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Mo Wonderboy

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He stole the gimick, well the homosexual part, from Chris Kanyon. It's also speculated/theorised that Kanyon killed himself because he stole it. Wouldn't surprise me since Kanyon was bi-polar.

Yeah, thinking what Kanyon would have made of your reasons for being glad OJ's gone is kind of what irritated me. Probably just a poor choice of wording, I guess.

Btw, the story goes that Kanyon's character was more a fairly normal-acting babyface who just happened to be gay, and that he may have felt Jordan's gimmick was parodying that.

Edited by RB-Scotland
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Yeah, thinking what Kanyon would have made of your reasons for being glad OJ's gone is kind of what irritated me. Probably just a poor choice of wording, I guess.

Btw, the story goes that Kanyon's character was more a fairly normal-acting babyface who just happened to be gay, and that he may have felt Jordan's gimmick was parodying that.

I just don't like Jordan, his gimick is pretty poor, imo, and he can't wrestle well enough for him to be in impacts every week. During the Terry and Abyss matches when he was targeting their respective injuries all he did was elbow drops, leg drops and punches on the weak parts. I found it ironic that Wolfe, who is the master of targeting points in TNA, were in the same tag team one week.

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I was never a big fan of Jimmy Yang to be honest. Good for multi-man tag matches in AJPW, but he's basically a glorified spot monkey. Got put in with some belting opposition in one on one matches and completely bombed. There were two better guys than him in the Dragons back in the WCW days.

Lack of Rob Terry is not good. The guy has charisma coming out of his arse and looks like a monster, and could improve over time. He's already improved the execution of his moves, which was the most important things. His improvement reminds me of Mark Henry. He's still not very good, but can at least make things look better.

If they really wanna bring in Japanese guys for the X Division, they should look at Shuji Kondo. Monster of a man who's style would fit right in. Kinda like Samoa Joe.

Why have Rosie Lottalove off TV as well ? She was shit, but at least she was different from the rest of that faceless nameless knockout division.

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Lack of Rob Terry is not good. The guy has charisma coming out of his arse and looks like a monster, and could improve over time. He's already improved the execution of his moves, which was the most important things. His improvement reminds me of Mark Henry. He's still not very good, but can at least make things look better.

I'm sorry, what? Staring at the camera and pulling a face that says "I'm trying to have a shite" doesn't count as charisma. As far as I'm concerned he's dull and only has a job because of his look, although it is apparent his in ring skills have greatly improved in the last few months.

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Terry is alright but he lost some amount of respect, in my eyes, when he was getting beaten up by Jordan and the fact the feud didn't really end didn't help him either. If Dreamer has ideas and his ideas involve people getting less or no air time then I'm ok with it

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As for Raw I think it was stupid that cena would ask the anon GM something and then less that 5 seconds later the new email sound would come up and cole would read a response that would have taken at least 20-30 seconds to type and send! We all know that the emails aren't coming in "in real time" but still, make it realistic.

Cena looked a bit too psycho at the end of Raw, could hear him telling the black guy what moves to do, just before he whipped him into the corner he shouted "rebound" laugh.gif and you could see him talking to him just before he pushed the announce table ontop of him (even though he rolled under it, thus making no affect on him)

was funny when mark henrys music hit and the botch squad came to the ring and it was 7 on 7..... well apart from the fact it took Khali about 15 seconds longer to get in the ring than anyone else and when he did it was time to leave laugh.gif

and finally....

King is looking more and more like a fat child with a bad suntan each week unsure.gif

As for the "higher power" stuff, give it some thought and it was always gonna be Vinny Mac.


Dreamer's the reason we see no Rob Terry, Orlando Jordan, and Rosie Lottalove on Impact.

Dreamer, Dreamer, Dreamer, Dreamer!

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Terry is alright but he lost some amount of respect, in my eyes, when he was getting beaten up by Jordan and the fact the feud didn't really end didn't help him either.

I thought OJ looked more of a badass than Terry looked bad, but I don't think either guy came off better or worse. I quite liked OJ's weirdness but having seen it all before with Goldust, they're a bit late to jumping on that wagon.

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Terry's abysmal. He's like a parody of the type of guy WWE would push. He may have improved slightly but it's still easy to think he's never underwent any sort of wrestling training whatsoever.

Could maybe just about handle him in a bodyguard role or in crazy multi-man matches, but that's about all.

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Scott Hall's got double pneumonia in his lungs. Been hospitalized.

Also hearing that Jimmy Yang has signed for TNA, he posted on twitter that he had signed a contract with one of his former employers. So really it's between TNA, WWE and ROH. It's expected to be TNA.

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I missed some TNA as of late, why are the tag titles vacant? what happened to the band?

It made no fucking sense. Hall was released so they took the titles from them.....even them Mike Tenay said several times that they were defending them under the "Freebird Rule".

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Terry's abysmal. He's like a parody of the type of guy WWE would push. He may have improved slightly but it's still easy to think he's never underwent any sort of wrestling training whatsoever

He's clearly had an absolute load since he first joined. I can't imagine he had much before though. But he gradually got more and more time in the ring and he looks much more sure of himself. I'm not saying he's great, but he doesn't look any worse than some of the guys WWE have pushed in the past. He actually reminds me of early Batista, who was woeful. TNA don't have many guys who look like Terry, so to use him less would be stupid.

Also hearing that Jimmy Yang has signed for TNA, he posted on twitter that he had signed a contract with one of his former employers. So really it's between TNA, WWE and ROH. It's expected to be TNA.

I'd agree it'd be TNA, but might also be a three-monther with AJPW. Wouldn't surprise me. For some reason, they're high on them.

If this is what they mean by bringing in guys from Japan then I'll be pretty disappointed. Most, if not all, of the top junior heavyweights are snapped up by the major promotions. They'd probably have been better served bringing in guys who could add to the X Division short term. I suppose the Dragon Gate guys will be unavailable due to their USA tours, but guys from NJPW, AJPW and NOAH could become available on a semi-regular basis.

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Assorted ROH Stuff

Can't wait to see some of this stuff. Did five of the matches for this last night and then my PWG collection came in, and I just couldn't wait to get started on that. To be fair, the production on some of the new ROH is horrible, especially the crowd sound. Really kills the heat in the building, so I was glad to take a break from it. Three matches have the new production from this. Makes the old shows seem like gold.

Samoa Joe © vs. CM Punk - ROH World Heavyweight Championship - ROH Joe vs. Punk II ( ****1/2 )

The Briscoes © vs. The Kings of Wrestling - ROH World Tag Team Championships - ROH The Big Bang 2010 ( ****1/4 )

Tyler Black © vs. Austin Aries vs. Roderick Strong - ROH World Heavyweight Championship - ROH The Big Bang 2010 ( ***3/4 )

Austin Aries © vs. Colt Cabana, Steel Cage Match - ROH World Heavyweight Championship - ROH Reverse The Curse ( **** )

Bryan Danielson © vs. Nigel McGuinness, 2/3 Falls Match - ROH World Heavyweight Championship - ROH The Epic Encounter II ( ***3/4 )

Bryan Danielson © vs. KENTA - ROH World Heavyweight Championship - ROH Glory By Honor V ( ****3/4 )

Samoa Joe © vs. CM Punk - ROH World Heavyweight Championship - ROH Joe vs. Punk II

This is a rematch from the first battle between the two men at World Title Classic. That match ended as a time limit draw at 60 minutes and if memory serves me right, is a much better match than this one. That's not to say that this match isn't a damn good match. There's one thing that annoys me. The main praise seems to be that the match doesn't seem to be coming to the natural conclusion and they seemed to be ready to end about another 20 minutes after the 60, and that's all well and good, but I want the drama of the final stretch thanks very much. If there's no reason to make me care about the conclusion of the match, then why should I care ? Where this match excels for me is the first 40 minutes where both men play off the spots of the previous match, like the Running Rana, the arm work from Joe and the headlock from Punk. It's a stunner of a match, no question, but it could have been much better, and looked like it was GOING to be before it's disappointing ending. ****1/2

The Briscoes © vs. The Kings of Wrestling - ROH World Tag Team Championships - ROH The Big Bang

A bit stop start to be at the top level of ROH matches, but hot damn this was pretty sweet stuff. Loved the twists on the hot tag where you kept on being certain that the hot tag was coming and coming. The Kings of Wrestling have managed to get away from the stupid contrived nonsense that used to ruin their matches pretty badly. The Briscoes also got away from THEIR usual formula and although this was clearly mental, it was at a pace that suited both teams and also allowed for none of the no-selling that The Briscoes can be guilty of. It's a terrific tag team match, but not the best tag match of 2010 like some people are trying to say. ****1/2

Tyler Black © vs. Austin Aries vs. Roderick Strong - ROH Heavyweight Championship - ROH The Big Bang 2010

These guys just seemed to be on three different pages when it came to match structure. Tyler Black seemed to think there was some sort of three way spotfest going on and just did more of a Jack Evans act. Austin Aries seemed to think we were in 1970s memphis and Roderick Strong just ignored the two of them and unloaded with stiff shots. The match was alright, but ultimately nobody bought anyone other than Tyler Black coming away with the gold. I can't understand for the life of me why this needed to be an elimination match. When you do such an elimination rule in a match, you are basically forcing the first fall to be very awkward as they can't do the big finishing sequence as they'll be saving it for the last fall, so they need to have a big anti-climax, but also make it as such that it's a big move, so as to protect the heat of the guy taking it. So it just becomes an absolute mess. This probably would have been an MOTYC if they had a normal Triple Threat match. I suppose we will just have to settle for really good. ***3/4

Austin Aries © vs. Colt Cabana, Steel Cage Match - ROH World Heavyweight Championship - ROH Reverse The Curse

That ending was typical of the way the match went. Incredibly inventive stuff there. They didn't use the cage as a weapon untill the very end. They used it for other reasons and it was a nice wee match. The story of the match is great. If Cabana loses, he doesn't get another shot at Aries. The match is in Cabana's hometown so the fans are right behind him and more importantly, they buy the idea that he might win the gold. Austin Aries is his usual evasive self, and uses all of the tricks in the Aries cannon, but what he didn't count on was Cabana going absolutely batshit mental in his desperate attempt to win the gold and it become more and more clear that Aries was not going to be able to escape with the belt. That is untill Cabana makes the mistake of sending Aries THROUGH the cage to the floor with a Running Butt Bump for the win. Terrific ending to a good cage match. ****

Bryan Danielson © vs. Nigel McGuinness, 2/3 Falls Match - ROH World Heavyweight Championship - ROH The Epic Encounter II

The story coming out of this match is that Danielson injured his shoulder going into a big title match with KENTA. I'll come to that match next. This match completely lost the audience which was a shame, because the fans were buying into almost everything that was going on in the first half with Danielson's awesome Headlockery and Chinlockery, The idea behind this side of Danielson's offense was that he doesn't wrestle for the fans. He wrestles for himself, and he pointed out early that he would do the chinlock for 60 minutes, which was the time limit these guys had, and they reached it. The good thing about the match is that they never made Danielson look like a cowardly heel or a poor wrestler. Just a smart guy looking for a good way to escape with the gold. He didn't look for cheap DQs and count outs. He wanted to wrestle. Nigel McGuinness started to come into the match near the end to the point where the audience thought he had a chance even with the time running out, and when the time ran out, the audience were livid. Good fun match, but they would do much better. ***3/4

Bryan Danielson © vs. KENTA - ROH World Heavyweight Championship - ROH Glory By Honor V

"It's the Final Countdown !". Right. As I explained previously, Bryan Danielson damaged his shoulder coming out of the Nigel McGuinness match heading into this one. So a lot of people assumed that KENTA was going to win the gold since he was already confirmed for an extended tour with ROH going into this one. What people didn't count on was KENTA going after the injured shoulder of Danielson right from the opening exchange and continuing to kick the holy hell out of it. And it should be noted that this was a very real injury and one that sidelined Danielson for several months when he eventually lost the gold to Homicide. The audience was waaaaaay behind Danielson as they were pretty much dead against KENTA's tactics and the molten heat just increased. If KENTA decided to keep going to the shoulder untill the very end I'd have gone with the perfect score here, but it's still an incredible match. Well worth your time. ****3/4

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Assorted ROH Stuff

Can't wait to see some of this stuff. Did five of the matches for this last night and then my PWG collection came in, and I just couldn't wait to get started on that. To be fair, the production on some of the new ROH is horrible, especially the crowd sound. Really kills the heat in the building, so I was glad to take a break from it. Three matches have the new production from this. Makes the old shows seem like gold.

Samoa Joe © vs. CM Punk - ROH World Heavyweight Championship - ROH Joe vs. Punk II ( ****1/2 )

The Briscoes © vs. The Kings of Wrestling - ROH World Tag Team Championships - ROH The Big Bang 2010 ( ****1/4 )

Tyler Black © vs. Austin Aries vs. Roderick Strong - ROH World Heavyweight Championship - ROH The Big Bang 2010 ( ***3/4 )

Austin Aries © vs. Colt Cabana, Steel Cage Match - ROH World Heavyweight Championship - ROH Reverse The Curse ( **** )

Bryan Danielson © vs. Nigel McGuinness, 2/3 Falls Match - ROH World Heavyweight Championship - ROH The Epic Encounter II ( ***3/4 )

Bryan Danielson © vs. KENTA - ROH World Heavyweight Championship - ROH Glory By Honor V ( ****3/4 )

Absolute belter of a match!!!

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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