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Mo Wonderboy

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Thats an awful, awful song/entrance theme. Cringeworthy to see the junkies in the Impact zone sing along to the fucking thing.

Too true. Same can be said for the pathetic little "point to the ceiling" dance when Hogans music hits.


I think the fact x-pac "no showed" the ppv was great as we got treated to team 3D vs the Outsiders, Angle moonsault was insane, as good if not better than when he did it against benoit in 2001(?) that match vs Anderson has to be pushing taker vs HBK pretty close for match of the year.

I think TNA is shaping up now, they NEED to take it on the road more for PPVs I'm already looking forward to bound for glory

Yeah not really. Atleast not until August as I am in Florida in June/July and I have looked on the Universal website and I will be attending Impact on the 28th and 29th of June.

Thinking of making a sign saying "Sargent Inglehart Rules!!!" after Kevin Nash's performance in the Longest Yard, its a concept.

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That RVD theme is horrific. Exceptionally shite. I can just imagine the mongs in the Impact Zone singing along. God I would hate to be there and have to listen to their shite. What a bunch of tossers.

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WWE Extreme Rules 2009

I just hope to god that this show's good matches on paper can deliver, because the poor matches have absolutely no chance. I'm doing up to HHH/Sheamus for now.

What a horrific intro video. I thought my head was going to implode at points.

After the hint of HHH curtain jerking, I should have known it'd never happen. Thankfully, The Miz and The Big Show make their way to the ring and save the show from imploding. Why is Teddy Long dealing with HHH/Sheamus ? He's the Smackdown guy. f**k sake. The Miz talking with The Big Show's hand over his mouth is brilliant. Anyways that leads to ...

The Miz and The Big Show vs. R-Truth and John Morrison vs. Mark Henry and MVP vs. The Hart Dynasty - Gauntlet Match

Even in the short time that the first two teams went at it, they bettered their effort at Wrestlemania, which makes me wonder if they were asked to hold back on the biggest show of the year. The two teams seem to have a good chemistry at this point. I want to see them get a good and proper tag team match on PPV or even on Smackdown. Crappy ending to the first fall with the DQ, but brilliant action between the two teams. More good stuff with Big Show on the deck for the MVP/Henry section. All in all, this was a brilliant way to get the show started. All action and hot as hell crowd. ***1/4

Rey Mysterio © vs. CM Punk, Title vs. Hair - WWE Intercontinental Championship

This has to be the blowoff to the fued. You can't have a match of this type and then continue the fued. The crowd were all over this one. What a fucking match this was. This is all you could have wanted from these two guys and more. The ending didn't fit the match, but I can live with that, because it does add some intrigue to the fued, if it is continuing. I hope they don't because it's going to take something very special to top this one. ****1/2

Shad Gaspard vs. JTG, Strap Match

When this crowd isn't responding to you, you know that your time is going to be up fairly soon. Shad talking during the match was one of the most hilarious things I've ever seen. It was a terrible match. It remains to be seen whether these two guys have it in singles competition. I won't be judging them on this match though. Terrible booking though. That ending seen them touch the buckles interrupted. DUD

Jack Swagger © vs. Randy Orton, Extreme Rules Match - World Heavyweight Championship

Swagger looking like he was about to cry before Orton came out was pretty good. Randy Orton can't seem to be able to do much with guys who are a good bit less experienced than he is. The match was as dull as dishwater as a result. Jack Swagger is really someone who is almost utterly devoid of character since he started to go serious. He might be a decent wrestler, but he's not a main eventer, and if ever there was a time when the WWE should have pulled the trigger on a super-over wrestler, that was it. **

Sheamus vs. Triple H, Street Fight

In another odd bit of booking, following an Extreme Rules Match with a match which has the exact same rules ? It has to be said, Sheamus looked pretty good in control again last night. Stunning match here. Did anyone see this match being as good as it was ? Sheamus being great in control and HHH's selling are the best points here, but they brought the drama in buckets here. Superb. ****

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That RVD theme is horrific. Exceptionally shite. I can just imagine the mongs in the Impact Zone singing along. God I would hate to be there and have to listen to their shite. What a bunch of tossers.

What annoyed on last weeks Impact!. The really fat bird that was wearing the green top in the front row. When RVD won the title, she starts jumping up and down like she had been all night. By the time RVD won you can see about a half a metre gap between her and the rest of the crowd. Stupid cow was probably stinkin with sweat!

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Assuming the man with the bold head that helped CM Punk was Joey Mercury.

Really? That had never crossed my mind. I just assumed he would be one of the guys that got sacked and you'd never see in WWE again.


I thought it was (very obviously) Gallows.


Far too small to be Gallows. The guy looked around the same height, if not smaller, than CM Punk. My initial reaction was that it was Christopher Daniels, but I don't see why WWE would have signed him. Although when his hood fell down I am sure I caught a cheeky bit of beard around the chin, much like the one Daniels sports.

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I thought the bald guy way Hernandez at first, but then saw he was far to small to be, wouldn't have thought it to be mercury, Daniels isn't a bad shout

is it just me or are wwe ppv's getting more and more shite? and totally predictable.... and as for the "extreme" part, it wasn't a patch on Lockdown, you can't bill yourself as an extreme ppv and not get a bit of blood on the go, poor show

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I was hugely disappointed with that PPV last night. I've not been watching for the last 2 years and got back into it at Wrestlemania this year. Was really looking forward to it last night as some of the 'One Night Stand' PPV's were amazing, but last night was a total flop. Apart from the FU through the announce table, what else from last night could really be classed as extreme? When you compare the WWE now to the 'Attitude' era, it doesn't even come close as the current era is massively watered down and seems to be aimed at a very young audience. I'd be very interested to see what the average age of WWE viewers has been over recent years, as it must be getting younger year by year

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WWE Extreme Rules 2010

Time to finish this. Three matches left to watch. If the good ones deliver, this will probably end up being the best PPV by any promotion in 2010.

Michelle McCool © vs. Beth Phoenix, Extreme Makeover Match - WWE Women's Championship

I'll give points to McCool for being brutal with the ironing board. This was actually a wee bit of fun. It had brutality and it didn't seem to take itself too seriously, and even the lukewarm crowd were getting gradually back into things after the exhausting match they had just seen. I'm kinda glad I gave this match a chance because even though it wasn't amazing or anything, it DID pleasantly surprise me. **

Edge vs. Chris Jericho, Steel Cage Match

I hate it when someone has the chance to win one of these matches and then goes for the "punishment" route. This was a good action packed match though, even for all of it's flaws. The part when Edge decided to go back to a more brutal side of his character was brilliant when he started working on the ankle. Also good was the feeling for a good part of the last few minutes that the match could end at any time. It loses points on being a bit disjointed at times and they guys just didn't click, like what happened early in the Wrestlemania match. ***3/4

John Cena © vs. Batista, Last Man Standing Match - WWE Championship

Fan : "I hate you Batista !"

Batista : "Yeah, I hate you too !"


How awesome is that spotlight entrance of Batista ? I love LSM matches. They're always absolutely filled to the brim with pure drama. Gimmick matches are awesome as a rule when Cena is involved anyways, as he has a formula and he sticks with it, and it works. This match was no exception. The match just gradually sucked me in minute by minute. It wasn't quite match of the night as, like the previous match, it had awkwardness at the start, but there's almost nothing between them. This match also featured the best nearfall I've ever seen in a match of this type. The match felt like a war. Superb. ****1/2



It's amazing what an amazing atmosphere can do to how a show feels. That is one of the best PPVs ever. It seems to be a recent pattern that the PPV after Wrestlemania is better than the big one itself and this one was no exception. You have no less than THREE matches hitting the 4* point, and one of those matches had no right doing so ! A couple of matches were better than I was expecting them to be too.

Edited by DomDom
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I was hugely disappointed with that PPV last night. I've not been watching for the last 2 years and got back into it at Wrestlemania this year. Was really looking forward to it last night as some of the 'One Night Stand' PPV's were amazing, but last night was a total flop. Apart from the FU through the announce table, what else from last night could really be classed as extreme? When you compare the WWE now to the 'Attitude' era, it doesn't even come close as the current era is massively watered down and seems to be aimed at a very young audience. I'd be very interested to see what the average age of WWE viewers has been over recent years, as it must be getting younger year by year

You were on a hiding to nothing expecting an extreme rules style show last night, even with the name of the show.

The product being watered down doesn't mean anything. It used to be watered down before and it was awesome. If you have guys that can do the job then it DOESN'T matter if it's watered down. As for "seeming" to be aimed at younger viewers, there's no seeming about it. WWE IS aimed at younger viewers, as WWE are trying to seal fans for the future at the moment, which is no bad philosophy.

As for the PPV, I thought it was the best for years.

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I knew I got that wrong but couldny be fucked changing it. :D

That audience were absolutely mental. They were up for everything. I thought Sheamus/HHH was WAY better than was expected and Batista/Cena was obviously always gonna be great.

Jericho/Edge was decent, and the opener was hot as hell.

Cracking PPV.

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I knew I got that wrong but couldny be fucked changing it. biggrin.gif

That audience were absolutely mental. They were up for everything. I thought Sheamus/HHH was WAY better than was expected and Batista/Cena was obviously always gonna be great.

Jericho/Edge was decent, and the opener was hot as hell.

Cracking PPV.

Was it really though? I expected exactly what we got...a great brawl.

I can't believe Swagger went over as cleanly as that. They just can;t do anything right when it comes to Orton. I did want to see Swagger retain but they did Orton no favours in having him job as cleanly as he did.

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I wasn't sure if Sheamus would be able to carry the offense as convincingly as he did, and as expected, he completely dominated the match, but credit to him, he looked magnificent out there. Any doubts I had at the beginning of his run in WWE have been well and truly destroyed now.

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So does anyone reckon we've seen the last of Batista for now?

I reckon someone will take him out on RAW to make an impression. No idea who it could be, but I do think he'll be on RAW in some way or form. Either that or he'll be drafted back to Smackdown and someone will do it there.

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I reckon someone will take him out on RAW to make an impression. No idea who it could be, but I do think he'll be on RAW in some way or form. Either that or he'll be drafted back to Smackdown and someone will do it there.

You never know...I haven't read anywhere that he signed a new contract after his apparently expired last night.

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Wouldn't really need a new contract to appear again. Could be done as a one shot deal. Been done a few times before afterall. I'm sure Batista wouldn't be against one more payday if he were to be leaving.

He might challenge Cena to a rematch tonight and say he will leave the WWE if he loses.

That's a good idea right there.

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