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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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I've got almost all of them on VHS. I'll make a decent buck for them a few years down the line when I'm a desprate alki needing his next bottle of whiskey.

I doubt anyone will have a VHS player in a few years, I've been DVD only for about 4 years now.

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I think tagged classics will have killed off any signifiacant value of the WWF VHS's/ DVD's

Aye probably now that I think. I have wondered why they've never bothered to make WCW or ECW Tagged Classics. They might do soonish now since they've almost stretched the WWF wans as far as they'll go.

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Samoa Joe has been suspended indefinetely by TNA for having a bad attitude.

He was pissed off because he had asked for JB not to start the count down because he thought that would make the finish, a time limit draw, too obvious a conclusion. He must've pushed the issue.

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Samoa Joe has been suspended indefinetely by TNA for having a bad attitude.

He really can be a p***k, he should just do his job and stop being all OTT about everything, he's a fat guy with a lot of potential, TNA have made him a world champion, if he gets fired and goes to the WWE they wouldn't put up with any of his shite either.

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The problem is that what Jim Cornette says is nonsense. It CAN be explained. Dixie Carter is just really fucking stupid when it comes to pro wrestling.

He was pissed off because he had asked for JB not to start the count down because he thought that would make the finish, a time limit draw, too obvious a conclusion. He must've pushed the issue.

Yeah a shame. The thing is that if Samoa Joe was to be fired, would he be missed ? I remember some time ago I had Samoa Joe down as someone I wanted to see. That time has long gone.

He really can be a p***k, he should just do his job and stop being all OTT about everything, he's a fat guy with a lot of potential, TNA have made him a world champion, if he gets fired and goes to the WWE they wouldn't put up with any of his shite either.

WWE wouldn't HAVE to put up with that, because when was the last time they were stupid enough to have time limits and then impose them ? That is pure indy shit.

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As reported earlier, TNA Wrestling has suspended Samoa Joe due to an incident that took place at the July 13 television taping.

Following the former World Heavyweight Champion's match with Jeff Hardy, he reportedly yelled at TNA production members because he felt the finish was telegraphed due to ring announcer Jeremy Borash counting down its conclusion. Company brass instructed Borash to make the announcement, going against Joe's request. He entered the production truck while the broadcast was ongoing to complain, which is considered a breach of etiquette. A decision was made to suspend him due to his conduct.

The suspension is reportedly for one month. He was not at last week's iMPACT! television tapings in Orlando. He is also not listed for any upcoming live events.

How fucking stupid can you get? We already knew that he wasn't happy about it, but to go into the production truck during the show...what an idiot.

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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I think this could be a ploy by Joe to get himself fired. He is probably the worst booked wrestler in TNA despite being talented and over. He should go out in a blaze of glory like Awesome Kong did! Maybe put Russo in a Coquina Clutch?

I don't know how Joe would get in on in the WWE if he went there. He would probably get sent to work in FCW for a year and then debut on TV as a savage barefoot Samoan.

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Yeah a shame. The thing is that if Samoa Joe was to be fired, would he be missed ? I remember some time ago I had Samoa Joe down as someone I wanted to see. That time has long gone.

Same here, when he was "kidnapped" for that month or so TNA ran just the same without him

WWE wouldn't HAVE to put up with that, because when was the last time they were stupid enough to have time limits and then impose them ? That is pure indy shit.

Hang on a minute... is this the same WWE that was stupid enough to have a "first person to do a body slam wins" match between Jericho and Show and then when show caught Jericho and tamely slammed him to the mat the bell rung, thus imposing the stupid stipulation?

Edit: I agree with the Sheriff, Joe + WWE = another Umaga.

Or.... He would come in as the Uzo's big brother.

Edited by Kris Boyd
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I think this could be a ploy by Joe to get himself fired. He is probably the worst booked wrestler in TNA despite being talented and over. He should go out in a blaze of glory like Awesome Kong did! Maybe put Russo in a Coquina Clutch?

I don't know how Joe would get in on in the WWE if he went there. He would probably get sent to work in FCW for a year and then debut on TV as a savage barefoot Samoan.

Correct, it's well documented that Joe and AJ are both not happy with several things TNA have done in the past 8 months. Having Joe kidnapped without any explanation then all of a sudden the angle was dropped.

Joe would be buried, big time, if he went to WWE. Look at Christain Cage for example. He'll be a midcarder for a year then he'll be featuring on Sunday Night Heat (if that still exists).

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When is wrestling usually on? And is it live? Cheers

You really are a tosser, you've changed your attitude since your last post on this thread because you were shot down just like you will be on every thread you comment on. The Cinema/Blow up doll thread was the final straw and nobody can now take you seriously, resign.

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