle of the ring and then sets Stevens on the top rope. What in the name is Strong going for ? BACKBREAKER ACROSS THE TOP TURNBUCKLE FROM STRONG TO STEVENS !!! That is some right innovation there. Stevens gets up to his feet at the count of nine. Strong has a pile of chairs prepared in the middle of the ring. Kick to the face and Strong then goes for the Gibson Driver. TKO ON THE PILE OF CHAIRS FROM STEVENS TO STRONG !!! Strong rolls under the bottom rope and lands on his feet which breaks the count. STEVENS WITH A RUNNING SHOULDER TACKLE OFF OF THE APRON SENDING STRONG FLYING UP THE AISLE !!! Chops from Stevens. Stevens then gets whipped into the ringpost. Strong now has another chair. Chair to the back from Strong to Stevens. STRONG BREAKS A CHAIR OVER THE HEAD OF STEVENS !!! Strong has a hell of a contraption made up of about 15 chairs. There's six facing each other with loads on top. They battle on the apron. HALF NELSON SLAM SENDS STEVENS THROUGH ALL OF THE CHAIRS !!! HOLY FUCKING MOTHER OF GOD !!! Stevens is down on the floor and this one has to be over. STEVENS IS UP AT THE COUNT OF NINE !!! The crowd can't believe that one and Strong is just pissed right off. Into the ring and Stevens is battling like a maniac at the moment. HUGE RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX FROM STEVENS !!! CHOO CHOO !!! LARIAT !!! THE DOCTOR BOMB FROM STEVENS !!! THIS COULD BE THE END FOR STRONG !!! Strong uses the ropes and eventually gets to his feet. Chops in the corner from Stevens. Strong is now set on the top rope. Kick to the face from Strong. TOP ROPE SUPERPLEX FROM STRONG !!! DOUBLE KNEE GUTBUSTER AND THE YAKUZA KICK !!! GIBSON DRIVER FROM STRONG !!! STEVENS IS UP AT NINE !!! ANOTHER YAKUZA KICK !!! STEVENS IS UP AT NINE !!! ANOTHER YAKUZA KICK FROM STRONG !!! HE'S UP AT FOUR !!! ANOTHER YAKUZA KICK !!! Strong now has a chair wedged between the top and middle buckles. YAKUZA KICK AND HE CLUBS AWAY AT STEVENS !!! HE HITS A YAKUZA KICK WITH STEVENS' HEAD WEDGED BETWEEN TWO CHAIRS !!! IT'S OVER !!!

Somehow they managed to top their amazing battle for the belt. The action was violent right from the word go and didn't let up. There was one problem with it. No blood ? One belt shot was enough to bust open Stevens the last time around and he took a LOT more than that in this match and he remained unbusted. I don't quite get the logic behind that. It was another impressive showing from Stevens who took much more than any man would take and just kept on getting more fired up untill Strong pushed the boundaries. ****3/4

Go Shiozaki vs. Erick Stevens - FIP Heatstroke 2008

Go Shiozaki has got Sean and Phil Davis as managers with him. There's a lot of fans of both men. It doesn't help that Go isn't exactly a great heel. Lockup and into the corner they go. Stevens misses a chop. Go's got a bit of a chop on him too so this is going to be interesting. Stevens goes to the arm of Go and then we have a reversal. Both men with more reversals and the fans appreciate the action between the two men thus far. Lockup again and into the corner they go. Go then misses a chop and Stevens is aware that Go can chop. They lock hands and Stevens is bridged back. The same happens to Go. Go kicks Stevens into the ropes. Go then goes to the arm and then a Hammerlock. Stevens then sweeps Go and goes to the leg. Go goes for the Cross Armbreaker to counter that and Stevens is doing a good job. Lockup again and Stevens into the ropes and they collide in the middle of the ring. Go does the same. Stevens into the ropes and then Go runs into a chop. Hiptoss from Stevens and then a Body Slam. Headbutt from Stevens and then a right hand and a knee to the head. Snapmare from Stevens. Elbows to the shoulder of Shiozaki and he gets a two count from that. Punch to the stomach from Go doesn't do much and then into the corner. Shoulder Charges in the corner from Stevens. Stevens then has words with the idiots on the floor. Stevens chokes Go with the boot. Headbutt from Stevens, but Go comes back with right hands. That didn't go wrong. Forearm exchange from Go and Stevens. Sidewalk Slam from Stevens and that gets a two count. Arm Ringer from Stevens and then the Russian Legsweep and then he works a submission into that. Go gets into the ropes there. Right hands to the stomach from Stevens and then a big chop. Go then rakes at the eye of Stevens. Stevens runs into a boot. DRAGON SLEEPER LEAVES STEVENS HANGING FROM THE TOP ROPE FROM GO !!! Leaping knee to the head from Go and that now leaves him an opening. Go with a choke using the boot. Shot to the stomach but Go is having none of it. Go with a chop to the throat. Stevens into the ropes and a lovely Dropkick gets a two count for Go. Mocking kick to the head from Go and then he hits a chop. This leads to a chop exchange and Go just opts to throw Stevens into the corner. Headbutt from Go. Another headbutt. Knee Lift from Go and then a Body Slam. Go then with a Camel Clutch and he rips at the face of Stevens a wee bit too. The referee didn't like that, and Go has to let the move go. Slaps from both men. You don't wanna annoy Stevens if you can avoid it. Knee to the head from Go. Stevens is draped over the ring apron and Go with clubbing blows over the back and then he hits a Running Knee to the head. Go then gets a chair. Go then sits Stevens on a chair and hits some chops but STEVENS COMES BACK !!! Boot to the face from Go puts an end to that. Choke with the boot on the floor from Go ! Stevens gets sent back into the ring. Stevens battles to his feet in the corner. RUNNING CHOP FROM GO !!! RUNNING KNEE IN THE CORNER !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Dragon Sleeper from Go and some of the audience wants him to top. Knees from Stevens break that. Go with a Sleeper Hold. That was never gonna win the match, but they try and make you believe that it can do the job anyways. When was the last time any promotion made you try and believe that. Jawbreaker stops a second attempt, but Go uses the hair to escape. SAMOAN DROP FROM STEVENS AND HE'S BACK IN THE MATCH !!! Stevens comes back with right hands and chops. Go into the ropes and a Back Body Drop and then a Running Back Elbow. Powerslam from Stevens and that gets a two count. Go comes back with a big chop but misses a charge. Second Rope Shoulder Tackle from Stevens. THE CHOO CHOO FROM STEVENS !!! EXPLODER SUPLEX !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Against the ropes and a big chop from Stevens. Stevens into the ropes and he ducks a Clothesline. Rana sends Stevens to the floor. SUICIDE DIVE FROM GO SHIOZAKI !!! Back into the ring we go. Running knee to the head from Go and then both men to the apron. Both men try for German Suplexes. Stevens goes to the apron and sweeps Go and hits a Clothesline there. Into the ring. PUMP HANDLE POWERBOMB FROM STEVENS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Into the corner. Choo Choo misses. FISHERMAN BUSTER FROM GO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! DRAGON SLEEPER FROM GO !!! STEVENS MAKES THE ROPES !!! SMALL PACKAGE FROM STEVENS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... GO PICKS HIM UP DEAD WEIGHT FROM THERE !!! He sets him on the top rope. SUPERPLEX FROM GO AND STEVENS IS GETTING BACK UP !!! Clothesline exchange. SUPERKICK FROM GO !!! STEVENS WITH THE DISCUS LARIAT !!! We have a chop exchange from both men now. Go with another series of chops and then they both hit running chops. CHOPS TO THE NECK !!! CHOP TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD FROM STEVENS !!! SAMOAN DROP COUNTERED INTO THE DRAGON SLEEPER COUNTERED INTO A PIN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! OKLAHOMA ROLL ... COUNTERED INTO THE DRAGON SLEEPER !!! RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX TO COUNTER !!! BIG LARIATOOOOOOOOOOO FROM STEVENS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! No interference yet. Phil Davis gets involved. GO FLASHER FROM GO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Body Slam and Go is signalling for the end. THE MOONSAULT FROM GO ... Stevens stops him mid climb. Both men battle up there and Go sends him down. LEG LIFT LARIAT FROM STEVENS !!! Sean Davis gets on the apron and distracts Stevens. Stevens takes him down. BIG SPLASH FROM SEAN DAVIS !!! GO IS GONNA GO FOR THE MOONSAULT !!! MOONSAULT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREEEEEEEEEEEEE !!! THE FANS ARE FUCKING RAGING !!!

That ending was absolutely amazing and the fans reaction says it all. A very good match here actually, as the fans began to slowly but surely realise that there was a real chance that Go Shiozaki might actually win the FIP Title. When he eventually did, the reaction was absolutely insane. I have no complaints about the match itself. It followed many of the patterns from the previous two matches, except that Stevens was much more dominant. It was the numbers game that made him the underdog this time though. He almost battled through and then the Heartbreakers made the difference. ****1/4

Roderick Strong vs. Erick Stevens, Dog Collar Match - FIP Hot Summer Nights 2008

The two men get attached to the chain. Strong goes to the floor right away. He wants Stevens out there with him. Stevens wants Strong in the ring. Stevens almost pulls in Strong but doesn't quite work. Stevens is getting there again and Strong is holding onto the bottom rope. He gets him into the middle of the ring, but Strong once again manages to get away. Stevens goes out and slams Strong into the railing and then he does that again. Chop exchange and then a right hand from Stevens. Stevens with clubbing to the back of Strong. He rams the back of Strong into the apron and then a chop. Strong then rakes the eyes of Stevens. Strong pulls Stevens into a Back Elbow and then some forearms from Strong. Strong with a choke with the chain. He then chokes Stevens with the help of the railing. Kick to the stomach from Stevens and then he and Strong with a series of strikes. Right hands from Strong to Stevens and then a big stomp. Strong gets a chair. These two men sure made good use of a chair in the last man standing match. Strong then throws a chair into the ring. Into the ring they go. Strong chokes Stevens with the chain. A boot in the back along with that. Strong has a chair in the seated position. STRONG HAS STEVENS' HEAD IN A CHAIR AND HE HITS IT WITH A CHAIRSHOT !!! Strong wraps the chain around his wrist and then he lands right hands. Stevens is now busted open. Camel Clutch and Strong rips at the face and then hits a series of right hands to cut. He then rips at the face yet again. Camel Clutch again. STRONG HANGS STEVENS OVER THE TOP ROPE !!! Stevens with a shoulder block to the midsection. Strong comes back with chops. Strong brings him back in with a Suplex and that gets a two count. Strong gives the audience a bit of abuse and then Stevens comes back with rights and lefts. Stevens with a series of right hands and one knocks Strong down and Strong heads for the floor. Strong with some HARD chops against the apron. Right hands from both men betwen the buckles on the floor. Both men then pull the chain. Stevens then sends Strong into the ringpost, and for once, Strong has been busted open in this match and Stevens doesn't seem like the underdog that he was in the earlier matches all of a sudden. Stevens is now trying to pull Strong into the ring. Back Elbows from Stevens and yeah, he's now the man in control. Stevens runs into a boot. TKO FROM STEVENS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Strong goes through the legs of Stevens. HALF NELSON BACKBREAKER FROM STRONG !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Strong chokes Stevens. GIBSON DRIVER ... Stevens manages to block that. Right hand exchange from Strong and Stevens. Strong into the ropes. RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX !!! BIG LARIAT !!! DOCTOR BOMB ONTO THE CHAIN FROM STEVENS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Stevens is now pulling Strong up the ropes. Strong is blocking the Doctor Bomb from up there. LARIAT KNOCKS STRONG OFF THE TOP ROPE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Enziguri from Strong. YAKUZA KICK FROM STRONG !!! DOUBLE KNEE GUTBUSTER !!! THE GIBSON DRIVER FROM STRONG !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! YAKUZA KICK FROM STEVENS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! BRUTAL YAKUZA KICK FROM STRONG !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! LEG LIFT LARIAT FROM STEVENS !!! LARIAT !!! DOCTOR BOMB !!! A SECOND DOCTOR BOMB !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!

When the big nearfalls are predictable, you know that something has gone wrong before that point. It had the hate and the brutality that you have come to expect from these two guys. The heat was there, but it never had the same level of build and emotion that the previous matches had and it hurt this match pretty badly. Not to worry. It was still a good addition to the fued. ***1/2

Go Shiozaki vs. Roderick Strong - FIP Fallout 2008

So Roderick Strong had turned babyface again against and was wrestling against the heel faction of the Heartbreak Express and Go Shiozaki. Needless to say who the fan favourite in this match was after the reaction that Go got for winning the belt last time out. The face heat for Strong is massive. Go does have a small band of supporters but it's mainly Strong in this hall this evening. I can't wait for this to get going. Lockup and against the ropes they go. We have a clean break from that. Go really can't carry a heel look, but it just goes to show what solid booking does for ya. Strong tries to kick Sean Davis. Lockup and Go goes to the arm of Strong. Strong stands on the arm and then Go gets away and backs into the corner. Go wants Strong to back off and then stretches the arms a wee bit. They then lock hands and down they go. Strong bridges and then pushes up, but Go pushes him down. Strong pushes back up a second time, and then Go just decides to work on the arm when Strong looks like he's gonna get an advantage. Strong eventually escapes. Strong with a Head Scissors. Go with a bridge and Strong strikes him to keep him down. Go rolls to his front and then pushes his head out, but Strong manages to keep Go down again. Go DOES push his head out and then goes to the legs and stomps on the back. Headlock from Go. Go into the ropes and he charges down Strong. Leg Lariat from Strong and that gets a two count. Forearm from Strong and then he gets swept down. High Cross Body gets a two count for Strong. Strong with chops, and then Go comes back with chops of his own ! Strong into the corner and Go runs into a boot. Sean Davis knocks Strong down, and Go gets a Dropkick after that. Go then kicks Strong to the floor. Double Axe Handle off of the apron from Go and then he sends Strong into the ringpost. AVALANCHE AGAINST THE RINGPOST FROM DAVIS !!! Go then stands on Strong. Strong comes out of NOWHERE with chops. Go sends Strong face first into the railing. He drapes Strong over the apron and then he hits that big Running Knee Lift. Knee Drop from Go. Body Slam and another Knee Drop and that gets a two count. Head Scissors from Go. Strong turns himself into the ropes. Go gets a wee shot in with his leg just for good measure. Headbutt from Go. More of them and Strong is knackered in the corner. Choke with the boot in the corner. Running Knee in the corner and that gets a two count for Go. Go runs into an Enziguri. HE HITS A HUGE LARIAT ON STRONG !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Didn't get over to him on time. DRAGON SLEEPER ... Strong gets into the ropes pretty quickly. Go runs on the back and then drops two Elbow Drops. A big third Elbow Drop gets a two count. Camel Clutch from Go. Strong gets out. Forearms knock down Go. Strong into the ropes and he gets sent into the corner. Running Chop from Go and then the Body Slam. KNEE DROP OFF THE SECOND ROPE ... MISSES !!! Strong comes back with chops. DISCUS LARIAT IN THE CORNER FROM STRONG !!! Dropkick from Strong gets a two count. Slingshot Suplex from Strong gets a two count as well. Strong tries to pick up Go. HALF NELSON BACKBREAKER FROM STRONG !!! THE STRONG HOLD !!! GO GETS INTO THE ROPES !!! Strong with a chop and then he sets Go on the top rope. TOP ROPE SUPERPLEX ... Go knocks him down. KNEE STRIKE OFF THE TOP ROPE !!! RUNNING KNEE TO THE HEAD FROM GO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! DRAGON SLEEPER ... Strong blocks. FISHERMAN BUSTER ... blocked. SLEEPER HOLD INTO THE DRAGON SLEEPER AND GO HAS STRONG IN A BAD SPOT !!! STRONG GETS INTO THE ROPES !!! Strong onto the apron. BACK DROP SUPLEX ON THE RING APRON FROM STRONG !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX LANDS STRONG ON HIS HEAD !!! SAITO SUPLEX FROM GO !!! SUPERKICKS FROM BOTH MEN !!! Strong gets the better of a chop exchange. Slap to the face from Go. Enziguri from Strong. GO FLASHER FROM GO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! BUCKLE BOMB FROM GO !!! MOONSAULT FROM GO ... HITS THE KNEES !!! DOUBLE KNEE GUTBUSTER !!! GIBSON DRIVER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOOUUUUTTTT !!! Sean Davis on the apron and Phil Davis comes in. THE BODY SPLASH MISSES FROM SEAN !!! YAKUZA KICK FROM STRONG !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... SEAN STOPS THE REF !!! SUPERKICK FROM GO !!! TWO CHOPS TO THE HEAD !!! GO FLASHER !!! ANOTHER GO FLASHER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREEEEEEE !!!

That was a terrifically booked main event from FIP yet again. This match succeeded in all of it's jobs. It got Go Shiozaki even more over as a b*****d heel purely by how the match was booked, and got the Heartbreak Enterprises over too. It got Roderick Strong over as the guy who was clearly better than Go Shiozaki, but still couldn't outdo his opponent. I have no idea how that match didn't end in a DQ and a title change though. That's a small glitch, but a significant one nonetheless. Still a very good main event. ****1/4

Davey Richards vs. Bryan Danielson - ROH The Final Countdown Tour

The production on this is pretty terrible. Danielson wants a handshake and Richards wants nothing to do with that. The fans tell Richards that he's gonna get his fucking head kicked in. In those words. Richards works the arm early and Danielson escapes and wrestles rings around Richards, and Richards decides that's as good a time as any to head for the floor. They lock hands and Richards has the advantage from there. Danielson rolls through and the fans like that. Danielson blocks a kick. Richards back to the floor and he grabs a chair. The referee stops him bringing the chair into the ring. Lockup and a Headlock Takedown from Danielson. Head Scissors from Richards. Danielson with the headstand and then he goes to the Bow and Arrow Hold. Richards reverses into a pin and gets a two count. Richards with an Indian Deathlock. The fans chant "You Still Suck !" at Richards. Richards with the Muta Lock. Danielson counters to the Mexican Surfboard and Richards into the ropes before any real damage can be done. Lockup and a Headlock from Danielson and he charges down Richards. Oklahoma Roll from Danielson and then a School Boy. Richards then goes after the arm of Danielson. Roll Up gets a two count for Richards. Slap from Danielson and Richards laughs at that. He seems to be happy with those tactics. Kick to the stomach and a Headbutt from Richards. Snapmare and a kick to the back. "American Wolves !". Jumping Headbutt from Richards and then he gets sent to the ropes. Knee to the stomach and then a kick to the back from Danielson. Mexican Surfboard from Danielson is hinted, but he decides to pull at the nose instead. Indian Deathlock from Danielson this time. He turns it into a two count. Richards backs into the corner. Jumping Headbutt on Danielson and then he runs into a boot. Danielson runs into a boot, and then hits a Springboard Kick. Richards heads for the top rope and Danielson stops him up there. Richards blocks the Superplex. SUPER SINGLE ARM DDT FROM RICHARDS !!! Richards has words with a few of the fans in the audience. He then lays the arm out and hits a Leg Drop. Hammerlock and then a Hammerlock Back Drop Suplex from Richards. Chops from Richards. He rolls through and then has a sort of Hammerlock applied and then he locks in the Arm Bar with it. Danielson fights his way into the ropes. Danielson comes back with forearms. Spin Kick from Richards stops that and then a Body Slam. To the top rope. FLYING HEADBUTT TO THE SHOULDER FROM RICHARDS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Richards then goes for the Cross Armbreaker. HE HAS IT LOCKED IN !!! Danielson gets into the ropes. Richards tells the referee he has 'till five and then he goes out and takes a swing at a fan and the fans HATE him. Kick to the head from Richards. Richards stretches the arms and has a foot in the back of Danielson. Danielson fights to his feet and Richards manages to lock the move back in. Back Drop Suplex from Danielson and he finds his way back into the match ! Forearm exchange from both men now. Richards with a kick to the arm. Richards into the ropes. He runs into a Dropkick from Danielson. Danielson with the Running Forearm in the corner and then a Northern Lights Suplex and that gets a two count. Both men with a cracking pinfall exchange. CROSS ARMBREAKER FROM RICHARDS AGAIN !!! Danielson rolls through. Kick to the chest from Richards. HANDSPRING ROUNDHOUSE KICK FROM RICHARDS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Into the corner and Richards with shots to the stomach. Headbutt from Richards. Danielson gets over Richards. HUGE RUNNING ELBOW STRIKE FROM DANIELSON !!! Danielson heads for the top rope. HUUUUUGE TOP ROPE DROPKICK FROM DANIELSON !!! Danielson into the ropes. SHINING WIZARD FROM DANIELSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... RICHARDS INTO THE ROPES !!! Richards avoids Cattle Muttilation. Richards runs into a boot. Roundhouse Kick from Richards. SUPER RANA FROM RICHARDS !!! RUNNING KICK TO THE CHEST ... DANIELSON CATCHES HIM IN THE ANKLE LOCK FROM THERE !!! Richards gets into the ropes. Danielson then stomps on the ankle again and again. Headbutts to the stomach and then a chop. HANDSPRING ROUNDHOUSE KICK FROM RICHARDS ... DANIELSON CATCHES HIM IN THE ANKLE LOCK AGAIN !!! DANIELSON CARRIES THAT INTO A GERMAN SUPLEX !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... RICHARDS COUNTERS RIGHT INTO THE KIMURA !!! WHOA !!! DANIELSON IS IN TROUBLE !!! DANIELSON COUNTERS THAT INTO THE CROSS ARMBREAKER !!! TRIANGLE CHOKE FROM DANIELSON !!! RICHARDS GETS OUT AND LOCKS IN THE CLOVERLEAF !!! DANIELSON COUNTERS INTO THE SMALL PACKAGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Forearm exchange. Danielson runs right into a Dropkick. BATSHIT CRAZY TOPE CON HILO FROM RICHARDS TAKES HIM INTO THE THIRD ROW !!! That move never gets old. Richards throws a can in the face of a fan. "American Wolves !". Some of the fans chant for Richards and he's NOT happy with that. Richards runs into a boot. Both men with boots. Both men go face to face. Forearm exchange now. Spin Kicks from both men. GERMAN SUPLEX FROM RICHARDS !!! THE KIMURA FROM RICHARDS !!! DANIELSON GETS INTO THE ROPES !!! Richards goes onto the apron to meet Danielson. They fight on there. Kick to the back of the head from Danielson. BELLY 2 BELLY SUPLEX FROM DANIELSON SENDS RICHARDS OFF OF THE APRON !!! Danielson with a Baseball Slide and Richards ends up in the crowd. SPRINGBOARD SOMERSAULT PLANCHA INTO THE CROWD FROM DANIELSON TO RICHARDS !!! 17 and Richards isn't even over the railing. Richards JUST makes the count. Both men go face to face again. Right hands from both men. Kick to the chest from Danielson and then Richards with one of his own. This goes back and forth. Richards spits on Danielson and we now have a slap exchange. Danielson wins that. Both men block kicks. FLYING KNEE STRIKE FROM DANIELSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! CATTLE MUTTILATION FROM DANIELSON !!! Danielson traps the arms. THE ELBOW STRIKES FROM DANIELSON !!! RICHARDS ESCAPES AND INTO THE KAWADA KICKS !!! ELBOWS FROM DANIELSON !!! KICKS FROM RICHARDS !!! KICK TO THE FACE !!! DRAGON CATCHES ONE AND HITS THE DRAGON SCREW !!! ONE MAN ALARM CLOCK FROM RICHARDS !!! DR DRIVER FROM RICHARDS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Richards sets Danielson on the top rope. Danielson fights out. Forearm. Danielson drops behind. TOP ROPE BACK DROP SUPLEX FROM DANIELSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! DANIELSON WITH THE ARMS AND THEN HE LANDS THE KICKS !!! TRIANGLE CHOKE FROM DANIELSON !!! HE GOES INTO THE CATTLE MUTTILATION !!! DANIELSON WITH THE ELBOWS AGAIN !!! WE COULD BE REACHING THE END OF THIS MATCH !!! THE REFEREE IS LOOKING !!! THE REFEREE ISN'T STOPPING IT !!! FOR f**k SAKE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! TIGER SUPLEX ... RICHARDS LANDS ON HIS FEET !!! DANIELSON MISSES A CHARGE !!! DROPKICK TO THE SHOULDER FROM RICHARDS !!! SHOOTING STAR PRESS FROM RICHARDS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! THE KIMURA FROM RICHARDS !!! DANIELSON TAPS OUT !!!

This was SOOOOOOO close to being the perfect match. The one place where it fell was the awkward stage between the apron spot and the rest of the match. It was just TOO badly done to go the full marks, but this match was very very special. Nothing else to be said really. ****3/4

Can't explain why but I used to love Roderick Strong.

Also, Danielson vs Richards is a must see....even if you don't know them.

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Can't explain why but I used to love Roderick Strong.

Also, Danielson vs Richards is a must see....even if you don't know them.

Danielson had a trio of matches against Strong when ROH Champ and they were all excellent. Some brutal shoot-fight looking stuff in them.

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Do you know what "literally" means laugh.gif

Read my post again, and it says that I used my word choice to get my point across. I'm perfectly aware Goldberg didn't kill anyone, I used it to suggest that he would destroy people with his spear.

I don't think you're quite grasping the meaning of the word 'literal'.

It's seems to be a term b*****dised by people who don't know what it means.

If Goldberg had 'literally' killed a guy with a spear, the guy would be dead, and Goldberg would be in jail.

I know exactly what it means and I don't need you telling me the definition of words thank you very much.

Edited by The Hero of the Day
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Can't explain why but I used to love Roderick Strong.

That series of matches with Erick Stevens should bring back the reasons ! He hits hard and acts like a dick when he has to. Not exactly a character machine or anything, but you don't need to be on the indies.

Also, Danielson vs Richards is a must see....even if you don't know them.

Yeah. Bryan Danielson was bowing out as the top guy outside of the big two at that point and Davey Richards was stepping in. So it was expected to be a full out war and a belter. It didn't disappoint.

Danielson had a trio of matches against Strong when ROH Champ and they were all excellent. Some brutal shoot-fight looking stuff in them.

They actually had one of those matches in the UK if I remember correctly. The other two matches were epics. The UK one was a cracking little heated exchange between them.

And if you people want to get away from this literally nonsense, that'd be good.

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You shouldn't have used the word 'literal' then! Despite what some think, it can't actually be used to get a point across as it has just the one meaning. It can't be used to exaggerate; it means what it means, therefore your post read that Goldberg had actually, for real, kille people with his spear.

Anyway, just a bit of fun, calm down. Goldberg was immense and his spear was tremendous.

Goldeberg was an absolutely horrible worker. He can take the majority of the blame for Bret Hart having to retire. He never protected his opponents while he was in the ring which should be your top priority.

The only reason that Goldberg got over was because of his ridiculous 173 win streak. His spear was only "awesome" because of his size. He also believed the hype and let his "success" go to his head.

He couldn't hack it in WWE because he wasn't portrayed in the same light as he was in WCW.

If I were to sum him up in one word it would start with C and end with T with U and N in between.

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Goldeberg was an absolutely horrible worker. He can take the majority of the blame for Bret Hart having to retire. He never protected his opponents while he was in the ring which should be your top priority

You're acting as if he's the only person it could have happened with. Do you know how many times Goldberg did that kick both before and after that incident ? It was a freak accident. Of course it was down to his sloppiness, but many greats have caused serious potential career changers in the same way.

The only reason that Goldberg got over was because of his ridiculous 173 win streak. His spear was only "awesome" because of his size. He also believed the hype and let his "success" go to his head.


You couldn't just give the win streak to anyone and expect them to be able to run with it. Goldberg had an intensity and charisma that most WCW guys didn't have. That, added to the streak, got him over. His spear was awesome because he knew how to execute it to LOOK awesome.

He couldn't hack it in WWE because he wasn't portrayed in the same light as he was in WCW.

I don't think he got treated the same, but if he did, he probably would have failed, so I'll go along with this, but I will say something.

Goldberg was over as f**k by the time Summerslam 2003 came around. Everyone was BEGGING for him to win the belt and probably should have. He went into a momentum killing fued with Triple H and that was the end for him.

He probably would have been a failure in WWE anyways so they cut the middle man out pretty quickly, but it would have been nice to have seen him get the chance.

If I were to sum him up in one word it would start with C and end with T with U and N in between.

I agree with that. I also couldn't give a toss what kind of man he is. I don't watch wrestling to see if they are "good boyz~~~".

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Watching SmackDown! and the first match was pretty good.....however, Matt Striker is doing my head in in his attempts to put Swagger over.

Matt Striker just does my head in. I'm getting sick of his shite stories he comes up with to try and get folk over.

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Matt Striker just does my head in. I'm getting sick of his shite stories he comes up with to try and get folk over.

I used to be quite a big fan of Striker. He has infuriated me more and more over the last few months though.

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I used to be quite a big fan of Striker. He has infuriated me more and more over the last few months though.

I actually liked Striker until tonight. He was hitting out with some amount of pish. "Matt Hardy hits a side effect and Swagger, instinctivley, gets up and makes his way into a corner. True championship mentality." f**k off!!

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Striker's become a parody of himself. I still can't believe he brought up Edge jobbing as Sexton Hardcastle during his Mania title match with Jericho.

He ruined the Kofi on stilts moment at MITB as well. Instead of just saying nothing while Kofi was fannying about with a broken ladder he decides to pretty much say "aye, but he's going to climb the thing anyway".

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You're acting as if he's the only person it could have happened with. Do you know how many times Goldberg did that kick both before and after that incident ? It was a freak accident. Of course it was down to his sloppiness, but many greats have caused serious potential career changers in the same way.


You couldn't just give the win streak to anyone and expect them to be able to run with it. Goldberg had an intensity and charisma that most WCW guys didn't have. That, added to the streak, got him over. His spear was awesome because he knew how to execute it to LOOK awesome.

I don't think he got treated the same, but if he did, he probably would have failed, so I'll go along with this, but I will say something.

Goldberg was over as f**k by the time Summerslam 2003 came around. Everyone was BEGGING for him to win the belt and probably should have. He went into a momentum killing fued with Triple H and that was the end for him.

He probably would have been a failure in WWE anyways so they cut the middle man out pretty quickly, but it would have been nice to have seen him get the chance.

I agree with that. I also couldn't give a toss what kind of man he is. I don't watch wrestling to see if they are "good boyz~~~".

Excellent post. It wasn't Goldberg who was booking him to have the streak so how can he complain when he was getting his push.

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You shouldn't have used the word 'literal' then! Despite what some think, it can't actually be used to get a point across as it has just the one meaning. It can't be used to exaggerate; it means what it means, therefore your post read that Goldberg had actually, for real, kille people with his spear.

I used the word "literally" not "literal" but I'm not going to be a c*nt to a fellow wrestling fan like yourself. It can if you have the awareness that I was getting my point across in a serious way. If your not going to be serious how can someone take your point in? Yes there was a sense of exageration and humour involved but if people are going to take wrestling that serious I'll not do so again.

I can't stop watching Goldberg destroying Christain with that spear.

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