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Mo Wonderboy

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Also lol at Drew McIntyre although i find it strange that his visa has ran out since he's married Tiffany, nevertheless if this is true i hope the WWE don't bother renewing it. Wade Barrett on the other hand has made more of impact in less than a month than McIntyre has since he started.

Look at the push he's had. There is no way he's back for good.

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All three of them applied at roughly the same time, I can only assume that Seamus notified WWE about it and they took action.

Can't see that, surely if Seamus notified them, then the genius responsible would have thought "Oh we better check Wade and Drews aswell".

EDIT: Drew must be gutted, I jsut read that the plan was to have him WIN MITBblink.gif.

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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Can't see that, surely if Seamus notified them, then the genius responsible would have thought "Oh we better check Wade and Drews aswell".

EDIT: Drew must be gutted, I jsut read that the plan was to have him WIN MITBblink.gif.

You would think that but what other reason is there for Barratt's expiring? You wouldn't let someone win NXT then dump them.

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When I forst read it I thought it had a particular whiff of bullshit about it, but apparently it was something they were seriously considering. Put it this way, if he won MitB, there is no chance in hell he would have become champ. Looking at MitB now from the SmackDown side of things, there is a lack of heels in the match now with Drews issues and Punks injury.

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Who needs a heel ? They're already gonna have a superhot MitB match anyways. The Smackdown one is gonna be more like filler because of their shit roster anyways, so the balance isn't that badly needed.

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Who needs a heel ? They're already gonna have a superhot MitB match anyways. The Smackdown one is gonna be more like filler because of their shit roster anyways, so the balance isn't that badly needed.

I'm thinking more of the aftermath of MitB. The lack of heels in the match means a high chance of a face victory, and with Rey as champ and heading into SummerSlam etc. I'm wondering what they are going to do.

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They're just treading water untill they go with the inevitable Kane/Undertaker fued, which will probably end up being for the title after an initial non-title fued.

I've been reviewing "He's So Sick : The Best of Thumbtack Jack" today. Should be finished doing the whole thing in the next couple of days. Loving watching it to be honest. You watch loads of ROH and PWG, you end up wanting to watch some uber-violence.

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NXT Poll Standing:

  1. Kaval
  2. Percy Watson
  3. Michael McGillicutty
  4. Alex Riley
  5. Lucky Cannon
  6. Eli Cottonwood
  7. Husky Harris
  8. Titus O'Neil

Lucky Cannon had already gained immunity. Titus O'Neil goes home. Surprised at Percy Watson being so high, I don't rate him. He acts like he always needs a pish :lol:. Glad Kaval is number one, he performed well in his match this week. McGillicutty is also a good wrestler who deserves to be in that ball park.

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NXT Poll Standing:

  1. Kaval
  2. Percy Watson
  3. Michael McGillicutty
  4. Alex Riley
  5. Lucky Cannon
  6. Eli Cottonwood
  7. Husky Harris
  8. Titus O'Neil

Lucky Cannon had already gained immunity. Titus O'Neil goes home. Surprised at Percy Watson being so high, I don't rate him. He acts like he always needs a pish laugh.gif. Glad Kaval is number one, he performed well in his match this week. McGillicutty is also a good wrestler who deserves to be in that ball park.

So far there are only a fewI rate, Kaval, Henning, Riley and Harris. To be honest I'm surprised Husky Harris is so low, he should be above the likes of Watson, Cannon and Cottonwood who is absolutely rotten.

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Michael Cole started his "I'm not surprised because of the internet voting" stuff again. :lol:

In season 1, I only really liked Wade Barret and Daniel Bryan.

In this season, however, I quite like Kaval, Riley, McGillicutty, Harris, and there's something about Cottonwood that I also like.

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I don't see why McGillicutty go no time in that match. It felt like it was 3 faces vs 3 heels but I wouldn't have put O'Neil on the heels, the faces were fine. Cottonwood gave himself a heel attitude in the match, some of his moves were accompanied by the look of a crazy, disturbed man which will be his gimmick if he somehow gets a contract.

My Nxt Poll would've been:

1. Kaval

2. Michael McGillicutty

3. Husky Harris

4. Alex Riley

I'm not going any lower since I don't care for anyone else.

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My thoughts on the rookies...

Kaval is like the Daniel Bryan of NXT season two, he's obviously well favoured by the internet community and he is fantastic inside the ring. Percy Watson is entertaining, he's the sort of guy you should just look at and go "ha no chance" but his charisma is shining through and that is one of the most important factors required to make it in the WWE.

Alex Riley has a promising future as he is one of the most confident on the mic and is decent inside the ring plus his gimmick will really help get him over with the crowd in the PG era. Michael McGillicutty is bland, he seems to be alright in the ring but he doesn't seem to have much of a personality although he certainly has some potential.

Lucky Cannon looks like another John Morrison, no doubt his looks will get him votes but he's not very entertaining. Husky Harris doesn't impress me either, he hasn't got the look to be a decent superstar and he'll be voted off soon although he isn't the worst guy there, that award goes to Eli Cottonwood who is terrible inside the ring.

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Unlike Danielson, Kaval is no redeeming factors outside of his wrestling skills and when you consider that he is a small guy, that simply isn't good enough.

Cottonwood is a weird sort of character. He has that sort of lumbering awkwardness that made Necro Butcher such a good curious guy to watch now and again. Whether he has tools to go further than just that is another thing though.

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Unlike Danielson, Kaval is no redeeming factors outside of his wrestling skills and when you consider that he is a small guy, that simply isn't good enough.

Thats always been his problem. Amazing matches in the ring... but can't cut a promo worth a f**k, his voice doesn't fit the way he looks. His mic skills have always been holding him back.

Also, does anybody think The Miz and Alex Riley look similar?

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Unlike Danielson, Kaval is no redeeming factors outside of his wrestling skills and when you consider that he is a small guy, that simply isn't good enough.

That's a fair comment to make although the way the WWE is right now i think he has a good chance. Kaval would be seen as an underdog due to his size. Also i think it would be fair to compare him with Evan Bourne, Bourne doesn't get much mic time yet his moves (including an impressive finisher) gets him over with the crowd, which i think would suit Kaval too.

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Although his mic skills are shit, Kaval is a great wrestler. He worked well in TNA because of the X-division and their lack of mic time. I only remember hearing his voice a limited amount of times before he was on Nxt. I still have no doubt that he would be a competent wrestler in the Intercontinental Title or US Championship section of the roster. Or if they decided, which they should, to bring back the Cruiserweight Division.

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