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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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WWE have confirmed that the Smackdown roster (and Triple H) will be doing Raw tonight.

I think this could be a good thing for WWE in a way. If they put on a good show it might help Smackdown's ratings.

The ratings Raw get aint because there's loads of hardcore Raw fans, its just become a weekly thing to watch on a monday night, when there aint much else on. This will get the Raw viewers a chance to see the Smackdown guys they have forgotten about or dont even know exist.

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PWTorch.com is reporting that Sean Waltman did not "no-show" TNA's Lockdown PPV last night, and did give management a heads up in advance that he would not be appearing at the show. He cited personal reasons for not being able to work the show, but the feeling at this time is that he had not been cleared by The Missouri State Athletic Commission to compete.The report also claims that there is no heat on Waltman for missing the show, and that he is expected to work the Impact tapings tonight.
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ROH The Era of Honor Begins

I lost most of my review when my PC crashed so I only have the matches on PBP that came after the Spanky match. I still remembered the ratings for the matches though. We're back in the days when Daniels wasn't infuriatingly business exposing.

The card ...

Christopher Street Connection vs. Da Hit Squad ( N/A )

Jay Briscoe vs. The Amazing Red ( * )

Xavier vs. Scoot Andrews ( **1/4 )

The Boogie Knights vs. Natural Born Sinners ( ** )

Quiet Storm vs. Brian XL vs. Chris Divine vs. Jose Maximo vs. Joel Maximo vs. The Amazing Red ( *3/4 )

Prince Nana vs. Eric Tuttle ( N/A )

Michael Shane and Oz vs. Spanky and Ikaika Loa ( **1/2 )

Super Crazy vs. Eddie Guerrero ( *** )

Christopher Daniels vs. American Dragon vs. Low Ki ( ****1/4 )

Super Crazy vs. Eddie Guerrero - IWA Intercontinental Championship

The fans love Eddie as you would expect. He doesn't look like he's in a very good mood ! Eddie gets a standing ovation from the adoring crowd. The bell rings and this one is off. Eddie slaps Crazy instead of shaking his hand. RUDO~~~!!! Eddie goes behind and then a Snapmare and the Face Twist. Stomps to the back and then Crazy into the ropes and a Clothesline and a Suplex from Eddie gets a two count. Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock is countered by Crazy and then the other way about. Eddie holds onto the Side Headlock on Crazy. Back Drop Suplex attempt from Crazy. Right hand from Eddie. Eddie then comes back with right hands and a European Uppercut. Back Drop Suplex from Eddie nicely done and gets a two count. Chinlock from Eddie. Seems a bit early for a Chinlock. Crazy to his feet and he sends Eddie to the ropes. Hiptoss and an Arm Drag from Crazy. Tilt-a-Whirl Arm Drag. Crazy onto the apron and up top. He leaps off and hits an Arm Drag. 10 Punches in the corner from Crazy. Eddie is fucked and heads for the floor, but he then drags Crazy out to meet him and he hits right hands. Brawling around the ring and Crazy gets sent into the ringpost. BRAINBUSTER ON THE FLOOR FROM EDDIE !!! Back into the ring they go and the Slingshot Senton from Eddie and that gets a two count. Fallaway Slam gets a two count for Eddie. Seated Abdominal Stretch from Eddie follows that. Eddie lets go and hits a Dropkick for a two count. Crazy ducks a Clothesline. Sunset Flip is countered by Crazy and he hits a Dropkick to the back of the head. Slingshot Lionsault from Crazy gets a two count and then he goes to the middle rope. Missile Dropkick gets a two count. Crazy gets caught on the top rope. TOP ROPE RANA FROM EDDIE !!! Leg Lariat takes the control back for Crazy. Eddie drops behind. THE WILD BOMB FROM EDDIE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Crazy into the ropes and a Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker from Eddie. ROLLING BRAINBUSTERS FROM EDDIE !!! To the top rope. FROG SPLASH ... he rolls through. TILT-A-WHIRL SMALL PACKAGE FROM CRAZY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

So Crazy is able to move shortly after two Brainbusters ? You have a feeling that both men left a lot in the locker in this one. Especially Crazy who didn't live up to his name, but that might have a lot to do with Eddie limiting the madness a bit, which is something he's always been able to do with crazy highflyers. That said, this was still a good match and definately one of the better Crazy matches. ***

American Dragon vs. Low Ki vs. Christopher Daniels

Low Ki was still in the big baggy pants at this stage. All three men are cautious to start. Kicks from Ki and Dragon to Daniels and then they kick each other. They go back to working on Daniels. All three men work on each other with big strikes and the fans like it. Dragon and Ki lockup and Daniels breaks it. Body Slam on Ki and the Dragon into the ropes. Dropkick on Dragon and then a Back Drop Suplex on Ki. Daniels has Dragon in the tree of woe and then sends Ki into him. ROLLING KOPPOU KICK FROM KI !!! Two kicks to the chest. Dragon stops the third. CATTLE MUTTILATION ... Daniels breaks the move. Body Slam on Dragon and then on Ki. Daniels drops Ki on Dragon with a Leg Drop. Boston Crab/Camel Clutch combo from Daniels. Dragon kicks the arm to stop an irish whip and then kicks the arm. Kick to the chest from Dragon and then he drops his weight on the arm. KAWADA KICKS FROM KI TO DRAGON !!! Daniels clubs Ki down from behind and then lands a Suplex. Gutwrench Suplex from Daniels gets a two count for him on Dragon. Chops from Daniels to Ki in the corner, but Ki comes back with more. He knocks Daniels down and then Dragon gets involved again. He chops both Daniels and Ki. Chop to the face on Ki. Dragon then has Daniels in a Chicken Wing Indian Deathlock. Ki breaks that with a kick. He kicks down Dragon while he's holding Daniels in the Indian Deathlock. Dragon with a Northern Lights Suplex while holding the move and the fans like that. Dragon turns Daniels into a pin and gets a two count. Fans are going mental for this stuff. Chops from Ki and Dragon. Ki into the ropes and he runs into a Back Elbow from Dragon and that gets a two count. Arm Drag from Dragon and then he pins Daniels and gets a two count. Ki walks across Daniels to get to Dragon and then kicks him in the back. Dragon is NOT amused. He then does the same to Ki. They then both decide to kick each Daniels. Daniels gets up and he gets kicks from both ends. He avoids the last ones though and Ki and Dragon kick each other in the shin. Chops from Ki. Daniels gets involved and lands a Final Cut. Neckbreaker on Dragon. Lion Tamer on Ki. Running Forearm knocks down Daniels. Double Suplex is countered. Neckbreaker/DDT combo from Daniels gets a two count. Daniels heads for the top rope and he gets stopped up there by Dragon and Ki and they throw him into the middle of the ring. DOUBLE YAKUZA KICK ON DANIELS !!! KAWADA KICKS FROM DRAGON TO KI !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Daniels tries to steal a pin and can't. Daniels with a Belly 2 Belly Suplex on Ki and that gets a two count. Ki and Dragon attack. Assisted DDT on Dragon from Ki. TIDAL WAVE FROM KI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Ki sets Dragon on the top rope. Dragon elbows Ki back into the middle of the ring. Daniels then gets up there. Abdominal Stretch on the top rope. Ki then kicks down Dragon. HANGING DRAGON ON DANIELS FROM KI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! DRAGON CLUTCH FROM KI ... blocked. Roundhouse Kick on Dragon. BLUE THUNDER DRIVER FROM DANIELS TO DRAGON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! KICK TO THE HEAD FROM KI TO DANIELS !!! Daniels with a palm strike and he has Ki set on top. Ki fights off Daniels but then Dragon gets up there with him and Daniels joins in. BACK DROP SUPERPLEX/NORMAL SUPERPLEX COMBO WITH THE THREE MEN !!! JUDO DDT ON DANIELS !!! DRAGON SUPLEX ON DANIELS FROM DRAGON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KI SAVES !!! THE DRAGON CLUTCH FROM KI TO DRAGON !!! DANIELS SAVES !!! Right hand exchange from Daniels and Ki. STO from Daniels. BEST MOONSAULT EVER FROM DANIELS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... DRAGON SAVES !!! BRUTAL LARIAT FROM DANIELS TO DRAGON !!! Kick to the head from Ki. CARTWHEEL TIDAL WAVE FROM KI TO DANIELS !!! Running Forearm. ROARING ELBOW FROM DRAGON TO BOTH MEN !!! CATTLE MUTTILATION ON DANIELS !!! KI BREAKS IT WITH A PHOENIX SPLASH !!! HOLY SHIT !!! KI KRUSHER ON DANIELS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

There's a few dead spots but this is generally a terrific match. It was basically a spotfest and as such, Dragon didn't look very comfortable at times in there. That's simply not his scene. He did hang well with some weird stuff though. The double submission move in the middle of the match for example. Most of the work was done by the other two guys and you can't really blame them for going with that. Cracking main event. ****1/4



Yeah, so there's clearly a few chinks in the armour of this promotion at this stage. The main event was memorable but the rest ? Not so much. Basically a bunch of disappointments, crap angles and spotfests. Things would get better, but this is all about the main event.

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ROH Round Robin Challenge

This has the first match in ROH that was universally seen as world class in the main event. The card for this ...

Christopher Daniels vs. American Dragon - Round Robin Challenge Match One ( **** )

Prince Nana and Eric Tuttle vs. Da Hit Squad ( N/A )

CW Anderson and Elax vs. Joey Matthews and Christian York ( **1/4 )

James Maritato vs. Xavier ( **1/2 )

Boogie Knights vs. Natural Born Sinners ( 1/2* )

Christopher Daniels vs. Low Ki - Round Robin Challenge Match Two ( ***1/4 )

Chris Marvel vs. Paul London ( N/A )

Jay Briscoe vs. Spanky ( *** )

Divine Storm vs. SAT vs. The Amazing Red and Brian XL ( *** )

American Dragon vs. Low Ki - Round Robin Challenge Match Three ( ****3/4 )

Christopher Daniels vs. American Dragon - Round Robin Challenge Match One

Daniels had a super gimmick in ROH. Basically saying that his word was gospel and the Code of Honor is a joke. He was able to work it well too, which makes a change from not knowing what the hell he's doing. Lockup and then right hands from Daniels. Dropkick gets a two count. Dragon into the ropes and then a forearm knocks down Daniels. Some reversing leads to a Waistlock Takedown from Dragon, but Daniels then with the Hammerlock. Takedown from Dragon and then he tries to mount Daniels. No, not like that. Dragon goes for a choke, and Daniels into the ropes quickly. Both men are cautious to open and they lock hands. Dragon has Daniels pinned to the mat and gets a couple of nearfalls. Daniels battles back to his feet and then sweeps down Dragon. Dragon bridges and Daniels can't knee him down. Dragon with with a nice reversal and locks in the Crippler Crossface and then he adds a leg to this. OUCH ! Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock from Dragon after Daniels escapes from the move. Dragon into the ropes and he charges down Daniels. Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock again from Dragon. Daniels gets to his feet and sends Dragon into the corner, but he only eats a Headlock Takedown and Side Headlock again. Daniels gets a Head Scissors, and then Dragon gets another Headlock. Daniels tries a Suplex and misses. LOVELY Dropkick from Dragon and that gets a two count. BACK DROP DRIVER FROM DANIELS !!! Headlock from Daniels and then a Cravat on Dragon. Snapmare and he keeps the Cravat locked in. Knee Drop from Daniels and that gets a two count. Into the corner and Daniels with a chop. Dragon with chops of his own and Daniels then attacks from behind with a forearm to the back of the head. Back Drop Suplex from Daniels and that gets a two count. He then locks in a Camel Clutch but locks it so as the pressure is mostly on the neck. Cravat and Dragon with a takedown and then a Clothesline. Back Drop Suplex is blocked by Daniels and then he lands a Final Cut and that gets a two count. Snapmare and then Daniels with a Cravat. Dragon is now fighting back. Daniels then goes for a Backslide. BRUTAL BELLY 2 BELLY SUPLEX FROM DRAGON !!! He's back in the match. Chops from Dragon and then a Running Back Elbow from Dragon. Knee to the stomach but the neck is still bothering him. Chops from Dragon and right hands. Dragon with a running Forearm in the corner but he can't hit the Suplex because of the neck. JUDO DDT FROM DRAGON !!! FLYING HEADBUTT FROM DRAGON !!! Not the smartest idea. ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! ROARING ELBOW FROM DRAGON ... COUNTERED TO THE STO FROM DANIELS !!! BEST MOONSAULT EVER FROM DANIELS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Kicks to the leg from Dragon. ROARING ELBOW FROM DRAGON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Daniels and Dragon then exchange chops. Palm Strike from Daniels. BRUTAL LARIAT FROM DANIELS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! BLUE THUNDER BOMB FROM DANIELS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! DRAGON TAKES DOWN DANIELS AND HAS CATTLE MUTTILATION !!! HE CAN'T HOLD ON !!! THE RINGS OF SATURN FROM DRAGON !!! DANIELS INTO THE ROPES !!! Daniels with a shot to the neck. PILEDRIVER FROM DRAGON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! THE LAST RITES FROM DANIELS !!! THE CRIPPLER CROSSFACE !!! DRAGON TAPS !!!

Superb opening match for ROH here. The selling of Dragon on the head was brilliant. He didn't forget about it for a single second. Daniels was slick as hell here, but the difference this time and what he does before is that you can sense a purpose with him this time. A good technical battle. ****

Prince Nana and Eric Tuttle vs. Da Hit Squad

Da Hit Squad hit the ring in anger and beat the shit out of the two men. Forearms from both men on Nana and then a Double Shoulder Block. Mack heads for the top rope while Mafia has a Figure Four Leglock. FROG SPLASH ON NANA FROM MACK !!! BRUTAL SPEAR FROM MACK TO TUTTLE !!! WHEELBARROW SUPLEX/LARIAT COMBO FROM DA HIT SQUAD !!! BURNING HAMMER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

No match to speak of here, but this was a fun beating. N/A

Christian York and Joey Matthews vs. Elax and CW Anderson

Anderson is going to open the match with York. Lockup and Anderson goes behind. York attempts a takedown and an Overhead Wristlock from Anderson. Headlock from York. Anderson sends York to the ropes and tries to take him down. Big Clothesline from Anderson and down he goes. Anderson with some chopping. Hiptoss is blocked from both men. York avoids a Suplex and then lands the Tilt-a-Whirl Head Scissors. Right, I've got the two men mixed up. It's York in the ring now. Fireman's Slam and a Senton Splash from York gets a two count and Matthews into the ring. Double Suplex on Elax. Anderson comes in with a Superkick on York and then the Arm Stunner on Matthews and Anderson tags in. Right hands from Anderson. Hammerlock Michinoku Driver from Anderson gets a two count. Arm Bar from Anderson. He then tags in Elax. Arm Ringer from Elax and then the Arm Ringer. Right hands to escape from Matthews and Elax tags out in desperation. Anderson knocks York off of the apron. The Anderson Left connects. Matthews then gets set on the top rope. Anderson thrown back into the middle of the ring, but he gets it second time around. STALLING SUPERPLEX FROM ANDERSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Matthews with right hands and that didn't end well. Matthews with a Neckbreaker and he now wants to tag out of the match. Hot tag and in comes York. Springboard Back Elbow on York. Gory Special on Elax and then he drops Elax in the corner. FERRIS WHEEL SUPLEX FROM ANDERSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Bulldog from Matthews for a two count. Elax with a Top Rope Suplex on Matthews. SPINEBUSTER ON YORK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... MATTHEWS SAVES !!! Elax is knocked off the apron. THE PROBLEM SOLVER ON ANDERSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was a good wee match there. Anderson looked brilliant basically wrestling a handicap match. I hate when they forget completely about tag rules though and have illegal men making covers and stuff. Just want a wee bit of consistancy with the refereeing in tag team matches, and this would be a problem in ROH for some time, but this is still decent. **1/4

James Maritato vs. Xavier

James Maritato is, of course, Little Guido. Lockup and Xavier goes behind and Maritato with the same. Some reversing from both men right off the bat. Into the ropes goes Xavier and he blocks a Hiptoss and so does Maritato. Maritato goes for the Fujiwara Armbar but Xavier avoids it. Maritato takes down Xavier and then mounts him. Xavier does the same and both men are going for it. Xavier gets to the floor to take a breather. Xavier onto the apron but he misses a Sunset Flip and Maritato locks in a Head Scissors. Xavier escapes and locks in the Bow and Arrow Hold and then Maritato gets a two count. Sicilian Drop is missed and then both men counter pinfalls and we have a stalemate from that. Xavier sent into the corner and Maritato onto the apron. HANGING DDT FROM XAVIER !!! Right hands then from Xavier. He gets a two count from that. Chops from Xavier and then knees to the stomach and then the head. Running Forearm gets a two count for Xavier. Into the corner and Xavier with a chop and then he sets Maritato on the top rope. Maritato stops a top rope rana. BOSTON CRAB ON THE TOP ROPE !!! DROPKICK OFF THE SECOND ROPE FROM MARITATO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Xavier sends Maritato into the corner and then hits a Running Back Body Drop for a two count. Russian Legsweep from Xavier. Knee Drop from Xavier. Right hand from Xavier. MARITATO WITH A SWINGING DDT TO AVOID A RUNNING POWERSLAM !!! Xavier to the floor. MARITATO WITH THE SICILIAN SLICE ON THE FLOOR !!! Back into the ring and Maritato with the Muta Lock and then he turns it around. He breaks and gets a two count. Maritato counters a Cobra Clutch and then hits a Dropkick for a two count. THE SICILIAN DROP ... countered. CRADLE FROM XAVIER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was a nice wee match. Both guys did loads of counters and counters to counters. A lot of that was down to Maritato, although he still couldn't shake some of the comedy selling that he does. That's a minor gripe. The two guys connected pretty well. **1/2

Boogie Knights vs. Natural Born Sinners

The Sinners are getting the chance to rectify the DQ loss to the Knights on the last show. The Knights don't want to get into the ring. Homicide is starting the match with Tobin. Boo with a takedown and then into the corner. Rubber chicken shots behind the back of the referee. Homicide into the ring and he wants some of Drake. Drake wants to do some mat wrestling. Boo is in there with him. He grounds Drake and then hits some right hands and in comes Homicide. Kicks to the stomach and then into the corner. T-Bone Suplex from Homicide. MICHINOKU DRIVER II !!! DOUBLE STOMP FROM HOMICIDE !!! Boo and Tobin back into the match. POWERBOMB/NECKBREAKER COMBO FROM THE SINNERS !!! Homicide now into the ring. Running Forearm. HALF AND HALF SUPLEX/LARIAT COMBO FROM THE SINNERS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Another squash match, but again, this was fun. It also lasted a while which meant extra beatings. I'm up for that. 1/2*

Christopher Daniels vs. Low Ki - Round Robin Challenge Match Two

There was a major issue brewing between these two guys. It's a shame that it was never properly paid off with a one on one match. Ki wants the handshake and Daniels wants none of it. Chopping and then right hands from Ki. Cartwheel Kick misses, but a big kick to the head gets a two count. Kick to the back from Ki and that gets a two count. Daniels with a quick kick to the head to escape. ROLLING KOPPOU KICK FROM KI !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Mongolian Chop and then a European Uppercut from Ki. More chops from Ki. Knee to the stomach from Daniels and then he charges Ki down. Border City Stretch from Ki. Daniels counters to a two count. Kicks to the chest of Daniels. KICK TO THE HEAD FROM KI !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Chinlock with a knee in the back from Ki. To the feet they go and Daniels puts Ki on the top rope. TRIANGLE CHOKE OVER THE TOP ROPE FROM KI !!! Ki onto the apron. Kick to the chest from Ki from there and then back into the ring. Ki runs right into the STO from Daniels. Another STO from Daniels and he's working out of desperation at this point. Elbow Drop and then a stomp from Daniels. Clothesline from Daniels takes down Ki and that gets a two count. Suplex from Daniels gets a two count. Gutwrench Suplex from Daniels and then he locks in a Camel Clutch with the knee in the back. Front Suplex dumps Ki over the top rope and then the Guillotine Leg Drop off of the top rope and that gets a two count. Half Crab from Daniels. He turns that to an STF. Ki gets into the ropes. FALCON ARROW FROM DANIELS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! STO from Daniels and then he heads up. BEST MOONSAULT EVER FROM DANIELS ... lands on his feet. TIDAL WAVE FROM KI !!! KI KRUSHER ... Daniels escapes. Ki with a right hand in the corner. Daniels goes for the Last Rites and can't. Palm Strike from Daniels to Ki. CROSS ARM ICONOCLASM !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! ANGELS WINGS FROM DANIELS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! KI KRUSHER FROM KI !!! Ki is a bit buggered though, so he can't make the cover. CARTWHEEL TIDAL WAVE FROM KI !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Both men with reversals at the moment. DRAGON CLUTCH FROM KI !!! DANIELS TAPS !!!

That is a pretty good match there. It was lacking a little something and I'm not sure what it was. I know that Daniels' time in charge of the match was back to what I have come to expect from him. All style and no substance. Low Ki initially was all anger and fury and that made it incredibly watchable. The match was sadly lacking somewhere but another good match. ***1/4

Chris Marvel vs. Paul London

If this is the match I think it is, it's going to be short. Both men reverse waistlocks. London with a takedown and Marvel escapes a couple of times. London lands on his feet from a Monkey Flip. London into the ring and he takes down Marvel. He stomps his face and is sent into the ropes. Spinning Heel Kick and then the Dropsault and another and Marvel heads for the floor. ASAI MOONSAULT FROM LONDON !!! Marvel has broken something and it's match over.

No rating and a horrible ending here. N/A

Jay Briscoe vs. Spanky

The bell rings and both men circle each other. Into the corner they go and the referee wants a break. Lockup and into the corner and then he pushes Jay. Headlock from Spanky. Jay can't shake off Spanky. Jay goes behind and then Spanky with a reversal. Spanky escapes the Arm Ringer with some flipping. Jay escapes with forearms. Spanky goes to the arm himself and then Jay with a Drop Toe Hold and La Magistral Cradle for a two count. They lock hands and Jay goes behind. Spanky with a takedown. Chinlock from Spanky and then Jay with a go behind. Jay into the ropes and then he lands a Snap Suplex. A second Snap Suplex gets a two count. Spanky avoids a third Suplex but gets sent to the ropes. Jay onto the apron and he hits a right hand. Jay with a Slingshot Oklahoma Roll gets a two count. Spanky gets to the top rope and gets stopped. TOP ROPE FLAPJACK FROM SPANKY !!! Springboard Knee Drop to the back of the head from Spanky and that gets a two count. Jay into the ropes and a Spinning Back Elbow and then a Chinlock from Spanky. Jay comes back and hits chops. Snap Suplex gets blocked. Running Dropkick to the side of the head from Spanky and that gets a two count. Suplex gets a two count for Spanky. Russian Legsweep from Spanky. Two count comes from that. Jay with some fighting back. Cravat Face Buster from Spanky puts a stop to that and it gets a two count. SLICED BREAD #2 ... blocked. RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX FROM JAY !!! Spanky has been busted open pretty badly from that. Spanky misses a Clothesline and then a series of rights from Jay. Spanky into the ropes and a Dropkick from Jay. Sitdown Front Suplex gets a two count for Jay. Short Arm Clothesline from Jay. Leg Lariat from Spanky. Tiger Mask Corner Dropkick from Spanky. YAKUZA KICK FROM JAY !!! Jay sets Spanky on top. THE MUSCLE BUSTER ... Spanky fights off. Spanky sends Jay to the floor. DOUBLE SPRINGBOARD PLANCHA FROM SPANKY !!! Into the ring and Spanky up top. BIG SPLASH ... HITS THE KNEES !!! BRUTAL POWERBOMB FROM JAY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... FOOT ON THE ROPES !!! SLICED BREAD #2 !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

This was a good midcard match. Isn't it refreshing to see blood mean something in a match ? When that happened, Jay Briscoe took total control and the fans were shocked by it. ***

Divine Storm vs. SAT vs. The Amazing Red and Brian XL

Brian and Divine start and they do some reversals. Arm Drags from both men and that has a stalemate. In comes Joel to take the place of Divine. Storm comes in to face him. Joel into the ropes. The same reversal stuff as before. Wheelbarrow Arm Drag from Storm and then the Running Rana. Storm onto the middle rope and he comes off with an Arm Drag. Rana from Joel and then he slaps Storm. Kicks from Joel, but elbow strikes from Storm. Both men slap each other and then shake hands. Red wants nothing of a handshake from Jose. Spin Kick to the face from Red and then both men with reversals. Red sends Jose into the ropes and neither man seems sure what they're supposed to do. Leaping Rana from Jose but it looked rotten. Both men with more reversals. That was a pretty horrible exchange of counters there and in come Storm and Joel. Dropkick sends Joel to the floor. TOPE CON HILO FROM STORM !!! In come Divine and Jose. They end up on the floor. Brian to the top rope. SEATED SENTON PLANCHA FROM BRIAN XL !!! SPRINGBOARD RED ALERT PLANCHA FROM AMAZING RED !!! Back into the ring with Storm and Red. Red into the ropes and he gets over Storm who hits an Arm Drag. Tilt-a-Whirl Head Scissors from Red. SPINAL SHOCK ON RED !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! In comes Joel with right hands. NORTHERN LIGHTS BOMB ON JOEL !!! SPRINGBOARD DROPKICK !!! THE REAL DEAL ON BRIAN !!! Divine and Joel in there. DEATH VALLEY DRIVER FROM DIVINE TO JOEL !!! SUICIDE DIVE ONTO JOSE AND BRIAN XL !!! Storm climbs the ropes in the ring and is stopped by Joel. TOP ROPE SUPERPLEX !!! RED WITH DOUBLE KNEES !!! RED STAR PRESS OFF THE BACK OF JOEL !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! Divine Storm eliminated.

Red with a bunch of ducks and stuff. Kick to the back of the head. Back Drop Suplex from Red. BRAINBUSTER FROM RED ON JOEL !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Right hands from Red and then into the ropes he goes. BACK BODY DROP DRIVER FROM JOEL !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... BRIAN SAVES !!! RED STAR PRESS FROM XL !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... JOSE SAVES !!! AIR RAID CRASH INTO THE SHELLSHOCK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Into the corner and Brian onto the apron and he heads for the top rope. DRAGON RANA ... COUNTERED INTO A POWERBOMB !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! EXCLAMATION POINT FROM BRIAN XL !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Joel and Red are now in the ring. Joel on top and a low blow. SUPER CODE RED FROM RED !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! DOUBLE HURRICANE KICK FROM BRIAN AND RED !!! THE RED ALERT ... MISSES !!! SPRINGBOARD SOMERSAULT LEG DROP FROM BRIAN XL !!! Red and Brian XL argue about who gets the pin. SCHOOL BOY FROM JOSE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Much better spotfest this time around. It was equally sloppy at times, but the timing was much better. There was less chaos for the sake of chaos. The final sequence was in danger of bringing things down, but they ended up bringing things together and having a bit of a cracker. Good entertaining stuff. ***

American Dragon vs. Low Ki - Round Robin Challenge Match Three

Ken Shamrock is the special guest referee for this match. Lockup and they lock hands. Kick from Ki. Takedown from Dragon and Ki tries to keep him at a distance. Dragon goes for a Triangle Choke, but Ki keeps away. Dragon ends up locking in the Neck Vice, and then he goes for the back. Ki mounts and unloads with rights and lefts. He now has the back of Dragon and he tries some more strikes and then tries to go for a choke and has a Body Scissors held on. He adds the Chinlock eventually but Dragon makes sure he can't keep it, and then locks in a Modified Surfboard and then locks in the Pendulum Hold and then goes for the choke. Low Ki with a bridging neck vice, but Dragon goes back to a Neck Vice of his own. Camel Clutch from Dragon. He rips at the face while holding that. He then lands Crossface Forearms on him. He goes back to the choke. Ki gets to a Front Facelock and then adds a bunch of knees. Dragon forces the match into the ropes and Shamrock gives them time to break the moves themselves. Dragon then blocks the first kick attempt from Ki. Ki goes for an arm and then takes down Dragon. Ki then with right hands and left hands. Dragon tries to grab a Triangle Choke yet again. He eventually settles for a Cross Armbreaker. Ki rolls through and then lands a knee to the head. Ki goes for the choke and Dragon gets into the ropes. Shamrock wants no rope breaks and just pulls them into the middle of the ring. Dragon then has to escape and does. Ki tries the same thing as Dragon and goes for an arm, so Dragon just lifts Ki and slams him down. Cracking exchange between the two men at the moment. Lockup and Ki takes Dragon into his guard. Ki then goes for the Cross Armbreaker and Dragon bridges and then rolls out and grabs the legs of Ki and bends the back. Ouch ! Ki gets into the ropes. Ki then with a BRUTAL kick to the head and Dragon heads for the floor. Dragon gets back into the ring. He'll be much more cautious now. Ki with the Waistlock and then he takes down Dragon. Ki then rolls and gets a two count and both men with some reversing, and Dragon then locks the legs in the Indian Deathlock position, and then grabs the arms of Ki. He then turns around Ki and gets a two count. Ki gets onto his side. Dragon then grabs the leg and twists on it badly. Ki tries to kick his way out of the move at the moment. Ki then kicks his way out. KAWADA KICKS FROM KI !!! Dragon gets the hell out of there a second time. Dragon gets back into the ring now where Ki is waiting for him. Dragon unloads on Ki though and he has the Cross Armbeaker, and Ki gets into the ropes quickly. They lock hands again. Dragon grabs a leg and then gets a Small Package and that gets a two count, but Dragon remains in the Side Mount. He tries several times for a pin and can't get it. He seems to be going for the Cattle Muttilation, but Ki gets to his feet and they get into the ropes. Full Nelson then from Dragon. Back Drop Suplex from Dragon ends up being the final decision for him. Snapmare and then a kick to the back from Dragon and then a chop to the back and that gets a two count. Dragon grabs the arms again. BRUTAL KICK TO THE FACE FROM KI !!! Ki with chops to Dragon now. Snapmare and a kick to the back and Dragon felt that. Snapmare and a chop to the back and this is all a receipt for earlier. Knee Drop gets a two count for Ki. Ki now has the arms in the same way that Dragon would. Another kick to the back. Dragon Clutch attempt, but Dragon is doing well to block. Cobra Clutch from Ki. Both men end up on the floor and Ken Shamrock is asking for a submission on the floor. Shamrock is having nothing to do with breaks. Ki sends Dragon back into the ring. That gets a two count. Stomp from Ki. Ki goes for the Ki Krusher. ROARING ELBOW FROM DRAGON !!! DRAGON SUPLEX FROM DRAGON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! JUDO DDT FROM DRAGON !!! Dragon then heads for the top rope. FLYING HEADBUTT FROM DRAGON ... HITS THE KNEES !!! Ki gets a two count from that. CARTWHEEL TIDAL WAVE FROM KI !!! DRAGON SUPLEX FROM KI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! CATTLE MUTTILATION FROM LOW KI !!! DRAGON COUNTERS TO THE DRAGON CLUTCH ON LOW KI !!! HE ADDS THE SCISSORS !!! KI GETS INTO THE ROPES !!! CRAVAT SUPLEX FROM DRAGON !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Ki into the corner and a Running Forearm. Northern Lights Suplex gets a two count for Dragon. Chops from Dragon and Ki this time. Forearms from Dragon. TIDAL WAVE ... HE JUMPS RIGHT INTO A DRAGON DROPKICK !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Both men with blocks. BRAINBUSTER FROM LOW KI !!! Both men are down. He crawls over and gets a two count. KAWADA KICKS FROM LOW KI !!! HUGE FINAL KICK FROM KI !!! KI KRUSHER FROM KI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Backbreaker from Ki. PHOENIX SPLASH FROM KI ... HITS THE KNEES !!! DRAGON SUPLEX FROM DRAGON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Dragon then sets Ki on the top rope. TOP ROPE BACK DROP SUPLEX FROM DRAGON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Dragon then sets Ki on the top rope again. Ki with shots to the back of Dragon. SUPER KI KRUSHER FROM KI !!! Both men are down, while Dragon slowly but surely inches his way to the floor. Back into the ring they go. That gets a two count. Ki then comes back with chops. Dragon into the corner. He catches Ki. THE REGAL SUPLEX FROM DRAGON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! THE CATTLE MUTTILATION FROM DRAGON !!! FULL NELSON CATTLE MUTTILATION !!! KI IS UNCONSCIOUS !!! THE MATCH IS OVER !!!

Where this match loses points is the timing at points. A couple of the big near falls were horrifically timed and that led the action afterwards to be not as well recieved, but this match was absolutely amazing. They took it to the mat for more than half of the match and did all sorts of cool stuff and encorporated some MMA into the match, but not so much that it took away. Ken Shamrock also played his part, not allowing for any rope breaks. It's close to a perfect match, and it's a match I've underestimated in the past. I won't be making that mistake again. ****3/4



The round robin challenge helped as it produced three good - amazing matches to open and end the show and also one in the middle, so it helped that there was a couple of other real fun matches on the card too. They cut out a lot of the crap that was on the last show too. The kinks are still there for all to see, but this was a much more solid show, and that main event HAS to be seen.

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