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Mo Wonderboy

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I'd have Sandman involved in whatever match Dreamer and Raven have... I heard they were thinking of doing a six man tag with Dreamer and two others against Raven, Stevie and Rhino. Dreamer's torn a muscle so won't be able to go at 100%, so a tag match seems likely. If Sandman takes this show seriously(which he surely will - when it seemed like ECW was returning in 2006, he got into very good shape and sounded very switched on in interviews), I'd be happy with Dreamer, Sandman and Nova .V. Raven, Stevie and Rhino. Nova was set for a big push before ECW went under and still works hard as hell; you could have a little angle running with him having defied The Nest... then there's Rhino/Sandman, one of the most intense feuds of 2000, and obviously the Dreamer/Raven rivalry. Lori Fullington could have a run-in, as could Sandman's son, Beulah, Francine, Meanie... typical ECW clusterfuck that somehow makes sense. :D

Not quite sure how I would use Sabu. A match with Steve Corino could work, maybe. Or Tanaka.

As for New Jack, kill a bunch of feuds with one stone and have New Jack, Axl, Balls, Spike against The Dudleys and Da Baldies... just have them go crazy with chairs, cheesegraters, flaming tables, and of course a balcony dive.

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Steve Corino vs. Masato Tanaka makes the most sense to me as they are familiar with each other. That is of course assuming Steve Corino is willing to work the show.

I'd have had Sabu against The Sandman if they felt the need to have The Sandman on the show. Try and get EZ Money and have him face Kid Kash for a potential show stealer.

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Assorted ROH Stuff #2

Bryan Danielson © vs. Roderick Strong - ROH World Heavyweight Championship - ROH vandetta ( ****1/2 )

Bryan Danielson © vs. Roderick Strong - ROH World Heavyweight Championship - ROH vandetta

You wanna know how crazy Strong's chops are ? He manages to draw blood from Danielson quite early in this match. Infact the early story of the chops and Danielson's desperation to get away from them is actually quite good. This is just a brutal match from start to finish. From the brutality of Strong's strikes to the relentless cheating and submissions from Danielson as he takes his aggressions out on Strong when he gets wound up by the audience. The final stretch sums this one up when they just unload on each other with kicks and chops and elbows and neither man wants to give an inch and in the end, Danielson has to beat Strong into lifelessness to get the win as that was the only way he'd manage it. ****1/2

Is this the match that ends with Strong knocking Danielson out and trying to roll him over, then Danielson comes to and just elbows absolute fuck out of him to end the match?

If so I remember watching it a few months back and it looked like there was some legit heat at the end of it as Danielson and Strong's elbow in the closing stages looked increasingly stiff. Both men spitting on one another and Dragon going bush at Strong. Really intense, but I'm assuming it was a worked part of the match?

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Is this the match that ends with Strong knocking Danielson out and trying to roll him over, then Danielson comes to and just elbows absolute f**k out of him to end the match?

If so I remember watching it a few months back and it looked like there was some legit heat at the end of it as Danielson and Strong's elbow in the closing stages looked increasingly stiff. Both men spitting on one another and Dragon going bush at Strong. Really intense, but I'm assuming it was a worked part of the match?

It's the same match. It was pretty much all a work if I had to guess, as the match was all about aggression from start to finish, so it'd make sense that the intensity was cranked up a notch before the finish.

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Is Perry Saturn not in a wheelchair? I heard he got shot trying to stop a gangrape on some girl. Every one knows he should've just asked if he could join in.

Hmmmmm, you're a bit of a hypocrite aren't you? You got all upset at a joke I made about attempted suicide yet jokes about rape are fine in your book.

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Actually he was in a relationship with a married woman and she didn't want to leave her husband for him. Hardly a time to be making jokes, ass hole.

Hmmmmm, you're a bit of a hypocrite aren't you? You got all upset at a joke I made about attempted suicide yet jokes about rape are fine in your book.

Actually very good point Tam laugh.gif you got slaughtered for making a joke about a wrestler being suicidal, but he brought that on himself for fucking another mans wife (luckily for him Raoul was busy) Yet a few days later forehead7 makes a joke about a hero saving a women from gang rape and then gets shot in the head and thats ok?

you have talked yourself into a corner here foreheed tongue.gif

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Yup, Tam is quite right to point that out.

Incidentally, I'm finished watching The Best of Thumbtack Jack. TJ is probably the best example of the new deathmatch worker. A guy that can clearly wrestle, and inserts that into the hardcore style. He's also absolutely crazy and the matches are actually innovative. You can add him to the likes of Danny Havoc, Drake Younger and Devon Moore who have all done brilliant work to get the deathmatch image away from the likes of Lobo, Zandig and Wifebeater. The new breed are a bunch that actually know how to work and make what they're doing mean something.

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this was rape and attempted murder, both of which are worse than suicide, as suicide is a choice (or kaz in a jumpsuit)

I was only making a rape joke, if he'd just been knocked out i.e. assault then I'd still be making a joke. I wouldn't say suicide is a choice, when your mind is as fucked up as Hamrick's or Kanyon's or anyone else in that situation then it'll seem like the only option.

I am the epitomy of morality.

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Assorted ROH Stuff #3

Gonna get this lot started with some of the Best in the World.

Bryan Danielson © vs. Alex Shelley - ROH World Heavyweight Championship - ROH Arena Warfare ( ****1/4 )

Mark Briscoe vs. Colt Cabana vs. Austin Aries vs. Homicide vs. Bryan Danielson vs. Samoa Joe - ROH Survival of the Fittest 2004 ( ****1/2 )

Bryan Danielson © vs. Jimmy Jacobs vs. BJ Whitmer - ROH World Heavyweight Championship - ROH Throwdown ( ****1/4 )

CM Punk © vs. Christopher Daniels vs. James Gibson vs. Samoa Joe - ROH Redemption ( ***** )

The Briscoes © vs. Claudio Castagnoli and Matt Sydal - ROH World Tag Team Championships - ROH Respect is Earned ( ****1/4 )

Christopher Daniels vs. Samoa Joe - ROH Dragon Gate Challenge ( ***1/2 )

Bryan Danielson © vs. Alex Shelley - ROH World Heavyweight Championship - ROH Arena Warfare

This match took place at the ECW Arena and thanks to the CZW production, ROH had a big screen and a rampway for this show. Danielson was fueding with the Embassy as well as being a main frontman for ROH in the war with CZW. Shelley lets the fans know that he "loves vaginal sex". Nice to know. A fat guy chants Boring which draws the ire of both guys. Shelley challenges him into the ring and calls him a pussy for not doing so. Some cracking mat wrestling from both guys as you would expect given who's involved. Even though the crowd was very CZW-like, they were still pretty generous with the action here, showing that they can appreciate decent stuff when they want to. Shelley takes an absolutely horrific bump from a Suicide Dive. It never seems to really evolve from being a really good technical and submissions match but they did pretty well. ****1/4

Mark Briscoe vs. Colt Cabana vs. Austin Aries vs. Homicide vs. Bryan Danielson vs. Samoa Joe - ROH Survival of the Fittest 2004

This was the first annual SotF match. In a significant moment, Colt Cabana gets a shock pin over Samoa Joe to eliminate him first, basically ensuring himself a title shot down the line. If you take the other four men out of the match and are left with the ending battle between Aries and Danielson at the end, you're probably talking about an absolute classic of a match. There ISN'T the other four men out though. The stuff before the eliminations is decent but it's less about a great match and more about furthering storylines for the future shows, which is fair enough I suppose. I wish they would have done more to compliment the Aries/Danielson ending though, which was more like a match in itself and the match did it's bit to make Austin Aries into a future ROH star. ****1/2

Bryan Danielson © vs. Jimmy Jacobs vs. BJ Whitmer - ROH World Heavyweight Championship - ROH Throwdown

I'm not entirely sure how Jacobs and Whitmer got title shots at Danielson, but I guess this is another chapter in the fued between Jacobs and Whitmer. Danielson tells the ring announcer to say that he is "surely the most heterosexual man in this ring". This is a really good elimination three way. Jimmy Jacobs had no eyes on Danielson while Whitmer was in the ring which said a lot about his hatred for Whitmer. He was even willing to walk away with Whitmer gone, but Danielson decided he wanted to eliminate both men from the match. Once Whitmer is eliminated from the match, we see more of the aggressive streak of Danielson as he throws Jacobs around like an empty tracksuit and brutalises him with chairs. The Jacobs/Danielson segment to finish the match isn't quite as good as the section with all three men, but this is still yet another match from the Danielson reign that has to be seen. ****1/4

CM Punk © vs. Christopher Daniels vs. James Gibson vs. Samoa Joe - ROH Redemption

I don't think I've ever seen Daniels as excited as he is here, but to be fair, the reaction he got when he came through the curtain was fucking nuclear. James Gibson doesn't get much of a reaction here. This fact becomes important later. The first portion of this match is brilliant as the other three men actually seem to enjoy beating the shit out of Punk and you can't help but enjoy it. Midway through this epic match, James Gibson is injured with a concussion and carried to the back just as the crowd begins to get more and more behind him. As time goes on, Punk becomes less of an issue to the guys in the match as winning the title becomes the #1 priority and it doesn't matter who you eliminate, you still have to get through the guys in the match. Punk takes someone else out of the match by shoving Daniels' foot off of the bottom rope and Daniels gets eliminated, and then Daniels costs Joe his shot. The fans are MENTAL for Gibson to come back out and win the title, and sure enough, he heads for the ring to a nuclear reception. It's at this point that this match takes the trip into absolute insanity, as we head into the greatest final stretch of a match in ROH history. There aren't many matches which give me a warm fuzzy feeling inside and this match managed it. It's a true ROH classic. *****

The Briscoes © vs. Claudio Castagnoli and Matt Sydal - ROH World Tag Team Championships - ROH Respect is Earned

This took place on the first ROH PPV, and ROH wanted to have The Briscoes go out there and have a showcase match defending their belts. I'm not sure they could have picked a better team for the Briscoes to face to be honest. The Briscoes had the chance to show off their impressive tag team moveset with two guys who can bump like tools, while in Claudio and Sydal, they had two singles guys who could showcase their spectacular stuff as well. They kept things going at a sprinting pace from start to finish. Another key is that they never made Sydal and Double C TOO much of a threat which is fair enough as it was a makeshift team. Both guys would go onto have success at tag team level anyways, so no biggie. ****1/4

Christopher Daniels vs. Samoa Joe - ROH Dragon Gate Challenge

This match basically came about because of Christopher Daniels costing Samoa Joe his ROH title match. It was then billed as the longest rivalry in ROH history as it was Daniels that brought in Samoa Joe as part of the Prophecy group. Daniels said before this match that bringing in Joe was his biggest ROH regret. It's in this sort of match where Daniels' biggest shortcomings come to the front of the mind. He can't do a heated grudge match. They get the match going right off the bat with a big pace but it's just all so contrived and I don't believe for a second that Daniels gives a toss about the match as he just runs through the lower portion of his moveset. In the end, these guys would be better off just having a showcase match. Then Daniels wouldn't have the impossible task of being able to tell a story during a match. ***1/2

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