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Mo Wonderboy

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Just watched the 2000 Royal Rumble Match.

A few things you'd never get nowadays -

An enziguri by Kane laugh.gif

The sheer number of signs in the crowd (oh and the "Tom is gay" sign laugh.gif )

"Asshole" chants from the crowd.

King's numerous references to Kaeintai being Chinese laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

Speaking of them, Taka Michonuko or whatever skelping his face off the mat after being thrown out for about the 4th time was brilliant, and King constantly mentioning it and wanting it replayed was hilarious!

Before watching this, I had completely forgotten about the Mean Street Posse .. I used to love them!

Plan on watching the rest of the show tomorrow at some point .. if I remember rightly we have the street fight with HHH and Cactus, and Tazz' debut against Angle. Apart from that I can't really remember what else there is. smile.gif

This was my favourite Rumble ever. You can also throw in a first ever tag team tables match between the Hardys vs the Dudleys with a great spot from Jeff to win the match.

Miss Swimsuit 2000 ...the less said about that the better. JR screaming "May's puppies...have been exposed here!" while King cowers in the corner is comedy.

Tazz gets a pretty awesome pop as does the Rock when he comes out during the Rumble. Pete Gas and Joey Abs get absolutely destroyed when Bradshaw throughs them over the top (he is known for being a stiff worker). I'm pretty sure (like Taka) that Abs doesn't even touch the rops when being eliminated.

Edited by The Hero of the Day
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JR gets pretty annoyed with King as well. "Will you stop that!" and "HE'S JAPANESE!!". Can anyone confirm that Taka was actually taken to the hospital?

The matches I would skip in the PPV would be APA vs New Age Outlaws and the Triple threat for the IC title with Holly, Jericho and Chyna. Oh and I almost forgot, Too Cool performing the dance and JR going "Well folks, ....we're gonna dance a little while!" while King screams "You idiots, THIS IS THE ROYAL RUMBLE!".

Rikishi does pretty well before everyone gangs up on him. Even the crowd were into Rikishi vs Viscera.

Also the Road Dogg holding on the bottom rope all night longlaugh.giflaugh.gif . X-Pac's elimination looks really sore as well.

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Can't believe Matt Morgan is in the top 50.

Kevin Nash at 53.

Rob Terry at 67.

JTG at 84.

Amazing Red at 87.

Alex Shelley at 88.

Chris Sabin at 95.

The Great Khali at 130 when Jay Lethal is 134.

With the MCMG's being that high on the list, the list itself can't be taken seriously.

John Morrison ahead of Samoa Joelaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

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Not posted on here for some time, I also can't remember the last time I've sat and watched a whole RAW or SD just due to the amound of things that annoy me, mainly the adverts and terrible scripting. I have however just been watching the highlight programs with that creep Jack who in case you did not know "Has your back", idiot.

Anyway I have to say that RAW is getting better but SD is terrible, They really need to move people over to SD and I think Edge is the main person, he's wasted on RAW. I shall list things that are really annoying me in WWE right now and things I'm quite happy about...


  • Cena's stupid square face gibbering on and on at the start of every show, the scripting for it really is honking and he really is starting to annoy me more than he has ever done, just everything about him is annoying now.
  • The Great Khali? Where the hell has this big jobby heed came from? Get him tae f**k! What a terrible wrestler, he can hardly move his stinking big body!. The thing with Edge had me laughing away, just when he looked all angry he comes out waving away to the crowd with his silly little tune.
  • Mark Henry? Why oh why is he getting a push?
  • Rey M - It really annoys me when you watch fights that he's in against the big boys and he comes out on top, the other week when he beat Jack Swagger even though he had near enough a broken ankle?? Piss off....
  • SD Commentry - Oh dear god......
  • The fact that they seem to have ruined everything that CM Punk had going, he had the crowd in the palm of his hand, they need to sort that out.


  • Randy Orton, finally he's dishing out RKO's all over the place! He's on fire the now and the crowd are loving him! I still think he will win the title and The Miz will cash in and win.
  • Sheamus, The Miz - Both of them are brilliant for the WWE right now.
  • Nexus - Liking this, hope it continues a bit longer but they will screw it up just like they do with most things these days.

There are many more but this was off the top of my head, RAW looking the best it's been in a long time but SD is taking the hit big time due to it.

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Just watched the 2000 Royal Rumble Match.

A few things you'd never get nowadays -

An enziguri by Kane laugh.gif

The sheer number of signs in the crowd (oh and the "Tom is gay" sign laugh.gif )

"Asshole" chants from the crowd.

King's numerous references to Kaeintai being Chinese laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

Speaking of them, Taka Michonuko or whatever skelping his face off the mat after being thrown out for about the 4th time was brilliant, and King constantly mentioning it and wanting it replayed was hilarious!

Before watching this, I had completely forgotten about the Mean Street Posse .. I used to love them!

Plan on watching the rest of the show tomorrow at some point .. if I remember rightly we have the street fight with HHH and Cactus, and Tazz' debut against Angle. Apart from that I can't really remember what else there is. smile.gif

My favourite PPV of all time. Classic. Hardys vs Dudleys in a table match. Tazzs debut. A trmendous street fight with HHH and Cactus jack and a great Rumble match. I still remember the hole HHH had in his leg after spiking it on a wooden pallet.

I think Taka was taken to hospital, didn't he dislocate his shoulder?

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Mania 17, I think, is mine.

That TLC match is one of my favourite matches, if not number one.

Kane, Raven and the Big Show for the Hardcore title. Raven gets put through a window.

Austin and Rock for the WWF Title.

HHH and Taker, ends up like a no DQ match because the referee gets knocked out by a Taker stomp for ages.

Vince vs Shane was even pretty decent.

Jericho and Regal for the IC was good aswell.

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Backlash 2000 for me.

You have the absolutely insane main event between Rock and HHH, a belter between Jericho and Benoit, Scotty 2 Hotty's best match ever with Dean Malenko with a finish that has to be seen to be believed. A good solid tag team opener and Trish getting tabled.

If Mania X-7 was a shorter PPV with the filler squeezed out, that'd be my pick.

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Backlash 2000 for me.

You have the absolutely insane main event between Rock and HHH, a belter between Jericho and Benoit, Scotty 2 Hotty's best match ever with Dean Malenko with a finish that has to be seen to be believed. A good solid tag team opener and Trish getting tabled.

If Mania X-7 was a shorter PPV with the filler squeezed out, that'd be my pick.

Backlash 2000 is 2nd on my all time favourite PPV list. The opener was decent. Malenko/Scotty was superb and was given way more time than I thought it would, but thak god it did. If I remember right Eddie/Rios was nae bad either. Benoit/ Jericho was sensational. The main event is one of my most memorable main events I've ever seen......incredible.

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The whole of 2000 was insanely good for PPVs.

Watched the rest of 2000 RR this morning and the street fight is simply amazing. The crowd is absolutely mental for Tazz. The table match is also excellent.

Was going to watch Judgement Day 2000 but I think I'll watch Backlash instead now - I can't really remember it. :)

Edited by garymcc1874
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I knew I was forgetting a match. Also the six way hardcore match. Littered from top to bottom with brilliance. Not a single bad match. Even the tag team filler wasn't bad.

That main event was just unreal. The matches between the Rock and HHH at that point were booked to perfection with the most mental endings you could imagine.

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Backlash 2000 is 2nd on my all time favourite PPV list.

I think you probably right, although I'd say Survivor Series 02 gives it a run for its money.

Watched the rest of 2000 RR this morning and the street fight is simply amazing. The crowd is absolutely mental for Tazz. The table match is also excellent.

Some of the suplexs in that match are awesome, probably the first time I had ever seen a variety of them. And to think only a year on at the RR 01 Tazz was pretty much a laughing stock and a jobber.

I knew I was forgetting a match. Also the six way hardcore match. Littered from top to bottom with brilliance. Not a single bad match. Even the tag team filler wasn't bad.

That main event was just unreal. The matches between the Rock and HHH at that point were booked to perfection with the most mental endings you could imagine.

Too right it was. The biggest pop in wrestling history when Austin's music hits, hands down. JR's commentary makes the moment as well. But the way he shouts "PATTERSON!" then "BRISCOE!" after Austins has just wrapped a steel chair round both their heads.

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I think you probably right, although I'd say Survivor Series 02 gives it a run for its money.

Not a bad shout actually. I forgot how good this PPV was, and you even have the comedy gold of Jeff Hardy being an utter mess.

Some of the suplexs in that match are awesome, probably the first time I had ever seen a variety of them. And to think only a year on at the RR 01 Tazz was pretty much a laughing stock and a jobber.

The problem with Tazz is that he wasn't actually all that great. Heyman was brilliant at hiding his weaknesses, but whenever he had a long match, Sabu aside, it was either really dull or just plain shite.

Tazz did well to hold a job in WWE for so long.

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This was the first ever PPV I stayed up to watch live. It was on Channel 4 and had adverts during it! There is a cracking tables match with the Hardys and Dudleys and and Intercontinental triple threat with Jericho, Chyna and Bob Holly. Also there is the best swimsuit contest of all time featuring Mae Young!

Poor Taka, IIRC he was pretty badly injured from that fall and was out for quite a long time because of it.

Same here, saw mae youngs tits fucked me up at the age of 14. That tables match is still the best tables match I've ever seen!

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