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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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Looks like TNA have taken full advantage of the travel chaos and finally put on a show that would be worthwhile to watch - based on the spoilers.

With the draft on next week, I expect WWE to get some form of revenge next week.

Only slight complaint I would make is that they easily could have built up the two main events from last night, and made a cracking PPV from it.

Can understand why Hogan/Bischoff went for the jugular, but it still stinks of a short term plan, rather than any long term storybuilding or planning.

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I think TNA need a good short term plan at the moment to get people turning over. With the travel chaos, last night was perfect and add that to the worst guest host yet, it might well pay off.

There's plenty of options for PPV and stuff so it's not that big a deal on that front. It'll be interesting to see how TNA did this week.

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ROH Night of Appreciation

This is a night of appreciation for Eddie Guerrero, who makes his last appearance in ROH. He makes his appearance as the WWE IC Champ, which was a hell of a coup for ROH.

Christopher Street Connection vs. Da Hit Squad vs. Prince Nana and Elax ( 1/4* )

Jay Briscoe vs. Tony Mamaluke ( * )

Divine Storm vs. Christian York and Joey Matthews ( **1/2 )

Scoot Andrews vs. James Maritato vs. Xavier ( ** )

AJ Styles vs. Low Ki ( **** )

Dunn and Marcos vs. The Carnage Crew ( 1/2* )

Donovan Morgan vs. Christopher Daniels ( ***1/2 )

Texas Wrestling Academy Gauntlet Match ( * )

The SAT vs. Eddie Guerrero and The Amazing Red ( ***1/2 )

Da Hit Squad vs. Christopher Street Connection vs. Elax and Prince Nana

I appreciate that Da Hit Squad are a good way to open a show, but is there any need to have them in this match ? Whatever happened to giving them a bit of competition ? Slap to the face from Mafia and Allison Danger is in the ring and she's not amused. Da Hit Squad aren't happy with this. It turns out there's gonna be a three way and down comes Nana. SAMOAN WRECKING BALL ON MACK !!! BRONCO BUSTER FROM MACE !!! Elax finds that one rather funny. Mafia is LIVID. RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX ON BOTH ELAX AND MASE AT THE SAME TIME !!! WOW !!! Flapjack on Mafia from Nana. Poke to the eyes and then Buff E walks in and hits a BRUTAL strike. Nana shouts in the face of Elax and then throws him out of the ring. Dropkick to the balls from Luscious. Everyone then beats on Mack. The heels all get into an arguement. Is there any need for this shit ? SPEARS ON ALL FOUR OF THEM FROM DA HIT SQUAD !!! Chops from Mafia and then Nana into the ropes. Kick to the head from Mafia and a Senton Splash. Mack sends Mase into the ropes and hits a Belly 2 Belly Suplex. HALF AND HALF SUPLEX DROPS BUFF E RIGHT ON HIS HEAD !!! Luscious is the one that's left in the ring. BRUTAL SPINEBUSTER ON LUSCIOUS !!! THE BURNING HAMMER ON LUSCIOUS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Points go to Da Hit Squad for being great fun while kicking arse, but everyone else was absolutely terrible. Da Hit Squad were getting badly wasted at this point. It's all well and good having sports entertainment, but when it's not entertaining, it loses it's appeal. 1/4*

Jay Briscoe vs. Tony Mamaluke

This would be the ROH debut of Mamaluke and they go face to face during the handshake. They circle and and Tony with a takedown. Jay has trouble getting away from Tony's mat game but eventually takes control of the match and Mamaluke ends up on the floor from that. Some nice stuff to open the match there. Tony goes for the takedown and Jay tries for Guillotine Choke, but Tony escapes and goes behind. Jay gets into the ropes before any damage can be done. Lockup and Mamaluke goes behind. Mamaluke with the takedown, and he gets a Side Headlock. Hammerlock from Mamaluke and then Jay with a reversal, takedown and he has the Key Lock on Mamaluke. Mamaluke gets to his feet and he gets a Snapmare. Jay into the ropes and he runs into a Hiptoss. Both men do that and kick away. Tony into the ropes and he runs into a Leg Lariat from Jay. Snap Suplex from Jay and then he stomps on the face. Another Snap Suplex and he floats over for a two count. Back Drop Suplex is avoided by Tony, and he goes for the Fujiwara Armbar, and Jay gets into the ropes. Hammerlock Northern Lights Suplex from Mamaluke and then he goes for the Cross Armbreaker and Jay gets into the ropes. Elbow strikes to the back of the head of Jay. He then stretches the arm over the top rope and then hits right hands. Both men with flips and Jay gets a School Boy for a two count. Tony with a Sleeper Russian Legsweep and then a modified Koji Clutch but he is forced to break. Right hand to the head and Jay is set on the top rope. SUPER SITDOWN FRONT SUPLEX FROM JAY !!! Both men now with chops and Jay is unloading. Flapjack from Jay. JAY DRILLER ... Mamaluke stops that. School Boy again gets a two count. Mamaluke with a Victory Roll and then a Backslide. JAY DRILLER FROM JAY BRISCOE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

One of them matches that can be descibed as lots happening, but not much happening if you get the meaning. Mamaluke looked like he wanted to work the arm, but wasn't quite sure how to make it work. Jay Briscoe was the only guy in the match that looked like he knew what he was doing, which is a shame because I was always a fan of Mamaluke. *

Divine Storm vs. Christian York and Joey Matthews

Storm is going to open the match with Matthews. Lockup and against the ropes they go and they have a clean break. Matthews goes behind with a Hammerlock. Storm with a reversal and then he goes to the Headlock. Arm Ringer from Storm and he continues that work, and Matthews with some flipping about. Any need for that ? Arm Drag from Matthews, but he gets taken over and then we have pinfalls from both men and that's a stalemate. Storm into the ropes and then a big right hand from Matthews. Into the corner he goes and York tags in and hits a Missile Dropkick for a two count. Right hand from York and he sends Storm into the ropes. Storm comes back. Tilt-a-Whirl Head Scissors and then a Rana from Storm and a Leg Lariat. In comes Divine. Arm Ringer and then chops from York. Divine sends York into the ropes and we have an awkward exchange. Wheelbarrow Arm Bar from Divine and then right hands and kicks in the corner. Divine gets over York. Alabama Slam from York and then York does the Pendulum Hold. Storm comes in and breaks with an Elbow Smash. York with a Springboard Back Elbow to knock Storm off of the apron. Right hands on Divine, but he then runs into a Spinebuster and that gets a two count. In comes Storm. York into the ropes and he runs into a kick. Dropkick/STO combo from Divine Storm gets a two count. York comes back with right hands and he runs into a Dropkick and Divine tagged back into the match. York into the corner and a springing Elbow Smash, but York explodes out of the corner with a Clothesline to stop that. York then gets sent to the floor. Matthews tries to help York. BRIAN XL WITH A MOONSAULT OVER THE TOP ROPE ONTO YORK !!! Divine Storm aren't happy with the Code of Honor being broken. They are SUPER pissed with that. Divine decides to just get on with things and gets into the ring. York avoids a Back Drop Suplex. LIGER BOMB FROM DIVINE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Stomps to the back Divine and then York into the corner and Divine ont the top rope. SUPER MANHATTAN DROP FROM YORK !!! That's one way to get out. Matthews comes back into the match. Back Body Drop on Storm, and then 10 punches on Divine. Both men with reversals. Full Nelson Facedrop from Matthews on Divine and then a Neckbreaker on Storm. Divine is dumped over the top rope. THE FULL EFFECT FROM YORK AND MATTHEWS !!! Divine trips Matthews and jumps into York and both men end up on the floor, leaving Storm in the ring to unload with Elbow Strikes. Matthews comes back, but the Roll Through Head Scissors and Matthews taps.

That was some good solid tag team action from both teams which also helped to get the Code of Honor over. Chris Divine is striking me as someone who doesn't have much in the locker. He completely fucked two moves here and he doesn't have much in the way of spots either, yet he seems to be getting thrown into these multi-man spotfests. Still, he didn't take away too much here. **1/2

Scoot Andrews vs. James Maritato vs. Xavier

Xavier is 2-0 in ROH and has wins over both of his opponents in this match. All three men shake hands and we're off. Andrews and Maritato sends Xavier down and have a match amongst themselves. Both men reverse a Waistlock and then Xavier holds his back. Maritato with some nice wrestling, and Andrews into the ropes and he takes down Xavier as he tries to get back into the match. Xavier with a Dropkick on Maritato and then Andrews attacks him from behind. Andrews into the corner and into the ropes. Tilt-a-Whirl Faceplant from Andrews. That gets a two count for Andrews and then then a knee from Xavier. He goes for the X-Breaker and that is blocked. Maritato flips Xavier into a Reverse DDT on Andrews. Bulldog from Xavier gets a two count. Kicks to the stomach in the corner and then right hands and knee strikes to the head. Maritato into the corner and Xavier runs into a Dropkick. FORCE OF NATURE .. blocked. Maritato gets put on the top rope and then Xavier goes for him. Andrews decides to join in. POWERBOMB/SUPER FALLAWAY SLAM FROM THE THREE MEN !!! That's your token big three way spot of the match. Right hands from both sides here. All three men hit a right hand and all three men go down. Chops from Maritato and Xavier and Xavier with a knee to the stomach. Maritato goes behind and we have reversals. Slingshot Suplex is blocked. FORCE OF NATURE ON XAVIER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... MARITATO MAKES THE SAVE !!! Xavier will struggle to get back into the match. Powerslam gets a two count for Andrews and then right hands. Discus Lariat is ducked and Maritato with a Back Drop Suplex and that gets a two count. Maritato picked up and Andrews hits a Reverse DDT and that gets a two count. Xavier is on the top rope and Andrews cuts him off and goes up to meet him. SUPER RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP FROM MARITATO !!! XAVIER JUMPS INTO THE FUJIWARA ARMBAR !!! XAVIER TAPS !!!

That was a naw bad match. The action was kept going and they did some decent three way spots. They didn't have enough time to build much of a match and that meant we basically got a spotfest. That wasn't the fault of the guys in the match so all credit to them. **

AJ Styles vs. Low Ki

Oh man, this should be awesome. This is the debut of AJ Styles in ROH. Couldn't have asked for a tougher debut than the crown jewel of ROH at that point. The bell rings and I'm looking forward to this. They lock hands and Ki with the Drop Toe Hold. Styles with a go behind and then Ki with a takedown and a Side Headlock. Head Scissors from Styles to escape that. Ki manages to escape that with a Jacknife Pin for a two count. They lock hands and Styles bridges Ki back and then grounds him. Ki then with kicks to the legs, so Styles lets go and kicks Ki in the side. Kick to the side from both men. Kick exchange. Both men then with kicks. Ki with a takedown to end that and he goes to the Front Facelock and then rolls with it. Ki goes for the Guillotine Choke, but Styles escapes. Ki with the Triangle Choke, but Styles rolls out of it and and then Ki with the Front Facelock. Some more reversing from both men, and Styles gets into something of a Dragon Sleeper. Ki rolls though and grabs the head. Styles with right hands to break that. Chop from Ki. That makes Styles think twice about approaching. Lockup and a kick to the leg from Ki. Kick to the chest and a chop from Ki. Snapmare and then Styles sweeps down Ki. Ki tries for the Guillotine Choke again, but Styles with a pin attempt. Kick to the nose from Ki. Styles goes for a leg and Ki catches him with a kick in the back of the head. Styles into the ropes and then a Roundhouse Kick from Ki. Kip Up Rana from Styles and a BRUTAL Lariat gets a two count for him. Styles then clubs on the back of Ki. Suplex into the Neckbreaker from Styles gets a two count. Stomps to the back from Styles. Right hands from Styles. Styles runs into a BRUTAL kick from Ki. Backbreaker from Ki and then the Power Elbow and that gets a two count. Chops from Ki and then Styles comes back with shots of his own. Kick to the back of the head from Styles and Ki falls to the floor. Styles goes down to the floor and he lands a Superkick. Back into the ring they go and we have a two count. BRAINBUSTER FROM STYLES !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Right hand from Styles. ROLLING KOPPOU KICK FROM KI !!! YAKUZA KICK FUCKING BEHEADS STYLES !!! Styles ended up on the floor from that. Chop from Ki and then onto the apron they go. Styles blocks the Ki Krusher attempt. DRAGON CLUTCH TARANTULA FROM KI !!! Back into the ring they go and that gets a two count. THE KI KRUSHER ... STYLES REVERSES THAT INTO A DDT !!! AWESOME !!! BACK DROP FACE PLANT ... KI REVERSES AND ROLLS THROUGH TO THE DRAGON CLUTCH ... Styles escapes. QUEDABRA DDT FROM STYLES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! The fans love this. KI WITH THE POWERBOMB INTO THE JACKNIFE PIN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! KAWADA KICKS FROM KI !!! THIS IS MADNESS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Chop from Ki and then he gets sent into the ropes. TIGER SUPLEX FROM KI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Short Arm Clothesline from Styles. GERMAN SUPLEX AND HE ROLLS THROUGH TO THE BACK DROP FACEPLANT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Ki blocks a Suplex attempt. Sitdown Front Suplex from Ki. That gets a two count. CARTWHEEL TIDAL CRUSH FROM KI !!! He then heads for the top rope. THE PHOENIX SPLASH FROM KI ... HITS THE KNEES !!! CLIFFHANGER DDT DROPS KI ON HIS FUCKING HEAD !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Styles heads for the top rope. SPIRAL TAP FROM STYLES ... MISSES !!! Ki and Styles now exchange rights and they are fighting on their knees. Kick to the back of the head from Ki. KI KRUSHER FROM KI ... blocked. SMALL PACKAGE FROM KI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was a cracking two sided fight from these two guys. Neither man could gain the advantage for a significant amount of time, and both guys unloaded with the big strikes, the big moves and the fans loved it as a result. They might have gone a bit far with the Cliffhanger DDT kickout, but it added to the drama of the match which is the most important thing. ****

Dunn and Marcos vs. The Carnage Crew

This match puts me in mind of an awesome exchange that CM Punk and Gabe had a couple of years later.

Gabe : "An interesting face is that both of these teams wrestled each other on the third ROH show."

Punk : "You're wrong ........ that isn't interesting at all."

I'll be surprised if this is even a match. They run into the ring with hubcaps. That sort of cements the thoughts. The Crew go right to work and beat down both men in corners. DeVito with a Leg Lift Back Drop Suplex on Dunn. Marcos gets whipped into a Superkick as the fans turn on The Carnage Crew early. Into the corner and Loc with some chopping. Loc runs right into an elbow. JIG N TONIC FROM LOC !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT ?!?! Come on, there was no need for a jobber to kick out of that. DOOMSDAY DROPKICK FROM THE CARNAGE CREW !!! Devito then slaps away and hits Short Arm Clotheslines. NORTHERN LIGHTS SUPLEX INTO THE BUCKLES FROM DEVITO !!! MOONSAULT ... MISSES !!! SWINGING DDT FROM MARCOS !!! Dunn comes back into the match with a Missile Dropkick. Hiptoss Neckbreaker from Dunn to Loc and the RCE have control. DOUBLE URINAGI SLAMS FROM THE CARNAGE CREW !!! CRUCIFIX BOMB/NECKBREAKER FROM THE CREW !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Basically a squash with a wee bit of offense from the underdogs. 1/2*

Donovan Morgan vs. Christopher Daniels

Both men praised each other in the pre-match taped promos. Daniels has a sizeable fanbase in the audience for this one. The fans are looking forward to this. Both men go behind and Morgan then has a leg. He opts for a Front Facelock and Daniels then goes to the Hammerlock. Knee Drops to the arm from Daniels. Hammerlock follows that from Daniels and then he gets swept down. Side Headlock from Morgan and then Daniels battles to his feet. Hammerlock from Morgan and then a Fireman's Carry from Daniels, and Morgan quickly gets a Head Scissors and Daniels into the ropes. Lockup and Morgan goes behind and Daniels with a nice takedown and he continues to work on the arm of Morgan. Morgan battles to his feet and gets a Hammerlock and then an Arm Ringer. Daniels and Morgan then trade holds untill Morgan grabs a leg and then goes to the ground with the Headlock. Morgan won't let go of the Headlock when Daniels tries to whip him in. He eventually does and gets charged down. Daniels drops down and Morgan grabs the Headlock again. Morgan drops behind and gets another Headlock. Back Drop Driver from Daniels and that's what brought him into the match against Dragon. Elbow Drop from Daniels and then the Cravat. Snapmare and then a Knee Drop from Daniels and that gets a two count. Elbows to the back of the head from Daniels. Morgan into the ropes and he runs into a Hiptoss and then a Leg Drop from Daniels gets a two count. Chinlock with a knee in the back from Daniels. Elbow strike to the back of the head from Daniels and then a Back Body Drop. Back Drop Suplex and that gets a two count. Headbutt from Daniels and then Morgan goes behind. Daniels into the ropes and he runs into a boot. Reversals lead to a Swinging Neckbreaker from Morgan. Morgan chokes Daniels in the ropes. Snap Suplex from Morgan and that geys a two count. Morgan with an Arm Bar and added Head Scissors but he breaks it. Dropkick to the back of the head from Morgan and then he drapes the head of Daniels over the apron and lands elbows on the neck. Daniels into the ring and a big Clothesline allows him to get back into the match. Dropkick from Daniels gets a two count. Forearms from Daniels and he hits the ropes. He runs into a Sunset Flip and we now have a pinfall exchange, and Morgan uses that chance to get the Leg Grapevine. Daniels gets into the ropes. Jawbreaker from Daniels and then he runs into an Exploder Suplex and that gets a two count. Forearms from Morgan and then Daniels is sent into the ropes and he runs into a Back Elbow and that gets a two count. Morgan runs into a boot and then a Release German Suplex from Daniels. Strikes from Daniels and then he lands the Final Cut and both men are now down. Daniels gets a two count. STO from Daniels. BEST MOONSAULT EVER FROM DANIELS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Into the corner and Daniels sets Morgan on the top rope. CROSS ARM ICONOCLASM ... blocked. LEAPING DDT AND A BEAUTY FROM MORGAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Northern Lariat. BACK DROP SUPLEX LANDS DANIELS RIGHT ON HIS HEAD !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! School Boy gets a two count. CRIPPLER CROSSFACE FROM DANIELS !!! MORGAN GETS INTO THE ROPES !!! Daniels with a Shoulder Block and a two count. School Boy gets the same. Daniels runs into an elbow strike and a Lariat gets a two count. Daniels into the corner and Morgan set on the apron. Morgan comes back into the ring. THE LAST RITES ... COUNTERED INTO THE GOLDEN GATE SWING !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... DANIELS GRABS THE ROPE !!! Both men with counters now. GOLDEN GATE SWING AGAIN !!! HE BRIDGES WITH IT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

This match was the smoothest match in ROH to date. Everything just flew by in absolutely perfect fashion, but unfortunately, it was all just a little bit too smooth. Not to say that it wasn't a cracking wee match. I enjoyed it quite a bit. It's just that both men worked on the head and didn't sell them at all and just ran through their offense. That was a major gripe and dragged this match away from true greatness. ***1/2

Texas Wrestling Academy Gauntlet Match

Paul London eliminated a guy called John Hope, so now he has to contend with Michael Shane as the next guy in the match. London charges down Shane and he kicks the stomach. Shane with an X-Factor gets a two count. London into the corner and Shane misses a shot. Big kick to the face and that gets a two count for Shane. Body Slam avoided by London. Rana and Dropsault from London and that gets a two count. Shane fights out of a Waistlock. Northern Lights Suplex gets a two count for London. London with a School Boy and that gets a two count. Spear from Shane and that gets a two count. London into the corner and he comes out with a Sunset Flip, but Shane rolls through and then locks in the Haas of Pain. London gets into the ropes. London avoids a Suplex and then hits a Double Arm Face Plant and heads for the top rope. SHOOTING STAR PRESS ... MISSES !!! SHANE WITH THE PICTURE PERFECT ELBOW !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! Michael Shane advances.

Spanky is the next man in the match and he finally goes one on one with Shane. The fans all want Spanky to do a number on Shane. Shane shoves Spanky. Spanky slaps Shane and we now have a chopfest. Shane then with a right hand. Spanky into the ropes and he slides to the floor. Shane wants to dive and Spanky moves. To the top rope Spanky goes and he tries a Cross Body Block and Shane moves. TKO into a Face Buster and then a Running Neckbreaker gets a two count. Right hands from Shane. Shane gets crotched badly on the top rope. Shane gets sent onto the apron and then to the floor and Spanky sends Shane into the railings. Shane is busted open and Spanky sends him into the ringpost. What's the point of having blood in a match like this ? Back into the ring they go. Kick to the head from Spanky. Kick to the chest and then big forearms. Shane comes back with forearms of his own and then a Clothesline sends Spanky to the floor. Shane slams the head into the railing and back into the ring. Shane charges and he ends up on the floor as Spanky maneuvers. Right hands from Spanky and into the ring they go. He gets a two count from there. Snap Suplex and that gets a two count for Spanky. Cravat from Spanky. Knees to the head added to that. Shane is sent into the corner and Spanky runs into an elbow and then a boot. Spinning Heel Kick off the top from Shane. Spanky somehow has the advantage and hits right hands. More right hands from Spanky. Shane comes back with a big Clothesline and then a Back Body Drop and a Flying Forearm. Spanky skins the cat. DROPKICK TO THE FACE IN THAT MOVE !!! SOMERSAULT PLANCHA FROM SHANE !!! Back into the ring they go. Enziguri from Shane, and then the La Magistral Cradle gets a two count. Spanky to the middle rope. Tornado Knee 2 Face from Spanky gets a two count. Shane then gets set on the top rope. Shane lands Spanky in the middle of the ring. FLYING ELBOW DROP FROM SHANE ... HE JUST FALLS OFF THE TOP ROPE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! SLICED BREAD #2 ... avoided. SUPERKICK FROM SHANE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... FOOT ON THE ROPES !!! Shane wants Spanky on his feet. SUPERKICK ... blocked. SLICED BREAD #2 FROM SPANKY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! Spanky advances.

American Dragon is the next man in the match and he's wearing the long tights. Lockup and Dragon goes behind and takes down Spanky. Spanky goes to the Hammerlock. Dragon with the takedown and then an Overhead Wristlock. Head Scissors from Spanky and Dragon with a headstand, but Spanky makes sure that Dragon can't escape the move. He does this a second time. Dragon rolls out of the move and locks in the Cloverleaf and Spanky gets into the ropes. The fans want to see more of the same from these two guys. They lock hands and Spanky bridges Dragon back. Dragon battles to his feet and takes down Spanky and looks for the pinfall. Spanky nearly gets a sneaky pin from that. Dragon has his hands stamped on and a Headlock from Spanky. Spanky tries a whip and Dragon catches an arm and takes down Spanky and locks in the Head Scissors and REALLY wrenches that bad boy in. Spanky escapes and gets a Front Facelock and into the corner they go. Dragon with a chop and then the Headlock. Spanky escapes and gets charged down hard. Dragon then picks up Spanky and hits a Body Slam and then a Power Elbow and a second. That gets a two count. German Suplex avoided by Spanky and then he lands the Macho Neck Snap. Spanky misses a springboard move and Dragon capitalizes and hits kicks and chops. Dragon onto the apron and Spanky nails him with a Forearm. Head first into the apron goes Dragon and then into the ring. Slingshot Right Hand from Spanky. Any need for the flipping there ? Kick to the head from Spanky. Forearms and chops from Dragon and then he gets sent into the ropes. Sunset Flip gets a two for Dragon and then a Clothesline from Spanky gets a two count. Dragon charges Spanky into the corner. CRAVAT SUPLEX FROM DRAGON !!! Enziguri from Dragon helps get the advantage back. SPANKY JUMPS RIGHT INTO AN ELBOW STRIKE !!! Back Elbow from Dragon and then Spanky into the corner. Dragon gets over Spanky and reversals. Back Drop Suplex from Dragon and that gets a two count. Dragon runs into a boot. Leg Lariat from Spanky and that gets a two count. Spanky botches a Suplex and gets a two count from that. This is a mess. Another botched spot from these two guys. This match needs to get put down. Now. Snap Suplex from Spanky and that gets a two count. Kicks to the back of the head from Spanky. RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX LANDS SPANKY RIGHT ON HIS HEAD !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Forearms from Dragon. Roaring Elbow misses. Enziguri from Dragon. YAKUZA KICK FROM DRAGON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! JACKNIFE POWERBOMB FROM DRAGON !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Chops from Dragon. SLICED BREAD #2 !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Spanky runs right into a boot. ROARING ELBOW FROM DRAGON !!! DRAGON SUPLEX FROM DRAGON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... SPANKY GETS A FOOT ON THE ROPES !!! SUPER SLICED BREAD #2 !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREEEEEEE !!!

This was a bit of a disaster. Spanky seemed not to be ready for going any amount of time. He was blown up pretty early and was botching stuff left right and centre. The only section of the match which was any good was the Shane/London battle. The rest was a mess. *

The SAT vs. The Amazing Red and Eddie Guerrero

Eddie has the IC Title belt with him. Red wants to be in the ring with Joel. Lockup and into the corner they go. We have a clean break from that. Lockup and Joel ducks a right hand. Red with a backflip and he sends Joel into the ropes. Rana from Red and a pair of Arm Drags. Dropkick misses from Red and Joel hits a Dropkick. Eddie tags into the match and Red is thrown into a Satellite Head Scissors. Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker on Jose and the audience is loving that. Into the ring with Joel and Eddie and Eddie with the Hammerlock. Arm Ringer from Eddie and then he works on the arm. Arm Bar from Eddie and then Joel with the takedown. Joel gets into the ropes and then we have a break from that. Lockup and a Headlock from Joel and then he is sent into the ropes. He charges down Eddie. Rana from Joel and that gets a two count. Eddie with a Sunset Flip reversal and he locks in the Sharpshooter. Right hand from Eddie and then he hits a stomp. Back Drop Suplex from Eddie and then he goes to the apron. Slingshot Senton from Eddie and that gets a two count. Chinlock from Eddie. Joel fights out of the move and then Eddie with a Headlock. Forearm from Eddie and an elbow to the back of the head. Joel sends Eddie into the ropes and a Back Body Drop and a Dropkick from Joel. Into the ring comes Jose. Double Drop Toe Hold from the SAT and then the Mexican Surfboard/Dragon Sleeper combo. Dropkick to the stomach then from Jose and that gets a two count. Joel comes back in. Snapmare and a Chinlock from Joel. Eddie fights out of the move and hits the ropes. German Suplex gets a two count for Joel and then a Northern Lights Suplex gets the same. Joel goes to the top rope. Eddie stops him up there. TOP ROPE SUPERPLEX FROM EDDIE !!! Red and Jose into the ring. TILT-a-WHIRL DDT FROM RED !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! RED STAR PRESS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Right hands and chops. SITDOWN POWERBOMB FROM JOSE !!! Joel tags into the ring and they have Red in the ring isolated. Suplex from Joel and that gets a two count. Into the ring and in comes Jose. Snapmare and he hits a kick to the face and that gets a two count. Joel back into the match. Eddie comes in to complain and the SAT use this chance. Ocean Cyclone Suplex from Jose gets a two count. Red into the ropes and he avoids a shot, but doesn't avoid the Superkick and that gets a two count as Eddie breaks the count. Red into the ropes and then a Boston Crab and an Inverted Pendulum. A Slingshot Leg Drop is added to that and it gets a two count. Red stops Jose on the top rope. HURRICANE KICK CATCHES JOSE COMING OFF THE TOP ROPE !!! We have the hot tag and in come Joel and Eddie. Eddie looks a bit peeved and then a chop. Eddie misses a charge. BRAINBUSTER FROM EDDIE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! SPLASH MOUNTAIN FROM EDDIE ... COUNTERED !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Clothesline from Eddie. He then heads for the top rope. Jose stops Eddie. SPANISH FLY ... stopped by Red. CORKSCREW PESCADO ON JOEL FROM RED !!! ALLEYOOP RANA FROM EDDIE AND RED !!! EDDIE WITH THE FROG SPLASH ... ROLL THROUGH !!! SPLASH MOUNTAIN FROM EDDIE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Remember what I said about Eddie's ability to limit the flying of guys that like to dive around an awful lot ? He managed to do that here. SAT were a lot more reliant on the basics here and they looked all the better for it. They should have takent he hint from that and kept that sort of thing going, but they decided that popping the crowd and botching spots was more important than that. Shame that, because they are capable. This is a good solid tag team match. ***1/2



So much unspectacular stuff here on this show even when the standard was great. The main focal point is Eddie Guerrero and it definately overshadows the show somewhat. There is a must-see match here between Styles and Low Ki that is worth a look though.

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Looks like TNA have taken full advantage of the travel chaos and finally put on a show that would be worthwhile to watch - based on the spoilers.

With the draft on next week, I expect WWE to get some form of revenge next week.

Only slight complaint I would make is that they easily could have built up the two main events from last night, and made a cracking PPV from it.

Can understand why Hogan/Bischoff went for the jugular, but it still stinks of a short term plan, rather than any long term storybuilding or planning.

It was definately the best Impact since Hogan/Bischoff took over.

With the Draft show next week being 3 hours though, it means all of Impact will be going up against Raw again.

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While there's still a chance he will re-sign with WWE when his contract expires in a few days, sources confirm that Jim Ross met with TNA officials including Dixie Carter and her father Bob earlier this month in Texas.

Sources indicate that Ross isn't open to being just an announcer - he is interested in playuing a behind the scenes role. The feeling coming out of the meeting with TNA is that Ross isn't interested in committing to TNA and is interested in work outside of pro wrestling.

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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While there's still a chance he will re-sign with WWE when his contract expires in a few days, sources confirm that Jim Ross met with TNA officials including Dixie Carter and her father Bob earlier this month in Texas.

Sources indicate that Ross isn't open to being just an announcer - he is interested in playuing a behind the scenes role. The feeling coming out of the meeting with TNA is that Ross isn't interested in committing to TNA and is interested in work outside of pro wrestling.

If Jim Ross joined TNA that would mean that TNA have better wrestlers than WWE and now better announcers. It's only loyalty that is keeping people glued to WWE. They will have to get their act together pronto IMO.

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In JR's blog he said that the TNA rumours are pretty much bullshit and he'll be finding out within the next few days what WWE has in store for him.

I cant see JR going to TNA at any point. One of the WWE guys for too long. Same with HBK.

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TNA desperately needs a play by play commentator. Some to play the JR, Joey Styles or Schivionne (sp) role that really gets the emotion going for big matches. I just feel Tenay can't do that but by all means keep him as I'm sure he'd work well in a trio like WCW with Schivionne and Heenan. Tazz is fine just now because Matt Striker sucks so much more, but he can also show a bit of emotion.

Anything by Heenan in terms of commentary was gold. Heenan and JR in their primes would have been something special.

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Lockdown was pretty decent as well I may add. Kazarian was always going to become X-Div champ. Was disappointed with Hardy and his frogsplash of the ladder, was expecting the swanton bomb. Anyway it was a decent wrestling show and the Kurt Angle vs Mr Anderson match was very good I thought. The german suplex off the ropes was awesome.

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Lockdown was pretty decent as well I may add. Kazarian was always going to become X-Div champ. Was disappointed with Hardy and his frogsplash of the ladder, was expecting the swanton bomb. Anyway it was a decent wrestling show and the Kurt Angle vs Mr Anderson match was very good I thought. The german suplex off the ropes was awesome.

Aye, it was a good PPV right enough. Anderson/Angle was stunning. I'm gonna post my review when I get on my own PC, but that match hit ****1/2.

Oh, and TNA don't have better wrestlers than WWE. Better spotfest guys maybe.

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I was just about to post saying that the Angle/Anderson match was the best TNA match I've seen in years.

Easily the best match Kennedy/Anderson has ever had.

Would agree with DomDom about TNA having more spotfest guys. Anyone can do a big spot, doesnt make you a good wrestler, just look at Chris Daniels, I think he's fucking shite.

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Saint's match with Conscience was must-see stuff. The shit they were coming out with was astonishing.

Pretty much any match I see with him astonishes me.laugh.gif It pissesme off when people claim Hart, Benoit, Angle etc are "the greatest technical wrestlers of all time".If you want to see ACTUAL technical wrestling then watch any Johnny Saint match.biggrin.gif

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