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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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If someone is trying to say that WWE should be worried about TNA in any way shape or form, I feel it's worth pointing out just how big WWE are and just how little they should care.

If, however, Hogan and Bischoff went and Heyman came in, that'd be a bit of a corker. TNA also got rid of Ed Ferrera who was the absolute imbecile that played Oklahoma, the character that took the piss out of JR's condition. Absolute scum.

TNA need consistancy. They also need a product that caters to more than just disillusioned WWE fans. They need a product that is going to appeal to the masses, and even moreso now that WWE have tapped into the kids market BIG time.

yup thats true, hogan and bischoff took the company backwards, the abyss ring american made shit is their greatest hit sad.gif I was hoping for competition but they have proved that they can't compete at wwe's level. If the show was an exact carbon copy of ECW and run by paul heyman then I think there would be a big market for that, but can't see it happening.

TNA is like WCW in the way they have a lot of the same stars and a lot of the same f**k ups and bad ideas, the whole back room team needs cleared out and some original thoughts put into it.

WWE blows TNA away every week and rightly so, TNA don't deserve to be at that level, I think they limit themselves with the impact zone, taking the show on the road is vital, as is having every PPV in a 10,000 - 20,000 seater venue on the road.

I could go on all day at why TNA fail, but there is no need as it is well known. WWE is like the old firm and TNA is like Hamilton, they will never get the level of success or the following.

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yup thats true, hogan and bischoff took the company backwards, the abyss ring american made shit is their greatest hit

I don't think the product was any worse or better than it was before they came in. Infact, bar a couple of things, I don't think too much changed at all. The one bit of credit I can give them is that they made AJ Styles into a true main eventer. He seemed to be the "wrestling" choice in the main events before, but now he's a bonafide TNA star, which is great to see.

If the show was an exact carbon copy of ECW and run by paul heyman then I think there would be a big market for that, but can't see it happening.

There's a niche market for an ECW promotion, but it can't be a carbon copy if they want it to succeed. If that were the case then the original ECW would have been more successful. I'm not saying that they should steer clear of that. Infact, I'd say that bringing in that edge is crucial, but what they also need to do is embrace the sports entertainment malarky of the late 80s and early 90s WWE.

WWE blows TNA away every week and rightly so, TNA don't deserve to be at that level, I think they limit themselves with the impact zone, taking the show on the road is vital, as is having every PPV in a 10,000 - 20,000 seater venue on the road.

The Impact Zone is a convinience thing really. They do take TNA on the road for house shows and they don't do all that well. The PPVs draw decent crowds in decent arenas when they do them away from the IZ though, so I don't see why they don't do that more often. I also think if they did a PPV at the O2 in London and charged big prices they could make a fucking fortune. People would flock to a TNA PPV over here. Their UK viewing figures are quite good.

As for if they will ever be on a level with WWE ? You can never say never with wrestling. WCW was just strolling along nicely as the #2 promotion and never seemed to have aspirations of going any higher than that. Then Nitro came along and changed wrestling forever pretty much. With the right backing, maybe TNA can do the same thing. I was making the same noises when Bischoff and Hogan came in though.

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The problem is that WWE already have the fanbase. It's up to TNA to try and tap into that, but the ratings going down means that they can't even keep a hold of their own fanbase. WWE have no reason to worry about TNA, because WWE have already sustained their future fanbase with the PG product that they have. They're still massive the world over, selling out tour after tour.

Pretty much what I was going to say.

WWE has the obvious benefit of being an established household name. I could ask my gran if she knew what WWE is and she'd probably know it was wrestling. They've been in this position for a long, long time, 3 decades under Vince.

They also have guys like me who play one game of Smackdown vs Raw and get slowly sucked back in because of nostalgia. TNA doesn't have that.

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WWE Royal Rumble 2009

I've been pretty high on the standard of PPV that the WWE have been putting on for the last couple of years, so I've decided to start doing my reviews on each of them to see how they hold up to scrutiny. I lost the first three matches PBP for this one but thankfully managed to remember the ratings and reasons for said ratings.

Jack Swagger © vs. Matt Hardy - ECW Championship ( *** )

Beth Phoenix © vs. Melina - WWE Women's Championship ( **3/4 )

John Cena © vs. JBL - World Heavyweight Championship ( **1/4 )

Jeff Hardy © vs. Edge - WWE Championship ( ***3/4 )

Royal Rumble Match ( ***1/2 )

Jack Swagger © vs. Matt Hardy - ECW Championship

These two guys had an absolutely terrific match a couple of weeks before where Swagger won the title. This match wasn't as good as that one, but it was still a good match. Jack Swagger just kept things going brilliantly by consistantly going after the arm, which left Matt Hardy in a bad spot in all sorts of ways as he wasn't able to land ANY of his main moves because of it, and ended up being weakened to the point of Swagger having the easy job of just putting the match to bed. It was a pretty one sided dismantling to be honest, but it made sense when you consider the actions of later. ***

Beth Phoenix © vs. Melina - WWE Women's Championship ( **3/4 )

Watching Melina here was very much like watching The 1-2-3 Kid back in the day. Didn't use anything close to power moves here as she knew she was outclassed in that regard by the much bigger Beth Phoenix, so she kept herself mobile and just continued to try and counter the heavy artilery that Beth was throwing and she managed to make it work in the end. Beth Phoenix also looked good in defeat as she came across as the brutal monster of a woman. Good match here. **3/4

John Cena © vs. JBL - World Heavyweight Championship

The match itself is basically just a sideshow to the stuff going on between Shawn Michaels and JBL, and there's some brilliant interaction in this match between all three men at times. JBL is absolutely murder on offense. He was never exactly the most exciting wrestler in the world, but he could at least vary what he did from time to time. He had turned into a past it boredom machine by this point. Leave it to Cena to try and make the match as interesting as possible. Even HBK played a better role in the match than JBL and he wasn't in there long. Lets say the match was interesting, but the action at times was boring. **1/4

Jeff Hardy © vs. Edge, No Disqualification Match - WWE Championship

Right so we're off with the PBP now. Chavo Guerrero is in the corner of Edge. Hardy goes on the attack right off the bat. Head first into the top buckle goes Edge. The fans start chanting "We Want Christian !". So did Vince McMahon. But he also wanted to stick it to the internet more. Flying Forearm from Hardy. Edge pulls himself to the floor and Hardy goes on the chase. Hardy decides to bring a chair into the match, but Edge doesn't let him get into the ring with it. Right hands from Edge. Forearm from Edge and then Hardy into the corner. He gets over Edge and lands a Clothesline. Snapmare and then a Dropkick to the back gets a one count. Body Slam from Hardy and then a kick to the back of the head. Edge kicks his way back into the match and then lands some right hands. Head first into the top buckle goes Hardy. Edge misses a baseball slide. Pescado misses, but Hardy lands on the apron and hits a big Clothesline off of the apron. Back into the ring and Chavo gets involved enough to allow Edge to land a big boot and to send Hardy to the floor. Baseball Slide then from Edge. Jeff then gets sent hard into the railing. Around the ring they go and Hardy is sent face first into the three announce tables. Back into the ring they go and Edge taunts the crowd. That gets a two count for the Rated R Superstar. Shot to the stomach from Edge and he once again shows off to the audience and gets a mixed reaction. Into the corner and a right hand. Edge then hits a big Shoulder Charge in the corner. Hardy into another corner and he comes out with a Sunset Flip for a two count. Edge with a Clothesline for a two count and to stop the momentum that Hardy might have built from any brief spell of control. Waistlock from Edge. Hardy fights his way out and then goes for the ropes, but Edge uses the hair and pulls down Hardy. Hardy comes back with a Spin Kick though. Hardy heads for the top rope and Edge stops him up there. Edge gets sent back into the middle of the ring, but Hardy then jumps right into a Dropkick and that gets a two count. Edge then brings a pair of chairs into the match. Hardy with a spear of his own sends Edge onto the floor. PESCADO FROM HARDY !!! Back into the ring and Hardy onto the apron but Edge with a knee and then both men onto the apron. TWIST OF FATE ON THE APRON FROM HARDY !!! Hardy then prepares the RAW announce table for something or other. Hardy then pulls a ladder out from under the ring. Hardy then sets Edge on the table and heads for the top of the ladder. Chavo climbs the ladder and gets sent off. Edge has the time to get off, but he ends up getting thrown into the ringpost. Hardy then puts Chavo on the table. Hardy to the top. HARDY WITH A SPLASH OFF OF THE LADDER ONTO CHAVO THROUGH THE RAW ANNOUNCE TABLE !!! Into the ring and a Cross Body gets a two count for Hardy. Edge sends him into the ropes and lands a Big Boot. WHISPER IN THE WIND FROM HARDY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! EDGE WITH THE IMPLANT DDT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Edge to the middle buckle. He almost jumps right into the boots but catches them. SMALL PACKAGE FROM HARDY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Sitdown Front Suplex from Hardy and then he heads for the top rope. Edge gets up but gets hit with a Dropkick. Jeff goes for the Swinging Dropkick but jumps right into a Snake Eyes. SNAKE EYES RIGHT INTO THE EXPOSED STEEL BUCKLE FROM EDGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Edge now sets Hardy up for the big finish. SPEAR FROM EDGE ... RIGHT INTO THE TWIST OF FATE FROM HARDY !!! Hardy is now heading for the top rope. Vickie Guerrero comes to the ring and gets sent off of the apron. SWANTON BOMB ON HARDY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... VICKIE STOPS THE THREE COUNT !!! Jeff Hardy can't believe that one. Matt Hardy gets into the ring and has a chair. Matt goes out and brings another chair in. CHAIR TO THE HEAD OF JEFF FROM MATT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Even in the PG era WWE, normally when you see a No DQ match announced, you expect the two guys involved to really go out and put on a brawl. You don't expect it to basically be the exact same as a normal match. That said, these two guys have very good chemistry and it showed yet again. Can't help but feel that they were holding back a little so as not to overshadow the Rumble match too much. They had a much better one on one match on Smackdown around this time anyways. Still a really good match though. ***3/4

Royal Rumble Match

Remember how I always say that I absolutely hate battle royals ? I do NOT hate royal rumbles. Quite the opposite infact. Love the wait for the next guy hitting the ring and the structure of them. Just such a good and unique match concept. I also like hearing the pops and boos that each guy gets. #1 for the match is Rey Mysterio. That's his chances fucked then. John Morrison is #2. Morrison shoves Rey and then the wee man lands some kicks. Rey into the ropes and he kicks Morrison again. More kicks. Wheelbarrow Bulldog nearly ends badly for Rey, but he gets back into the ring after avoiding elimination by a bawhair. Kick to the leg from Rey and then a right hand from Rey. Springboard Cross Body. DEJA VU FROM REY !!! YASS !!! Rey almost eliminates Morrison but JoMo holds on for dear life. #3 is Carlito who gets a solid reaction. Carlito spits in the face of Morrison. Moonsault Press is blocked and Carlito lands a Swinging Neckbreaker. Carlito onto the apron. DOUBLE SPRINGBOARD MOONSAULT PRESS FROM CARLITO !!! That is quality right there. Rey goes for the more conventional "run like f**k" tactic to get away from Carlito. European Uppercut from Morrison and then the countdown is on again. MVP comes out to a mixed reaction. Back Elbows on Morrison and Rey and then he lands a Powerslam. The fans chant "MVP". BALLIN' ELBOW DROP WITH ADDED BELLY 2 BELLY ON REY !!! Carlito attacks from behind. Knee 2 Face from MVP to Carlito. Shoulder into the top buckle. Springboard Kick knocks down Carlito. DRIVE BY FROM MVP TO CARLITO !!! Rey onto the apron but he comes in with the Slingshot Head Scissors. #5 is The Great Khali which wakes the audience up and also causes everybody to stop. Everyone goes for Khali and nobody has any luck. Big slam on Morrison. He seems to think he's doine the right thing. Rey just bounces off of Khali with a Dropkick and gets chopped down. :lol: Backstabber fails. :lol: DOUBLE HANDED CHOKESLAM FROM KHALI !!! Kozlov now heads for the ring and he's got his game face on. THE VICE GRIP FROM KHALI !!! Kozlov then eliminates Khali. Morrison jumps into a Headbutt. MVP works over Kozlov in the corner. Yakuza Kick misses for MVP and out he goes. Carlito is on the apron. STO from Kozlov to Carlito and then he just launches him over the top rope. Rey comes back into the match now. Knee to the stomach. Triple H is the next man in the match at #7. That got quite the pop. Right hands from both men now and HHH with right hands. Battering Ram from Kozlov to HHH. Kozlov misses a charge and then HHH with more right hands. Knee 2 Face from HHH and then he sends out Kozlov. Morrison then attacks from behind. Kicks to the stomach and then a High Knee from HHH. #8 is Randy Orton and he gets a mammoth reaction. Orton and HHH exchange right hands and Orton with a load of right hands. Orton Backbreaker on HHH and this crowd is hot as hell at the moment. RKO misses. PEDIGREE ... Morrison breaks with the Springboard Kick. SPRINGBOARD SEATED SENTON FROM REY TO ORTON !!! 619 ON MORRISON !!! #9 is JTG because he won a coin toss. It was a double sided coin. Shad is pretty impressed. Sling Blade from JTG to Morrison and then he goes for the elimination on HHH and the ring is beginning to fill up a bit. Orton tries to eliminate Rey and Rey actually holds on and comes close to sending Orton over the top rope. #10 is Ted Dibiase Jr. and he lands right hands on a bunch of guys. Right hands on Morrison. Kick to the head of Rey and then Morrison and JTG with Dropkicks. Right hands from Morrison and JTG. Dibiase almost sends both men down. Somehow they get back in. Rey and Dibiase hang on by the skins of their teeth as well. BASEBALL SLIDE DROPKICK TO THE BALLS OF DIBIASE FROM REY !!! OUCH !!! Jericho is the next man in the match and gets a rather grand reception from the audience. Jericho with a Dropkick to Dibiase and then he tries to take out Orton. Jericho then with stomps to JTG. Bulldog on HHH and does he go for the usual. LIONSAULT ... misses. WALLS OF JERICHO ON HHH ... twisted out. Jericho avoids the elimination and holds onto the bottom rope dearly. Orton and Dibiase now work over Morrison. #12 is now Mike Knox and he goes right to Rey. He then lands an Avalanche. BRUTAL Clothesline on Morrison. Right hands from Knox and then a choke with the boot on Rey. Orton and Dibiase work over JTG in the corner. HHH stops Knox eliminating Rey. Umm ... why ? #13 in the match is The Miz. YASS !!! Miz works over JTG and then Dibiase. Mic Check on JTG. Rey is close to going out. Miz lands his Clothesline on HHH and then Rey. He attacks Orton from behind after that. Double Gutbuster from Miz and Morrison on Orton. Miz then misses a Clothesline. RKO FROM ORTON TO MORRISON !!! RKO ON MIZ !!! RKO ON JTG !!! PEDIGREE ON ORTON !!! Miz and Morrison are then eliminated by HHH and #14 is Finlay. Rey climbs up Miz and Morrison to get back into the ring. Finlay with a Manhattan Drop on Jericho and then a Shoulder Block to Knox. Manhattan Drop on HHH and then a Butt Drop. Finlay then goes for the elimination on Jericho. Jim Ross can't tell the difference between Orton and Dibiase. To be fair to the guy, there isn't much difference. Right, #15 is Cody Rhodes and he looks like he means business. The Legacy then go after the other guys in the match and it appears to me that the tactic is to work together. What would happen if all three men ended the match together though ? REY JUMPS RIGHT INTO THE FUCKING RKO !!! HOLY SHIT !!! Awesome move. Right the next person in the The Undertaker at #16 and that causes heads to turn from every side of the ring. Everyone decides to go after The Undertaker, but they do so in that retarded one at a time way. JTG is out of the match. Taker works over Dibiase in the corner. Rhodes is hit with the Snake Eyes and Big Boot. #17 in the match is Goldust. Goldust with a right hand to Dibiase and then Rhodes takes slaps in the face from his older brother. Rhodes onto the apron and then Dibiase distracts Goldust. Falling Uppercut from Goldust, but Rhodes manages to hold on again. RKO ON GOLDUST !!! Orton calls over Rhodes and he wants him to be the one sending him out. Rhodes eliminates Goldust and Orton is happy. CM Punk comes into the match to a MONSTER pop. High Knee on Jericho and then a series of kicks on Legacy. High Knee on Rey. Bulldog on Jericho. PEDIGREE ... COUNTERED INTO THE GO 2 SLEEP ON HHH !!! Legacy work over Jericho in the corner. Punk runs into a Big Boot from Taker. Right hands from Finlay to Undertaker. #19 is Mark Henry. Henry goes to work on the guys in the ring. Right hands on Taker. Clothesline knocks the deadman down. Headbutt knocks down Punk in the corner and then Henry stands on him. Right hands from HHH to Henry. WORLD'S STRONGEST SLAM ON HHH !!! Henry then charges Punk into the corner and tries to eliminate him but no dice. #20 is Shelton Benjamin. He goes right to Rey but decides to work his way around the ring. PAYDIRT ON FINLAY !!! HUUUUGE Flapjack from Shelton to Rey. Jericho and Punk are battling on the top rope. LEAPING TOP ROPE PAYDIRT ON PUNK AND JERICHO !!! Side of the boot from Shelton catches Henry. Punk holds on for dear life. #21 is going to be William Regal. Regal goes right after Punk. Knees to the head. Exploder Suplex from Regal to Punk. Undertaker with an Avalanche on Punk. Orton is stalking Rey. Rey suddenly unloads with kicks. Henry was eliminated somewhere in the madness. Crucifix Hold on Orton from Rey and then he lets go. #22 is Kofi Kingston who gets a big pop. Cody just avoids going out and skins the cat. Russian Leg Sweep on Knox. BOOM DROP ON KNOX !!! Jericho with a Clothesline puts a stop to that. Undertaker has been busted open somewhere. Stinger Splash from Shelton misses and he gets hit with a Spinebuster. Buh-byes Shelton. Rey holds onto the ringpost to avoid an elimination. Kane is the next man in the match at #23. Rey avoids the elimination. Kane goes after Legacy first and then a Big Boot to Rhodes. Sidewalk Slam on Dibiase. Undertaker and Kane look at each other. DOUBLE CHOKESLAM ON DIBIASE !!! STEREO CHOKESLAMS ON KOFI AND JERICHO !!! Jericho is sent into the ringpost. Punk onto the apron and he pulls out Regal. CHOKESLAM ON REY ... countered. #24 is R-Truth. Right hand from Truth to HHH. Lie Detector from Truth. Rey and Orton try to eliminate Kane and then Kingston joins the effort. ROB VAN DAM IS #25 IN THE ROYAL RUMBLE !!! THE PLACE GOES MENTAL !!! Rider Kick and he goes all mental. MASSIVE "RVD" chant goes up. Spin Kick knocks down Rhodes. The same result for Rhodes. Knox tries to stop the momentum and that doesn't work. Spinning Leg Drop on Truth. FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH ON TRUTH ... HHH forces him to stop that idea. #26 is The Brian Kendrick. Double Dropkick on Truth. That was cool. Kingston is sent over the top rope by Kendrick. Kendrick is eventually sent over the top rope. Into the corner and Punk chokes RVD with the boot. Punk holds on for dear life. Jericho chokes RVD over the middle rope. #27 is Dolph Ziggler and he comes in and backs right into Kane. He introduces himself to Kane. Kane sends Dolph over the top rope in hilarious fashion. :lol: Spinning Leg Drop on Rhodes and then Orton goes after RVD. Knee to the head from someone. Couldn't catch that there. #28 is Santino who gets a big pop. KANE SENDS HIM RIGHT OVER THE TOP ROPE !!! Kane is proud of himself. He decides to try and continue his momentum and goes for Punk but that doesn't work. Finlay with a shot. Jericho has Taker in the corner. Maybe the next entrant will have more luck. It's Jim Duggan, so I'm assuming that he won't. Right hands all round. "USA" chant breaks out around the arena. Right hands from Duggan to Taker. Duggan looking in good shape. Right hands on Kane. Right hands to Finlay. Things go back to normality, except that Duggan is in there. HHH is close to elimination, but he manages to escape. So the lucky man that got #30 is none other than The Big Show. The heads turn again. That spot loses significance the more you see it. Kane comes out of nowhere with a right hand to Show and then we have a brawl. Duggan tries to eliminate Show and that doesn't go well. Ta-ta Duggan. The fans don't like that. Punk avoids elimination yet again. Running Back Elbow in the corner from Taker and then he tries to send Orton over the top rope. Rhodes attacks from behind and then Show sends Truth to the floor with a Gorilla Press Slam. Punk with kicks to Show. Show is determined to get rid of Punk. BIG RIGHT HAND SENDS PUNK TO THE FLOOR !!! RVD with right hands to Orton. Rey and Knox are out of the match. Hornswoggle is now in the ring and helps Finlay. Not enough though and Finlay is sent over the top rope. Kick to the head from RVD. CODEBREAKER FROM JERICHO TO KANE !!! Springboard Kick from RVD to Show. Into the corner and Show unloads with rights and lefts. HANGING DDT FROM ORTON TO HHH !!! Show and Taker now go face to face in the middle of the ring. Right hands from Taker. Jericho then helps Taker. FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH ON ORTON !!! JERICHO SENDS HIM OVER THE TOP ROPE !!! Jericho realises that Taker is behind him. Kick from Jericho. CODEBREAKER FROM JERICHO TO TAKER !!! JERICHO IS SENT OVER THE TOP !!! Open Hand Slap to the chest of Dibiase. LEGACY ELIMINATE KANE !!! HHH, Undertaker, Big Show and Legacy are the final six. Show goes after HHH and that leaves Taker with Legacy, and the heels are like a pack of animals. THE CHOKESLAM ON HHH !!! Taker with a Double Clothesline on Orton and Dibiase. CHOKESLAM ON ORTON !!! CHOKESLAM ON RHODES !!! We're back to Show and Taker again. Taker comes back with right hands again. Show runs into a boot. Clothesline knocks down the big man. BIG BOOT SENDS SHOW OVER THE TOP ROPE ... AND SHOW HANGS ON !!! WOW !!! Right hands from Taker to Show. Orton sees a chance. RKO ... blocked. Show now sends Taker onto the apron. Both men on there. RKO SENDS SHOW OVER THE TOP ROPE !!! SHOW PULLS TAKER TO THE FLOOR !!! Taker and Show continue their brawl into the crowd. It's now down to Legacy and HHH. HHH goes after them and Legacy are on the attack. Right hands from Orton to HHH with the other two holding him. Orton charged into the corner and HHH mounts a comeback. Knee 2 Face on Rhodes. Spinebuster on Dibiase. ORTON OVER THE TOP ROPE ... not quite. DIBIASE IS GONE !!! RHODES IS GONE !!! ORTON SENDS HHH OUT !!! ORTON WINS !!!

This match is certainly not without it's pleasures. The first section of the match felt like a high octane spotfest, and as it went on, some of the near eliminations were superb. The Big Show's one in particular caught a lot of people by surprise. The match did drag on quite a bit once all 30 men were in though, almost to Battle Royal level and for that reason, I can't list this one among the top matches. It's good though. ***1/2

Not a bad PPV at all. The show didn't have anything that was pure amazing. It did have three matches that exceeded the 3* mark and when you're talking about a five match card, that is definately an acceptable level of consistancy, especially when there is nothing below the **1/4 match. The show basically summed up the WWE PPV output. Solid unspectacular stuff from beginning to end.

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'I feel that it's ridiculous for anyone to think they are serving the best interests of Owen's memory or his children to pretend he wasn't a wrestler. Not only was he a wrestler, he was a great one and proud of it. I personally believe Martha Hart has done nothing to keep his memory alive and sadly, he fades from view a little more every year. I do suspect this lawsuit is more about publicity, ego, and small-mindedness than it is about pro-wrestling and all of those that are in it.

I know Owen was always proud of his body of work. His fans have never forgotten him and most of today's WWE wrestlers and hundreds of employees have never forgotten him. They speak endlessly of loving memories that speak volumes on what kind of person he was. I saw Owen on TV a few weeks ago against a young Matt Hardy and it put me in such a good mood all day long. Why would anyone want to prevent that? Martha needs to accept the sad truth that he's gone, but we all deserve to be able to salute and honor him for being the great man and the great wrestler that he was. I stopped caring a long time ago about what Martha thinks of me. We don't speak and I haven't seen Owen's children in 10 years. For what reasons, I couldn't begin to tell you. I personally found great inner peace by opening up to forgiveness and instead supported and encouraged current Hart family members now fulfilling their dreams in the complicated-but-astounding world known as the WWE Universe. She completely ignores the fact that Nattie Neidhart, TJ Wilson (Tyson Kidd), and Harry Smith all made a pact when their 12 year old cousin died that they would someday carry on the dream of wrestling in the WWE, this was years before Owen's death and I don't see any reason they should forsake all their dreams. I can't speak more highly of the dedicated, hard working WWE superstars of today.

Having worked with all levels of talent since January, I can honestly say that you won't find a more wholesome bunch of athletes anywhere in any profession. Owen would be proud to be part of what they all are. Martha can say or think whatever the hell she wants but the Hart family as a whole found a way to forgive and move on for the sake of the next generation's well-being. Just because Owen died doesn't mean the Hart legacy from Stu down to his wrestling sons and grandchildren has to die too. The best thing I can do for Owen's kids is take them backstage and introduce them to all the people who love and remember their dad. Owen is loved and missed everyday. Why Martha would insist they never know these people is sad and pathetic.

I believe Owen would turn in his grave watching Martha erase every single thing he ever did, all for spite. Martha Hart needs to celebrate Owen's memory as much as possible, not block it away forever. How stupid and selfish is that? In her own book, she wrote how even though she was angry at Vince, she didn't hate him and that she felt he was truly sorry about what happened. She had written him a letter in order for her to move on and be at peace. Maybe she should practice what she preached.'

Well fucking said Bret. I'd have a bit of sympathy if he'd died recently but it's been over ten years and she needs to realise that Owen was great at what he did and it's not fair that his matches should be hidden away. I doubt it's what he would've wanted anyway.

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If there was ever any confusion about how bad TNA are under Hogan, current plans are for RDV to drop the belt to Abyss and have Hogan face him for the title.

Bischoff & Hogan should never have had on screen persona's, or at least continuing ones.

Both have great minds for wrestling, but their ego's will always make it boil down to them still wanting to be rammed down viewers throats.

If Tna don't act quick, they could easily go down WCW road and collapse.

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If there was ever any confusion about how bad TNA are under Hogan, current plans are for RDV to drop the belt to Abyss and have Hogan face him for the title.

Where did you hear this? Sounds like bullshit, as bad as their egos are, I don't think Jeff Jarrett or Dixie Carter would ok this kind of storyline.

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Just watched Raw.

Thought it was baws. Although the Daniel f'n Bryan sign right in front of the main camera was quite funny.

No idea where this Nexus storyline is heading. They are beating the shit out of people but with no plot behind it now they have those contracts.

Cena in the pay per view main event again, yawn.

Guys like Mark Henry should have been fired a long time ago.

Edited by Lambies_Apprentice
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If there was ever any confusion about how bad TNA are under Hogan, current plans are for RDV to drop the belt to Abyss and have Hogan face him for the title.

Bischoff & Hogan should never have had on screen persona's, or at least continuing ones.

Both have great minds for wrestling, but their ego's will always make it boil down to them still wanting to be rammed down viewers throats.

If Tna don't act quick, they could easily go down WCW road and collapse.

It is WCW modern day.

Look at all the washed up rubbish on the roster. Look at the guys booking it.

Also I was wondering, do many of the wrestlers have creative control in their contracts in TNA?

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It is WCW modern day.

Look at all the washed up rubbish on the roster. Look at the guys booking it.

Also I was wondering, do many of the wrestlers have creative control in their contracts in TNA?

Seems I am playing the role of defending TNA on this thread.

With that in mind, it's true there's a lot of "washed up rubbish" in TNA. Nash and Sting come to mind instantly but there's also a lot of good wrestlers like AJ Styles, Rob Van Dam and Jay Lethal. Aswell as good wrestlers like Desmond Wolfe. If they decide to do more hardcore match, with this ECW thing, then people like Jeff Hardy and Abyss will be mightily useful.

Not to mention, good cruiserweight/x-division wrestlers like Generation Me, Motor City Machine Guns, Amazing Red and Homicide.

Their tag-team division can be decent. Beer Money are decent enough. Dudleys are a wee bit past it, it pains me to say, but an ECW thing could benefit them and Ink Inc are hopeless.

Apart from the Heavyweights and Cruiserweights, they don't really have anything. The Global Championship setup is kinda pish but that's more due to their payroll.

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Something I was wondering as well...

Do people think the likes of Nash and Sting can still draw? I've never ever seen Jeff Jarrett as a draw, by the way....

The reason Sting is in the middle of quite a big storyline is because he makes so much in merchandising sales. His merch makes the most money, I read somewhere.

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WWE No Way Out 2009

This show features the big match in one of the most infuriating fueds in WWE history. Randy Orton vs. Shane McMahon. A fued where a non-wrestler gets to look better than three wrestlers at the same time.

Edge © vs. The Undertaker vs. The Big Show vs. Vladimir Kozlov vs. Triple H vs. Jeff Hardy, Elimination Match - WWE Championship ( ****1/4 )

Randy Orton vs. Shane McMahon, No Holds Barred Match ( * )

Jack Swagger © vs. Finlay - ECW Championship ( *1/2 )

JBL vs. Shawn Michaels ( **1/2 )

John Cena © vs. Mike Knox vs. Kane vs. Edge vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Chris Jericho, Elimination Chamber Match - World Heavyweight Championship ( **** )

Edge © vs. The Undertaker vs. The Big Show vs. Vladimir Kozlov vs. Triple H vs. Jeff Hardy - WWE Championship

Edge and Hardy are going to get this matc going. Hardy with right hands. Edge into the ropes and a Flying Forearm and a Clothesline works for Hardy. Big Boot from Edge puts a stop to that momentum. That gets a two count. Right hands from Edge and he soaks in the "Hardy" chants. He then chokes Hardy over the middle rope and lands a Cross Body across the back for a two count. Head first into the top buckle goes Hardy. Right hands from Edge. Hardy then lands a Head Scissor Takedown and a Manhatten Drop. Low Leg Drop and a Dropkick to the face. TWIST OF FATE FROM HARDY !!! Hardy heading for the top rope. SWANTON BOMB FROM HARDY ... MISSES !!! SPEAR ... INTO THE SMALL PACKAGE FROM HARDY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! EDGE IS OUT !!!

Kozlov is next into the match to face Hardy. Hardy runs right into a boot. Into the corner and Kozlov with Shoulder Blocks and kicks. He runs into a knee and then Hardy with a Dropkick. He jumps right into the Battering Ram. Onto the steel they go. He throws Hardy against the cage. Kozlov then runs Hardy against the cage. Fallaway Slam sends Hardy back into the ring and that gets a two count. Kozlov sets Hardy onto the top rope and lands a set of Headbutts and then lands a brutal kick to the stomach. Fallaway Slam from Kozlov. That gets a two count. Backbreaker from Kozlov and that gets a two count as well. Right hands from Kozlov and then he locks in the Waistlock. Hardy with a fight back and he runs into the big Shoulder Block and then an Elbow Drop from Kozlov. Running Powerslam misses and a Dropkick sends Kozlov into the corner, and Hardy uses the chance to land the Swinging Dropkick. That gets a two count. WHISPER IN THE WIND FROM HARDY !!! Both men are down and The Big Show joins the match. He goes right after Hardy and works on the body. Hiptoss from Show. Show then walks across the stomach. Headbutt from Show and then Kozlov with Tiger Headbutts. Show and Kozlov are doing a number on the underdog at the moment. Body Slam from Show and then the same from Kozlov. There's only so long they can take this route. Hardy makes a comeback and goes after both men, but Show puts an end to it with the Headbutt. Kozlov with an Elbow Drop. Open Hand Slap sends down Hardy. Into the corner and Show with another Open Hand Slap. BATTERING RAM FROM KOZLOV !!! Show wasn't happy with that. Lockup and Show throws down Kozlov. Kozlov and Show then exchange some rights and lefts. Suplex from Show and Kozlov somehow manages to escape that. Show misses a charge and Kozlov with Shoulder Charges. Triple H is next in the match and he goes after Show with right hands. Knee 2 Face from HHH and then High Knee on Kozlov. HHH into the corner and Show misses another charge. SPINEBUSTER ON THE BIG SHOW !!! Hardy tries to come back into the match but HHH floors him with a Clothesline. Kozlov charges and ends up on the steel. Kozlov hits the wall of the chamber. Show sends HHH back into the ring with an Open Hand Slap. Headbutt from Show. Knees from Kozlov to Hardy. Sidewalk Slam from Show to HHH and that gets a two count. Kozlov chokes Hardy with the boot. Elbow Drop from Kozlov to Hardy. "Undertaker" chant breaks out in the audience as the heels remain in total control of this match. CHOKESLAM ON HHH ... escaped. Gorilla Press Slam from Show and that was a big 'un. Headbutt from Show and HHH falls to the floor. HHH is sent into the wall of the chamber. Hardy did something in the ring and we missed it. Hardy jumps into Show who charges him into the cage. Show misses a charge though and winds up hitting the cage. Double Suplex on Kozlov in the ring. Hardy and HHH do battle now. WHISPER IN THE WIND FROM HARDY !!! Into the match comes The Undertaker. He goes right after Big Show and unloads with rights and lefts. Taker into the ring and he does the same to Kozlov. Snake Eyes and then the Big Boot from Taker. Clotheslines to HHH and Hardy. DOUBLE CHOKESLAM ON HHH AND HARDY ... Show manages to block that. Flying Clothesline from Taker to Show. OLD SCHOOL ... he jumps out to Show instead. IMPLANT DDT TO SHOW DROPS HIM ON HIS HEAD ON THE STEEL !!! OLD SCHOOL ON HHH !!! Big Boot knocks down Hardy. SPEAR FROM KOZLOV TO TAKER !!! Shoulder Charges and rights and lefts in the corner from Kozlov. Elbow Strikes to the head from Kozlov. THE LAST RIDE ON KOZLOV !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

We're down to the last four now. CHOKESLAM ON THE UNDERTAKER !!! PEDIGREE ... HHH gets dropped over the top rope onto the steel. Hardy gets thrown onto HHH out there. Hardy gets thrown onto the cage and climbs onto the roof of the chamber, and Show then crotches him on there. This is not going to end well for Hardy me thinks. THE UNDERTAKER WITH A SUPERPLEX ON THE BIG SHOW !!! Hardy is still caught on the top of the chamber at the moment. PEDIGREE ON THE BIG SHOW !!! JEFF HARDY WITH THE SWANTON BOMB OFF OF THE CHAMBER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Down to three we go. WHISPER IN THE WIND ON UNDERTAKER ... MISSES !!! HHH with right hands but Taker comes back with right hands of his own. HHH whipped over the top rope to the steel. Taker to the top rope and HHH crotches him. HARDY WITH THE POETRY IN MOTION ON HHH ON THE STEEL !!! Taker brings him into the ring. TOMBSTONE ON HARDY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

We're now down to Triple H vs. The Undertaker. I'd have loved to have seen a one on one match between these two guys from around this time on PPV. HHH runs right into a boot. Right hands to the stomach from Taker and then to the head. Taker misses a big kick and ends up on the steel. HHH then sends Taker into the wall of the cage. HHH to the top rope. HE JUMPS RIGHT INTO THE CHOKESLAM !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Snake Eyes over the top buckle, but HHH lands a Spinebuster and that gets a two count. Pedigree on the floor is missed. HHH is catapulted into the wall of the cage. HHH and Taker fight. TOMBSTONE FROM TAKER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... HHH GETS A FOOT ON THE BOTTOM ROPE !!! PEDIGREE FROM HHH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Both men now exchanging right hands. HHH with right hands in the corner. UNDERTAKER COMES OUT OF THE CORNER WITH THE LAST RIDE ... COUNTERED TO THE PEDIGREE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Doesn't stand up as well to scrutiny as I thought it might. It's still a belter of a match though. Even Kozlov played a good part and was involved in some of the more integral parts of the early stages. The drama builds well from beginning to end. The segment with Jeff Hardy taking the kicking is brilliant as it sets him up brilliantly for the latter stages of the match. It all gets a bit predictable in the end which does take away from the match a bit. It's definately one of the best EC matches to date though as it was so well put together. ****1/4

Randy Orton vs. Shane McMahon, No Holds Barred Match

Aww f**k. With hindsight, I might be able to enjoy this match a bit more than I enjoyed it first time around. Shane with a jab to get the match started. A second one of them. Shane uses his boxing to get him somewhere. Kick to the stomach and Orton now begins to unload on Shane. Shane comes back into the match with rights and lefts. Orton then sent to the floor. It's amazing hearing the commentators treat Shane like an underdog. Baseball Slide and to the floor they go. Shane McMahon brings a table out from under the ring and then brings a trashcan out. Knee to the stomach and then the Orton Backbreaker switches the momentum right around. Shane gets charged into the apron and then again. Into the ring they go again. Kicks to the stomach from Orton. Back Drop Suplex from Orton. Shane then exposes the steel under a buckle pad in the corner. He whips Shane into that and then kicks him down. Kicks to the back from Orton. He then kicks Shane to the floor. Randy Orton has some words for the audience. KENDO STICK TO THE HEAD FROM SHANE !!! Kendo Stick across the back and then the stomach from Shane. More kendo stick shots to the back and then a solid shot right across the chest. Orton heads for the floor. Shane with a Clothesline on the floor and then he sets the Smackdown announce table. MONITOR TO THE HEAD OF ORTON FROM SHANE !!! Orton is busted open and Shane puts him on the announce table. Shane onto the top rope in the ring. Dibiase and Rhodes hit the ring and they attack Shane McMahon. Beatdown in the corner and Rhodes gets a steel chair. CHAIR TO THE BACK OF DIBIASE !!! DDT ON THE CHAIR FROM SHANE TO RHODES !!! Rhodes is now put in the corner. Shane puts the trashcan over Rhodes and then gets ready to make the leap. SHANE WITH THE COAST 2 COAST DROPKICK !!! Shane now climbs to the top rope. FLYING ELBOW DROP OFF THE TOP ROPE ... ORTON MOVES AND SHANE GOES THROUGH THE TABLE !!! Orton tells Dibiase to get Rhodes away from the ringside area. Back into the ring goes Shane. HANGING DDT FROM ORTON !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Orton now brings the table into the ring and this isn't going to end well for Shane McMahon. Forearm to the back from Orton and then a shot to the chest. TOP ROPE SUPERPLEX FROM ORTON !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Orton then lands those stomps. Knee Drop from Orton. THE PUNT ... STOPPED WITH THE SPEAR !!! Shane now comes back into the match with chair shots. Chair to the back of Orton. THE PUNT FROM SHANE ... RIGHT INTO THE RKO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

The match did get awfully one sided towards the end, but you have to remember that this was only after Orton needed the help of Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase. The match is just really really dull for the most part, moving in what can only be described as slow motion. The booking of the match is still infuriating at times. I don't wanna see Orton begging off from Shane for f**k sake. *

Jack Swagger © vs. Finlay - ECW Championship

Lockup and then into the corner they go. Finlay pulls Swagger into the middle of the ring and puts in the Half Crab. Fans shit on the match from the word go, chanting "We Want Christian". Christian made his return on ECW on the Tuesday before this show. Stomp to the knee from Finlay and then into the corner they go. Kicks to the leg which is hung over the middle rope, but Finlay runs into a sweep and then Swagger sends Finlay into the ringpost. Knees to the stomach from Swagger and then a Hammerlock. Shots to the arm while he has that move on. Swagger stretches the arm over the top rope and then kicks the arm. Shoulder Breaker and that gets a two count. Cross Armbreaker from Swagger. Finlay tries to battle to his feet, but Swagger manages to take down again. Finlay turns that into a Headlock, but Swagger gets a Hammerlock and then locks the Cross Armbreaker again. Knee Drop from Finlay to the arm. Arm Ringer and shots to the shoulder. Finlay avoids a Shoulder Breaker and lands a Neckbreaker and that gets a two count. Swagger charges Finlay into the corner. Finlay manages to get a Rollup and that gets a two count. The referee took a year to make the count there. Right hands from Swagger and then he sets Finlay on the top rope. Swagger pushed into the middle of the ring. Kick to the face from Finlay. Short Arm Clothesline from Finlay. Hornswoggle comes into the match. High Cross Body gets a two count for Finlay. Clothesline from Finlay and then another one. Butt Drop from Finlay gets a two count. Shoulder Charge in the corner and then he hits another. Why is he doing that move. Rolling Samoan Drop. Hornswoggle is sent to the floor. DOCTOR BOMB !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Technically the match had nothing wrong with it, but it was as boring as sin. Finlay doesn't have anywhere near the intensity needed anymore, while Swagger was just too green to do anything worthwhile. *1/2

JBL vs. Shawn Michaels

I'm not sure anyone wanted to see JBL after watching that match. Lockup and into the corner they go. JBL with some trashtalking in the corner, saying all he needs is one mistake. Lockup and into the corner a second time. HBK comes out of the corner with a flurry. JBL gets out of the ring. He seems to be happy with how much he's riled HBK. JBL tries to bait HBK into a DQ, but it doesn't work. Back into the ring where JBL lands right hands. Sunset Flip is countered and JBL counters for a two count. Clothesline from JBL and then an Elbow Drop for a two count. Chop Blocks from HBK to get back into the match. FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK FROM HBK !!! JBL gets into the bottom rope. CRIPPLER CROSSFACE FROM HBK !!! JBL counters for a two count. HBK then comes out with chops. Forearm from HBK and then he gets whipped over the top rope and to the floor. HBK gets rammed into the apron and then into the ring they go. Clubbing blows across the back and then Elbow Drops. That gets a two count. Short Arm Clothesline from JBL and that gets a two count. Right hands from JBL. Kicks to the head from JBL. Knees to the stomach of HBK as well as the fans chant his name. JBL with a Bearhug. Right hands from HBK and then the chops. Swinging Neckbreaker from HBK and that gets him back into the match. Manhattan Drop from HBK and then he lands some more chops. Another Manhattan Drop and then another chop. HBK is whipped hard into the corner and then JBL sets HBK on the top rope. SUPERPLEX ... HBK manages to block and knocks JBL back into the middle of the ring. THE FLYING ELBOW DROP FROM HBK ... MISSES !!! CLOTHESLINE FROM HELL FROM JBL !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! CLOTHESLINE FROM HELL #2 FROM JBL !!! HBK ends up on the floor and the referee makes the count. HBK beats the count though. JBL then sends HBK over the top rope to the floor and goes out to get him. HBK'S WIFE SLAPS JBL !!! Flying Forearm in the ring and then the kip up. THE FLYING ELBOW DROP FROM HBK !!! SWEET CHIN MUSIC !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

JBL finally got back that bullying side for this match. It wasn't enough to really get things going, but it was a vast improvement of a performance. It felt much more like a main event for RAW or something. **1/2

John Cena © vs. Mike Knox vs. Kane vs. Edge vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Chris Jericho, Elimination Chamber Match - World Heavyweight Championship

Jericho and Rey will be opening this match up, which is a prelude to the series they would have later in the year. Lockup and they break. Lockup again and Jericho with the Headlock. Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock from Jericho. Jericho into the ropes and he charges down Rey. Jericho into the ropes and he runs into a Monkey Flip. Rey into the ropes and Tilt-a-Whirl Head Scissors from Rey. Jericho heads for the floor. Somersault over the top rope takes down Jericho. Kick to the stomach from Rey and then back into the ring they go. Forearm from Rey and then right hands. Jericho into the corner. REY MISSES A CHARGE AND HITS THE CHAMBER HEAD FIRST !!! OUCH !!! Delayed Vertical Suplex from Jericho. That gets a two count. Crossface Chickenwing from Jericho. Very cool. Rey with kicks and right hands to Jericho but he ends up on the steel. Catapult into the steel but Rey catches on and climbs. SWINGING LEAPING RANA OFF OF THE CHAMBER !!! SPRINGBOARD SEATED SENTON FROM REY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Kicks to the leg and forearms. Wheelbarrow Bulldog from Rey and then in comes Kane. He goes right after Rey and lands a Big Boot. The same for Jericho and he wants himself some of Edge as well. Jericho attacks from behind but just gets tossed off. Rey into the ropes. Kane with a big Sidewalk Slam for a two count. Right hand from Kane to Jericho and then right hands and kicks. Snapmare and then Kane with a Dropkick and that gets a two count. Jericho with a kick and then right hands. Kane with big right hands to Jericho and then a Clothesline sends him out to the steel. Kane slams the knee of Jericho into the steel and then stomps the knee. Rey catches Kane coming in the ring with kicks and then a pair of Clotheslines and seems to be fighting out of desperation at the minute. Baseball Slide Dropkick lands in the ribs of Kane. Kane with a big right hand to Rey. Kane runs into a boot and then Rey with a Tilt-a-Whirl Reverse DDT. LIONSAULT FROM JERICHO ... MISSES !!! Jericho walks into a Big Boot. Kane runs into a Drop Toe Hold. 619 ... nope. CHOKESLAM ON REY ... COUNTERED !!! 619 !!! CODEBREAKER ON KANE !!! Rana sends Jericho to the floor. Rey to the top of a chamber. SEATED SENTON OFF OF THE CHAMBER TO KANE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Mike Knox is the next guy into the match and he goes right after Rey. He then decides that Jericho is worth going after. Big Boot from Knox to Jericho. Avalanche in the corner from Knox. Body Slam and then a big Knee Drop from Knox to Jericho and that gets a two count. Stomps from Knox to Rey and then he chokes with the boot. Jericho attacks from behind. Knox is sent onto the steel. Springboard sees Jericho going right into Knox, and Knox runs his back right into the wall. He does this a second time. Rey onto the second rope. He dives onto the back of Knox. Knox hangs Rey on the chamber. Knees to the prone body of Rey. He slams the back of the head into the wall. Knox sends Jericho into the ring with a Gorilla Press Slam and then back in with Rey too. Rey then with more kicks to the leg. Backbreaker from Knox. CODEBREAKER FROM JERICHO TO KNOX !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

The fans want to see Cena in the match. The countdown is now on and it's either Edge or Cena in the match. Edge is now the man in the match and Rey goes right after him. Head first into the chamber about three times. Into the ring we go. Springboard Cross Body from Rey to Edge. Rey then runs right into a Clothesline. Back Drop Suplex from Jericho. Bulldog then to Edge, who has the smarts to roll into the ropes. Rey comes back with right hands and hits the ropes and runs into a Back Elbow. LIONSAULT ... HITS THE KNEES !!! EDGE-O-MATIC ON JERICHO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Rey is sent chest first into the corner. SPEAR FROM EDGE ... MISSES !!! 619 intercepted by Jericho for a second time. Jericho then heads for the top rope. Rey stops Jericho. SUNSET BOMB TO EDGE AND REY FROM JERICHO OFF THE TOP !!! Edge and Jericho now unloads on Jericho and sends him out to the steel. John Cena is now in the match. Cena with Shoulder Blocks to Edge and then he lands Clotheslines. Belly 2 Belly on Edge and a Release Fisherman on Jericho. Jericho is sent out again. PROTOBOMB FROM CENA !!! THE FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE !!! THE ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT ... COUNTERED BY JERICHO WITH A CODEBREAKER !!! SPEAR FROM EDGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! EDGE HAS ELIMINATED THE CHAMP !!!

Edge's facial expressions after that are amazing. Edge misses a charge and all three men collide. Dropkick from Rey to Edge and then Jericho. Rana to Jericho. 619 TO JERICHO FROM REY !!! Edge sent into the ringpost. WEST COAST POP ... COUNTERED INTO THE WALLS OF JERICHO ... COUNTERED INTO A PIN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

We're now down to Rey vs. Edge. SPEAR FROM EDGE ... AVOIDED !!! SCHOOL BOY FROM REY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Rey sent into the ropes. Springboard Cross Body gets a two count for Rey. Kick to the head from Rey and that gets a two count. Michael Cole and The King are getting well excited. TILT-A-WHIRL DDT FROM REY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Rey heads to the top rope and gets booted down to the steel. X-FACTOR ON THE STEEL FROM REY !!! 619 TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD FROM REY !!! REY GETS LAUNCHED THROUGH THE FUCKING WALL OF A CHAMBER !!! HOLY SHIT !!! Bitch dead. Back into the ring we go. SPEAR !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Thanks to the Edge coming into the match, this match's drama got going right off the bat. Especially with Rey being in there from the start and him being Kofi's tag team partner, the fans were just ITCHING for Rey to do well. It wasn't quite as good as the match at the beginning of the night, but it was still a pure cracker of a match. ****

This is the problem with such a show. You load the two main events with main event talent and the rest of the show feels weaker for it. They're smart enough to open and close the show with it though so that's not bad. Two 4* matches is nothing to scoff at and again, it's a five match show, with the EC matches taking up most of the time. No complaints.

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WWE posted the following on their website:

"Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat performed a stunt with other Legends this past Monday. Late Wednesday night, Ricky was experiencing pain in his neck and shoulder, and immediately went to the hospital. It is not clear if his current condition is related to his performance on Monday night. WWE is waiting to hear more from the attending physicians."

- According to F4Wonline.com, Steamboat's condition has been upgraded to stable condition. Apparently Steamboat suffered a brain aneurysm Wednesday night in Tampa, Florida. Steamboat is likely to remain hospitalized for a while.

A work? I seriously hope so.

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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WWE have distanced themselves from the incident, but also took the beating down. I think they are pretty scared that one of the Nexus guys was responsible. Considering that Skip threw a Hercules sized Clothesline and Otunga dropped him hard, it is possible that there could have been a bit of damage done.

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