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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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I didn't order it last night because it didn't look worthwhile. Appears I was right. 2 of the main matches going to a non finish which shows that the feuds are likely to carry on plus everyone knew who was winning the main event. Was just a transitional event really. Seems like theres been quite a few injuries out of it as well.

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I just didn't like Over the Limit that much. I thought Punk/Rey was incredibly disappointing, although the tag title match was really really good. The main event was overbooked, over choreographed shite.

ROH Glory By Honor 2002

This was supposedly the biggest ROH show to date.

Divine Storm vs. Dixie and Izzy vs. Homicide vs. The SAT, Scramble Match ( *** )

The Backseat Boys vs. Homicide and Steve Corino ( ** )

Christopher Street Connection and Allison Danger vs. Alexis Laree, Joey Matthews and Christian York ( DUD )

Tony Mamaluke vs. James Maritato ( ***1/4 )

Ikuto Hidaka vs. The Amazing Red ( **** )

Don Juan vs. Fast Eddie ( * )

Steve Corino vs. Rudy Boy Gonzalez, Texas Death Match ( DUD )

Samoa Joe vs. Low Ki, Fight Without Honor ( ****1/4 )

Prince Nana vs. Elax ( N/A )

Jay Briscoe vs. Xavier ( ** )

The Carnage Crew vs. Da Hit Squad, Falls Count Anywhere Match ( ***1/2 )

Michael Shane vs. Paul London vs. Spanky ( *3/4 )

Christopher Daniels vs. Doug Williams ( *** )

Divine Storm vs. Dixie and Izzy vs. Homicide vs. The SAT, Scramble Match

Homicide is left without a tag team partner because Boogaloo is gone from ROH. He decides he wants to go it alone. The Special K don't want to shake hands so they get attacked by everyone. Right we now have Joel and Izzy opening the match. The fans want Homicide in the ring though. Lockup and a Headlock from Joel. Joel into the ropes and he charges down Izzy. Lovely Rana from Izzy and then kicks. Russian Legsweep into a nice submission from Izzy. Joel gets into the ropes. Izzy into the ropes and a Dropkick from Joel. Dropkick to the knee and then Joel with a nice submission on the leg. Izzy gets into the ropes. In comes Jose and Storm comes into the match too. Storm into the ropes and Jose catches him and lands a Rana. Nice Slingshot Arm Drag from Storm. Tilt-a-Whirl Arm Drag from Jose and then a Dropkick. Storm and Jose to the floor and in come Divine and Homicide. Arm Drags from both men. Dropkick from Divine. Back Elbow from Homicide, Snapmare and a kick to the back. Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker from Divine. MICHINOKU DRIVER II FROM HOMICIDE !!! In come Dixie and Joel. Human Taffy Machine from the SAT. Ace Crusher from Homicide on Divine and an STF. Crippler Crossface from Storm to Homicide. Everyone now breaks and we are left with everyone heading for the floor. Izzy and Joel back into the ring and Joel is set on the top rope. TOP ROPE LARIAT FROM JOEL !!! Izzy into the ropes. MAXIMO EXPLOSION FROM JOEL MAXIMO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... DIXIE SAVES !!! Dixie into the ropes. SWINGING DDT FROM DIXIE !!! In comes Divine to meet Dixie. Back Drop Suplex drops Dixie on his head. Knee Breaker and a Dragon Screw and the Leg Grapevine from Divine an in comes Jose. Divine runs into a boot. Springboard Swinging DDT from Jose. COP KILLER ... stopped. SHINING WIZARD FROM HOMICIDE !!! In comes Storm. WRIST CLUTCH BACK DROP SUPLEX FROM STORM !!! Izzy comes in with a Springboard Rana. HOMICIDE WITH THE TOPE CON HILO TO THE FLOOR !!! SUICIDE DIVE FROM JOSE MAXIMO !!! Storm is next. Somersault Plancha from him and then Dixie to the top rope and he lands one of his own. We're left with Izzy and Divine and Divine with a Suicide Dive and now Izzy has a shot. TOP ROPE CORKSCREW TWISTING MOONSAULT !!! Divine and Homicide now in the ring. Divine into the corner and Homicide sets him up top. Everyone in the ring. TOWER OF DOOM !!! That was messy as f**k though. We're left with Dixie and Joel brawling. CRADLE BREAKER FROM DIXIE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... DIVINE SAVES !!! Divine and Dixie in there. Dixie into the corner. DIVINE CATCHES HIM WITH A TOP ROPE FULL NELSON FACE SLAM !!! Jose comes in and makes sure no pin happens. SPINNING REGAL PLEX !!! Jose to the top rope. FROG SPLASH !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Storm and Jose in there. JOKER DRIVER FROM STORM !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... JOEL MAKES THE SAVE !!! Joel and Storm. Rana from Joel. HEAD DROP BLUE THUNDER DRIVER FROM JOEL !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Homicide and Izzy now in there. Dropsault from Izzy. Izzy now heads up. MOONSAULT ... MISSES !!! Alabama Slam. COP KILLER FROM HOMICIDE !!! STF ON DIXIE !!! TAPOUT !!!

That was actually a brilliant spotfest. Once again, The SAT manage to f**k things in spectacular fashion, completely abandoning the Tower of Doom spot. Homicide didn't have much time in there, which surprised me as he is easily the most talented of the seven guys in the match. The flow was good though and it never felt disjointed at any point. ***

The Backseat Boys vs. Homicide and Steve Corino

I don't like Steve Corino. Corino then PELTS Acid with a forearm and Homicide seems happy to play along with that. The Backseats then with right hands. Corino into the ropes and he hits a Powerslam on a jumping Kashmere. Acid and Homicide go at it. Acid gets set on the top rope. SUPER ACE CRUSHER ON ACID FROM HOMICIDE !!! Acid and Homicide on the apron and we miss a move. Good production guys. Head Scissor Takedown from Kashmere to Corino. Knee/Forearm combo from the Backseats and then a Double Bulldog. Acid now has a chair. Cide then sets Acid face first on the chair. CORINO DROPS KASHMERE ON HIS HEAD WITH THE BACK DROP SUPLEX !!! Homicide in the ring. TOPE CON HILO TO SEND ACID THROUGH A CHAIR !!! Kashmere then stretches Corino. Kashmere wants to fly. He runs right into a Superkick. NORTHERN LIGHTS BOMB ON KASHMERE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Acid into the ring. Yakuza Kick in the corner from Homicide and then the Facewash. Spear from Kashmere to Corino. HUGE SPEAR ON HOMICIDE !!! That one took him out of the air. COBRA CLUTCH FROM CORINO TO KASHMERE !!! Acid gets to his feet. YAKUZA KICK ON CORINO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... HOMICIDE MAKES THE SAVE !!! BLUE THUNDER BOMB FROM ACID TO HOMICIDE !!! Acid into the ropes and he hits the breaks. THE DREAM SEQUENCE FROM THE BACKSEATS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... HOMICIDE SAVES !!! T-Bone Suplex on Kashmere. Acid then heads for the top rope. Corino stops him up there. SUPER T-BONE SUPLEX !!! TOP ROPE SPLASH !!! Corino tries to steal the pin. CORINO WITH A SUPERKICK TO HOMICIDE !!! T-GIMMICK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

This match seemed to completely forget about tag team rules, as all four men were in the ring for almost the whole match with everyone pinning everyone and just a total mess. Of course, there was one decent tag team in there and two competent wrestlers, so they kept things going pretty well. **

Christopher Street Connection and Allison Danger vs. Alexis Laree, Joey Matthews and Christian York

Everyone brawls and it heads for the floor. Pool Boy is in the ring with Laree and in comes Mace and he knocks down Pool. Gutbuster on Mace. Senton Splash from York gets a two count. In comes Matthews. Mace into the ropes and he makes a comeback. Swinging DDT from Matthews stops that. Mace sends Matthews into the ropes and Pool is knocked off the apron. In comes Buff and he clubs on Matthews. Spinebuster from Buff and then a Headbutt to the balls. That gets a two count for Buff. Mace back into the ring, and a Reverse Bulldog/Sidewalk Slam combo gets a two count for the CSC. Body Slam and then he slithers across the body of Matthews for a two count. Mace with blows to the back and then Matthews blocks a Suplex and lands a Reverse DDT. Alexis is in the ring and right hands to Buff. In comes Mace and a big right on him. Low Blow to Buff. Swinging DDT on Buff and that gets a two count as Pool Boy interferes. Danger comes in and then Buff in. GAY BASHER ON ALEXIS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was yet another shit match with this lot. Why did they ever get a job ? They show some cracking moves and stuff, but have no idea how to make anything work. DUD

Tony Mamaluke vs. James Maritato

I hope this is better than the Unscripted effort. It HAS to be better. Mamaluke attacks from behind and then slaps Maritato. Maritato into the ropes and he takes down Mamaluke. Both men counter waistlocks. Maritato takes down Mamaluke, and then Mamaluke with the Head Scissors. Mamaluke then goes to the arm and has a Hammerlock Takedown into the Key Lock. Russian Leg Sweep and then a sort of Inverted Koji Clutch, but Mamaluke escapes and gets kicked down and we have a stalemate. Maritato with the Fireman's Carry and then he goes to the Cross Armbreaker. Mamaluke then goes to the leg of Maritato with a Leg Grapevine which is countered and then Maritato with a takedown and he works on the leg. Mamaluke seems to be going for a Body Scissors, but Maritato manages to get enough on the leg and then locks in a Surfboard Stretch. Mamaluke gets into the bottom rope. Maritato does a Mamaluke and cheap shots him. Mamaluke sends him into the ropes and misses a boot. Maritato counters a Body Slam and locks in the Ankle Lock and Mamaluke gets into the ropes. Mamaluke then gets one of his own and Maritato into the ropes. Jawbreaker from Mamaluke and then a Knee Breaker and a Dragon Screw. Half Crab from Mamaluke follows that and Maritato gets into the ropes. Maritato into the ropes and he jumps into the Revelation, but Maritato counters into the Fujiwara Armbar ! Mamaluke counters. Double Arm DDT into the Guillotine Choke from Mamaluke and Maritato escapes. Into the corner goes Maritato and Mamaluke runs into a Snake Eyes. SICILIAN SLICE FROM MARITATO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Maritato with a Shoulder Block in the corner and then a European Uppercut from Mamaluke. Mamaluke thrown into the middle of the ring and Maritato nails the Dropkick and that gets a two count. Kiss of Death gets countered. KISS OF DEATH FROM MARITATO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Maritato now tries to drag Mamaluke up the ropes and he gets stopped. Mamaluke stops him up there. SUPERPLEX INTO THE GUILLOTINE CHOKE FROM MAMALUKE !!! MARITATO TAPS !!!

This was a bit of a dead match, but the reversals and counters were brilliant to watch. It didn't really feel like your average match. There was hardly a bump in site. They took it to the mat and they kept it there. There was some semi-big stuff going on down the stretch but it really didn't fit in with the match. This could have been better had they decided to just stick with the submission wrestling. ***1/4

Ikuto Hidaka vs. The Amazing Red

Handshake and this match is off. Lockup and Red goes behind and Hidaka goes to the arm. Red with the same. We have a stalemate from that. Lockup and a Headlock from Hidaka and then he charges down Red. Dropkick from Hidaka. Lockup and Red goes back to the arm, and Hidaka goes to the arm after him and sends him to the ropes. Red with a kick to the leg but misses a Spin Kick. Hidaka into the ropes and then both men miss shots. Stalemate. Chops from both men. Red then gets thrown to the floor and we have another chop exchange. Both men back into he ring. Chop exchange continues in there. Hidaka into the ropes and Red after him. Arm Drags from both men. Both men miss Dropkicks and we have another stalemate. Snapmare avoided by Red and he hits the ropes. TILT-A-WHIRL DDT FROM RED !!! Hidaka to the floor. PESCADO ... RIGHT INTO A DROPKICK FROM HIDAKA !!! Back into the ring they go. Right hand from Hidaka to Red and then Hidaka with a chop in the corner. Hidaka then works on the leg of Red. Red goes for a Chinlock there. Hidaka lets go and then sends Red into the corner. Hidaka misses a Handspring move. HURRICANE KICK FROM RED !!! Red misses a top rope Rana. TORNADO DDT FROM HIDAKA !!! Hidaka then onto the apron. HE JUMPS INTO THE HURRICANE KICK !!! SOMERSAULT PLANCHA FROM RED !!! Back into the ring they go. Right hand from Red and then another. LOVELY Cross Armbreaker from Red and Hidaka gets into the ropes. RED STAR PRESS ... MISSES !!! Roundhouse Kick from Red gets a two count. Kick from Red and into the corner they go. Hidaka misses a charge. Climbing Kick to the back of the head. Hidaka throws Red into a Dropkick and Red heads for the floor. Red into the ropes. Double Knee Breaker from Hidaka and then he mocks. SPRINGBOARD MISSLE DROPKICK TO THE KNEE OF RED !!! GERMAN SUPLEX INTO THE SHAWN CAPTURE !!! RED GETS INTO THE ROPES !!! Enziguri from Red. We now have a pinfall reversal sequence and it's nice and slick and some originality to it. Red avoids a German Suplex. Some more cracking counters and Hidaka gets a two count from that. Double Clothesline and both men are down. TORTURE RACK TKO FROM HIDAKA !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Red with right hands. Into the ropes and he hits the 619. CODE RED !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! "I think I heard the crowd chant 718 !". No you didn't you fucking imbecile. Hidaka stops Red climbing the ropes. Powerbomb countered into the Fameasser. INFRA RED !!! RED STAR PRESS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

It's sad to see that The Amazing Red just became some repetitive tool after his knee injury, because when he was given the right opponent back at this point, he could really get in there and go. ROH handpicked some amazing opponents for him and Hidaka definately knows how to keep a high flyer grounded. Not the spectacular that you see sometimes in ROH. ****

Don Juan vs. Fast Eddie

Eddie is legally blind. Lockup and Eddie with a nice takedown and two count. Full Nelson from Eddie and Juan goes behind. Backslide gets a two count for Eddie. Roundhouse Kick from Eddie gets a two count. Eddie misses a charge and gets Dropkicked. Super Reverse DDT into the knee gets a two count. Eddie into the corner and he gets over Juan. RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX FROM EDDIE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Juan into the ropes and a Tilt-a-Whirl Head Scissors from Juan and then a Forearm. Juan misses a charge and ends up on the floor. ASAI MOONSAULT FROM EDDIE !!! Back into the ring they go. Springboard and Eddie jumps into a right hand. HANGING ACE CRUSHER FROM JUAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Juan heads for the top rope. EDDIE WITH A SPRINGBOARD DROPSAULT !!! That was amazing. SUPER MOONSAULT FALLAWAY SLAM FROM EDDIE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

You can't blame them for going all spot monkey on us. They didn't even have five minutes to build a match and they wanted to impress, so they just hit the big highspots and wowed the fans. *

Steve Corino vs. Rudy Boy Gonzalez, Texas Death Match

Rudy then floors Corino and then hits him with the microphone over and over again. Corino into the ropes and a Clothesline from Rudy, and then stomping from the vet. Superkick from Rudi and that gets a three count. Corino is busted open. He gets up though and beats the count. Into the corner and Rudy with right hands. Rudy then rakes the eyes. Another right hand and that floors Corino. Head raked into the railing and then sent into apron when they head for the floor. Rudy then slaps Corino. Rudy charges and then goes through the railing. Michael Shane wants Corino to kick his ass. Right hands from Corino. Chair across the back from Corino and then he spits at a fan. Right hands from Corino and then he hits a Clothesline on the floor. The fans get on the back of Corino as they get back into the ring. Right hand from Corino and then more of the same. Rudy is busted. Dropkick to a seated Rudy in the corner. Corino then with the Bootscrapes and the Facewash. Rudy lands on the floor. The fans chant "You Still Suck !" at Corino. Rudy then makes another comeback. Corino grabs a chair and hits Rudy in the gut with it. Corino and Rudy then exchange on the floor and Corino gets back into the ring as he wants none of that. Corino kicks the middle rope into the balls of Rudy. This match is terrible. Into the corner and a right hand from Corino. Running Forearm from Corino. Knee 2 Face and that gets a two count. Right hands from Corino and Rudy into the ropes and he hits a Jumping DDT and that was nice. Right hands from Rudy and a Back Body Drop and that gets a two count. THE COBRA CLUTCH FROM CORINO !!! RUDY IS OUT !!! Corino now lets go and we have the ten count. It's over.

That match was fucking horrific. I knew Corino was bad when unmotivated, but this bad ? Rudy Boy Gonzalez wasn't much better, and what ended up coming was a middle of the road "you hit me, I'll hit you" stuff. DUD

Samoa Joe vs. Low Ki, Fight Without Honor

This match doesn't follow the same hardcore pattern of FWH matches of the future. This is basically a war between two guys. Kicks to the leg to start from Joe. Ki with a kick of his own. Punch from Joe and a kick from Ki. They lock hands and Joe then goes to the arm. Ki manages to take Joe to the ground and hits BIG punches. Joe with slaps to counter. Joe with Headbutts after he counters, so Ki comes back with some of his own. A huge flurry of forearms from Joe after that. This is gonna be a war. Ki then looks for the Triangle Choke and Joe manages to escape into a Half Crab. He then adds some major torque on that adding a knee to the head of Ki. He ends up elevating Ki too high and he manages to escape. Joe continues to work over the leg however, and Ki then with chops to attempt to escape, so Joe slaps Ki in the face. Exchange of kicks and then forearms. Ki into the corner and Joe misses a big kick. Ki with a series of chops and then kicks. KI CATCHES JOE RIGHT ON THE FOREHEAD WITH A KICK !!! ROLLING KOPPOU KICK FROM KI !!! ONE ! KICKOUT !!! Joe is gearing himself back up, and Ki's Mongolian Chops don't work. A kick in the chest gets the same effect. Slap to the face. HUGE Lariat from Joe and then he gets a one count from that. Neither man is giving an inch in this match. KAWADA KICKS FROM JOE !!! Suplex from Joe and that gets another one count. Cross Armbreaker from Samoa Joe. Crippler Crossface when Ki manages to escape from that. Ki gets away from the Crossface though, so Joe goes back to simply chopping Ki. Ki misses a Clothesline and an Enziguri from Joe. GERMAN SUPLEX FROM JOE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Joe tries for a second German Suplex and Ki escapes and puts in a HELL of a submission, but can't keep it on. Chops again from Ki. Kick to the top of the head from Ki. Ki with more Mongolian Chops and then a pair of Knee Lifts. He hits a Running Knee. TIGER SUPLEX FROM KI !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Chops from Ki. Dropkick to the knee from Ki. Joe then with slaps to the face and Ki comes back with some of his own, and Ki with a big Roundhouse Kick to knock Joe down and these guys are KILLING each other out there. One count comes from the following pinfall. More chops from Ki and then a Forearm. Joe sends Ki into the corner and nails a kick to the face. Bootscrapes in the corner from Joe. FACEWASH FROM JOE !!! POWERBOMB FROM JOE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Joe counters the kickout right into the STF. Ki really should have kicked out at one. Would have made that STF that much sweeter. Joe adds a Crippler Crossface to that and then also adds the Rings of Saturn. Ki with a LOVELY reversal into the Cross Armbreaker and into the ropes goes Joe. Ki then begins to work on the arm, before deciding to land some chops and kicks and then tries for the Triangle Choke like he did earlier in the match. Joe then throws Ki off, and Ki comes back with chops. BRUTAL BACK DROP SUPLEX LANDS JOE RIGHT ON HIS HEAD !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! KI GOES FOR THE DRAGON CLUTCH ... JOE COUNTERS INTO A DEATH VALLEY DRIVER !!! ISLAND DRIVER FROM JOE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Joe then with a chop and then headbutts in the corner. Joe counters the last one and works on Joe with chops and a kick. Snapmare and a kick to the back from Ki and Joe just stands up. They go face to face. Snapmare and a kick to the back from Joe and Ki isn't really happy with that. Ki and Joe then ready themselves for a HUGE war. Both men with slaps and then a Yakuza Kick battle. Joe wins that exchange with a Lariat and the fans applaud that awesome exchange. Chops to the face from Joe. KI COMES BACK WITH THE KAWADA KICKS !!! Joe falls against the ropes. Ki then just beats the living crap out of Joe and gets the pin.

In a match like this, a wrestling move almost feels like it's out of place ? It's all about kicks, chops and elbows here, and these guys hit each other hard and they did it for about 20 minutes. For the first half it was basically a war of pride as both men keep kicking out at one, even though both guys were taking some massive hits. They ended up going back to that at the end, which takes a bit away from the match since they seemed to decide on a more traditional wrestling match towards the end. Didn't seem to make sense. ****1/4

Prince Nana vs. Elax

Nana attacks Elax and then Clotheslines him. Into the corner and Nana hits some weak chops. Nana with the Avalanche and then the Samoan Wrecking Ball. Senton Splash from Nana. Double Arm Brainbuster gets a three count.

Squash match. N/A

Jay Briscoe vs. Xavier

If Jay Briscoe can get a victory over Xavier, he will get a title shot in the future. Lockup and Briscoe goes behind. Xavier with a reversal and he takes down Briscoe. He then does that again and then wrestles rings around him for a bit, untill Briscoe manages to get himself a Hammerlock. Jay with an Arm Drag and an Arm Bar, and then Xavier with a Monkey Flip reversal into a Monkey Flip of his own. Arm Ringer from Xavier and then Briscoe with a Drop Toe Hold and then the Side Headlock. Xavier then with some flipping around and he drops an elbow on the leg and locks in a submission. Another elbow drop on the leg and he continues to lock in the submissions. Briscoe then manages to get a Head Scissors and goes to the Cross Armbreaker, but Xavier manages to go to a Full Nelson and then both guys with some cracking chain wrestling. Xavier into the ropes and then he stops and slaps Briscoe in the face and then lands some chops. Slap to the face from Briscoe and then a School Boy gets a two count. Back Elbow from Briscoe and then a Double Stomp and a Leg Drop. Forearm from Briscoe and then he gets sent into the ropes. Yakuza Kick from Briscoe and that gets a two count. Kick and a right hand from Briscoe. Xavier comes back into the match with a big Lariat and then he does the cocky cover. Chops in the corner and then knees to the stomach and then a running charge into the corner and a Belly 2 Belly Suplex gets a two count. Briscoe comes back with a series of forearms and he hits the ropes but runs into a Superkick. That gets a two count after a bit of stalling. I hate when guys stall ! Torture Rack from Xavier and then lands a Reverse Samoan Drop and that gets a two count. Xavier then with some choking. Knees from Xavier. Briscoe into the corner and then Xavier misses a charge. Right hands from Briscoe. DEATH VALLEY DRIVER LANDS XAVIER RIGHT ON HIS HEAD !!! Clothesline then sends Xavier over the top rope and to the floor. Baseball Slide from Briscoe. He then heads for the top rope. BRISCOE WITH THE PLANCHA ... MISSES AND HITS THE GUARDRAIL !!! Briscoe then gets whipped into the railing on the floor and then it happens again. Back into the ring they go and Xavier mockingly beats on Briscoe and then lands some forearms. Running Kick to the chest from Xavier. Briscoe then gets set on the top rope. Running Shoulder Charge to the stomach from Xavier and then he sets Briscoe back on the top rope again. TOP ROPE REVERSE DDT FROM XAVIER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Xavier then with the Chinlock. Sleeper Hold from Briscoe and then he reverses a Back Drop Suplex. GERMAN SUPLEX FROM BRISCOE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Xavier and Briscoe with an exchange of strikes. Briscoe into the ropes and he hits a Running Forearm and then another one. Sitdown Front Suplex from Briscoe and then he heads for the top rope. TOP ROPE LEG DROP FROM BRISCOE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Xavier gets away from a move. Cobra Clutch follows that from Xavier. Briscoe manages to fight out of that. COBRA CLUTCH SUPLEX FROM XAVIER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Both men now with reversals. POWERBOMB !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! JAY DRILLER FROM JAY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Xavier finally showed at this point that maybe he wasn't very good. He looked absolutely lost in the ring whenever he was in control of the match and took quite a bit of time setting for his next move. Jay Briscoe certainly wasn't experienced enough to help to carry him and that meant that a lot of this match was flat as a result. **

The Carnage Crew vs. Da Hit Squad, Falls Count Anywhere Match

Even if this match isn't good it will probably feature some badass spots. Da Hit Squad enter the ring with Spears. Nice. They have a guardrail in the ring and hit the Crew with it. Mafia with stomps in the corner to Vito. Mack avoids a charge and the Clothesline from Mack to Loc. Railing back into the ring. MAFIA WITH THE CANNONBALL THROUGH THE RAILING ONTO VITO !!! Knee to the stomach. NORTHERN LIGHTS SUPLEX INTO THE CORNER FROM VITO !!! Mack is wrecking more railing on the floor and then Mack gets hit with the hubcap. Right hands from both of the Crew. MAFIA WITH THE SUICIDE DIVE TAKING ALL THREE MEN OUT OF THE MATCH !!! That's awesome. Chair across the back of Vito from Mafia and then chair across the head. Crowd brawling here. It looks so much better in a crowd that's small. Vito gets thrown through a row of chairs and then throws a bin at him. Mafia gets sent face first into a wall. BRUTAL CHAIR SHOT TO THE HEAD !!! SHOT TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD OF MAFIA !!! MACK THROWS A CHAIR AT THE HEAD OF LOC !!! ELBOW DROP OFF OF A CHAIR FROM VITO TO MAFIA !!! Some more chair tossing from these guys. Loc then gets thrown through more chairs. By the time this match is done, there's gonna be no chairs left. Bottle of water to the head of Loc. Hubcap to the head of Mafia. This is great fun. Mack with a Clothesline. This match is madness. Vito gets put on a table and Mafia is now on the stage. Loc manages to fight out. Mafia is on the stage with both members of the Carnage Crew. Low blow from Loc. PILEDRIVER OFF OF THE STAGE THROUGH THE TABLE ON THE FLOOR !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was absolute madness. I loved this. The ending was brutal and all four men just completely unloaded on each other with anything that wasn't nailed down. People can complain about the match being sloppy or whatever, but it made no difference. ***1/2

Michael Shane vs. Paul London vs. Spanky

Spanky jumps Shane from behind and London just lets this happen. London his the Dropsault. Spanky with right hands to Shane and then Shane into the corner. London with a Running Back Elbow and then Spanky throws London out of the way. London misses a Dropkick because Spanky caused it. Both men now stomping away on Shane. London then hits Spanky with a chop and they exchange. Spanky with forearms. Spanky throws London into a Moonsault on Shane. Nice. Forearms from London. Dropsault on Spanky and then a second one sees London land on his head. Dropkick from Spanky to London and that gets a two count. Forearms from London and then he beats on Spanky. Enziguri from Shane to London. Shane then sends Spanky to the floor. Short Arm Clothesline from Shane and then another. Flapjack from Shane and then he gets a two count. Shane then sends Spanky back to the floor. London with a Northern Lights Suplex and then he rolls through and hits a second. He then tries for a third. Bridging Fallaway Slam gets a two count for London. Spanky gets sent back to the floor. TKO into the knee from Shane and then a Running Neckbreaker gets a two count. Shane misses a charge on Spanky and eats a Dropkick. Vaulting SSP off of Spanky gets a two count. Dropkick from Spanky to London gets a two count. Tornado DDT ... countered. London now heads for the top rope and Shane gets kicked. Spanky then throws London to the floor. Spanky goes for a dive but Shane cuts him off. Back Body Drop from Shane to Spanky. Knee to the head from Spanky and then an Elbow Drop to the back. Right hand from Shane to Spanky. Spanky skins the cat. Baseball Slide under Spanky from Shane. SPANKY WITH A PLANCHA OVER THE TOP ROPE !!! London tries for a move, and Spanky stops it and sends him into the railing. Shane then chokes Spanky with a boot on the floor. Shane then chokes Spanky with the railing, and then London with a Superkick sends him down. What's the deal with all of this brawling on the floor ? Back into the ring they go and we have a two count. Spanky cuts of London on the top rope. POWERBOMB FROM SHANE TO SPANKY !!! SHOOTING STAR PRESS FROM LONDON ... MISSES !!! SLICED BREAD #2 FROM SPANKY !!! SHANE COVERS HIM !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! Paul London is eliminated.

Shane with Spanky on the floor one. Forearms from Shane and then he sends Spanky into the ring. Two count from that. Snapmare from Shane and then a Sleeper Hold. The fans chant for London. They're being incredibly harsh to these two guys in the ring. Elbows to the stomach from Spanky and then he hits the ropes and gets thrown out of the ring again. Shane back to the floor and he continues to work on Spanky. Shane gets sent through one of the railings. BACK BODY DROP INTO THE EDGE OF THE RAILING FROM SPANKY !!! Come on guys, you're better than this. Into the ring and Spanky heads for the top rope. TOP ROPE ELBOW DROP ... Shane catches him coming down with a Dropkick for a two count. Sleeper Hold from Shane. Shane into the ropes and a Sleeper Hold from Spanky, but that's countered into the Back Drop Suplex. Headlock from Spanky. Northern Lariat from Shane and then onto the middle rope. Second Rope Elbow Drop gets a two count. German Suplex missed. SLICED BREAD #2 FROM SPANKY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Spanky into the corner and the Running Forearm from Shane. Forearm out of the corner from Shane. Forearms from both men now. Spanky gets over Shane and onto the apron. Springboard Dropkick from Spanky. To their feet they get and Spanky with Forearms. Knee 2 Face and an Enziguri from Spanky and that gets a two count. NORTHERN LIGHTS BOMB FROM SPANKY !!! To the top rope he goes. FROG SPLASH FROM SPANKY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! SLICED BREAD ... misses. SWINGING DDT FROM SHANE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! BACKSLIDE FROM SPANKY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! SUPERKICK FROM SHANE !!! PICTURE PERFECT ELBOW FROM SHANE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

What a mess of a match this match became. It started out like a good wee three way but then the match went to the floor and the whole thing fell to shit. Even when they got rid of a man, they couldn't get the match back into gear again. Incredibly disappointing. *3/4

Christopher Daniels vs. Doug Williams

If Williams loses this match, he can't shake hands in ROH ever again. Daniels charges down Williams, but then gets sweeped and charged himself. Hiptoss from Williams and then both men try for pins and that gets a stalemate ending. Arm Drags from both men and that leads to another stalemate. Lockup and Williams goes behind and then does some nice wrestling, which ends with him twisting at the leg of Daniels. Daniels kicks down Williams from there and locks in a Fujiwara Armbar. He turns that into an Overhead Wristlock to keep the pressure on. Daniels with a pair of Arm Breakers, but Williams rolls through and goes back to the leg. Daniels with an escape. Daniels goes to the floor and looks for a break. Simply Luscious grabs the foot. Daniels brings Williams back into the ring with a two count. Daniels then clubs away at the back. Williams with the Drop Toe Hold and then Daniels gets into the bottom rope. Dragon Screw from Williams and he then has the legs tied together and adds a Butterfly Lock. European Uppercut from Williams. CHAOS THEORY ... blocked. Running Neckbreaker from Daniels. Elbow Drops from Daniels. That gets a two count for him. Daniels then twists the neck of Williams. The Final Cut from Daniels and that gets a two count. Williams then blocks a Suplex. Russian Legsweep from Daniels puts that to an end and he gets a two count. Backslide from Williams gets a two count. CHAOS THEORY ... COUNTERED INTO A STUNNER FROM DANIELS !!! That was nice. Two count comes from that. Hammerlock from Daniels. Williams manages to fight out and sends Daniels running into a Back Elbow. Back Body Drop from Williams. REVOLUTION DDT ... countered into the Manhattan Drop by Daniels. Swinging Neckbreaker gets a two count for him. Williams into the ropes and he runs into a kick. Flatliner from Daniels. That gets a two count too. CHAOS THEORY FROM WILLIAMS ... blocked again. REVOLUTION DDT FROM WILLIAMS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Forearm from Williams. Daniels into the corner and the High Knee and then the Running Knee. BOMB SCARE KNEE DROP FROM WILLIAMS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! FISHERMAN BUSTER FROM WILLIAMS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! CHAOS THEORY ATTEMPT AGAIN ... countered again. THE STO FROM DANIELS !!! BLUE THUNDER BOMB FROM DANIELS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Standing Rock Bottom from Daniels. THE BME FROM DANIELS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Daniels into the ropes and he runs into a Belly 2 Belly Suplex. Pinfall reversal sequence from them now. Knee to the stomach from Daniels. Forearms from Williams. CHAOS THEORY FROM WILLIAMS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... DANIELS IS IN THE ROPES !!! DANIELS HAS A PIN WITH FEET ON THE ROPES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

The execution and work was fine, but it was lacking soul. It was still a good match as with these two guys at the time, they just knew how to put a good match together. ***



The show was good I thought. It had two really good matches and also a whole lot more fun stuff. It had Steve Corino and Michael Shane acting the c**t, it had four guys beating the ever loving hell out of each other with anything not nailed down, and another two guys doing the same just with their hands and feet. It still had it's utter crap like all ROH shows, but this one went along better than most.

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just watched over the limit, what a shite ppv.... if TNA had 2 of it's 3 main events end in DQ then it would get slagged into the ground, for me that was a dire PPV.

can't belive CM punk got his head shaved.... even in his TNA days with the much better long shorts, I thought he always suited his hair, even more so with the big beard, he looks dumb as f**k now

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ROH All Star Extravaganza 2002

We continue our trip down memory lane with a show which has a few good looking matches on it, ECW veteran Masato Tanaka and Japanese legend Shinjiro Ohtani.

Dixie and Joey Matthews vs. Divine Storm vs. The SAT vs. Da Hit Squad, Scramble Match ( ***1/2 )

#1 Contender Gauntlet Match ( *** )

Donovan Morgan, Samoa Joe and Christopher Daniels vs. Homicide, Doug Williams and Low Ki ( **** )

Allison Danger vs. Alexis Laree ( DUD )

Ring Crew Express vs. The Carnage Crew, Bunkhouse Brawl ( N/A )

Xavier vs. Jay Briscoe ( *1/2 )

American Dragon vs. AJ Styles ( ****1/2 )

Steve Corino and Low Ki vs. Shinjiro Ohtani and Masato Tanaka ( ***1/2 )

Dixie and Joey Matthews vs. Divine Storm vs. The SAT vs. Da Hit Squad, Scramble Match

Jose and Storm are going to be in the ring to open the match. Lockup and we have a stalemate. Jose with a Headlock and a Snapmare is blocked. Storm into the ropes and a Drop Toe Hold from Jose. Tilt-a-Whirl Arm Drag from Storm and then Jose into the ropes and a Running Rana. Kick to the back of the head from Jose and again. Storm with elbow strikes and a Superkick from Jose. Arm Drags from both men. Right, that was Joel. Matthews sent into the ropes and he's charged down. Cross Body Block gets a two count Joel. Kick from Joel but a Clothesline from Matthews. To the floor they go. Divine and Mack in the ring. Divine into the ropes. Counters from both men. Rana from Divine. BRUTAL Lariat from Mack and Mafia loves that. Mafia into the match with Dixie. Dixie runs right into a Shoulder Tackle. Short Arm Elbow Strikes. Roaring Elbow from Dixie to Mafia. Dixie and Storm to the top and everyone heads for the corner. MEGA TOWER OF DOOM SPOT FROM DA HIT SQUAD !!! Madness there. The fans love that. No wonder. Body Slam from Mack and then he heads for the middle rope and gets caught by Joel. MACK WITH A SUPER RIKISHI DRIVER ON JOEL !!! The feet are under the ropes and therefore, no pin. Mack sends Divine into the ropes. Dropkick to the back. RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX FROM DIVINE TO MACK !!! Jose is now in with Divine. SNAP REGAL PLEX ON DIVINE FROM JOSE !!! Matthews into the ring. Falling Reverse DDT from Matthews. BURNING HAMMER FROM MAFIA ... countered. HALF AND HALF SUPLEX FROM MAFIA !!! Dixie comes in. DDT TO COUNTER A GORILLA PRESS SLAM FROM DIXIE !!! Storm in there. SPINAL SHOCK ON DIXIE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... JOEL SAVES !!! MAXIMO EXPLOSION ON STORM !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Storm into the corner and the Running Forearm. SAT WITH A SERIES OF RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEXES ON STORM !!! TANDEM OFFENSE FROM SAT !!! Matthews gets into the ring. Jose has him in the corner. Matthews comes back. Kick in the balls from Matthews. Diving Elbow Strike from Dixie. Mafia into the ring with a chop. MAFIA WITH THE HUGE CANNONBALL ON DIXIE !!! FIGURE FOUR/FROG SPLASH COMBO FROM THE SQUAD !!! Divine Storm come in and break. DOUBLE FLATLINER ON MAFIA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Baseball Slide from Divine. In comes Joel and Storm. DOUBLE BUCKLE BOMB CROTCHES DIXIE !!! THE SPANISH FLY ON DIXIE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was a cracking opening match. When the SAT aren't botching anything they are an absolute joy to behold and the stuff they were doing in this match was delightful. Da Hit Squad were good here because of the hard hitting madness that they brought. The no tags deal was the real joy here as it flowed brilliantly. ***1/2

#1 Condender's Trophy Gauntlet Match

We're opening up with Michael Shane and CM Punk. Punk is playing new babyface here in his debut. Shane with the Waistlock Takedown. Punk goes to the arm with the Arm Ringer. Shane gets out and gets a Headlock Takedown and Side Headlock. Head Scissor reversal. Shane escapes then gets out of the move and goes back to the Headlock. Punk reverses into one of his own. Arm Drag into the Arm Bar from Shane and the fans just can't get off the back of him. Fireman's Carry from Punk and Shane gets into the ropes. They want a Test of Strength now. Kicks to the stomach gives Shane the advantage in the match. Chops from Punk. Arm Drags from Punk and another Arm Bar from Punk. Snapmare and then Punk slams the arm into the canvas and locks in an Arm Bar. Punk walks the top rope and then drops a leg on the arm. That gets a two count. Arm Bar again from Punk. He goes back to the top rope a second time and Shane avoids a move and Shane hits a Back Drop Suplex. Shane with stomps to the back of the head. Enziguri from Shane gets a two count. Shane with chopping in the corner and then a Snapmare and a Chinlock. Punk avoids a Suplex and gets a Sunset Flip for a two count, and Shane then lands a Clothesline. Body Slam from Shane and then he turns Punk over and lands a Leg Drop on the back of the head and then a second rope Elbow Drop gets a two count. Front Facelock from Shane. The fans are getting behind Punk here. Punk into the corner and Shane with a shot to the back of the head for a two count. Shane walks into a right hand and then chops from Punk, so Shane goes to the eyes and drops an elbow on the back. Chinlock from Shane. Punk fights out and is sent into the ropes. Spear from Shane but his shoulder is hurt. Shane and Punk now exchange elbow strikes. Dropkick from Punk. Single Arm DDT from Punk and then a Slingshot Senton on the arm from Punk. Chops from Punk. Punk runs right into the Enziguri. That gets a two count. Shane tries something. Minoru Special attempt from Punk and Shane gets into the ropes quickly. Body Slam from Punk and then he heads for the top. SPLIT LEGGED MOONSAULT FROM PUNK ... HITS THE KNEES !!! Punk with a Jawbreaker. HE JUMPS RIGHT INTO THE SUPERKICK FROM SHANE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Shane now heads for the top rope. PICTURE PERFECT ELBOW FROM SHANE ... MISSES !!! SHINING WIZARD FROM PUNK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Punk signals for the end. ROLLUP AND SHANE HAS THE ROPES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

The fans chant "Bullshit !" and now Paul London is coming down to meet Shane. Right hands from both men. Knee to the stomach and London sent to the floor where Shane follows with a Double Axe Handle. London comes back with rights and lefts. Shane with a chop on London. Chops from London on the floor and then a BRUTAL kick to the back of the head of Shane. Forearms from London and then he gets sent through a railing. Shane then goes after him again. Suplex on the floor from Shane. Back into the ring they go. Small Package gets a two count from Shane. BACKBREAKER FROM SHANE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Back to the feet they go. POWERBOMB FROM SHANE !!! INTO AN ELEVATED BOSTON CRAB !!! London escapes and gets a Sunset Flip for a two count. Clothesline from Shane. London sends Shane into the corner but runs into a boot. SWINGING DDT FROM SHANE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Flapjack into a Gutbuster from Shane and London is saying that he's injured. LONDON DDT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Next to make his way in is The Amazing Red to start the series of matches between these two guys. Spotfest ahoy ? Lockup and London with the Headlock and he's sent into the ropes. We have a series of reversals and both guys come out of it looking good. London with a big forearm. Dropsault. London is dropped onto the apron and then the 718 and London heads for the floor. Moonsault press right into London. SWINGING DDT ON THE FLOOR FROM RED TO LONDON !!! Red misses a baseball slide. HE GETS SWUNG HEAD FIRST INTO THE RAILING !!! Into the ring they go. Two count from that. Hanging Vertical Suplex from London. That gets a two count. London is heading for the top rope. Red charges and hits a kick. London into the corner. Climbing Kick from Red. Red runs into an elbow. RED STAR PRESS FROM RED !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Into the corner. London with a forearm. To the top rope he goes but he gets crotched. HURRICANRANA OFF OF THE VERY TOP ROPE FROM RED !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Kick to the head and then a right hand from Red. London sends Red into the ropes. SKY HIGH FROM LONDON !!! London to the top. SHOOTING STAR PRESS FROM LONDON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

American Dragon is the next man out to the ring which gets this series of matches started. They seem cautious. Dragon tries to take London down and then goes for the Front Facelock. London and Danielson with lots of reversing, and it seems like Dragon is the one in control. We have a stalemate after that. They lock hands and then Dragon has the arm of London. He tries to pin down London but London is persistant. Side Headlock from Dragon and then right hands. Head Scissors from London and Dragon does a lot of shifting about. Dragon then locks the legs to together and then rips at the face of London. Surfboard Stretch is added to this. Dragon turns London onto his back and twists at the neck. London gets into the ropes. They lock hands again and London goes behind. Arm Ringer from Dragon and London kips up but goes right into the Butterfly Suplex from Dragon and then a kick to the back. London gets thrown to the floor. Dragon then goes out and hits a European Uppercut. London comes back. Head first into the apron goes London and then onto the apron. London is hung up in the ropes and Dragon chops him. Dropkick in there from Dragon and that gets a two count. London comes back with forearms, but Dragon KILLS him with European Uppercuts. Jacknife Pin gets a two count for Dragon. London into the corner and Dragon runs into a boot. LONDON MOONSAULTS INTO A DROPKICK !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Dragon now with a Hammerlock. Dragon then with a chop but London refuses to stay out of the match. Right hands and London with forearms. London into the ropes. He comes out with a DDT. Forearms from London. Dropsault from London and then Dragon into the ropes and a Back Body Drop. Standing Moonsault gets a two count for London. London into the corner and a big Clothesline gets a two count for Dragon. London then gets set on the top rope. SUPER BACK DROP SUPLEX ... London avoids that. SUPER RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP FROM LONDON !!! He heads for the top rope. Dragon stops him up there. TOP ROPE SUPERPLEX FROM DRAGON !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Full Nelson and London counters to the Victory Roll. DRAGON SUPLEX FROM DRAGON !!! CATTLE MUTILATION FROM DRAGON AND IT'S OVER !!!

If the first part of this match didn't happen then it would have been rated higher, but it badly hurt this. Shane forgot about the arm injury AND it was too long and disjointed. Everything after that was good as a gauntlet match CAN be. ***

Christopher Daniels, Donovan Morgan and Samoa Joe © vs. Low Ki, Homicide and Doug Williams - ROH Tag Team Championships

The babyfaces attack at the bell and we open with Daniels in the ring and Ki misses a kick and Daniels heads for the floor. Ki is gonna be in the ring with Morgan. Morgan gets the fans into this. You're a heel you dick ! Daniels tags himself in so as the match doesn't happen. Daniels then tags out to Morgan again. Ugh. Morgan goes behind and then takes the leg. Cross Armbreaker from Ki but Morgan doesn't allow Ki to get it. STF from Morgan. Front Facelock from Morgan and then Daniels goes to the Hammerlock. Ki then takes him down and has Morgan mounted and unloads with rights and lefts. Morgan is in the guard, and Ki goes for the Triangle Choke. Morgan gets out and has a Waistlock. Morgan elbows out and shoulders Ki down. Ki misses a big kick and then locks in an Octopus and Morgan rolls him out of the hold. Joe gets into the ring with Williams. Joe and Williams then lock hands and they have some reversals. Waistlock from Joe and Williams is having a hard time getting a handle of the big man. Williams gets into a Headlock eventually. Kicks to the leg from Joe and then he rolls into an Ankle Lock. Williams grabs a leg and Joe kicks his way out of that. Headbutt from Joe and then into the corner and in comes Daniels. Williams fights out of the corner. Homicide is in the match. Lockup and a Headlock from Homicide. Homicide into the ropes and he runs into an Arm Drag. Homicide back into the ropes and they botch a move. DDT from Homicide to make up for that. Tilt-a-Whirl Arm Drag from Homicide and then the Exploder Suplex and Homicide does well. Low Blow and a Yakuza Kick from Homicide. Ki comes in with the Mongolian Chop. Snapmare and a Power Elbow gets a two count. Head Scissors from Ki. Joe comes in and breaks the move. Into the corner and in comes Homicide again. Homicide then with a Headlock on Daniels. Rings of Saturn from Homicide. Williams now tagged in and he lands a Slingshot Knee Drop and then a European Uppercut. Morgan comes into the ring and distracts the ref, allowing the babyfaces to cheat. Suplex from Williams and then a Knee Drop gets a two count. Homicide into the match with a Suplex and that gets a two count. Homicide sends Daniels into the ropes. Clothesline knocks down Daniels and in comes Ki. DOUBLE YAKUZA KICK TO DANIELS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Bridging Suplex from Ki gets a two count. Falling Headbutt from Williams. Gory Special from Williams. HE ADDS A HALF CRAB ON MORGAN !!! Joe breaks it with a kick. Joe tagged in and he goes to work. Snapmare, chop, kick sequence from Joe. Running Back Elbow and then a kick from Joe. Into the corner and in comes Morgan. Into the corner and Williams runs into a boot. Spinning Rana gets a two count for Morgan. Williams sent into a boot and then Williams into the ropes. Double Hiptoss. Sequence from the Prophecy gets a two count. Daniels then with a Seated Abdominal Stretch on Williams. Joe with a kick to the chest of Williams and that gets a two count. Williams is thrown to the floor and the Prophecy take cheap shots on the floor. In comes Morgan and he Dropkicks the back of the head. He locks that stupid leg submission that he does. Williams turns that into a Surfboard Stretch, and Samoa Joe comes in and breaks it. Joe tagged back in and he lands a big Vertical Suplex. That gets a two count as Ki comes in and breaks. Ki : "f**k YOU !". Daniels comes into the ring. Small Package from Williams isn't seen and then both teams take turns turning the move around. Back up and the Standing Rock Bottom. BEST MOONSAULT EVER FROM DANIELS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Williams into the ropes and he fights his way out of a predicament. Homicide is tagged into the match and is the preverbial house of fire. SUPER ACE CRUSHER ON DANIELS !!! ONE ! TWO ! MORGAN SAVES !!! Ki comes into the ring and we have a bit of chaos now. WILLIAMS WITH A PLANCHA OFF THE TOP ROPE ONTO MORGAN !!! DANIELS WITH THE ARABIAN PRESS ONTO WILLIAMS !!! HOMICIDE WITH THE TOPE CON HILO ... CAUGHT !!! KI WITH A SPRINGBOARD PLANCHA OFF THE TOP ONTO THAT !!! Joe has a look out and wants a shot. CORKSCREW PLANCHA OVER THE TOP ROPE INTO EVERYONE !!! Back into the ring they go. KAWADA KICKS FROM JOE !!! DRAGON SUPLEX FROM JOE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Williams goes for a move and in comes Morgan. BACK DROP DRIVER FROM MORGAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... HOMICIDE SAVES !!! GOLDEN GATE SPIN ON HOMICIDE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KI SAVES !!! Dragon Screw from Homicide. THE STF FROM HOMICIDE !!! DANIELS SAVES !!! Lariat in the corner and Homicide sets Daniels on top. TOP ROPE RANA ... COUNTERED BY DANIELS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KI SAVES !!! Ki into the ring now. Daniels into the corner. Tidal Crush misses. SUPER INVERTED CODE RED FROM DANIELS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Angel Wings ... countered. Kick to the back of the head of Homicide. Everyone counters finishers. THE PROPHECY WITH THE POWERBOMB NECKBREAKER COMBO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... WILLIAMS SAVES !!! CHAOS THEORY ON DANIELS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... MORGAN SAVES !!! GOLDEN GATE SPIN ON WILLIAMS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... SAVED !!! BRAINBUSTER FROM HOMICIDE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... JOE SAVES !!! KAWADA KICKS FROM JOE TO HOMICIDE !!! Big Lariats from Homicide. Low Blow from Homicide. COP KILLER ... Joe escapes. POWERBOMB FROM JOE !!! INTO THE STF !!! HE TURNS IT INTO THE CHOKE !!! NOBODY CAN MAKE THE SAVE !!! HOMICIDE IS OUT !!!

I love those big exchanges with all six men going balls to the walls with big moves. The first half of the match could have been better though. You'd have been forgiven for thinking that there was no hatred between any of the six men in the match. But when the match went into high gear it was great fun. ****

Allison Danger vs. Alexis Laree

What are the odds on this being shit ? The referee gets thrown in front of Laree. Danger then attacks from behind and gets a cheap one count. Danger tries to do a runner and Laree tosses her around the ring. Laree heads for the floor. Laree with a Baseball Slide and then Mace onto the apron and he gets sent to the floor. Laree to the top rope. PLANCHA OFF THE TOP ROPE ONTO MACE !!! Laree attacks from behind and then face first into the apron. Clipping to in the ring action. Laree into the ropes and a kick. Neckbreaker over the knee from Danger and that gets a two count. Danger kisses Laree and then crawls over her. Spear from Laree and she pure mauls Danger. Head first into the buckles too. Kicks to the stomach. Danger misses a charge and then the Reverse DDT wins the match.

Shite. DUD

Ring Crew Express vs. The Carnage Crew, Bunkhouse Brawl

It's all about the hubcaps. Loads of guys run in from the ring crew and they just get pure annihilated with chairs. Northern Lights Suplex sends one of them into the canvas. Double Spinebuster and then a Double Boston Crab. Dunn and Marcos dive off and both jump into big moves. Knees to the head from Loc. Loc with a big move in the corner. SUPER BELLY 2 BELLY SUPLEX ON ONE GUY !!! Double Suplex from The Carnage Crew. SUPER SPIKE PILEDRIVER !!! That's it.

No rating required. Squash match with weapons. N/A

Xavier © vs. Jay Briscoe - ROH World Heavyweight Championship

Lockup and into the corner. Monkey Flip and Jay sticks with it. They then break. Behind go both men. Xavier then with the Fireman's Carry and he works on the wrist. Briscoe with a takedown and a pinfall for a two count. Lockup and Jay goes to the arm again. Xavier with a forearm and then he rolls through and gets a Leg Grapevine. Xavier then rolls over and gets a Camel Clutch. Briscoe manages to escape that and gets a Leg Grapevine of his own. Xavier kicks his way out. Cross Armbreaker from Xavier. Briscoe with all sorts of rolling about and he then gets the Overhead Wristlock. Xavier gets back to his feet and has the Overhead Wristlock again. Kick to the gut along with that. Xavier then with a kick to the back of Briscoe. Jay and Xavier then exchange right hands and chops. Knee from Xavier and he's sent to the ropes. Big Boot from Briscoe. Spin Kick from Xavier. He misses a Clothesline and Briscoe with chops. Xavier avoids the Jay Driller and heads for the floor. We now have a bit of stalling as Xavier doesn't want to blow up and show himself to be the tool that he is. Back into the ring and Xavier wants a Test of Strength. Xavier wants a cheap shot from there but Briscoe is too smart for that. They do it properly this time. Both men with knees and then Briscoe goes to the arm. Takedown and then an Arm Drag and a Rana. Xavier into the ropes and a Dropkick from Briscoe. Xavier tries to get over Briscoe and gets caught with a Face Buster. Cactus Clothesline and both men are on the floor. Back itno the ring they go. Xavier sends Briscoe to the floor with a Suplex. Xavier comes to the floor with the Cactus Elbow Drop and then lands some right hands. Briscoe is then whipped through the railing. Briscoe is then sent back first into the ringpost. Chop from Xavier and then into the ring they go. Kick to the head. Xavier then with a running kick. Xavier then with a mocking chop and lands some right hands. Xavier then chokes Briscoe over the middle rope. Xavier then drops his weight across the back and gets a two count. European Uppercut from Xavier. Chops in the corner. Briscoe comes back with chops of his own. Jumping Back Elbow and then a Sitdown Front Suplex gets a two count. Belly 2 Belly Suplex from Xavier and that gets a two count. Briscoe comes back into the match. Simply Luscious drags Briscoe to the floor. XAVIER WITH THE JUMPING ARABIAN PRESS TO THE FLOOR ONTO BRISCOE !!! Into the ringpost goes Briscoe. Xavier with a chair. XAVIER KICKS THE CHAIR INTO THE FACE OF BRISCOE !!! Head first into the ringpost. Briscoe is now busted open. He's been busted a few times now ! Into the ring they go and Xavier with right hands. That gets a two count for him. Briscoe is bleeding a gusher. Briscoe runs into a knee in the stomach. Bridging Butterfly Hold and he can't hold onto the move. Good god. Body Slam from Xavier and then he heads for the second buckle. Elbow Drop misses. JAY DRILLER ... countered. Alabama Slam from Xavier. That gets a two count. Knees to the head from Xavier. Briscoe is then set on the top rope. SUNSET BOMB ... countered. TOP ROPE SUPERPLEX FROM BRISCOE !!! Briscoe comes back with right hands again. GERMAN SUPLEX FROM BRISCOE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! DEATH VALLEY DRIVER FROM BRISCOE !!! He then heads for the top rope. TOP ROPE LEG DROP FROM BRISCOE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! COBRA CLUTCH SUPLEX FROM XAVIER !!! KISS YOUR X GOODBYE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! X-BREAKER ... Jay counters. POWERBOMB FROM BRISCOE !!! Briscoe heads for the top rope. Luscious threw a chair into the ring to distract the ref and she drops Jay. X-BREAKER OFF THE TOP FROM XAVIER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

There's just something insanely unlikeable about Xavier as a wrestler. Once again he is so lost in control of a match. He had to stall on the floor absolutely loads of times. Jay Briscoe doesn't have the experience to be able to carry him, and this would have been impossible anyways since Xavier controlled pretty much the entire match. It was left to Simply Luscious to try and add some intrigue to this rather dull match. *1/2

American Dragon vs. AJ Styles - #1 Contender's Trophy

These are another two guys who would go on and have a classic series in ROH, but it was never remembered as an actual series of matches. My memory of this is that it was really good. They lock hands and neither man can get an advantage early. They lock hands again and Dragon tries to get a handle on Styles. Waistlock from Dragon and then we have more reversals from both men. Really hard to keep up with this stuff and they are really doing well here. That counter exchage gets a standing ovation from the audience. Styles with a takedown and he tries to nail down Dragon. Dragon gets him into the guard and goes to the arm. He seems to try for a Key Lock, but AJ manages to get out easily and both men into the ropes. They lock hands again and into the corner they go. We get a clean break from that. Dragon with the Waistlock and then a Full Nelson. Dragon goes behind and then gets a Headlock. Dragon into the ropes and he charges down Styles and HARD. Front Facelock from Dragon. Styles manages to press his way out of the move and Styles has Dragon in the Side Mount before trying to mount, but Dragon does everything he can to break. He does eventually get the Full Mount, but Dragon quickly escapes and has Styles in some sort of a Waistlock. Styles has a submission, but the camera angle doesn't allow us to see exactly what it is. Dragon counters it into a Headlock though. Punches to the stomach from Styles and then Dragon jumps into a Dropkick for a two count. Is this the next stage of the match coming ? Styles with a chop and then a knee. Forearm and then Styles into the ropes. Drop Toe Hold from Dragon and Styles ends up on the floor. Dragon misses a Baseball Slide, but doesn't miss a European Uppercut. SUPERKICK OVER THE RAIL FROM STYLES AFTER HE JUMPS OVER IT !!! Dragon then gets dropped on the railing and a kick to the chest from Styles. Back into the ring they go and that gets a two count. Backbreaker and then a Gutbuster from Styles. Forearms from Styles and down goes Dragon for a two count. More right hands from Styles and then they lock hands again. Dragon with a Monkey Flip and then Styles with one. Neither man are letting go of it. Dragon with Headbutts. Dragon then with a kick to the arm. Dragon stomps on the elbow of Styles. Knee Drop to the arm from Dragon. He then has a BRUTAL Wristlock held. He then grapevines the arm. Styles tries to knee his way out, so Dragon goes with the Anaconda Vice. How does that help exactly ? Arm Ringer from Dragon and then chops from both men, so Dragon with a Suplex to stop Styles' from fighting out. Arm Ringer from Dragon and then he Headbutts the arm. Dragon is almost Malenko-like with his work on the arm. BRUTAL European Uppercut from Dragon. Styles tries a fight back again and he gets a Springboard Sunset Flip for a two count. Kicks to the back of the head from Dragon. Styles with a DDT of sorts into a Guillotine Choke and he has Dragon in a wee bit of bother here. Hammerlock from Styles and Dragon counters. STYLES WITH THE QUEDABRA DDT ... COUNTERED INTO THE NORTHERN LIGHTS SUPLEX !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! That was rather nice there actually. European Uppercut from Dragon and Styles wants to fight back. Dragon is hitting HARD though and Styles has no answer. Dragon's eye is busted and he's looking not in a good way. STYLES WITH A BRAINBUSTER !!! Styles then locks in the Muta Lock. He then has the Inverted Muta Lock. They then go onto their knees and BOTH men try and get the Chinlock section and they have a stalemate and the referee wants them to break it. This is not spectacular in moves sense, but it's great from a wrestling sense. SUPLEX INTO THE NECKBREAKER FROM STYLES !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Forearm from Styles. Styles into the ropes. GERMAN SUPLEX FROM DRAGON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! JUDO DDT FROM DRAGON !!! THE DIVING HEADBUTT FROM DRAGON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! European Uppercut from Dragon. Spin Kick from Styles and that knocks down Dragon. GERMAN SUPLEX ROLLS THROUGH TO THE BACK DROP FACE PLANT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Styles now has Dragon set but Dragon stops him up there. TOP ROPE SUPER BACK DROP SUPLEX DROPS STYLES RIGHT ON HIS FOREHEAD !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... FOOT ON THE ROPES !!! Slaps from both men now. ROARING ELBOWS MISSED FROM BOTH MEN !!! DISCUS LARIAT FROM BOTH MEN AND THEY ARE DOWN !!! They go face to face and they chop each other on their knees. Slaps on their knees. Dragon rips at the face of Styles. Dragon with a flurry in the corner. Styles into the corner and he runs into an elbow. QUEDABRA DDT FROM STYLES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! STYLES CLASH FROM STYLES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! DRAGON SUPLEX FROM DRAGON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! CATTLE MUTILATION FROM DRAGON !!! HE TURNS IT INTO A PIN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Dragon heads up and Styles manages to stop him. Dragon just won't quit here though. Neither will Styles. HE PULLS DRAGON INTO THE STYLES CLASH AFTER A POWERBOMB !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

THAT WAS FUCKING GREAT !!! The first half of the match featured phenomenal action from both guys, as they just unloaded with cool counters and counters to counters. They didn't bring spectacular flying, but it was a breath of fresh air from the usual style of ROH. They also made American Dragon look strong in defeat as he took everything that Styles had to throw at him. ****1/2

Steve Corino and Low Ki vs. Shinjiro Ohtani and Masato Tanaka

This match is basically the reason for the name of the show. Tanaka is opening the match with Ki. Wow, I'd love to see a one on one with these two guys. Lockup and Tanaka goes behind. Ki with the same and Tanaka goes to the arm. Ki takes Tanaka down to a knee but he gets back up, so Ki kicks his way out. Lockup and we have a Waistlock exchange. Ki goes back to the arm and is sent into the ropes. Right hand from Ki. BLUE THUNDER BOMB FROM TANAKA !!! Ki gets the hell out of there to take a timeout. Lockup and Ki with a Full Nelson and Tanaka with one of his own. Back Drop Suplex and then a modified Surfboard from Ki. Abdominal Stretch from Ki. Ki then with some form of move and then locks in the Octopus Stretch. Tanaka with the takedown and he goes to the leg. Into the ring comes Ohtani and we have a Wishbone Legsplit. Ki into the Tree of Woe. Basement Dropkick to the face from Ohtani. He does this a second time. Body Slam from Ohtani and then another. Ohtani then rips at the face of Ki. Ki bites the hand and tags Corino into the match and he hits right hands and kicks. Into the corner and right hands from Corino. Snapmare out of the corner doesn't go well for him so Corino goes to the Front Facelock. Into the corner they go and Ohtani with a BRUTAL slap and then he just throws the boot into his face. Tanaka into the ring. Corino into the ropes and an Elbow Drop from Tanaka. Camel Clutch/Dropkick combo from the Zero One team. Corino into the corner and a Running Elbow Smash and then 10 punches in the corner. Snapmare from Tanaka and then a Chinlock. Into the corner again and in comes Ki. YAKUZA KICK IN THE CORNER FROM KI !!! Body Slam from Ki and then the Power Elbow and that gets a two count. Head Scissors from Ki. Tanaka manages to roll through and get a Camel Clutch. Nice. Face first into the boot goes Ki and then Ohtani with boots. Snapmare and then a Sleeper Hold with Body Scissors from Ohtani. Ki gets himself into the bottom rope. Stomps from Ohtani. Chop from Ohtani and then more. Ki comes back with big chops of his own. European Uppercut from Ki and then in comes Corino again. Corino chokes Ohtani in the corner. Ohtani into the ropes and a Running Back Elbow gets a two count for Corino. Cross Armbreaker attempt from Corino, but Ohtani bites the hand of Corino. Ohtani wants the crowd to clap and the beatdown in the corner. BOOTSCRAPES FROM OHTANI ... AND THEN THE FACEWASH !!! The fans love this and Ohtani seems to like the reaction. YAKUZA KICK IN THE CORNER !!! He misses a second one. LOW KICK FROM CORINO !!! Corino then chokes Ohtani with his wrist tape. Corino tags Ki back into the match. European Uppercut from Ki. Ki onto the apron. TARANTULA DRAGON CLUTCH FROM KI !!! Back into the ring. Shots to the back of the head. KI KRUSHER ... not hit. HE OPTS FOR THE DRAGON CLUTCH !!! Tanaka comes in and breaks the move. SPIN KICK FROM OHTANI KNOCKS THE HEAD OF KI RIGHT OFF !!! ROLLING KOPPOU KICK FROM KI TO TANAKA !!! Mongolian Chops from Ki. TIDAL CRUSH FROM KI !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Tanaka into the corner. HE RUNS RIGHT INTO A SPEAR !!! STUNNER/DDT COMBO ON BOTH OPPONENTS FROM TANAKA !!! OSAKA STREET CUTTER FROM TANAKA !!! TANAKA WITH THE FROG SPLASH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Ki into the corner. Tanaka misses a shot. KAWADA KICKS FROM KI !!! BIG FINAL ONE !!! Corino into the ring. Leg Lariat from Corino and then he gets on the backs of the fans. Elbow Strike. LARIAT FROM TANAKA !!! Ohtani in with the Spinning Heel Kick. TORNADO DDT FROM OHTANI !!! TANAKA WITH ONE OF HIS OWN !!! He runs with into the Exploder Suplex from Corino. Snap Suplex and he rolls through and hits another. A third one gets a two count. OLD SCHOOL EXPULSION FROM CORINO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... TANAKA MAKES THE SAVE !!! NORTHERN LIGHTS BOMB FROM CORINO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! KI TAKES OUT CORINO WITH THE SPRINGBOARD KICK !!! SPRINGBOARD DROPKICK FROM OHTANI !!! SPIRAL BOMB !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was a cracking showcase of the Zero One guys. Low Ki got some of his signature stuff in, but Ohtani was the real highlight here as he looked like an absolute badass. Would have been awesome if he didn't have to sell a single move. Masato Tanaka seemed to be in his "lets pop the crowd" mood which is fine for a showcase match like this one. Not a showstealer. Wasn't supposed to be. ***1/2

With the minimum of shite on here, it's probably the best of the early ROH shows. It has an absolute corker of a match between two guys who you just KNOW will deliver the goods, has a couple of matches where the talent involved means even if it was their worst effort, it'd have been miles better than most, and then there was a couple of pleasant surprises in there.

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This Miz/Bryan/Cole stuff on NXT is absolutely stunning. The fans are WAAAYYYY into it, the promos have been quality the last couple of weeks and the segments are heated as hell.

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This Miz/Bryan/Cole stuff on NXT is absolutely stunning. The fans are WAAAYYYY into it, the promos have been quality the last couple of weeks and the segments are heated as hell.

Agreed, last nights promo with the 2 of them was awesome. The really should roll with it and turn Cole into a full time Heel. He could be brilliant for a GM type role at some point. Cole's promo last night was brilliant.

Just me or is a bit odd that the best fued going in WWE or TNA the now is between a commentator and an eliminated NXT "Rookie"?

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Agreed, last nights promo with the 2 of them was awesome. The really should roll with it and turn Cole into a full time Heel. He could be brilliant for a GM type role at some point. Cole's promo last night was brilliant.

Just me or is a bit odd that the best fued going in WWE or TNA the now is between a commentator and an eliminated NXT "Rookie"?

f**k that. We need heel commentators back, thats part if the reason WWE is shite these days. It pish when they kiss each others arses. Turn Cole heel but keep him on commentary, it'll work, I'm sure of it.

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Just me or is a bit odd that the best fued going in WWE or TNA the now is between a commentator and an eliminated NXT "Rookie"?

It's odd to me that they can't do booking as good as this with the main roster. If they did, there'd be no problem.

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f**k that. We need heel commentators back, thats part if the reason WWE is shite these days. It pish when they kiss each others arses. Turn Cole heel but keep him on commentary, it'll work, I'm sure of it.

Yeah it would definately work and would be great. I just meant in the future he could be good in that role. Even him being GM and Commentator at the same time, that could be good.

It's odd to me that they can't do booking as good as this with the main roster. If they did, there'd be no problem.

True dat.

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