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Mo Wonderboy

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Through mouthpiece Michael Cole, Raw's anonymous General Manager e-mailed to inform The Nexus that none of their members may compete for any WWE title until further notice, including Wade Barrett, who has a guaranteed championship match of his choice.


I think Henry will still be in the MITB match, It makes no sense to announce him as the replacement for Truth, then take him back out minutes later unsure.gif

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The question remains. Are current NXT Rookie Lucky Cannon and former Smackdown Assistant GM Palmer Cannon related? And where does Paul Cannon come into this?

I've managed to mostly refrain from the Impact spoilers this week. Sounds like some extreme stuff though.

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This is easily the hardest match of the night to call, pretty much everyone excluding Mark Henry has a chance of winning. I don't think Jericho has much of a chance either since he's going to be taking time off soon to host his tv show yet i wouldn't rule him fully out. Edge and Orton are still fueding with one another and they'll probably stop each other from winning the case. Evan Bourne isn't ready for the main event yet while John Morrison and Ted DiBiase are darkhorses, espcially DiBiase considering his gimmick is all about money. In saying that though, i'm tipping the Miz to win the briefcase.

If they want to push him then this is the prefect way to do it. Have him win it and over the course of the next 3/4 months build him up gradually, beating better and better opponents until he is accepted as one of the top guys.

Saying that, I'm with you when I predict The Miz.

I really don't see the point in having Orton or Edge win it, and I would feel a little bit let down if either did. This type of match should be used to elevate the mid-carders, not given away to someone who is already a bit part of the main event scene.

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that was the best ending to an impact ever! Nexus mark 2?

Abyss comes to the ring screaming for RVD, RVD then comes to the ring, both get it on, then Foley turns up standing at the top of the entrance, Abyss looks like he's seen a ghost, then Dreamer, Rhino, Richards and Raven all jump on Abyss, TNA wrestlers, staff, security fill the ring and get battered by the ECW guys.

Then 2 members of the TNA staff turn on their own kind, those 2 guys being ex ECW stars Al Snow and The problem solver Simond Diamond, then RVD gets back into the ring to help out the ECW guys, then D'von Dudley comes down and helps out too.

then (in stupid twist) dixie carter says stop it, stop it, (to the TNA stars and staff) I brought them here (meaning the ECW guys in the ring)

I was really hoping for Heyman to come out and say Ladies and gentleman.... this Invaaasion, just got taken, to the Extreme! biggrin.gif

I'm the biggest ECW fan boy around, moments like these don't come around too often, needless to say I enjoyed that, maybe we will see Sabu and Sandman joining up too, I'm sure this may have been posted in the Spoilers a page or 2 back, but I didn't want to spoil anything for myself, and I will try to avoid reading much into this as I'm quite excited as to how Dreamer and co are going to evolve next. biggrin.gif Great stuff, there is a huge market for ECW-esque wrestlers (not sports entertainers wwe has that market well covered)

wow, I wouldn't mind watching that again now!

just thinking back to the invasion in 2001 there were only 3 ECW guys from that era that weren't in the ring tonight, Justin Credible, Mike Awesome R.I.P. and Lance Storm. (Technically Bubba ray and Taz weren't in the ring but are still probably going to have a say in this new group) Great to see Al Snow And Diamond after so long again, and Foley who I thought was gone for good or heading back to titan towers.

Edited by Kris Boyd
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They really fucked up that ECW invasion angle. While still ok they coulda done it so much better. The nexus stuff was done way better than that.

One small thing that I think makes a huge difference is when the nexus this happened at first, the commentators stopped talking and let the moment speak for itself. Whereas with Impact, you have Tenay and Taz going mental about it all and they werent even keeping up with what happened. The folk in the ring didnt even look like they knew who were they were supposed to be going for either.

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They really fucked up that ECW invasion angle. While still ok they coulda done it so much better. The nexus stuff was done way better than that.

One small thing that I think makes a huge difference is when the nexus this happened at first, the commentators stopped talking and let the moment speak for itself. Whereas with Impact, you have Tenay and Taz going mental about it all and they werent even keeping up with what happened. The folk in the ring didnt even look like they knew who were they were supposed to be going for either.

yup, thats what really impressed me about the nexus thing, a few of us said it was the most revolutionary thing since the attitude era.

moving on to MITB:

I am hoping for.... erughh... a cena win sad.gif

Edge to win MITB Raw and McIntyre to win MITB Smackdown

I want someone to cash it in on the night for the first time and go beat cena for the title!

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that was the best ending to an impact ever! Nexus mark 2?

I was really hoping for Heyman to come out and say Ladies and gentleman.... this Invaaasion, just got taken, to the Extreme! biggrin.gif

Saying TNA fail with Heyman, what then for TNA? Surely they must think there is nothing they can do to compete with WWE...

They really fucked up that ECW invasion angle. While still ok they coulda done it so much better. The nexus stuff was done way better than that.

One small thing that I think makes a huge difference is when the nexus this happened at first, the commentators stopped talking and let the moment speak for itself. Whereas with Impact, you have Tenay and Taz going mental about it all and they werent even keeping up with what happened. The folk in the ring didnt even look like they knew who were they were supposed to be going for either.

Instead of everything being "pretty cool" and his Joey Styles impression while going "oh my god!", do you think Taz could play the heel commentator like the Heyman of 01 and the Lawler of the late 90s?

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They really fucked up that ECW invasion angle. While still ok they coulda done it so much better. The nexus stuff was done way better than that.

One small thing that I think makes a huge difference is when the nexus this happened at first, the commentators stopped talking and let the moment speak for itself. Whereas with Impact, you have Tenay and Taz going mental about it all and they werent even keeping up with what happened. The folk in the ring didnt even look like they knew who were they were supposed to be going for either.

i think the commentary on Impact is nothing short of horrendous. I can't believe that Mike Tenay still has a job. I really miss Don West as I felt he was really coming into his own as a heelish commentator when they punted him for Taz. Not only that but West had a genuine passion for the product, something that certain can't be said about Taz.

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Nexus?? says Kris Boyd a few pages back. Far from it I now think.

I found this on a wrestling forum and if this prediction is correct then TNA will become very very watchable in the coming months.

Bischoff is the leader of "they"... remember the tease of the power struggle between Hogan and Bischoff a few months back? Well it never really ended... Bischoff just got Hogan's closest ally Abyss to turn on him and we are seeing that now. <BR itxtvisited="1"><BR itxtvisited="1">Also, Samoa Joe referred to "they" as well in that video a few months back, and if I remember correctly he wasn't too friendly with Bischoff just before he got kidnapped. <BR itxtvisited="1"><BR itxtvisited="1">

- Bischoff was mentioned a number of times just before Joe was abducted.<BR itxtvisited="1"><BR itxtvisited="1">Bischoff hasn't been around since Abyss started mentioning "they"..." they " will be revealed when Bischoff returns and brings his group with him... which will include his WCW buddies Steiner and Sting (Shown in the VR video)... wait did I just say Sting!!??<BR itxtvisited="1"><BR itxtvisited="1">Oh yes I did... and this video shows that Sting is very tight with Bischoff... remember when Hogan goes to attack Sting back in March and Bischoff for some unknown reason stops him??? Fast forward to 2 minutes..<BR itxtvisited="1"><BR itxtvisited="1">
<BR itxtvisited="1"><BR itxtvisited="1">Well there's your answer smile.gif
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Deception part 2..

The Foley/Bischoff fued never ended.

Also anyone remember Bischoff and Flair a few months back whispering back stage where Hogan crept up on the 2 of them but Bischoff played it down.

How about Sting and his vandalism of the TNA belt.

Nash has become annoyed about air time etc. He'll join Bischoff, Sting, Steiner maybe in a WCW like faction

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I have to agree with the comments about Taz in commentary, he just saps the life out of moments that are meant to be huge. Like at a PPV a few months back when the Band turned on Eric Young, Taz remained calm thoughout the whole angle and was even chuckling at one point!

As much of a pain in the arse Don West was at times, at least he showed passion and done his best to put over whatever nonsense heel turn Russo had booked on any given week.

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I was always a fan of Don West. Always showed incredible enthusiasm. Could make the smallest moment feel like a really big deal.

I've managed to stay away from spoilers of Impact as I promised myself I would and I'll be watching later. Apparently it's good. I'll be the judge of that. tongue.gif

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Anyone think wrestling has took a massive turn for the good in the last 4/6 weeks? Both WWE and TNA are not only watchable...but in all honesty, quite enjoyable. It's a change from the same auld pish we've had the last 4/5 years.

TNA is great to watch the now, but in WWE everything with the exception of the excellent Nexus angle is poor. Raw is like a kids' show for much of the time with all the Santino crap and the terrible promos (Morrison this week was a good example). Smackdown has nothing to offer other than Punk. Swagger was pretty good as champion as well.

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TNA is great to watch the now, but in WWE everything with the exception of the excellent Nexus angle is poor. Raw is like a kids' show for much of the time with all the Santino crap and the terrible promos (Morrison this week was a good example). Smackdown has nothing to offer other than Punk. Swagger was pretty good as champion as well.

For the pat two months or so I've avoided as many spoilers as I can, and it really does make it better to watch.

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The stuff with Jack Swagger on last week's Smackdown was superb. They made him seem like a real mauler, untill he came up to Kane.

TNA Impact 16/07/2010

Well, Victory Road was met with mixed reactions on here. I leaned to the positive side, as all I'm looking for from a PPV is good matches, regardless of the booking, and they delivered plenty on that front, including a couple of surprisingly good ones.

The last two PPVs have seen the ECW guys just stand there though. I know that I want to see guys do more than stand about on wrestling shows !

I've decided not to have match lists for the TV shows out here since it could ruin angles and such things.

A street fight and a ladder match on a TV show ?

It looks like it's gonna be Kurt Angle vs. Hernandez at the next PPV if the last two PPVs are anything to go by. That's an interesting match for all sorts of reasons. #1 is Abyss, and that means we have Abyss vs. Rob Van Dam.

Abyss comes to the ring and he has some goodies with him. Abyss has beef with him. Is Raoul Moat in the Impact Zone tonight ? Abyss has a lot to say about what he's going to do, and is awaiting some final instructions from "them". This stuff with "Janice", is just pathetic though. You'd think that with a monster heel they could do no wrong, but it's Abyss so they find a way to make it suck, don't they ? Abyss beats the crap out of the beef with the nailed bat and then eats it. This is ridiculous. Abyss + promo time = Bad news.

Backstage with Taylor Wilde and Sarita and they are brawling. This goes on a bit long. We go to commercials.

Taylor Wilde vs. Sarita, Street Fight

This starts at the back of the Impact Zone. I thought in such a match you had to start in the ring ? That's a minor complaint though. Such things don't matter in the wacky world of pro-wrestling ? This is a fun fate fuelled brawl between these two ladies. Wilde might be completely devoid of charisma, but she does brawls quite well. The ref ends it because Sarita chokes out Wilde. A weird ending for a street fight, but it was still damn good fun here. I really hope this isn't the end for this fued. **1/4

Backstage with Rob Van Dam and he says he isn't scared or threatened.

Backstage with some bint I don't know. Kevin Nash walks into her room. Nash decides not to share his business with her as he was looking for someone important.

Brian Kendrick vs. Douglas Williams, I Quit Match

What in the name of fuck ? Another gimmick match on this show ? I can take that from a PPV, but not a TV show. I suppose they didn't want to follow a brutal brawl with another brawl so they went down the submission route with this match which makes sense, and the gimmick now makes sense to me as it gave Kendrick the chance to beat Williams at his own game. **

Kevin Nash heads for the ring while Kendrick is celebrating his win. Kendrick isn't happy. Brutal chokeslam for Kendrick. That'll show him. He's not happy that Bischoff and Hogan have been ducking him all this time. He says he's gonna take out the young guys untill they pay attention, and then Jeff Jarrett hits the Impact Zone. JJ wants Nash to calm down and nothing else. JJ says that Nash is a glory hound and he's egotistical. So much for calming him down fucknut. Nash wants to know why JJ is out here, and he says JJ now has trouble with him. Slightly interesting stuff to get this fued going I suppose.

Backstage with Kevin Nash and something is just not sitting right with him.

Desmond Wolfe vs. Rob Terry vs. Samoa Joe

Lets see how Terry looks against someone with some real talent. Brutus Magnus is back at the commentary table now. It looks like he's playing some sort of gimmick where he looks nice. Terry actually takes quite a beating from Wolfe in this match. Joe seemed a little bit too easy to take out of the match for long periods of time considering how much of an unstoppable b*****d he seems to be. The match is not bad but it feels like a whole lot of nothing really. *

Ric Flair says he's gonna make an announcement tonight that's gonna send TNA in a direction that's gonna spiral bigger.

Beer Money Inc. vs. Motor City Machine Guns, Ladder Match

I'm kinda disappointed that they're giving this match away on free TV as I reckon they could have a pure dillion on PPV in such a match. I take it back. It really does seem like they gave everything in this match and they really went out and put on an absolute show stealer. Amazing match. It was more about brutality than innovation and danger. The ending was absolutely terrible though. A ref bump in a ladder match is just beyond the realms of acceptability on every scale. Great match though. ***3/4

Backstage, Abyss beats up a melon with Janice. Christ.

Matt Morgan vs. "The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero

The best way to go with Morgan now is to say that Morgan is on a losing streak. I was surprised that they gave Dinero the win here, but because of such a decisive victory for Angle against him on the PPV, it made more sense to have Dinero take the win. It was a nothing much but inoffensive crap. *

Matt Morgan attacks after the match. Mr. Anderson hits the ringside area to make sure nothing else happens to Pope. Into the ring and Anderson attacks Morgan. Anderson wants a handshake from The Pope. Pope decides against it but respects Anderson's motives. Fair enough.

Backstage with The Beautiful People. Velvet Sky is not a happy bunny about Madison bringing someone new in.

Into the ring with Madison Rayne and she says that it wasn't one of The Beautiful People that interfered in the match and she wants her title back withing seven days. Lacey and Velvet head for the ring now. I just want these bitches to shut the f**k up right now. Angelina Love comes out to add some positivity to this shitfest. Love hits the ring and attacks Madison. The woman on the motorbike turns up again and allows Madison Rayne to take out Love. Don't care about anyone else.

Jeff Hardy says that Lethal and Flair tore the house down at the PPV. Wouldn't go that far, but it was good.

Jay Lethal vs. Jeff Hardy

Fast paced action between these two guys and Hardy looked motivated out there which always helps. It was two sided stuff too. What I don't get is that TNA TV main events are usually so cookie cutter meaning that the matches earlier in the show usually feel like a bigger deal because they have a different feel to them, and this match is no different to other Impact main events. Not bad. **

Beer Money vs. MCMG is gonna be a Street Fight next week. I'll have some of that. Kurt Angle vs. Hernandez is next week as well. Not happy.

The ECW lot turned up during that last match btw, and stood there. As usual.

Abyss is heading for the Impact Zone while Ric Flair is making a big announcement. AJ Styles and Kazarian are the first two members of Fortune. Desmond Wolfe heads for the ring. Wolfe isn't happy. Abyss heads for the ring now. He clears the ring and he wants some of Rob Van Dam. Shitty music hits and here he comes. Abyss says "they" are going to take TNA over. He says he's gonna take his girl Janice and hang her above the ring. We're gonna have Full Metal Mayhem with Abyss and Rob Van Dam I think. Nice. Rob Van Dam attacks Abyss. Knees to the head from RVD. Abyss takes control of this exchange. Mick Foley returns to the Impact Zone. The ECW lot hit the ring and attack Abyss. TNA security hit the ring. ECW attack them as well. A bunch of guys hit the ring to attack and this doesn't end well. Wolfe and Kendrick now come down. Al Snow and Simon Diamond join the ECW guys. More TNA guys come down and that now includes Jarrett. The police hit the ring. Oh come on. Dixie Carter now comes down and says she invited them and that's a wrap.

Right, it's a good angle, no doubt there, and it won't take much to surpass the stale as f**k Nexus at the moment. I don't think this angle was helped by the fact that it followed the original Nexus segment so closely, because this one was equally as good. The police joining in didn't help matters really, but they drew the lines pretty clearly in this and also managed to blur them with the final revelation in the segment which was like that big cliffhanger you get at the end of an episode of TV. With Dixie saying that too, this angle seems to have some purpose to it, even if Heyman doesn't get his way with the demands he's making. Is this going to be yet another false dawn for TNA ? It certainly feels like a big deal at the moment, so the initial job is done.

Good final segment and some good segments through the show + some good matches ( one stunner ) means that this is a cracking episode of Impact.

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i think the commentary on Impact is nothing short of horrendous. I can't believe that Mike Tenay still has a job. I really miss Don West as I felt he was really coming into his own as a heelish commentator when they punted him for Taz. Not only that but West had a genuine passion for the product, something that certain can't be said about Taz.

I would love to see Joey Styles in TNA, he is the best commentator ever, EVER!

Deception part 2..

Good thinking I think that "they" are the people you mentioned, originally I thought "They" were the ECW tribe, this is now not the case, so your WCW They, would be good and it all works too.

Both TNA and WWE are watchable again, the guest host shit is getting less air time, there is mystery with the GM, good matches, unpredictable stuff with nexus and (what will HOPEFULLY be) a great PPV on sunday. As for TNA they have a few stables forming (I love stables) ECW, "They" and Fortune, with the possibility of Heyman coming on board, this makes me hopeful for the future.

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