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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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I can't say enough about Dean Malenko really. The guy was the most consistant of the WCW cruisers by some distance. He even had some belting matches with Psychosis of all people. His series of matches with Rey Mysterio really did set the division alight when the nWo were coming into their own and helped to keep the division within the attention of the fans.

The guy never had much in the way of character, which is a shame because if he did, he could have easily gone far as a sort of Bret Hart type. He had that sort of "every move means something" style in the ring which meant that he was almost incapable of a bad match. This might raise some eye brows, but I see Malenko as one of the best wrestlers of all time.

Dustin Rhodes/Goldust

Played one of my favourite gimmicks/characters of all time. To be honest you couldn't have given him a harder gimmisck to play and he did if brilliantly. Had some decent matches with Razor Ramon when he first debuted. His match with Piper at Mania 12 is one that loved (probably because I was 8 ). He had his fair share of shite gimmicks in WCW. I also enjoyed him as Black Reign.

Steve Corino

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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Played one of my favourite gimmicks/characters of all time. To be honest you couldn't have given him a harder gimmisck to play and he did if brilliantly.

Exactly why I brought him into this. The character was such a complex one, and could you imagine the original version working now in these PG times ? An absolute creep of the highest order. Unfortunately it did bring out the homophobic side of WWE in a major way, especially when it became "YAY ! HE'S NOT GAY !!!" as if that were to be celebrated.

As a wrestler, I thought he could GO. He could probably go full pelt for an hour if you asked it of him.

Vince Russo

Had some cracking ideas and was good when his leash was tightened from Vinny Mac but on the whole, he just has far too many ideas out there at one time and hardly any of them are any good. He clearly has a creative mind, it's just not good.

Steve Corino

Superb mic guy. Willing to bump and take a beating but as an actual wrestler ? Boring as sin. Thought all it took to become a major player in Japan was to become fat and work stiff. Didn't work fatty boy. So he's finally shed some of the weight again and actually improved a fair bit these days.

As for my next pick, none other than the hardcore icon ... Gillberg.


Mick Foley.

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Great wrestler and one of the ECW stars that I grew to like the most.



Exactly why I brought him into this. The character was such a complex one, and could you imagine the original version working now in these PG times ? An absolute creep of the highest order. Unfortunately it did bring out the homophobic side of WWE in a major way, especially when it became "YAY ! HE'S NOT GAY !!!" as if that were to be celebrated.

As a wrestler, I thought he could GO. He could probably go full pelt for an hour if you asked it of him.

Had some cracking ideas and was good when his leash was tightened from Vinny Mac but on the whole, he just has far too many ideas out there at one time and hardly any of them are any good. He clearly has a creative mind, it's just not good.

Superb mic guy. Willing to bump and take a beating but as an actual wrestler ? Boring as sin. Thought all it took to become a major player in Japan was to become fat and work stiff. Didn't work fatty boy. So he's finally shed some of the weight again and actually improved a fair bit these days.

As for my next pick, none other than the hardcore icon ... Gillberg.


Mick Foley.

Fantastic. Whether it was Mankind, Cactus or even Dude Love he was always amazing on the mic and his wrestling matched it. Some of his matches with the Rock were sublime. When he was cuffed and just taking chair shots in the I Quit match. His empty stadium brawl with the Rock was also amazing.

Paul Heyman

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Mick Foley.

Theres something seriously fucked up with him where he thought he had to kill himself everynight, but when you think about it, he did. Who would ever have gave a f**k if he hadn't thrown himself from the top of that cell or through it vs HHH...or the I Quit vs Rock at the Rumble. Otherwise he'd just have been some fat wrsetler. I kinda see where Flair was coming from when he called him a stunt man, but he was never one to ust do crazy stuff just for the hell of it. He has delivered some of my favourite promosin wrestling history, including in the build up to Foley/Edge vs Funk/Dreamer.

Scott Steiner

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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Theres something seriously fucked up with him where he thought he had to kill himself everynight, but when you think about it, he did. Who would ever have gave a f**k if he hadn't thrown himself from the top of that cell or through it vs HHH...or the I Quit vs Rock at the Rumble. Otherwise he'd just have been some fat wrsetler.

It's not about "who'd care if he didn't do it". It's "would you have cared about the matches as much if he didn't do it ?" and I'd be willing to bet that the answer the vast majority of the time would be "no".

That's what made what Foley did special.

Also, he showed more than a fair number of times that he could hang in normal matches.

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Also, he showed more than a fair number of times that he could hang in normal matches.

I'm not saying he couldn't. But if he was the guy who had great matches (vs HBK springs to mind) and didn't kill himslef in those iconic matches, I bet a very small percentage would even care.

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I'm not saying he couldn't. But if he was the guy who had great matches (vs HBK springs to mind) and didn't kill himslef in those iconic matches, I bet a very small percentage would even care.

He's also probably one of the most intelligent and articulate men to set foot in a ring, which is incredible considering he should probably be in a vegetative state by now. I'm glad he ducked out when he did from his first WWE run. The fans still loved him but he simply couldn't take anymore, JR's old addage of career-shortening matches was very true in Foley's case.

Scott Steiner - I don't know what it is about the guy, I just loved him as a character. I think part of it's to do in hindsight with the YouTube videos ripping the absolute piss out of his promo skills and the fact that most of the time he's rambling and incoherent or shouting 'GET MAH BAAAAGS', but it's given me so many laughs.

His steriod use though was one of the most blatant cases of abuse that I can think of in wrestling though. In a few months he went from the big muscly guy he always was, to an absolute fucking monster of a man.

Curt Hennig.

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Scott Steiner - I don't know what it is about the guy, I just loved him as a character. I think part of it's to do in hindsight with the YouTube videos ripping the absolute piss out of his promo skills and the fact that most of the time he's rambling and incoherent or shouting 'GET MAH BAAAAGS', but it's given me so many laughs.

For me he is one of the guys who will do anything to keep his name bing talked about. Back in WCW he was only interested in doing "shoots" so people would think "oh f**k he hates such and such".

Curt Hennig.

Easily in my top 5 workers ever. Some of his matches with Bret blow my mind. The Mr.Perfect gimmick worked ver well for him but when he made the move to WCW I wasn't a fan of the whole "rap is crap" gimmick. He was the guy who could always be trusted,proven by his IC title reigns in WWF and his US title reign in WCW but was never really given the chance to make it on the main event level. His return at the Rumble resulted in one of the loudest cheers I've ever gave watching wrestling. Amazing, amazing, amazing wrestler who just lacked the other components to elevate him all the way to the top.

Ahmed Johnson

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Huge huge fan of Ahmed Johnson. Not the best of wrestlers granted, but falls into the Sid camp of not having to be. Seemed to be on the verge of the main events untill injury sidelined him and killed his momentum which is a shame because he would have been a good top line guy.

The Ultimate Warrior

Scott Steiner - Was in one of my favourite tag teams ever so I can't say too many bad things about him. Check out the Steiners vs. the Harts. GOLD ! His singles work is amusing if it's not great, but a couple of matches in his WCW title run were fun.

Curt Hennig - Yeah, the guy was pretty amazing.

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The Ultimate Warrior

As a kid I used to love him. But now that I've grown up I'm not a fan. The whole gimmick was far too cartoony for me (and I loved gimmicks like Doink the Clown back in the day). He was the Goldberg of the late 80's/early 90's. Far from a good worker, but when he was in there with the right guys, he was dragged to some cracking matches with guys like Rick Rude and Jake Roberts. His promos wre whacky as hell and given the direction of the WWF at the time (aimed at kids) nobody knew what the hell he was talking about.

Sgt. Slaughter

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WWE Survivor Series 2009

Fan : "Go back to Toronto !"

Jericho : "I'm from Winnipeg you idiot !"

I can remember disliking this one big time, but apparently this is a superb show, so I'm going to give it a proper chance second time of asking.

The Miz, Dolph Ziggler, Jack Swagger, Drew McIntyre and Sheamus vs. Evan Bourne, Finlay, Matt Hardy, Shelton Benjamin and John Morrison ( *** )

Batista vs. Rey Mysterio ( **1/4 )

CM Punk, William Regal, Legacy and Randy Orton vs. Kofi Kingston, MVP, Mark Henry, Christian and R-Truth ( ***3/4 )

The Undertaker © vs. The Big Show vs. Chris Jericho - World Heavyweight Championship ( **3/4 )

Michelle McCool, Layla, Jillian Hall, Alicia Fox and Beth Phoenix vs. Mickie James, Melina, Kelly Kelly, Gail Kim and Eve Torres ( *1/2 )

John Cena © vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H - WWE Championship ( ****1/2 )

The Miz, Dolph Ziggler, Jack Swagger, Drew McIntyre and Sheamus vs. Evan Bourne, Finlay, Matt Hardy, Shelton Benjamin and John Morrison

Sheamus doesn't quite have his look and style down right at this point. Lawler : "His day'll come." He doesn't know how true that is. Opening the match with Swagger and Bourne. Swagger charges and Bourne moves. Swagger goes for the leg and Bourne jumps over him and gets a School Boy for a two count. Swagger with a Suplex out of nowhere and then he tags in Ziggker. Ziggler with kicks to the stomach. Snapmare and then the Rolling Neck Snap and that gets a two count. Bourne into the corner and that was a hard throw. Bourne comes back with kicks to the leg. Half Nelson Slam gets a two count for Ziggler and then he lands his Elbow Drops and then the big one at the end. That gets a two count. Swagger back into the match and he clubs on Bourne and then he locks in the Front Facelock. Hardy gets the fans into this one. Bourne with the escape and then he goes to the arm. Swagger clubs him down and in comes Ziggler. Double Knees from Bourne to Swagger, but Ziggler attacks Bourne since he is the legal man, and locks in the Half Crab. Bourne kicks his way out of that. REWIND RANA FROM BOURNE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Kick to the head and in comes Hardy. To the second buckle and Bourne and Hardy drop elbows. SIDE EFFECT FROM HARDY !!! AIR BOURNE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! Ziggler out.

Drew into the match. FUTURE SHOCK DDT FROM DREW !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! Evan Bourne out.

Finlay comes in and goes on attack and he unloads with right hands. Rolling Samoan Drop from Finlay and then Drew avoids a second and clubs on the back of the head. Sheamus tagged into the match and we have the battle of the Irishmen. THE BICYCLE KICK FROM SHEAMUS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! Finlay out.

Matt Hardy into the ring and he's the preverbial house o' fire. Sheamus misses a charge and a big Clothesline. Bulldog misses. Side Effect goes the same way and Sheamus lands a Running Powerslam and that gets a one count. Sheamus now drops elbows on Matt. Sheamus into the corner and in comes Miz and he lands some back elbows. Swagger with a shot behind the back. Body Slam and an Elbow Drop and that gets a two count. Camel Clutch from Miz. Miz with the Neckbreaker combo and that gets a two count. Miz now with the Front Facelock. Hardy then makes the comeback and then forearms. Russian Legsweep from Hardy and he now wants to get a tag out. Swagger clubs on Hardy before he can get there. Swagger with shoulder charges and then he chokes Hardy in the corner. Swagger runs into a kick and then another. Swagger avoids another though. Forearms to the back from Swagger. Chinlock from Swagger. Swagger into the ropes and Hardy gets a Sleeper Drop. Morrison tagged in and he lands rights and lefts. Dropkick from Morrison and the running knee gets a two count. Morrison into the corner hard. RUNNING VADER BOMB ... MISSES !!! STARSHIP PAIN ... avoided. Swagger now has Morrison but gets charged into the corner. FLYING CHUCK FROM MORRISON !!! Drew comes in and then there's a mammoth brawl. We're left with Morrison and Swagger. The referee is down. Snapmare and then Running Knee. STARSHIP PAIN FROM MORRISON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! Jack Swagger out.

The Miz attacks from behind on Morrison. Kick to the stomach and another from Miz. Miz lands his clothesline in the corner and then heads for the top rope. Double Axe Handle to the back of the head gets a two count and then Miz with the Camel Clutch. Morrison with a fight back and Morrison slides to the floor. O'Connor Roll gets a two count for Shelton. Back Drop Suplex from Shelton and then he lands a Springboard Forearm. Stinger Splash and a Northern Lights Suplex gets a two count for Shelton. Shelton charges into a boot. Miz does the same. GERMAN SUPLEX FROM SHELTON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Sheamus gets a cheap shot in. SKULL CRUSHING FINALE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! Shelton Benjamin out.

Miz tagged out and then in comes Drew. Matt with right hands. Matt into the corner and a Clothesline from Drew. Short Arm Clothesline from Drew and that gets a two count. Head first into the top buckle goes Drew. Drop Toe Hold sends Drew into the middle buckle. Neckbreaker from Hardy. Leg Drop off of the middle buckle and that gets a two count. Neckbreaker again and Hardy heads for the top rope and Sheamus gets involved. MOONSAULT PRESS ... MISSES !!! FUTURE SHOCK DDT FROM DREW !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! Matt Hardy out.

John Morrison is now left with the three heels that remain. Morrison wants some of Drew and he lands some forearms and then kicks. Right hands from Morrison and then Drew kicks him coming out of the corner and lands some kicks. Morrison into the corner and then he tags Sheamus into the match and he lands a big right hand to the gut and then some right hands to the head and the fans aren't liking this. Miz with a stomp to the stomach and then he shouts in the face of Morrison and lands a big right hand. Kicks from both men to the stomach. Morrison then with right hands. Miz into the ropes and a Leg Lariat from Morrison and Miz tags out to Sheamus. Sheamus just steam rolls over Morrison. Sheamuse then charges Morrison into the corner where the heels work over the one remaining babyface. Morrison wants to fight back out of the corner though and he does so, kicking Sheamus right in the face and Miz gets the same. Sheamus misses a charge. FLYING CHUCK ... RIGHT INTO THE KICK TO THE KNEE !!! RUNNING RAZOR'S EDGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! The Miz, Sheamus and Drew McIntyre survive.

The match is good up to a point. The build is solid and then when Matt Hardy is eliminated we head to a comprehensive victory for the heels which, while it makes sense from a storyline standpoint, doesn't lend well to the quality of the match. Still, fun opener. ***

Batista vs. Rey Mysterio

Nothing these guys can do here will match the awesomeness of the heel turn from Batista. Rey looks well up for this. Rey gets away from Batista and lands some kicks to the leg. Dropkick from Rey to the knee and Batista heads for the floor. Batista charges the back of Rey into the apron and then into the ring they go. Rey with kicks to the head. Onto the apron he goes and he gets a neck snap. He goes for the Seated Senton but charges into a Clothesline from Batista. Batista then goes for the bomb but Rey escapes. Rey looks for the Sunset Flip but Batista picks him up. Rey avoids a Powerslam and gets a chop block and a Dropkick and that gets a two count. Dropkick sends Batista into position. 619 ... caught. BATISTA BOMB ... Rey avoids that and then sends Batista to the floor with a Rana. Baseball Slide from Rey. Running Seated Senton off of the apron from Rey. Batista takes control of the match out there and then back to the apron. Kick to the head from Rey. 619 TO THE BACK !!! SAME TO THE GUT !!! 619 TO THE HEAD !!! SPRINGBOARD SEATED SENTON !!! Rey heads for the top rope. FROG SPLASH ... HITS THE KNEES !!! SPEAR FROM BATISTA !!! Spinebuster from Batista. BATISTA BOMB FROM BATISTA !!! ANOTHER BATISTA BOMB FROM BATISTA !!! BATISTA BOMB AGAIN AND THE REFEREE CALLS IT !!!

That was quite a good wee match while it lasted. I was disappointed that we didn't see more of the rage from Batista that we were promised pre-match, but you can't have it all and it might even have taken away from the match. **1/4

Batista continues the greatness by bringing a chair into the ring, just because this is what he does now. He has the chair in the seated position and he looks down at Rey Mysterio. He then puts the chair down laid. SPINEBUSTER ON THE CHAIR FROM BATISTA !!!

CM Punk, William Regal, Legacy and Randy Orton vs. Kofi Kingston, MVP, Mark Henry, Christian and R-Truth

Opening the match will be Henry and Orton. Orton with kicks and right hands to get this going. Orton into the corner and Henry with an Avalanche. Why did nobody tag Orton out there ? Orton into the ropes and he runs into the Bearhug ? Referees distracted. RKO ON HENRY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! Mark Henry out.

Lockup and into the corner they go. Rhodes with kicks and right hands in the corner. Dibiase tagged into the match now and then Regal and we're seeing plenty of quick tagging into the match. Punk into the ring and he lands some kicks. Snapmare and then a Chinlock from Punk. Spin Kick from Punk and then he runs right into the Belly 2 Belly Suplex. Truth tagged in and he gets some right hands. Punk into the ropes and he lands a Falling Hiptoss. Truth gets over Punk and then he lands an uppercut. GO 2 SLEEP FROM PUNK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! R-Truth out.

Christian is now in the ring to take on CM Punk. Lockup and Christian with a Rollup and that gets a two count. Big right hand and then he's sent into the ropes. He charges Punk down for a two count. Punk with a Body Slam and then in comes Dibiase with a Double Stomp and that gets a two count. Body Slam avoided and Christian goes for a Reverse DDT. He ends up running into a Powerslam for a two count. Both men looking for finishers and Dibiase gets a catapult into the corner. Christian with a Springboard Sunset Flip and he gets the three. Ted Dibiase out.

Regal runs into a Dropkick and then in comes Kingston for the first time. Dropkick and then right hands in the corner. European Uppercut and that gets a two count. Kingston misses a Springboard Cross Body and in comes Rhodes. Knee Drop from Rhodes and then into the corner and in comes Regal. European Uppercuts from Regal and then Kingston with some shots. Forearm from Regal. MVP tags himself in. Exploder Suplex from Regal. MAFIA KICK FROM MVP !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! Regal out.

Cody with the Cross Body ... MVP ROLLS THROUGH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Christian into the ring. Tornado DDT gets blocked by Rhodes and then he lands a big kick to the stomach and that gets a two count. Body Scissors from Rhodes. Jacknife Pin from Christian gets out of that and that gets a two count. Clothesline from Rhodes and then into the corner and in comes Orton. Dropkick from Orton and that gets a two count. Right hands to the stomach from Christian and then Orton kicks him down. Stomps to the chest from Orton and in comes Rhodes. Stomps to the face from Rhodes and then into the ropes and he misses a Knee Drop and in comes MVP to zero reaction. Big Clothesline and NOW the audience is up for it. Knee 2 Face from MVP. THE BALLIN' ELBOW DROP !!! PLAYMAKER ... Orton gets involved. CROSSRHODES FROM RHODES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! MVP out.

KINGSTON WITH A SCHOOL BOY ON RHODES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOUUUTTTTTT !!! Christian now back into the match. Arm Ringer and he tags Kingston back into the ring. Snapmare and then a Big Splash gets a two count for Kingston. Headlock from Kingston and then in comes Christian again. Kick and then into the corner and Rhodes unloads with right hands. Christian into the corner and then Rhodes jumps over. KILLSWITCH FROM CHRISTIAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! Cody Rhodes out.

Orton and Christian into the ring now and Christian unloads with rights and lefts. Head first into the middle buckle goes Christian and Orton regains the upper hand. Kick to the stomach from Orton. Knee Drop to the chest from Orton. Kingston tries to get involved and Orton heads for the floor. SMALL PACKAGE FROM CHRISTIAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! RKO ... COUNTERERED !!! KILLSWITCH FROM CHRISTIAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... PUNK SAVES !!! Christian goes to work with right hands on Punk. He charges and hits the post. RKO FROM ORTON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! Christian out.

Orton tags Punk into the match. Punk gets between Kingston and Orton. Punk then has a lot to say to his former tag team partner. Punk and Kingston with forearms on each other. Forearms from Kingston. GO 2 SLEEP ... avoided. TROUBLE IN PARADISE ... misses. Punk runs into a Dropkick. SOS FROM KINGSTON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Kingston misses the charge. Knees from Punk. Kicks to the back follow and that gets a two count for Punk. Head Scissors from Punk. Kingston tries to kick his way out of the move and succeeds. Punk runs into a boot, but then Kingston runs into a Powerslam and that gets a two count. Body Scissors this time from Punk. Kingston hits nothing but knees with a Splash. FALCON ARROW FROM PUNK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! High Knee in the corner from Punk. Bulldog from Punk gets countered to the Back Drop Suplex and Orton is getting angry on the apron. Kingston to the top and Punk stops him up there. Kingston fights Punk off. Cross Body off the top from Kingston gets a two count for Kingston. Dropkick from Kingston. Clothesline from Kingston and then he hits the ropes. BOOM DROP ... Orton distracts. ROLL THROUGH FROM KINGSTON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!


Very enjoyable match from this one and better than I remember it being. The entire match just had brilliant timing, as all ten men knew that the fans would buy anything as a nearfall and that led to some really convincing moments when you thought that someone might get eliminated. The ending made Kofi Kingston look like a star and you have to wonder what happened to that push. ***3/4

The Undertaker © vs. The Big Show vs. Chris Jericho - World Heavyweight Championship

We have JeriShow on the same page to open the match but you know that this can't last long. Taker tries to fight out of the corner but Show makes sure that he doesn't. Right hands from Show. Jericho adds some kicks and then a choke with the boot. Jericho taunts the fans. Taker into the corner and a Clothesline from Show. Clothesline then sends Taker to the floor. Taker drags Jericho to the floor and works over him. Show comes out and he walks right into a punch. Rights and lefts from Taker to Show. Big knee misses from Taker as Jericho misses. Jericho then kicks Taker over the barrier into the timekeeper's area. HUGE right hand to the ribs from Show. Jericho then gets a microphone. MICROPHONE TO THE HEAD FROM JERICHO !!!

Fan : "Go back to Toronto !"

Jericho : "I'm from Winnipeg you idiot !"


Back into the ring and Jericho continues the beatdown on Taker. Show then chokes Taker with the boot. Jericho runs into a boot. Headbutt from Show, as Lawler talks about how awesome that exchange between the fan and Jericho was. Taker into the corner and Jericho misses a charge. Taker then with right hands on Show. Taker into the ropes and he lands a big Clothesline. Show heads for the floor and Taker hits a Clothesline on Jericho and then another. Snake Eyes from Taker and then he hits the ropes but Show sweeps him and gets sent into the ringpost. Springboard Dropkick from Jericho doesn't work as it lands right on the fist of Taker. OLD SCHOOL FROM TAKER ... countered from Jericho. Taker with punches to the ribs and Jericho falls into the middle of the ring. Right hands from Jericho and then he goes up. TOP ROPE SNAP SUPERPLEX FROM JERICHO !!! That was a funny looking move there. ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! LIONSAULT FROM JERICHO ... INTO THE KNEES ... WALLS OF JERICHO FROM JERICHO !!! Taker tries to drag himself towards the ropes and Jericho continues to talk his trash and then pulls Taker into the middle of the ring. Show into the ring. SHOW GRABS JERICHO !!! CHOKESLAM ON JERICHO !!! CHOKESLAM ON TAKER ... COUNTERED INTO THE DDT FROM TAKER !!! Jericho tries for a couple of cheap pins and that gets two counts. Show and Taker now exchange right hands. Taker runs into the hand. Both men grab. JERICHO WITH THE TITLE TO THE HEAD OF SHOW !!! BIG BOOT FROM TAKER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! LAST RIDE FROM TAKER ... JERICHO WITH THE BELT TO THE HEAD !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Jericho then mocks The Undertaker. THE BIG RIGHT HAND FROM SHOW !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... JERICHO SAVES !!! Show and Jericho go at it. CODEBREAKER ... avoided. THE RIGHT HAND TO JERICHO !!! THE CHOKESLAM FROM SHOW ... RIGHT INTO THE HELL'S GATE FROM TAKER !!! SHOW TAPS !!!

The match was a good 'un but it wasn't great. Too many major problems when it came to the interaction between the three men. Why were Jericho and Show not hesitant about going after each other even though that seemed to be where the match was going ? Nobody other than the Taker seemed to have a storyline in the match which was a shame. **3/4

Michelle McCool, Layla, Jillian Hall, Alicia Fox and Beth Phoenix vs. Mickie James, Melina, Kelly Kelly, Gail Kim and Eve Torres

We're going to open the match with Kelly and Layla. Lockup and they break quickly. Lockup again and Kelly gets sweeped down. That gets a one count for Layla. Dropkick to the back from Layla and that gets a two count. Forearms from Kelly and then sent into the corner. Worst Roundhouse Kick ever gets a two count for Layla. Kelly gets over Layla and lands a big Clothesline. Enziguri from Layla misses and she eats a Leg Drop for a three count. Layla out.

McCool and Kim now into the ring. Running Dropkick from Kim and then she lands the Cross Body and she slides under Cool and gets a one count. Rana misses. FAITH BREAKER FROM COOL !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! Gail Kim out.

Torres in and she gets a rollup and that gets a one count. Hall comes into the ring. Cartwheel Splash gets a two count for Hall. Hairtoss from Hall. Forearms from Hall and then Torres avoids a Backbreaker. Torres misses a Dropkick and gets a Jacknife pin for a two count. Razzle Dazzle hits the boots. Top Rope Sunset Flip gets a three.


Kelly runs into it. GLAM SLAM !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That's right, bring those numbers down. Mickie into the ring. Right hands from Mickie. She gets pushed down and she lands a Dropkick. Mickie into the ropes. Crucifix gets a three for Mickie.

Big shot to the head from Beth after that and in comes Fox. Fox with right hands to Mickie and that gets a two count. Hairtoss from Fox and then knees to the stomach. Northern Lights Suplex and that gets countered. Fox charges Mickie into the corner. Mickie set on the top rope from Fox. Mickie comes back with boots. THESZ PRESS OFF THE TOP !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Michelle McCool comes into the ring and she lays the beatdown on Mickie. Knee Drop from Cool. Leg Drop from Cool and that gets a two count. Chinlock from Cool. Mickie fights out but gets charged back down by Cool. Nice Sleeper Drop kinda move from Mickie and the fans are lost now. Mickie looks for the tag and eventually Cool just decides to send her off of the apron. That gets a two count for Cool. Melina is now tagged into the match and she spears down McCool. Tilt-a-Whirl into a kick from Melina and then a Drop Toe Hold. Knees to the back. Spinning X-Factor from Melina and that gets a two count. Cool puts on the breaks and then misses a kick. Cool then just clubs down Melina. Belly 2 Belly Suplex from Cool and that gets a two count. CODE RED FROM MELINA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

I'll give points for the pure high pace of the whole thing. Sloppy quite a lot of the way, but even if the audience wasn't interested, I was. *1/2

John Cena © vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H - WWE Championship

Bell rings. SWEET CHIN MUSIC SENDS HHH OVER THE TOP ROPE !!! Cena is shocked at that one. Cena charges HBK but misses and eats some chops. HBK with a Swinging Neckbreaker. Stomp to the head from HBK. Chops from HBK. Thesz Press from HBK and Cena fights him out. Cena tries to escape and then HBK comes back with more chops. Bulldog from Cena and then the Release Fisherman Suplex and that gets a two count. Into the corner and HBK then with more choppage. Cena sends HBK into the corner hard. Kicks to the stomach from Cena sends him right into the Attitude Adjustment ... COUNTERED INTO THE DDT !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! HBK with a chop block. FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK FROM HBK !!! Right hands from Cena and chops from HBK. Cena lands a big Shoulder Tackle but a second on misses and Cena crashes to the floor. PESCADO FROM HBK !!! HBK then gets the announce table ready. Cena is back up but then HHH comes back into the match. HHH SENDS HBK THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE TABLE WITH A SPINEBUSTER !!! Revenge is a dish best served brutal. We go back to the live action after some replays and then back into the ring we go. We have some duelling chants about Cena. Cena runs right into the Spinebuster and that gets a two count. Right hands from HHH after that. Cena into the corner and that's a hard Irish Whip. Stomps to the chest from HHH and then Cena into the corner hard again. That gets a two count for the Game. HHH doesn't look happy that he didn't get the cover there. Neckbreaker from HHH and that gets another two count for the challenger. Cena into the corner and HHH runs into a boot and then Cena comes back with right hands and there's a lot of boos. PEDIGREE FROM HHH ... Cena escapes and lands a Catapult into the top buckle. Clothesline from HHH puts an end to the idea of momentum going the way of Cena and that gets a two count. Right hands from both men now. Both men exchange the control of this exchange. Cena into the ropes and he lands a pair of Flying Shoulder Tackles. PROTOBOMB FROM CENA !!! FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE FROM CENA !!! ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT ... HBK comes in and breaks it and sends Cena shoulder first into the ringpost and now we have HHH and HBK facing off in equal condition. Cena gets sent over the top rope. Manhattan Drop from HBK and then he lands chops on HHH. HBK into the ropes and HHH with the High Knee. HBK sends HHH into the ropes. Knee 2 Face from HHH. Flying Forearm from HBK. HBK kips up but goes right into the HHH Spinebuster. PEDIGREE FROM HHH ... HBK with the Back Body Drop. HBK then heads for the top rope. HBK slips which allows Cena the time to come in and stop the move. Cena now heads for the top rope. TOP ROPE FAMEASSER FROM CENA ... MISSES !!! HBK WITH THE FLYING ELBOW DROP ON CENA !!! HHH then sends HBK to the floor. CENA WITH THE STF ON HHH !!! HBK BREAKS IT BY PUTTING CENA INTO THE CRIPPLER CROSSFACE !!! He's got that WELL locked in. Cena uses his power to get to his feet. ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT ... escape. STF ON HBK !!! HBK FINDS THE BOTTOM ROPE !!! SWEET CHIN MUSIC FROM HBK TO CENA !!! SWEET CHIN MUSIC ON HHH !!! HHH LANDS ON CENA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOOUUUTTTTTTTTTTT !!! THE ARENA WENT FUCKING MENTAL ON THAT ONE !!! If you thought the arena went crazy when HBK kicked out of Taker's Tombstone, check this one out. Wow. The crowd are WAY into this match and you can't blame them. This is a cracking match. ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT ON HHH !!! HBK is now pulling himself into the ring and he and Cena are both going towards HHH. ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! That was an amazing little nod back to the triple threat match at Night of Champions. All three men exchange counters. SWEET CHIN MUSIC ON HHH !!! ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT DROPS HBK ON HHH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!

That was a cracker. The usual flaw with triple threat matches was well dealt with here right from the word go with the Sweet Chin Music. From that point onwards, when there was only two guys in the ring, there was a reason that the other man was taken out. When the three men were in there, there were some sweet as f**k exchanges which got the audience more and more into it. ****1/2

Just like I was an idiot for enjoying Bragging Rights as much as I did, I'm equally as stupid for not being such a big fan of this PPV. I don't know why I wasn't into as much at the time, but this show was just fun stuff right from the first bell to the last and that main event was brilliant.

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A belting promo ruined by that shite dramatic music. f**k knows why thye use it. That promo last night didn't need.

Yeah, it's stupid using it for an in ring promo, but when the promo is THAT good I can put up with the dramatic music & other effects that the they put in. Rumour has it this might be Kane's retirement story.

I'm pretty sure they've rewritten some of Kane's backstory again to make it fit this storyline though laugh.gif

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Yeah, it's stupid using it for an in ring promo, but when the promo is THAT good I can put up with the dramatic music & other effects that the they put in. Rumour has it this might be Kane's retirement story.

I'm pretty sure they've rewritten some of Kane's backstory again to make it fit this storyline though laugh.gif

But when the promo is that good theres no need. Just turn the lights down and put the red lights on and let him talk. Seriously, his promo was superb. Usuallyhe just come out, talks pish, uses words like "vengence" and raises his voice at certain bits,oring as f**k. But theres something about this one that makes it brilliant.

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I'm gonna go back to the discussion thing we were doing. I'm pretty upset that I wasn't around for when he was around in the early 80s and his legendary Boot Camp Matches. In the early 1990s he was a super hot heel and no wonder. He didn't have much else to offer though, as after the Hogan rivalry he fell away pretty badly. I was never a great fan of the guy.

Legacy ( Rhodes/Dibiase )

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I liked them. Te only thing that made no sense was creating a stable with a tag team when there isn't even a tag division. I'v been a fan of DiBiase since he debuted but I can't stand Rhodes, he's one of the most bland guys on the roster. In saying that, I enjoyed him in Legacy. They had some absolute cracking matches including that HIAC match with DX which I thought was phenomenal. They ruined it a little bit when they started taking in new members who quite simply weren't good enough in Manu and Sim Snuka. At one stage they really were getting great heat from live crowds. It was probably at this time that Orton was incredible levels of heat, handcufifng HHH to the ropes and DDTing Steph springs to mind. All in all a team that I really liked.

Diamond Dallas Page

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