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Mo Wonderboy

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The main event was good and even though the Nexus stuff was predictable I thought it was decent enough. Henry-Sheamus was awful, much as I love big Sexual Chocolate he should be released. If they want to put the Hart Dynasty-Usos feud over then they need to give them more than 10 seconds on air.

The money in the bank line-up is OK, DiBiase, Jericho, Morrison and R-Truth just seem to be there to make up the numbers though. The Miz has to win it IMO.

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Anyone else think Bourne's been getting a wee push the last few weeks to make him credible for MITB?

Good, he's a good wrestler. To pull out a truely great match outta Jericho is no mean feat. Got RAW downloaded, I stopped watching it after the second set of adverts. To have adverts separated by the Usos attack thing is ridiculous. Well I assume it was the same here, I was watching an American stream. My review will be forthcoming, so you all have that to look forward to 8)

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You have to remember that when Jericho has a decent opponent, he rarely puts on a bad show. He even managed to pull a half-fit Edge to a couple of cracking wee matches for their Wrestlemania program. It's no surprise that he had a cracking match with Evan Bourne. It's also worth looking at the opponents and fueds that Jericho has been involved in recently. His two best fueds ever have both come within the last couple of years. Well, two years and a couple of months if you want to be really strict about it.

The guy clearly still has it, and has it in spades.

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Some 2010 PWG

It's mainly stuff from Titannic I'm gonna be reviewing, but a match from an earlier show first.

Kenny Omega © vs. Davey Richards - PWG Heavyweight Championship - PWG As the Worm Turns ( **** )

Brandon Gatson vs. Ryan Taylor - PWG Titannica ( ****1/4 )

Davey Richads © vs. Roderick Strong - PWG Heavyweight Championship - PWG Titannica ( ****1/2 )

The Young Bucks © vs. The Briscoes - PWG Tag Team Championships - PWG Titannica ( ***1/2 )

Kenny Omega © vs. Davey Richards - PWG Heavyweight Championship - PWG As the Worm Turns

Richards gets in the face of Omega before the bell. Richards attacks as soon as the introductions are made and both men unload with forearms. Omega into the ropes and he misses a Dropkick. Richards misses a kick and we have a stalemate. Omega rubs his horns. It appears he's gonna wrestle with the gear on. The referee decides he wants the stuff to be taken off. Omega takes down Richards and Richards then escapes. Omega with the Snapmare, and Richards with the Hammerlock. To the Arm Ringer he goes. Omega goes right to the leg. Richards manages to escape from that. To the lockup and a Headlock from Richards. Into the ropes and both men collide in the middle of the ring and Omega mocks Richards. Richards with big kicks to the chest. Richards into the ropes and Omega with a Flying Clothesline and then a BRUTAL Spin Kick sends Richards over the top rope and to the floor. AWESOME SOMERSAULT PLANCHA FROM OMEGA !!! The shoulder pad comes off and back into the ring they go. Omega onto the top rope and a Cross Body Block gets a two count. Into the corner they go and Omega continues his hard work. Suplex from Omega and that gets a two count. Forearm rub from Omega and the fans love that. Richards gets into the corner but Omega continues to work over him. Chops from Omega. Richards runs into a boot, but he then pulls Omega into a boot and that gets a two count. Kicks to the chest from Richards and then a knee to the stomach. That gets a two count for Richards. Modified Surboard Stretch from Richards and the audience gets behind Omega. Richards decides to lock in the Tequila Sunrise. The fans act as if this is some brand new thing, but Konnan was doing this over 10 years ago ! Come on guys ! What gives ? Muta then decides to go to the Indian Deathlock and he now seems to have a target on the leg of Omega. Dragon Screw from Richards and then he goes to a modified Indian Deathlock. Richards lets go of the move and tells some little kid "You're about to take your last breath !" :lol: That is seriously harsh. Knee to the stomach from Richards. Body Slam from Richards. He now has the horns of Omega. Richards puts the horns on and heads for the top rope. DIVING HEADBUTT WITH THE HORNS ... MISSES !!! Right hands from both men and then Omega with some chops to the chest. Omega into the corner and he gets over Richards. POWERBOMB DROPS OMEGA ON HIS HEAD !!! THE TEXAS CLOVERLEAF !!! Omega gets into the bottom rope. Richards throws the horns on the ground and does a Knee Drop on them. Boooooo. Back Drop Suplex from Richards and that gets a two count. Head Scissors from Richards. Omega breaks it, so Richards stomps on the face. Omega attempts a fight back, but Richards unloads with kicks to the chest. Richards and Omega. Spin Kick sends Omega into the ropes. HANDSPRING FROM RICHARDS BUT HE JUMPS INTO A SPINNING HEEL KICK FROM OMEGA !!! Both men to the feet and Omega with the Polish Hammer. Richards ducks and hits rights and lefts. Omega with a Running Dropkick to the knee and then the Leaping Bulldog gets a two count. Richards tries to run. Arm Drag from Richards. BRUTAL EXPLODER SUPLEX FROM OMEGA !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Omega is heading to the apron. Kick to the head from Richards and then from Omega. Handspring kick sends Omega onto the apron. Richards gets onto the apron as well. Both men with kicks to the head and then again. ALARM CLOCK SENDS OMEGA TO THE FLOOR !!! INSANE TOPE CON HILON FROM RICHARDS !!! Unlike the ROH fans, the PWG fans were smart enough to clear out of the way. Back into the ring they go. Kicks to the chest from Richards. Richards into the ropes and Omega misses a kick. MINORU SPECIAL FROM RICHARDS ... Omega is in the ropes right away. German Suplex attempt from Richards and then Richards into the ropes. BRUTAL kick to the arm from Omega. Rana from Omega. DRAGON SUPLEX FROM OMEGA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Omega onto the apron again. Springboard Dropkick to the back of the head from Omega. CRYPT'S WRATH ... Richards gets out. Forearm exchange now. Headbutt from Omega. Kicks to the chest from both men and now Omega with a flurry. ALARM CLOCK ... caught ... Enziguri from Richards. Superkick from Omega. REVERSE RANA FROM OMEGA !!! LARIATOOOOOOOOOO FROM RICHARDS !!! Right hands from Omega and Richards now. Forearms now. Slaps now. Richards with a flurry. Spin Kick to the head. SUPLEX INTO THE ALARM CLOCK FROM RICHARDS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Omega is now set on the top rope. SUPER GERMAN SUPLEX ... OMEGA LANDS ON HIS FEET !!! HADOUKEN FROM OMEGA !!! CROSS LEGGED BRAINBUSTER FROM OMEGA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! POLE SHIFT FROM OMEGA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Richards pulls himself into the corner. CRYPT'S WRATH ... Richards gets away. RICHARDS WITH A BRUTAL SUNSET BOMB ON OMEGA OFF THE TOP !!! YAKUZA KICK !!! GERMAN SUPLEX FROM RICHARDS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! KICK TO THE HEAD ... INTO THE CROSS ARMBREAKER !!! Omega rolls out and lands a Spin Kick. Omega is sent into the ringpost. Richards heads for the top rope. Dropkick to the arm from Richards and he heads up top. SHOOTING STAR PRESS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! INTO THE CROSS ARMBREAKER AGAIN !!! OMEGA MANAGES TO COUNTER INTO THE TEXAS CLOVERLEAF !!! Omega can't hold onto the move. Kick to the head. Short Arm Clothesline from Omega. REVERSE RANA FROM OMEGA !!! CRYPT'S WRATH FROM OMEGA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! RICHARDS INTO THE KIMURA AND THEN THE CROSS ARMBREAKER AND RICHARDS WINS THE TITLE !!!

Kenny Omega's goofiness helped to bring this down a couple of notches. The stuff with the horns and shoulder pads was completely out of place and Richards really should not have lowered himself down to that level. Outside of that, Richards brought the intensity to the match big time, and it got to a point where you couldn't really see any way back for Omega. Richards completely dismantled the poor b*****d to the point where he simply had to tap out in the end. In saying all of that, it's a really good match. ****

Brandon Gatson vs. Ryan Taylor - PWG Titannica

Lockup and into the corner they go. We have a clean break from there. Lockup and Taylor goes behind and Gatson gets into the ropes. Chop from Taylor. Lockup and against the corner they go again. Chop from Gatson this time and then another. Taylor is angry and takes down Gatson and then simply slaps him. Gatson with a nice up kick. He sends Taylor to the floor. Space Flying Tiger Drop but Gatson puts on the breaks. Taylor comes back in with a Springboard Dropkick. Many chops from Taylor but Gatson comes back with chops of his own. Both men with kicks. High Knee from Taylor. The audience are loving this at the moment. Gatson then onto the apron and the audience start to shift. Shoulder Block to the stomach and Gatson is hung up. TARANTULA FROM GATSON !!! Gatson jumps into a forearm. Running Back Elbow and then a Dropkick to the side of the head from Taylor and that gets a two count. Snapmare and then Taylor rolls through and he locks in a nice submission hold on Gatson. Stomp to the arm from Gatson and then he lets go. Mexican Surfboard from Taylor comes next. He then adds a chinlock to that. Gatson somehow manages to strike his way out. Snapmare and then a BRUTAL kick to the back. Jesus christ ! Kick to the stomach and then chops from Gatson. Gatson comes back into the match with a T-Bone Suplex and that gets a two count. Kicks to the stomach from Gatson and then an elbow strike. RAZZLE DAZZLE ... INTO A FUCKING BASEMENT DROPKICK FROM TAYLOR !!! Chops from Taylor. YAKUZA KICK SENDS GATSON TO THE FLOOR !!! Up top goes Taylor. PLANCHA OFF THE TOP ROPE FROM TAYLOR ONTO GATSON !!! Forearms from Taylor on the floor. Chops as well. Kicks and chops on the floor from Gatson. Taylor then with a Slingshot. Gatson onto the apron and into the ring. SPACE FLYING TIGER DROP FROM GATSON !!! This is building to be quite the crazy match here. Back into the ring with Taylor. SLINGSHOT ACE CRUSHER DROPS TAYLOR ON HIS HEAD !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... TAYLOR GETS A FOOT ON THE BOTTOM ROPE !!! Shoulder Blocks into the stomach from Gatson. RAZZLE DAZZLE ... blocked. HUGE SCISSOR KICK FROM TAYLOR !!! THE DDT FROM TAYLOR !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! BASEMENT SUPERKICKS FROM TAYLOR !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Gatson drops behind and gets a Roll Up for a two count. BACKFLIP FALLAWAY SLAM FROM GATSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! This audience is LOVING this at the moment, as am I. Gatson with chops and right hands. Russian Legsweep and Gatson now heading for a big finish. Taylor manages to block whatever is coming and then Gatson and Taylor fight on top. Headbutt from Taylor and then another. Rake to the eyes from Gatson and down goes Taylor. Fans chant "Kill him !". POP UP SUPERPLEX FROM TAYLOR !!! ROUNDHOUSE KICK FROM TAYLOR !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Taylor now heading for the top rope. SWANTON BOMB FROM TAYLOR ... HITS THE KNEES !!! BORDER CITY STRETCH FROM TAYLOR !!! Knees from Gatson. BASEMENT SUPERKICK FROM GATSON !!! WHEELBARROW SLAM FROM GATSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... INTO THE CRUCIFIX FROM TAYLOR !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! WHEELBARROW SLAM AGAIN FROM GATSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

As I always say. If you're gonna do a spotfest, at least make sure you do it right and make sure you don't botch anything. These two guys certainly did that. The timing was absolutely inch perfect for getting the crowd into it. Even when it was low level stuff the fans were buying into it all, which meant when they started hitting the mental stuff it felt as if it was death. A pleasant surprise here. ****1/4

Davey Richads © vs. Roderick Strong - PWG Heavyweight Championship - PWG Titannica

Weird seeing this incarnation of Richards playing a babyface, basically being the same guy as he is in ROH. Lockup and against the ropes they go. They lock hands and Richards manages to get the arm of Strong. Strong with a flip out and he now has an ARM BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR. Richards with the takedown and an elbow to the leg and then a LOVELY Rowing Boat Submission which Strong reverses into one of his own and then Richards rolls out and we have a stalemate. Arm Ringer and a takedown from Strong. Richards kips up and then goes with the Fireman's Carry, quickly reversed into the Head Scissors and it looks like Strong has the advantage of the match at the moment. Richards with a nice escape and he has the legs locked. Richards then with the Camel Clutch into the Arm Bar. Arm Ringer and then the Hammerlock from Richards. Against the ropes they go. HARD chop from Strong and that sends Richards leaping off of his feet. Lockup and Strong goes to the Arm Ringer. Snapmare and a kick to the back from Richards and they're now testing the water by the looks of things. Lockup and we now have an exchange of forearms. Headlock from Richards. Shoulder Block sends down Strong. Spinning Heel Kick from Richards sends Strong into the corner. Strong with another chop. Shoulder Blocks in the corner and then more chops. Forearms from both men now. Forearm knocks down Richards and that gets a two count. Strong sends Richards to the floor and the referee wants them in the ring. Kick to the chest from Richards. Head first into the apron. TORTURE RACK BACKBREAKER ON THE APRON FROM STRONG !!! Strong breaks the count but Richards gets back into the ring. Modified Surfboard Stretch from Strong and then he puts in sort of a Leg Full Nelson book. Strong then turns that into the Camel Clutch. Richards gets a boot on the bottom rope. Strong with forearms in the corner and then another chop. That gets a two count. This has been a good wee match so far. Kicks vs. forearms. Spin Kick from Richards and the audience are loving that. The fans chant for Davey. Tequila Sunrise then comes from Richards and Strong gets into the bottom rope. Richards with the Snap Suplex and that gets a two count. Strong comes back with forearms and chops. Handspring Spin Kick from Richards and that gets a two count. Kick to the back of the head from Richards and then he locks in the Modified Indian Deathlock and this is all vintage stuff from Davey Richards at the moment. Strong gets into the bottom rope. The audience start to give Davey Richards an ovation which is a nice touch. Strong and Richards then exchange strikes. Headbutt from Richards. Richards runs into a boot. Clotheslines and Back Elbows from Strong. Strong runs into a boot but runs into the Snap Powerslam and that gets a two count. BACK DROP BACKBREAKER !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Chop from Strong. Roddy Gutbuster misses. CLOVERLEAF FROM DAVEY ... Strong gets into the bottom rope. Snapmare from Richards and then he locks in the Head Scissors. Strong gets himself into the bottom rope yet again. Back Drop Suplex is avoided by Strong and he lands an Enziguri. Richards to the floor. PLANCHA OVER THE TOP ROPE FROM STRONG !!! That was a nice exchange from both men. Richards and Strong now continue their battle on the floor. Into the ring. Spin Kick from Richards but he runs into a BEAUTIFUL Dropkick from Strong and that gets a two count. Strong runs into a boot but hits a High Knee. Swinging Neckbreaker from Strong and that gets a two count. Front Suplex from Strong. Running Forearm. SLINGSHOT FALCON ARROW FROM STRONG !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! STRONG HOLD FROM STRONG !!! Richards gets into the bottom rope. Seems to be a bit early for that to work at the moment. Forearm from Strong and then he lands some more chops. Chops and then Richards comes back into the match and we have a forearm exchange. Spin Kick from Richards. Strong manages to block something. GUILLOTINE CHOKE FROM RICHARDS !!! Strong falls into the bottom rope and that is enough to force the break and the audience is enjoying this greatly. Richards onto the apron and both men exchange boots. HANGING DDT ON THE FUCKING FLOOR FROM RICHARDS !!! We know what's coming next I think. Strong just beats the count. Maybe not then. Running Forearm. YAKUZA KICK FROM RICHARDS !!! GERMAN SUPLEX FROM RICHARDS !!! RELEASE DRAGON SUPLEX !!! BUZZSAW KICK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! THE TEXAS CLOVERLEAF !!! Strong gets into the bottom rope. Kicks to the chest from Richards again. Strong and Richards go MENTAL with strikes. ALARM CLOCK ... countered. Enziguri from Richards. RODDY STRONG GUTBUSTER !!! FUCKING REGAL PLEX FROM RICHARDS !!! LEAPING YAKUZA KICK FROM STRONG !!! BOTH MEN ARE DOWN !!! STRONG MAKES THE COVER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Strong goes for something and gets charged into the corner. Kick to the head from Strong. RODDY GUTBUSTER !!! GIBSON DRIVER !!! THE LEAPING YAKUZA KICK FROM STRONG !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Dragon Screw over the middle rope from Richards. Kick to the leg from there too and Richards heads for the top rope and Strong then goes up to meet him. Kick to the face from Strong. BACKBREAKER OVER THE TOP BUCKLE FROM STRONG !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Strong runs into the Dropkick to the knee. Strong avoids a Suplex. VICTORY ROLL FROM DAVEY INTO THE ANKLE LOCK !!! Strong kicks away. Both men with pinfalls now. STRONG MANAGES TO GET THE STRONG HOLD FROM THERE !!! Davey rolls out. Kicks from both men. Spin Kick from Richards to the head. ALARM CLOCK !!! DISCUS LARIAT FROM RICHARDS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! TEXAS CLOVERLEAF FROM RICHARDS !!! TAPOUT !!!

Well I don't need to see a match between them from ROH now because I highly doubt that it'll be any better than I just watched here. They took away the stupidity of the Omega match. They also managed to make it more one sided meaning that the fans bought into EVERYTHING. They brought some STIFF strikes to the match and they also managed to do some long term selling meaning that the big finishers meant that much more. Belting stuff. ****1/2

The Young Bucks © vs. The Briscoes - PWG Tag Team Championships - PWG Titannica

The Bucks attack before the bell. Into the corner and Shoulder Blocks from Matt to Jay and then a right hand. The brawl now heads for the floor. Head first into the apron goes Jay. Nick runs right into a Spinebuster from Jay. HUUUUUUGE BIEL SENDS NICK OVER THE TOP ROPE ONTO MATT !!! THAT WAS AWESOME !!! The fans are desperate for a title change in this match. Chair to the back of Matt and this is beginning to resemble guerrila warfare right now. SUPLEX ON THE APRON FROM MARK TO NICK !!! Mark wants the fans to move. MARK SENDS NICK FLYING OVER THE MERCH TABLE !!! Chair across the back of Nick again. The audience is absolutely locing this. "f**k TNA !" chant is off here. Into the ring with Matt and Jay. Chop from Jay to Matt. Jay hits a HUGE Clothesline and then the kick to the head. Order has now been established and in comes Mark. Matt into the ropes and a Double Tackle from The Briscoes and that gets a one count. Right hands from Mark in the corner. Big Suplex from Mark gets a two count. Into the ring comes Jay and he unloads with some more chops and forearms. Matt into the ropes and a big Dropkick gets a two count. Nick is finally on his feet on the floor. Right hands from Jay and he gets sweeped. PESCADO FROM MATT ONTO MARK !!! SLINGSHOT X-FACTOR ONTO JAY FROM NICK !!! Fans chant "f**k TNA !" again. Arm Breaker from Matt and then a Double Stomp to the arm from Nick. Head first into the top buckle goes Jay twice and then in the face is sent into Matt's boot. Nick with some taunting to Mark and then he chokes Jay with his TNA t-shirt. Matt with a Moonsault onto the arm and the fans are not happy with this right now. Matt then shows off the TNA t-shirt and this audience is going mental. Jay with chops. Neckbreaker from Matt and then in comes Nick with a Slingshot Senton. Nick spits on Mark which gets him all riled up again. Nick with punches in the corner. Nick then holds Jay and Matt charges and hits the Razzle Dazzle into the Back Rage and Mark Briscoe is LIVID with what is going on. Right hands from Matt. Into the corner they go again and Shoulder Blocks. Snapmare from Matt and then the Chinlock. Jay hits the ropes but he runs right into the Dropkick and in comes Nick. Face Rake with the boots from Nick and then he locks in the Modified Surfboard that we have seen earlier in the night. Jay fights out and hits the ropes again. Knee to the stomach from Nick. Downward Spiral sends Nick face first into the middle buckle and in comes Mark and he strikes Nick over and over again. Spinning Heel Kick on Nick and then a Roundhouse sends Matt to the floor. CROSS ARM ICONOCLASM FROM MARK !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! In comes Jay. CRUCIFIX NECKBREAKER FROM THE BRISCOES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Mark goes out to deal with Matt. Nick avoids a DVD but not a boot. FALCON ARROW FROM JAY !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Back Elbow from Nick. Wheelbarrow Ace Crusher from The Bucks and that gets a two count. BRUTAL LARIAT TAKES NICK OUT OF MID AIR !!! EXPLODER SUPLEX ON MATT FROM MARK !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Matt avoids a Powerbomb. SPEAR ... blocked. SIDEWALK LEG DROP FROM THE BRISCOES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Into the match comes Jay again. SPIKE JAY DRILLER ... Nick then stops that. Mark sent to the floor. POWERBOMB INTO THE KNEES !!! HANGING 450 SPLASH FROM THE BUCKS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Nick onto the apron and Matt runs into a boot. SUPERKICK TO MARK !!! DOUBLE SUPERKICK TO JAY !!! FLIPPING ACE CRUSHER ON JAY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Jay sends Nick into the corner. Superkicks all around. DEATH VALLEY DRIVER ON NICK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... NO !!! DOOMSDAY DEVICE FROM THE BRISCOES ... stopped. The Briscoes are left in the ring with Nick. He's the one people love to see take the big beatings. Nick throws a chair in the ring. TITLE BELT SHOTS TO THE HEAD !!! MORE BANG FOR THE BUCK ON JAY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That wasn't quite as good as other Bucks matches. The start of the match left them a bit out of a mountain to climb as it was hot as hell. The problem here is also that they seemed to be looking for a much longer match, and when you condence a match, you're never going to get the result that you were hoping for. No mega nearfalls either to take everything into a final gear. It's a good tag team much but these teams are capable of better. ***1/2

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I used to always go "ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!!" but I decided to try and really try and grab a sense of how close the nearfalls are. Sometimes I'll go "ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!!" for trademark moves and such things. If I go "ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!!" it means I've genuinely thought it's over. If it's a truly remarkable nearfall that geuinely has me marking out, I'd probably go with the ol' "ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KIIIIIIIIICCCCCCKKKKOOOUUUUTTTTT !!!!!!!!!".

Part of the fun of doing the PBPs actually. Even if nobody else reads 'em, I have great fun doing 'em.

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Impact :

Expect Rhino to be with Dreamer, Richards and Raven this week on impact.

Al Snow is still a road agent for TNA, as far as I know, so I wouldn't be surprised if he was there next week.

I wouldn't be surprised if Rvd and the Dudleys joined the ECW stable, I assume it's to rival Flair's Fortune stable.

Drew McIntyre AND Wade Barratt's visas have run out. Hence the latters absense from Raw last night.

Edited by forehead7
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Word going around at the WWE SmackDown tapings tonight is that CM Punk had surgery on his arm last week. Apparently Punk may be out of action for 4-8 weeks from the surgery. Punk has been working hurt for at least a few weeks.Punk will appear on this week’s SmackDown with a sling on his arm.

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Drew McIntyre AND Wade Barratt's visas have run out. Hence the latters absense from Raw last night.

So thats why he's over here then. He must be loving being back, the ladies were all over him the other night :lol:

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That's sad news considering he's one of the few reasons why i watch Smackdown, i wonder whether they'll play it off as Kane attacking him.

Also lol at Drew McIntyre although i find it strange that his visa has ran out since he's married Tiffany, nevertheless if this is true i hope the WWE don't bother renewing it. Wade Barrett on the other hand has made more of impact in less than a month than McIntyre has since he started.

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