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Mo Wonderboy

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LOL @ Michael Cole on NXT.

Just caught up on the last 3 NXT' shows. Last nights was quite good. Daniel Bryan finally done something. His promo was quite good and entertaining. For once he wasnt so fucking dull.

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I'm giving up on wrestling, I just can't watch a whole episode or ppv without falling asleep, predictable over produced shit nowadays. I hate the way commentators and some fans w**k themselves stupid over wrestling, sometimes I honestly belive michael cole doesn't know it's fake.

game over (unless they bring back attitude era stuff)

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TNA Genesis 2010

Here is my first PPV review for TNA for 2010 in an attempt to find matches that could make it into the MOTY list for 2010. The main event should be good enough. Some other decent looking stuff on here too.

The Amazing Red vs. Brian Kendrick ( *** )

Sean Morley vs. Christopher Daniels ( * )

ODB © vs. Tara, 2/3 Falls Match ( ** )

The British Invasion vs. Matt Morgan and Hernandez ( **1/2 )

Desmond Wolfe vs. D'Angelo Dinero ( ***1/2 )

Kevin Nash and Syxx-Pac vs. Beer Money Inc ( *3/4 )

Abyss vs. Mr. Anderson ( 3/4* )

AJ Styles vs. Kurt Angle ( **** )

The Amazing Red © vs. Brian Kendrick - TNA X Division Championship

Kendrick has some badass music. Kendrick misses a kick early in the match. They then lock hands and Kendrick takes down Red with the Fujiwara Armbar. Red manages to escape and goes to the arm and gets a Hammerlock. Into the ropes goes Kendrick to break the hold. Lockup and a Headlock from Red, and Kendrick takes Red down and goes back to the Fujiwara Armbar. He then rolls into a pin for a two count. Camel Clutch follows that and then some Crossface Forearms and then gets a Side Headlock. Kendrick is schooling Red at the moment. Red gets a School Boy for a two count. Hurricane Kick from Red, but Kendrick comes back with a Dropkick and a pinfall attempt. Rana from Red and Kendrick ends up on the floor. Back into the ring and then Red runs into a Dropkick to the knee. Kendrick sends Red to the floor. Brooke Hogan is at ringside cheering on Amazing Red. Kendrick heads to the floor and he works over the leg. Back into the ring and Kendrick kicks the leg. Kendrick locks in a submission. Kendrick then sweeps Red. Kendrick then stands on the face of Red. More work on the leg from Kendrick. More submission work and Red gets into the ropes. Red's knee is put over the middle rope and Kendrick with a kick. To the second rope he goes, but then Red takes him down with a Hurricane Kick and Kendrick ends up on the floor. RED WITH A SOMERSAULT PLANCHA OFF OF THE TOP ROPE !!! The fans definately like that ! Chop from Red and then back into the ring. Red heads for the top rope. BEAUTIFUL Top Rope Dropkick from Red and that gets a two count. Red into the corner and Kendrick runs into a boot. He runs into more boots. Red misses the Leaping Downward Spiral and Kendrick locks in a Half Crab. Kendrick adds a Chinlock and some Headbutts to this. Red eventually gets into the ropes. Enziguri from Red and Kendrick goes into the corner. Climbing Kick to the back of the head from Red. Tilt-a-Whirl Head Scissors from Red. That didn't look very pretty there. That gets a two count. Kendrick holds onto the ropes for life, and then explodes out with a kick to the face. That gets a two count. Red gets sent to the apron. Kendrick runs into a shoulder block. SLINGSHOT CODE RED FROM RED !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

They actually did a cracking job of keeping Kendrick on the ground and away from the kick to the face offense he usually does. His kicks actually come across well when he's using them to attack the leg of someone. Red's also better when he has someone in there that keeps him on the mat too. This was a decent enough opening match. ***

Sean Morley vs. Christopher Daniels

Morley with right hands to open the match and Daniels heads for the floor. Morley goes on the chase and Daniels outsmarts him. Morley runs into a Dropkick, but then hits a Clothesline. Daniels heads onto the apron and Morley brings him back in. Daniels with strikes to the chest and he's sent to the ropes and Morley with the Kobashi Knees and then the Russian Legsweep and that gets a two count. Shot to the gut from Morley and then more right hands. Elbow Strike to the ribs from Morley. Gutbuster from Morley. Morley then pulls Daniels up on the apron by the ears and continues his work on the ribs. I guess he's setting up for the Money Shot. Daniels snaps the throat of Morley over the top rope and then hits a Clothesline. Daniels then chokes Morley over the top rope. Daniels then locks in a Triangle Choke and the referee wants none of that. Daniels then hits some chops. Morley ducks a chop and hits right hands. Shot to the throat from Daniels. Bulldog over the top rope from Daniels and then a Head Scissors over the top rope from Daniels. Daniels then with a kick to the forehead. Arabian Press gets a two count for Daniels. Daniels then chokes Morley. He then chokes Morley over the middle rope. Running Kick to the face from Daniels. A right hand then sends Morley down. Morley comes back with right hands. Clothesline from Morley. Daniels chest first into the corner. Front Suplex then drops Daniels on the top rope. BLUE THUNDER BOMB !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Butterfly Suplex from Morley and then Daniels hits the Novacaine into the Koji Clutch. The fans start chanting "Sit Down Brooke". Enziguri from Daniels. Running STO from Daniels and that gets a two count. Standing Rock Bottom. BEST MOONSAULT EVER ... missed. HALF NELSON SLAM FROM MORLEY !!! He goes up top but is stopped. SUPER RANA ... blocked. MONEY SHOT FROM MORLEY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Daniels is absolutely terrible here. He was blatantly a heel when this fued got going, and he was a heel during the match, so why did he act like a babyface in the pre-match promo ? His offense was absolutely terrible here too. If there's one thing you can normally rely on from Daniels it's his offense to look slick, but the majority of it looked sloppy as hell in this match. Morley was aggressive as hell and managed to gain the match some points, but this wasn't good enough. *

ODB © vs. Tara, 2/3 Falls Match - TNA Knockouts Championship

They go face to face and the referee tries to get between the two of them. Spear from Tara and then she unloads with right hands. Arm Drag and then a Leg Drop and a stretch on the arm from Tara. Tara walks along ODB and gets a two count from the Standing Moonsault. ODB comes back with chops. Tara comes back with chops of her own. Kicks to the sides from Tara and then an Enziguri. Slingshot Leg Drop from Tara and that gets a two count. Knee to the stomach and then a forearm from Tara. Tara into the ropes and ODB hits a Fallaway Slam. Small Package from Tara and that gets a three count.

ODB gets a Spear on Tara. ODB then with a Bearhug and she charges Tara into the corner and hits a Shoulder Block. Tara is down in the corner and then ODB chokes her over the middle rope. Tara into the corner and ODB runs into an elbow. Tarantula from Tara. Because she has a spider. Get it ? ODB sends Tara to the floor with a Basement Dropkick. Tara is then dropped face first on the ring apron. Tara gets to her feet and onto the apron. ODB throws her back in by the hair and that gets a two count. Body Scissors from ODB. ODB adds some proper torque to this, and then gets the Rolling Cradle for a two count. ODB back with the Body Scissors. Tara gets into the ropes. ODB then goes back to the Body Scissors. How long are they gonna spend in this move ? Running Powerslam from ODB and that gets a two count. WIDOW'S PEAK FROM TARA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

You know when you lose two straight falls in a women's match that you're going to be off soon. The match wasn't bad actually, but was there any need for the Body Scissors going on for so long ? **

The British Invasion © vs. Matt Morgan and Hernandez - TNA Tag Team Championships

Morgan and Williams will open the match. Williams goes behind and Morgan charges him down. It's Magnus that's in there actually. CHOKESLAM ... countered and NOW Williams is in the ring. Hernandez comes in with a Double Clothesline to stop a move from happening. Hernandez is now tagged into the match. Lockup and into the corner they go. Williams with a cheap shot out of the corner and he hits the High Knee and then Hernandez blocks a Suplex. Hanging Vertical Suplex is countered and Williams runs into a Back Body Drop. Avalanche in the corner. Hernandez with the T-Shirt Toss and then runs into a boot. Williams jumps into a Powerbomb attempt and Magnus clips him from behind. Williams with a beat down in the corner. Hernandez pulls himself to the top rope but Williams stops him there. Hernandez blocks a Superplex. DOUBLE SUPERPLEX FROM THE INVASION !!! In comes Magnus. Double Arm Ringer and then the Double Cross Arm Neckbreaker from the Invasion. Magnus with a series of right hands. Chinlock from Magnus. Hernandez fights out and hits the ropes, but he runs right into the Abdominal Stretch, and then Magnus uses the help of Williams to get some leverage. GUTWRENCH SLAM FROM HERNANDEZ !!! That is gonna change the momentum of this match big time. In comes Morgan and he unloads with right hands. REVOLUTION FROM MORGAN !!! Into the corner and Morgan with the Back Elbows. Reverse Chokeslam sends Williams into the top buckle and that gets a two count. Williams ends up on the apron and heads for the top rope. Leaping European Uppercut. Hernandez comes in with the Slingshot Shoulder Block. Magnus with a Big Boot. Morgan with a Lariat and that was brutal. Williams and Morgan left in the ring. MORGAN WITH A CHOKESLAM !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! GERMAN SUPLEX/SUPERKICK COMBO FROM THE INVASION !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Magnus into the ring. Morgan counters an attempt. Sidewalk Slam on Magnus and then he slams Williams into the middle of the ring. THE POUNCE FROM HERNANDEZ !!! CARBON FOOTPRINT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

This was good solid tag formula wrestling. Morgan looked awesome here as he wasn't in long and when he WAS in there, he just beasted people about. The Invasion showed off some cool tag team wrestling, and they have a good quality about them with their cheap shots and tactics. The ending of the match was pretty expected right from the start, but they managed to make the match interesting. **1/2

Desmond Wolfe vs. D'Angelo Dinero

POPE IS PIMPIN' !!! Lockup and Wolfe locks in the Camel Clutch early. Pope manages to escape and hits a series of kicks. Flying Shoulder Tackle from Pope and then he sends Wolfe into the corner and runs into an elbow. Handstand Mule Kick out of the corner from Wolfe. Wolfe runs into an elbow and then Pope with a sweep. Running Splash is countered when Wolfe sends him to the floor. Pope back onto the apron. Boston Crab in the ropes from Pope. That was rather cool. Pope to the middle rope and a Fist Drop. That gets a two count. Pimp Slap from Pope. Pope then lands the Coronation. To the floor and Wolfe works on the leg. Back into the ring they go. Back into the ring and Pope comes back with right hands. Cravat and then a Snapmare sends Pope leg first into the bottom rope. He does that a second time. Half Crab from Wolfe. Pope manages to get into the bottom rope. Wolfe then works over the leg with something that reminds me of a Standing Figure Four Leg Lock. Wolfe adds a bridge to the move. Does that really help the move any ? Wolfe takes him down again, and Pope tries to punch his way out of the move. Pope then tries to kick his way out, so Wolfe opts for the STF. Pope finally reaches the bottom rope. Wolfe then stretches the knee of Pope over the middle rope. Running Dropkick to the leg from Wolfe. European Uppercut from Wolfe and then Pope comes back with right hands and chops. HUGE Forearm from Wolfe and that ends that little run. Pope is then set on the top rope. TOWER OF LONDON ... countered. STO from Pope and now he's in the match. CRADLE BRAINBUSTER FROM POPE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Head first into the top buckle goes Pope and then the Kick/Lariat combo from Wolfe. Wolfe then stretches the knee of Pope over the bottom rope and both men are on the floor. Pope gets back into the ring. Spinebuster from Pope and he's back in the match. Strikes from Pope and then the 4-Up. Wolfe with a BRUTAL Arm Takedown. Half Crab from Wolfe, but countered into the Small Package for a two count. Backslide attempt. SMALL PACKAGE FROM POPE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Spinning Back Elbow from Wolfe. Into the corner and a European Uppercut from Wolfe. Running Back Elbow misses. HANGING NECKBREAKER FROM POPE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Pope runs into an elbow. SITDOWN ALABAMA SLAM FROM POPE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! DDE FROM POPE ... HE RUNS RIGHT INTO THE LARIAT FROM WOLFE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Cracking action from these two guys. Wolfe was given the "submission specialist" tag and he looked brilliant at it here, coming up with loads of weird ways to hurt the leg of Pope. Pope's comeback spots were good too as the guy has so many cool moves and everything he did looked like it made a big impact. Good two sided match here. ***1/2

Kevin Nash and Syxx-Pac vs. Beer Money Inc.

Storm and Pac are gonna start the match. Pac misses a pair of kicks early and then Storm with some right hands. Pac into the ropes and he runs into a Hiptoss and an Arm Drag and Arm Bar from Storm. Storm into the ropes and a Knee 2 Face and a Running Neckbreaker for a two count. Good double teaming from Storm gets a two count. Pac rakes the eyes and in comes Nash with right hands. Elbow Strike to the back of the head and then Nash and Pac choke Roode over the middle rope. Roode comes back with right hands. Clothesline from Roode and then another and Nash is staying up. Jumping Clothesline takes down Nash for a two count and in comes Storm. Wishbone Legsplit from Beer Money and then a Drop Toe Hold sends Pac into the balls of Nash. More right hands from Storm to Nash. Pac with a cheap shot but then Nash hits the Clothesline. Into the corner and Pac gets in a cheap shot. Suplex from Pac and then the Snap Leg Drop gets a one count. Chinlock from Pac. Spin Kick from Pac. Nash comes into the match and into the corner where he hits Knee Strikes to the stomach. Nash then chokes Storm with the boot. Knees to the face in the corner from Pac. Nash then gets some cheap shots in behind the back of the referee. Nash with a Clothesline. BRONCO BUSTER FROM PAC !!! Nash with a shot to Storm. Storm into the ropes and Nash hits the Sidewalk Slam and that gets a two count. Back up and Nash with right hands in the corner. Pac into the ring again. BRONCO BUSTER ... MISSES !!! Storm almost tags out, but Nash with a right hand before that can happen. That might be the quickest I've ever seen Nash move. Nash misses his Back Elbow. CODEBREAKER FROM STORM !!! Pac comes in and can't stop Storm tagging out. Roode with a Flying Forearm. Clotheslines from Roode. Back Body Drop and then right hands from Roode. Kick from Roode and he runs into a shot. SPINEBUSTER FROM ROODE !!! Nash stops a pinfall from happening. Roode into the corner and Nash runs into the Enziguri. Double Suplex from Beer Money and then we have it. BEER ... MONEY !!! Scott Hall is now on the ramp and he does the strut. Double Clothesline from Nash takes down Beer Money. CHOKESLAM ON ROODE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Hall then attacks a fan. Pac goes out and stops him. NASH GETS CAUGHT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was a kinda crap match. Nash is so bad at this stage that you can't even do a wrestling move on him anymore and Beer Money were badly restricted when he was in there. Syxx-Pac looked properly motivated out there and looked good. The sections with him in the match were good. *3/4

Abyss vs. Mr. Anderson

Abyss sends Anderson down early and he doesn't seem phased by that. Lockup and Anderson with a Headlock. Anderson into the ropes and he comes out with a knee. Anderson then runs into a charge. Abyss throws the ref out of the way, and Anderson comes back with right hands, but he runs into a Clothesline. Anderson into the corner and Abyss runs into a kick. Anderson heads for the top rope and Abyss stops him up there. Anderson then with the arm of Abyss, he drops it over the top rope. Back into the ring and Anderson with right hands and kicked. Chop Block from Anderson. Running Kick to the head from Anderson. To the floor they go and Anderson sends Abyss face first into the ring apron. Anderson then slams the arm of Abyss into the steps to the ramp. Anderson then stretches the arm of Abyss around the ringpost. Anderson mocks the fans who say he's over-rated, and Abyss comes back with right hands. Over-rated ? Who the f**k ever rated Mr. Kennedy ? Running kick and then Abyss gets sent face first into the top buckle. Anderson then chokes Abyss with the boot. Anderson then sends Abyss shoulder first into the top buckle and that gets a two count. Anderson then with the Arm Bar. Anderson into the ropes and both men collide, but the hurt is back with Abyss. Single Arm DDT from Anderson and that gets a two count. Abyss with a toss to escape from an Overhead Wristlock. Abyss runs into a boot. Big Boot from Abyss. Avalanche in the corner from Abyss and then the Sidewalk Slam gets a two count. CHOKESLAM FROM ABYSS ... Anderson gets away. SHOCK TREATMENT ... that doesn't work either. Neckbreaker from Anderson gets a two count. ANDERSON JUMPS INTO THE CHOKESLAM FROM ABYSS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! SHOCK TREATMENT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Abyss is heading for the floor and he now has a chair. Anderson goes into his trunks and has brass knux. BRASS KNUX TO THE HEAD FROM ANDERSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was boring as f**k. I guess Mr. Anderson would have to improve before he became the big fish in the wee pond that he would become. Needless leg work followed by a terrible closing sequence. Could have done eithout this. 3/4*

AJ Styles © vs. Kurt Angle - TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Lockup and into the corner they go. We have a clean break from there. Lockup and Styles tries to go behind and Angle takes him down. Styles tries to go to the arm. Angle gets into the ropes. Lockup and Angle takes down Styles and drops an elbow on the leg. Styles then kicks away Angle. Lockup and Styles goes to the arm again. Hammerlock from Styles. Hammerlock and then a Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock from Angle. Angle into the ropes and he charges down Styles and he heads for the apron. Lockup and a Headlock from Styles again. Styles into the ropes and he charges down Angle and Angle heads for the floor. Back into the ring and Angle with the Waistlock. Styles avoids a German Suplex, but then Angle with some nice wrestling. Arm Drag from Styles and a second is blocked. Pinfall exchange and then they have a stalemate. They lock hands and we have a Test of Strength between the two men. Into the ropes again and we have a clean break. Styles is mocking Angle. Lockup and a Headlock from Styles and he's sent into the ropes. Rebound Dropkick from Styles. Chinlock from Styles to waste a bit of time in the match. Shots to the back of the head from Styles. Forearms from Styles and then a chop. Backbreaker from Styles and that gets a two count. Another Chinlock from Styles. Styles with a Back Elbow and that sends Angle to the floor. Styles onto the apron and he gets swept down and then Angle with the Clothesline on the floor. Back into the ring they go. That gets a two count. Snap Suplex from Angle and that gets a two count. Snapmare and a Waistlock from Angle. Styles back to his feet and he fights out. Into the ropes and he runs into the Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker. That gets a two count. Into the corner they go and a European Uppercut from Angle. Hard Body Slam and that gets a two count for Angle. Body Scissors from Angle. Styles escapes and hits right hands. Styles into the ropes and he runs into the Release German Suplex. That gets a two count. Modified Camel Clutch with a knee in the back from Angle. Styles manages to fight out of the move. Right hand from Styles. Angle into the ropes and both men collide in the middle of the ring. Ric Flair is now heading for the ring. Right hands from both men now. Kick to the stomach and Styles into the corner. Angle is sent to the floor. HUGE SOMERSAULT PLANCHA FROM STYLES !!! Back into the ring they go. CRADLE BREAKER FROM STYLES !!! Angle into the corner. Styles runs and ends up on the apron. Springboard Forearm gets a two count for Styles. Angle with a Back Body Drop. ROLLING GERMAN SUPLEXES !!! BRUTAL RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX FROM ANGLE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! PELE KICK FROM STYLES !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Into the corner where Angle with the Shoulder Blocks. Styles misses a charge and Angle with a BRUTAL Lariat. That gets a two count. Styles kicks Angle away and lands a Clothesline of his own. Into the corner where Styles lands a couple of right hands. BELLY 2 BELLY SUPLEX SENDS STYLES INTO THE CORNER !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Styles is now set in the corner and Angle has him on the top rope. Leaping Rana out of the corner from Styles. SPRINGBOARD 450 SPLASH ... MISSES !!! ANGLE SLAM !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Angle heads for the top rope. MOONSAULT ... MISSES !!! STYLES CLASH FROM STYLES ... COUNTERED INTO THE ANGLE LOCK !!! Styles manages to escape the move. Styles sent onto the apron and a Slingshot Cross Body gets a two count. Styles now sets Angle on the middle rope. ANGLE WITH THE STYLES CLASH ON STYLES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! ANGLE SLAM ... COUNTERED INTO THE DDT BY STYLES !!! Styles backs into the corner and Angle charges and misses. ANGLE SLAM FROM STYLES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! ANGLE WITH THE POP UP ANGLE SLAM ON STYLES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! The straps are down. THE ANGLE LOCK FROM ANGLE !!! ANGLE ADDS THE GRAPEVINE TO THE MOVE !!! FLAIR PULLS THE REFEREE OUT OF THE RING !!! Kurt Angle seen that. Angle goes out to confront Styles. Styles catches Angle with a Clothesline. Flair now has the belt and he sends it into Styles. STYLES USES THE BELT TO KNOCK OUT ANGLE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

This match was far too long for where they were going. The first 10 minutes were really dull and mostly involved rest holds. After that point though the match seemed to gradually build into a really good match and it didn't turn into the finisher killing fest I thought it might. Well, Angle's finishers meant nothing again, but Styles didn't even have to use his finisher to get the job done. ****

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You do realise there's wrestling outside of WWE and TNA, right ?

yeah but it's even worse, die hards might love ROH but it does nothing for me, the japanese and British wrestling is not entertaining either imo, 1997-2001 wwf was brilliant, ECW was always great and WCW was enjoyable, if not the wrestling then the comedy, but I can't be doing with this stuff, it's either too bad or aimed at kids, theres little wonder why the ratings are so low, seeing bret hart become us champ and seeing more abyss hall of fame ring power has confirmed to me that wrestling is in a worse state than Scottish fitbaw....

get it fixed vince/dixie mad.gif

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There isn't only ROH btw ? The likes of CZW, CHIKARA and PWG put on very different products and if you look hard enough, you should be able to find SOMETHING you'll enjoy.

I'd suggest you have a look and see what appeals to you. If it's hardcore you're after, CZW will cater yer needs. If it's absolute stupidity and downright fun, CHIKARA would be good. ROH don't even provide on the straight wrestling as well as they used to. That mantle has been taken by the likes of PWG and Dragon Gate USA.

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There isn't only ROH btw ? The likes of CZW, CHIKARA and PWG put on very different products and if you look hard enough, you should be able to find SOMETHING you'll enjoy.

I'd suggest you have a look and see what appeals to you. If it's hardcore you're after, CZW will cater yer needs. If it's absolute stupidity and downright fun, CHIKARA would be good. ROH don't even provide on the straight wrestling as well as they used to. That mantle has been taken by the likes of PWG and Dragon Gate USA.

I get really bored of the wwe and tna's storylines right now, but CZW is something I hate, always, it is not wrestling, it's fat non-athletes blading and beating each other up with light strips, I really cannot stand czw, it wants the hype and following that ECW has but it can't touch it, it's too dangerous and just straight up stupid what they do, it's not wrestling it's just idiotic, it's the one company I want to see go out of business.

on a positive side, I did love seeing virgil back in the wwe, but I'm still bored with the same old storylines for most of the characters, having vicky on raw is huge, she must stay there, the perfect GM, get rid of the guest host.... they are meant to make matches and run the whole show, yet buzz aldrin (wtf) did f**k all, hardly a current celeb GM, done nothing for 40 years ffs, lets get K-fed back biggrin.gif

but yeah tna has tested my patience too much now, f**k it, it's what happens when bischoff, russo and co run the show.... eric young in the NWO, abyss owns hogan (and flair?)'s hall of fame ring/s and now desmond wolfes girlfriend too, "f**k this company"

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but yeah tna has tested my patience too much now, f**k it, it's what happens when bischoff, russo and co run the show.... eric young in the NWO, abyss owns hogan (and flair?)'s hall of fame ring/s and now desmond wolfes girlfriend too, "f**k this company"

What pisses me off is that they have things which could potentially be huge for them and then, somehow, they always find a way to f**k it.

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CZW is the worst excuse for proffesional wrestling ever. And this is coming from someone who has just about every original ECW video in his collection. To call it glorified backyard wrestling would be too kind because there isn't anything glorified about it.

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CZW is the worst excuse for proffesional wrestling ever. And this is coming from someone who has just about every original ECW video in his collection. To call it glorified backyard wrestling would be too kind because there isn't anything glorified about it.

have a green one, just what I was trying to say, it's backyard wrestling, no athletes just really skinny guys fucking up moonsaults and fat guys getting slashed up badly.

I've had a huge change of heart on Raw though.... Vicky Guerrero is working as one of the best heels in years, loving it, hope she gets the GM job and just makes life shit for cena and co and gets the heat

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I get really bored of the wwe and tna's storylines right now, but CZW is something I hate, always, it is not wrestling, it's fat non-athletes blading and beating each other up with light strips, I really cannot stand czw, it wants the hype and following that ECW has but it can't touch it, it's too dangerous and just straight up stupid what they do, it's not wrestling it's just idiotic, it's the one company I want to see go out of business.

There aren't that many out of shape guys in CZW. They have dumped most of them actually. Zandig was also taken over by DJ Hyde, which gets rid of TWO fatties. The thing with the deathmatch guys that CZW have now is that they can now all actually wrestle. You have the likes of Drake Younger, Devon Moore and Danny Havoc who do the normal stuff elsewhere, and really tear it up in CZW.

The stuff they do isn't THAT dangerous for the most part. The likes of Thumbtack Jack might take it a bit further than they should though. Needles ? f**k off. CZW used to be crap deathmatches and good cruisers. Now it's went completely the other direction. Light-tube stuff is certainly less dangerous than it looks when it's done right.

The "fat non-athlete" thing is about a five year old arguement about CZW anyways. It's actually what makes their normal wrestling so unbearable. Too many guys just wanting to flip about. The guys in the hardcore matches know how to work. Compare them to people like Wifebeater, Zandig and Ian Rotten and you'll see the difference.

on a positive side, I did love seeing virgil back in the wwe, but I'm still bored with the same old storylines for most of the characters, having vicky on raw is huge, she must stay there, the perfect GM, get rid of the guest host.... they are meant to make matches and run the whole show, yet buzz aldrin (wtf) did f**k all, hardly a current celeb GM, done nothing for 40 years ffs, lets get K-fed back

K-Fed was one of the best things on RAW in the short time he was there.

The Guest Host stuff is pointless. Why are they paying extra money to people who don't do any good whatsoever to the product ?

WWE still has a very solid in-ring performance though. Edge and Christian had their best match against each other and Cena and Sheamus had a decent main event this week. John Morrison has been on a hot streak recently too.

but yeah tna has tested my patience too much now, f**k it, it's what happens when bischoff, russo and co run the show.... eric young in the NWO, abyss owns hogan (and flair?)'s hall of fame ring/s and now desmond wolfes girlfriend too, "f**k this company"

Here's the thing though. TNA was equally ridiculous before Hogan and Bischoff got there. At least now they have gotten back to the pattern of producing decent PPVs every month.

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