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Mo Wonderboy

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The daily download limit is 10GB for premium users I believe. I've only gone over it once (when I downloaded all 86 episodes of the Sopranos :D).

I just use xtremewrestlingtorrents.net. Everything gets put up pretty quickly on that site.

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welcome to TNA Mickie James. Who the f**k is slam master j? mike knox, funaki, wang yang and katie lea can f**k off, benjamin should come to TNA only if Haas come and they both do tag team wrestling only!

Aparently Slam master J is some white boy rapper who was hanging with Cryme Time for a bit. I would take Mickie James, Wang Yang and Benjamin. Mickie James might not come immediately though, has she not got a country singing career which seems to be doing well?

The daily download limit is 10GB for premium users I believe. I've only gone over it once (when I downloaded all 86 episodes of the Sopranos :D).

I meant, does each file not have a limited amount of times that it can be downloaded?

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I meant, does each file not have a limited amount of times that it can be downloaded?

Not if they're uploaded with a premium account, which they almost always are.

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Slam Master J was Jesse, from Jesse and Festus. Awful tag team and awful gimmick. Who've had thought that Festus/Luke Gallows would have been the one to be kept?

And all this ECW tribute stuff from TNA will not get them what they want, i.e. an increased fanbase. Certainly it will interest those who are already fans of TNA, and may even bring some fans who are ECW fans but not into TNA. In the long run though it just won't work. There was a reason ECW was the number 3 promotion back in the day. It was wildly popular amongst its own fans, but as mentioned catered to a niche market. It also shows that TNA 'creative' are just simply incredibly shit. First they try to bring WCW, now ECW?!

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Aparently Slam master J is some white boy rapper who was hanging with Cryme Time for a bit. I would take Mickie James, Wang Yang and Benjamin. Mickie James might not come immediately though, has she not got a country singing career which seems to be doing well?

TNA shouldn't consider signing any of those until they get rid of a hell of a lot of the dead weight on their roster. I think Jimmy Yang and Shelton Benjamin would be better off in the indies, as I they could do really well at somwhere like ROH or DGUSA where their talents could be better utilised than they would be in TNA.

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And all this ECW tribute stuff from TNA will not get them what they want, i.e. an increased fanbase. Certainly it will interest those who are already fans of TNA, and may even bring some fans who are ECW fans but not into TNA. In the long run though it just won't work. There was a reason ECW was the number 3 promotion back in the day. It was wildly popular amongst its own fans, but as mentioned catered to a niche market. It also shows that TNA 'creative' are just simply incredibly shit. First they try to bring WCW, now ECW?!

I agree with all of this, I'm all for the ECW thing as I am a huge ECW fan and I like TNA... but as far as doing good business goes, this is the wrong move, trying to copy others will get you nowhere, you need to be original to get people to start to take intrest, x-division (before it became williams vs kendrick constantly) and the 6 sided ring made it different and intresting to outsiders to come and have a look at this new intresting concept.

TNA went all out WCW on us and now it is not hiding the ECW copyfest it is promoting, of all the people in the world Dixie Carter is the least extreme person, I would not have her as an in ring personality, you want someone good on the mic who can act as a boss like figure, you have Eric Bischoff right there.... or sack the c**t and splash the cash and get Heyman in.

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I'm all for the ECW thing as I am a huge ECW fan and I like TNA... but as far as doing good business goes, this is the wrong move, trying to copy others will get you nowhere, you need to be original to get people to start to take intrest, x-division (before it became williams vs kendrick constantly) and the 6 sided ring made it different and intresting to outsiders to come and have a look at this new intresting concept.

It depends on the level of copying ECW that TNA bring to the table. They can't just copy ECW, but what they could do is take some ideas from it. Make the product a more extreme one, but keep TNA the same on the whole.

As for the six sided ring, it didn't help or hinder TNA. All it did was look fucking ugly.

TNA went all out WCW on us and now it is not hiding the ECW copyfest it is promoting, of all the people in the world Dixie Carter is the least extreme person, I would not have her as an in ring personality, you want someone good on the mic who can act as a boss like figure, you have Eric Bischoff right there.... or sack the c**t and splash the cash and get Heyman in.

I wouldn't be surprised if Dixie taking an on-screen role was Russo's idea. He likes the idea of the authority figures having a spot on screen.

They won't sack Bischoff. For all of the money that TNA have squandered, it'd be a financial nightmare to pay off Bischoff and Hogan. They'll let the contracts run out and then bring Heyman in.

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dixie needs to think what the root of all these problems are, who is making such gash storylines and constant heel/face changes and who is wanting to bring in over paid WCW trash.


P.S. bring back Jarretts Slapnuts style!

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TNA isn't even a patch on WCW. They'd jizz their pants if they got the 2.0 ratings WCW we're getting just before they went bust, and they were competing straight up with the WWF.

They need to get out the impact zone, it just looks awfully amateurish and is a financial barrier.

Edited by Lambies_Apprentice
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Was better than last week anyway. I reckon Orton will beat Sheamus at Summerslam. Be pretty banged up at the end. Out the Miz will run at him. Orton will RKO him out of nowhere straight away and pin him making Orton look like Superman. I've called it.

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Just when you think TNA can't get much worse they're putting on a special show for the ECW losers. laugh.gif

That promo was pandering of the highest order and there was some bullshit which was quite amusing, espcially the fake tears from Dreamer stating that he hated the WWE so much, so that's why he stuck around for so long and got a title run eh? rolleyes.gif

Anyway onto the proper wrestling show that is Smackdown...


Ohh the irony.

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Been watching a few of TNA's matches from the 04-06 period on youtube and I can say that AJ vs Joe vs Daniels at Unbreakable is simply the best match I have ever seen outside the WWF.

Does anyone think that if TNA were producing the matches they had back then, instead of this Hogan vs Flair stuff (with the exposure they are getting just now), they would be getting 1.7-1.9's?

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Been watching a few of TNA's matches from the 04-06 period on youtube and I can say that AJ vs Joe vs Daniels at Unbreakable is simply the best match I have ever seen outside the WWF.

Does anyone think that if TNA were producing the matches they had back then, instead of this Hogan vs Flair stuff (with the exposure they are getting just now), they would be getting 1.7-1.9's?

I wouldn't imagine so. For as terrific as Joe/Daniels/AJ was, most people didn't give a f**k about either man and to be honest, I thought they topped it with their last triple threat. Great matches don't really matter as much as almost a full ratings point.

What TNA need to get some significant change is about three straight months of stellar TV, not only with great matches, but at least one ground breaking storyline to suck viewers in which is something that TNA has always lacked, and better original characters.

I don't think putting on good matches is a problem for TNA, especially in the last few weeks when they seem to be able to fart them out.

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The Nexus' theme music is hilariously bad. They do a good promo like that one and then that music hits and sends me into a fit of laughter.

I think it's pretty decent.

Raw last night was pretty poor I felt. Just when I thought we were going to get a break from Cena having a title match where he could say "All the odds are against me!!!111!", his team are now falling apart and the Nexus are looking strong. What's the odds on the Nexus being 3 or 4 on 1 against him before he wins. The title looks very worthless atm as well, they aren't doing enough to push the feud between Orton and Sheamus.

From last week, the highlight for me was Cody Rhodes grooming tips. He's becoming a star just now, and IMO it would've been better to put him up against Kingston than Ziggler.

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There was one point on RAW last night which I liked. The Great Khali in the ring with Nexus and Michael Cole said "this isn't gonna be pretty" and I couldn't help but think "well that IS some amount of ugly in there".

I also like how Michael Cole is now saying "and I quote ..." a lot on commentary as well now.

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Raw was good this last few weeks but last night was shite, You could tell a mile off what was about to happen, from the miz cashing in his shot and the ref mysteriously not wanting to ring the bell for what was a very long time (since when did both men need to be standing upright for a match to start anyway), I could tell Khali wasn't going to be attacked right from the moment cole started saying "we are going to see them beat him down".

I also disliked the fact that Lawler was in the ring, there are plenty of young guys who deserved a chance, even to job, but get themselves in the ring and on tv, Lawler should just stay on commentary.

I might be alone in this but I like the Nexus music, not sure why though.. also I very much dislike Ortons theme, I'm sick of hearing "I hear voices in my head" he should lose that song and the gold lighting to his entrance and get a more badass theme.

I can still see a reason why Hart and Khali will miss Summerslam, taken out by Nexus and replaced by Di Biase/Bourne and Mark Henry imo.

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Bret Hart will stay I reckon. Would be pointless to have him back and not take part in some way or form. I can certainly see The Great Khali going out and Ted Dibiase going in, or maybe even Morrison going out for Dibiase to further that fued.

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