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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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On last night's Impact what were the rankings which they were using to determine the participants in the tournament? I'm assuming Abyss wasn't included as he took out RVD last week, but it would have made sense for them to announce that if it was the case.

Wasn't too keen on the Hardy-Abyss brawl at the start either, but I thought the show was decent enough.

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On last night's Impact what were the rankings which they were using to determine the participants in the tournament? I'm assuming Abyss wasn't included as he took out RVD last week, but it would have made sense for them to announce that if it was the case.

Wasn't too keen on the Hardy-Abyss brawl at the start either, but I thought the show was decent enough.

I was thinking the same thing, why AJ wasn't involved in the tournament but Terry and Williams were was slightly confusing. Hernandez wasn't involved either.

Heard Homicide got released, mostly likely going back to ROH. Bit disappointed about that, he hasn't be in a match in ages, his only impact time being when he ran in on Morgan on behalf of Hernadez. Can't blame him tbh.

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I was thinking the same thing, why AJ wasn't involved in the tournament but Terry and Williams were was slightly confusing. Hernandez wasn't involved either.

Aye AJ was the other one I thought of last night. It can't be to do with Fortune as Williams and Morgan were in matches. It's little things like that which TNA seem to amateur at times. Having said that, I have pretty much given up on WWE for now after the Nexus lost at Summerslam in favour of putting Cena over AGAIN, so TNA will have to suffice for now.

Edited by Marshmallo
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Does any know of a good wrestling t-shirt seller or a shop? I would prefer one in Europe, cheaper and quicker postage, but if the American one was decent enough then I wouldn't mind too much. The company ones are a bit rubbish tbh. I was on the TNA one and you can pick the wrestler, they still have Kip James but no Raven, who is the one I am interested in atm.

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I managed to catch Impact as I was staying at a place that had Sky on saturday. Ric Flair just needs to f**k off immediately. He is a sad pathetic disgrace to his fantastic legacy. I thought he was going to die when he was ranting at Dixie and EV2, and he was speaking some shite. Clearly the man is a mentalist and will do anything to ensure that the spotlight remains on him, as proven by his breathtakingly ridiculous rolling about in the ring when Foley was talking.

Dixie should just not appear on TV ever. She is a shite character and bland as f**k.

No one is fooled; we all know it's Tara in the helmet.

Jeff Hardy looks like he couldn't care less. I see he's getting nice and chubby; maybe in preperation for being someone's prison bitch?

Bischoff and Hogan are tossers are should also leave post haste. Take all the washed up over-hyped ECW crew too, and scrap the storyline and use the fantastic pool of tremendous talent they have instead of this pish.

In saying that though, Impact was decent. Some decent in ring action and plenty of matches. Fortune are good, except Flair. Aj finally seems to be at least competent on the mike.

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I managed to catch Impact as I was staying at a place that had Sky on saturday. Ric Flair just needs to f**k off immediately. He is a sad pathetic disgrace to his fantastic legacy. I thought he was going to die when he was ranting at Dixie and EV2, and he was speaking some shite. Clearly the man is a mentalist and will do anything to ensure that the spotlight remains on him, as proven by his breathtakingly ridiculous rolling about in the ring when Foley was talking.

Ric Flair is still the man, he still cuts the best promos in the business and he is the best thing in TNA. His character is supposed to be mental.

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Have to disagree. Thought his promo was terrible. He really should just get taken out back and shot. In wrestling terms that is. I'm not actually saying that someone should kill him. I'm saying he should retire from wrestling.

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Have to disagree. Thought his promo was terrible. He really should just get taken out back and shot. In wrestling terms that is. I'm not actually saying that someone should kill him. I'm saying he should retire from wrestling.


I thought he cut a cracker of a promo on Jay Lethal before their PPV match, but admittedly I've not seen much from him since then.

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Ric Flair is still the man, he still cuts the best promos in the business and he is the best thing in TNA. His character is supposed to be mental.

One of the few times I agree with you, but you are spot on.

Have to disagree. Thought his promo was terrible.

Name me one person in the world of wrestling that is currently cutting better promos than the Naitch? He is the fucking king of promos, He has me marking out like a 14 year old does to cena.

Best promo man in the history of wrestling and has put together yet another stable, This one looks awesome, best tag team in wrestling today and the future* of wrestling in AJ

*No Kaz pun intended.

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WWE Tables, Ladders and Chairs 2009

I remember this being the a good end to the year, and it was actually the first PPV in a long time that I actually bought, mainly thanks to Drew McIntyre going for the IC Title. I felt justified in buying it at the time. Lets see how repeat viewings will hold up.

Christian © vs. Shelton Benjamin, Ladder Match - ECW Championship ( ***1/2 )

John Morrison © vs. Drew McIntyre - WWE Intercontinental Championship ( ***1/4 )

Michelle McCool © vs. Mickie James - WWE Women's Championship ( **1/2 )

John Cena © vs. Sheamus, Tables Match - WWE Championship ( *** )

The Undertaker © vs. Batista, Chair Match - World Heavyweight Championship ( ** )

Randy Orton vs. Kofi Kingston ( **** )

The Big Show and Chris Jericho © vs. DX, TLC Match - Unified WWE Tag Team Championships ( *1/2 )

Christian © vs. Shelton Benjamin, Ladder Match - ECW Championship

Lockup and Shelton into the ropes and he runs right into the Dropkick of Christian. Right hands. I love the right hands that Christian does. Shelton lands his Springboard Forearm and then hits a right hand. Shelton goes for the ladder and gets stopped. Shelton with a Backbreaker and then he heads for the floor. He goes for the ladders and Christian gets him on the aisle. Christian now has a ladder and Shelton gets him and sends him into the barrier. Christian back into the ring as Shelton gets a ladder. SPRINGBOARD PLANCHA FROM CHRISTIAN !!! Christian heads for the belt and he lands some right hands when Shelton drags him down. Monkey Flip and Shelton lands on his feet and Christian pulls him down. Shelton then gets sent to the floor and Christian has an eye on him. Shelton sweeps Christian from the floor and the ladder falls on his face. Christian is now busted open. The doctors come over and clean the cut and that takes some time off of this one. The referee tells Shelton to keep away and he wants to land some right hands. The fans chant "We Want Blood". Shelton has enough and climbs the ladder on the floor. Christian gets up and then throws Shelton into the crowd but he comes back out. Christian climbs with Shelton on a ladder and gets knocked down. SWANTON PLANCHA FROM SHELTON ONTO CHRISTIAN !!! Shelton with some kicking and then he gets the announce table ready. He bridges the announce table and the apron. Shelton gets kicked back into a ladder when he tries to catapult him into the ladder bridge. Christian then sets a ladder against the corner. Christian gets whipped into the ladder. Shelton puts the ladder on Shelton in the corner. STINGER SPLASH ... CHRISTIAN THROWS THE LADDER AT HIM !!! Christian now goes for the gold. He has a hand on the belt and Shelton pushes him down. BRUTAL Spin Kick from Shelton to take down Christian. Christian now has the ladder against the ropes and they blow a ladder shot. This match just isn't going well at the moment. Shelton goes for the gold now. Christian goes up and stops him. REVERSE DDT OFF OF THE LADDER FROM CHRISTIAN !!! Christian now going for the gold. Shelton is now climbing to the top rope and Christian gets down and stops him. Shelton is too far away from the belt. HE TAKES THE LADDER AND FALLS WITH IT ONTO A CLOTHESLINE ON CHRISTIAN !!! That is an awesome spot. At least they have begun to turn things around a little bit. Shelton climbs and Christian is now climbing with him and he goes OVER Shelton. POWERSLAM OFF OF THE LADDER FROM SHELTON !!! Cool stuff. Christian gets another ladder and sets it in the corner. STINGER SPLASH SENDS CHRISTIAN INTO THE LADDER !!! Turned out to be a bad idea for Christian. Shelton now heads for the gold and Christian takes the ladder and Shelton is hangin. He has the ladder in such a way that leaves the Shelton hanging and gives HIM a chance. Shelton then takes the ladder himself. SHELTON PULLS DOWN CHRISTIAN AND THEN LANDS A POWERBOMB INTO THE LADDER IN THE CORNER !!! Shelton and Christian are now climbing for the gold yet again. Both men do battle up there. CHRISTIAN COUNTERS THE SUPER SUNSET BOMB OFF THE LADDER WITH A RANA !!! That's an awesome counter right there. Christian and Shelton now fighting on the apron near the ladder bridge. Shelton is laid on the ladder bridge and Christian heads for the top rope. FROG SPLASH SENDS SHELTON THROUGH THE LADDER !!! Christian gets back into the ring and he heads for the gold. He gets it.

The match got off to an awful start. Both men were botching a few spots and the cleaning of the cut only made things worse. Both guys got given the time to make up for the mistakes early in the match though and they powered through and ended up building a cracker of an opener as both guys are willing to take some hellacious risks to get a match over. ***1/2

John Morrison © vs. Drew McIntyre - WWE Intercontinental Championship

Lockup and against the corner they go and they have a clean break. Lockup and Morrison goes to the Arm Ringer. Right hand from Drew and he gets a one count. Arm Bar early from Drew. Arm Ringer and then Morrison into the ropes and he gets under Drew and gets an Arm Drag and a forearm. Morrison into the corner and Drew misses a kick. Morrison onto the apron and he gets a Slingshot Rana and then a Running Knee to the back of the head gets a two count. Drew gets to the floor again. Morrison then goes out of the ring to go deal with Drew, and he ends up eating an Alleyoop into the ringpost. Back into the ring they go and that gets a two count for the challenger. Into the corner and Drew with kicks and right hands. Drew then with a hard clubbing blow across the chest of Morrison and then back in and he gets a Short Arm Clothesline and that gets a two count. Arm Bar from Drew. Morrison makes the fight back and then gets belted with HARD Clotheslines in the corner. Suplex from Drew gets a two count. Arm Bar again from Drew. Morrison comes back with a kick but walks right into a Big Boot, and then Drew with clubbing blows and that gets a two count. Arm Bar once again from Drew. Morrison with another fightback attempt. Morrison into the ropes. TILT-A-WHIRL DDT DROPS DREW ON HIS HEAD !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Morrison with right hands. Jabs and right hands. Clothesline from Morrison and then a Butt Bump gets a two count. Morrison to the top rope. Missile Dropkick off the top gets a two count. Drew kicks the knee to try and make a comeback. REVERSE ALABAMA SLAM FROM DREW !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Striker calls it the Alabama Jam. That's a Leg Drop you fuckwit. Dropkick sends Drew to the floor. Morrison goes out and gets hit with a Drop Toe Hold to send Drew into the barrier. FLYING CHUCK ON THE FLOOR FROM MORRISON !!! Back into the ring and Drew misses a charge. STARSHIP PAIN FROM MORRISON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... FOOT UNDER THE BOTTOM ROPE !!! Kick to the head from Morrison and more. Morrison now has his belt. Thumb to the eye from Drew. FUTURE SHOCK DDT FROM DREW !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That moment still makes me happy. The match is pretty good as well. Unlike Ziggler, Drew was able to convert intensity into some hard hitting. Also, he had his submission of choice right from the start, making it look like he wanted to win with it. John Morrison's refusal to sell the arm at any point was annoying. That's a minor gripe though as I enjoyed this. ***1/4

Michelle McCool © vs. Mickie James - WWE Women's Championship

Lockup and Mickie with a takedown. Cool holds on and both ladies then roll to the floor. Both women charge each other into the barrier and railing and they get back into the ring. Cool seems to back away from Mickie and then they lock again. Cool gets sweeped down and that's a pair of two counts. Cool clubs down Mickie and then sends her to the ropes. Cool then charges Mickie back into the corner and the referee demands that she stand back. Stomp to the stomach from Cool and then we have a two count. Snapmare and then a knee in the back from Cool and that gets a two count. Camel Clutch from Cool. Head first into the canvas goes Mickie and then Cool goes back to the Camel Clutch. Mickie tries to fight out and Cool drops her weight on the back of Mickie. Knee to the back from Cool and then more of the same. Mickie comes back with forearms but then she runs into a Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker. Small Package from Mickie gets a two count. Mickie then gets sent to the floor. Mickie then gets launched into the barrier. Cool misses a charge and Mickie gets a Swinging Rana. Layla tries an attack from behind and that distracts Mickie. Back into the ring and Mickie with a Dropkick gets a two count. Forearms from Mickie. Clotheslines and a Back Elbow from Mickie. Mickie into the corner and she gets sent onto the apron and lands a forearm. Mickie to the top rope and Layla tries to take her off. MICKIE WITH THE SCHOOL BOY ON COOL !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! KICK TO THE FACE FROM COOL !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Hey, that was pretty good ? The psychology with Michelle McCool working the back kind of sneaked up on me. The drama at the end was excellent and the storyline meant that the audience was WELL into this one. **1/2

John Cena © vs. Sheamus, Tables Match - WWE Championship

Sheamus dares Cena to come and take a shot at him. Massive chants of "Cena" ring out. He responds to them with right hands and then into the corners he sends Sheamus. Bulldog from Cena. He unloads with right hands on the canvas. Cena runs into a boot and then Sheamus explodes out of the corner with a Clothesline. Suplex from Sheamus and then he unloads with right hands. Knee Drop from Sheamus. Sheamus then heads under the ring and he looks like a table. Cena follows him out there and sends Sheamus face first into the announce table. Sheamus then gets sent into the barrier. Cena tries for a right hand, but instead gets launched into the ringpost. Sheamus then gets launched into the steel steps. Cena then goes under the ring and grabs a table as Sheamus seems to be having a bit of bother with his right arm. Cena then puts Sheamus face first on the table and heads for the top rope. Sheamus gets off of the table and Cena gets down and then the match heads into the ring where Sheamus unloads with clubbing blows and stomps. Running Powerslam from Sheamus. Cena onto the apron which leaves him vulnerable. Sheamus tries to knock him off but he gets back. Attitude Adjustment is avoided by Sheamus. To the floor they go and Cena gets charged into the apron. Head first into the steps goes Cena after that. Right hands from Cena and then he sends Sheamus into the steps. Cena picks up Sheamus but almost gets caught with a Powerbomb. The brawl heads up the ramp. Cena lands a Suplex on the ramp. Cena heading back to the ringside area and he grabs the table that was set up on the floor and he then tries to drop it on Sheamus and he misses. Sheamus does a runner and the brawl then heads through the crowd. Cena sends Sheamus over the barrier back to the ringside area with a Clothesline. Sheamus back into the ring and Cena gets another table. Cena charges at Sheamus ... THE IRISH CURSE !!! Sheamus now drags another table out from under the ring. Sheamus now has the chair set against the corner. Sheamus has Cena set to go through the table but he counters. STF is stopped. Shoulder Tackle from Cena and another one. PROTOBOMB FROM CENA !!! FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE !!! Sheamus manages to get the table to the floor. ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT FROM CENA !!! Into the ring with the table. Cena sets the table in the middle of the ring. Cena now sets Sheamus on the top rope and he goes for the Attitude Adjustment from there. Can he get it ?! No he can't as Sheamus shoves Cena back into the ring. Cena lands some right hands up there. TOP ROPE SUPERPLEX FROM CENA ... SHEAMUS SENDS HIM BACK INTO THE RING THROUGH THE TABLE !!! IT'S OVER !!!

That was a pretty damn fine brawl there. This is the first real sign of potential from Sheamus, but there might be a lot of Cena in this. This is the guy who dragged Lashley to a great match. The stuff surrounding the tables where both men continually tried to put the other man through the table was always good. I also loved the intensity with both guys being in "f**k you, THIS is pain !" mode with each other. ***

The Undertaker © vs. Batista, Chair Match - World Heavyweight Championship

Batista goes out and grabs a chair early, but Taker goes out and lands a right hand and then sends him back into the ring. Clothesline from Taker and then head first into the top buckle. Kicks to the knee from Taker and then he sends the chair out of the ring. Batista whipped into the corner and Taker runs into an elbow and then Batista hits a Clothesline. Taker grabs the trunks and sends Batista to the floor. Taker sends him face first into the steps and then Batista returns the favour. Batista charges the back of Taker into the apron and then Batista gets sent over the barrier and into the timekeeper's area. Taker aims a kick at the head of Batista and misses it. Chair to the back of Taker, and that sounded like a bit of plastic. He then chokes him with the chair. I suppose if you choke someone with a bit of plastic, you're still choking them. Chair to the chest again from Batista and then into the post. Batista tries to behead Taker and he misses. Right hands from Taker and then back across the apron goes the head of Batista. Leg Drop from Taker on the apron. Back into the ring and that gets a two count. OLD SCHOOL ... Batista counters. Batista goes to the top rope to deal with the Taker. Taker blocks a Superplex attempt and both men battle for position. SUPERPLEX FROM BATISTA !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Batista Bomb onto a chair is countered with a Back Body Drop onto said chair. I'm just not feeling this match. Right hands from Taker and Batista which gets the "Boo ! Yeah !" treatment as this audience is desperate to get into this match. Spinebuster gets a two count for Batista. Batista now wedging the chair in between the top and middle buckles. More right hands from Taker. Batista with knees to the stomach. Taker comes off the ropes and lands a big Flying Clothesline. OLD SCHOOL FROM TAKER !!! Snake Eyes from Taker ... HE RUNS RIGHT INTO THE SPEAR FROM BATISTA !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! SPINEBUSTER ON THE CHAIR !!! Batista signals for the end. TAKER WITH THE HELL'S GATE OUT OF NOWHERE !!! Batista finds the bottom rope. Batista now has a chair in his hand. Taker goes over to get him and eats the chair right in the gut. Batista charges and hits the chair in the corner. Taker gets a two count from the following Clothesline. CHOKESLAM FROM TAKER !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! LOW BLOW FROM BATISTA !!! CHAIR TO THE HEAD OF TAKER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! Teddy Long says that the match will not end like that and says it is gonna continue. Taker kicks the chair into the face of Batista. TOMBSTONE FROM TAKER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Nope, I just wasn't feeling this match at all. There was absolutely nothing to it, which was disappointing as these two guys could usually be relied on for a good match. The two of them seemed to just be going out to find stuff to do with a chair in lieu of having a good match. The chair spots weren't even that inventive. **

Randy Orton vs. Kofi Kingston

I totally forgot about this match ! I have no idea how that happened, because I'm sure I clocked this as the match of the night when I seen it the first time around. This is the only match on the PPV that doesn't have a title on the line. Lockup and a Headlock from Orton. Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock from Orton. Kingston gets a Head Scissors to escape and Orton gets away from that. Hammerlock from both men and Orton keeps the move on. Kingston with a nice escape and then back into the corner. Lockup and Kingston walks right into a boot. Right hands from Orton and then stomps. Kingston with right hands to the stomach to try and come back. Orton runs into a boot but then Kingston runs into a Powerslam and that gets a two count. Chinlock from Orton. Kingston with a comeback again. Right hands from Kingston in the corner and Orton does a decent job of covering up. He can't stop Kingston jumping on him and getting a Sunset Flip for a two count. Russian Legsweep from Kingston. BOOM DROP ... Orton moves before Kofi can do anything. Kingston goes to the floor to meet him and does a great job of getting to the top rope. TOP ROPE PLANCHA ONTO ORTON ... ORTON WITH A DROPKICK TO HIM ON THE WAY DOWN !!! Front Suplex drops Kingston ribs first on the barrier and then back to the ringside area they go. Back into the ring they go and that gets a two count. Orton with stomps to the stomach. Kick to the ribs of Kingston gets a two count. Kingston attempts a fight back, so Orton rakes the face with his boot laces. Front Suplex drops Kingston stomach first on the top rope and then lands a Knee Drop and that gets a two count. Right hand from Orton. Mocking kick to the chest from Orton. European Uppercut and down goes Kingston. SOS FROM KINGSTON !!! That gets a two count as Kingston didn't reach Orton in time. Clothesline sends Orton over the top rope and to the floor. SUICIDE DIVE FROM KINGSTON !!! Into the ring and Kingston with a Cross Body off the top for a two count. Spinning Chop sends down Orton and then a Jumping Clothesline. Springboard Clothesline gets a two count for Kingston. Orton Backbreaker changes the momentum of the match. RKO ... Kingston with a Dropkick to put an end to that. BOOM DROP FROM KINGSTON !!! TROUBLE IN PARADISE FROM KINGSTON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Orton then gets to the floor to avoid further beatdowns. Kingston has to go out and carry him back into the ring. ORTON CATCHES KINGSTON COMING BACK IN WITH THE HANGING DDT !!! THE PUNT ... Kingston blocks the move with his arm. Single Arm DDT from Orton. RKO FROM ORTON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Good solid action all the way through from these two men. The match was there to make Kofi Kingston look good in defeat and the match certainly did that as Orton was still mega over at this point as a main event player. It's a shame that WWE never followed up on it. ****

The Big Show and Chris Jericho © vs. DX, TLC Match - Unified WWE Tag Team Championships

I've got a feeling this is gonna be a tough match to get through. Right hands from HHH to Show. Jericho and HBK brawl too. There's a lot of history in this match. Punch to the stomach from Show and then he sends HHH into the barrier. Swinging Neckbreaker from HBK to Jericho, while HHH sends Show over the barrier. Kick to the back from Jericho. HHH gets a table from under the ring. Jericho with shoulder blocks in the corner to HBK. HHH sets a table against the barrier in front of the timekeeper. Show with a right hand to HHH, but not one of the big 'uns. HBK pushes Jericho to the floor and now all four men are out of the ring. HBK gets sent into the ringpost. Jericho with a table now at the ringside area. HBK blocks a Suplex. HBK with a chop to Jericho and then back into the ring. Jericho sends HBK into the ropes and he comes back with a Flying Forearm. JERICHO WITH THE WALLS OF JERICHO ... countered. Manhattan Drop and chops from HBK. Body Slam and then HBK heads for the top rope. THE FLYING ELBOW DROP FROM HBK ... HITS THE KNEES !!! Meanwhile, on the ramp, HHH sends Show face first into the entrance way. Jericho goes up to help. HHH takes a Back Body Drop on the ramp. HBK is now on the top of the ramp with them. HBK disappears to the backstage area. HBK got a chair from back there and he goes to work on Jerishow with the chair. Headbutt from Show puts an end to that. Jericho and Show head back down the ramp and they now have a ladder. HBK runs down the ramp and stops this from happening and HHH now gets down there too. HHH with a Clothesline on Jericho. HBK goes under the ring while in the ring HHH lands some right hands on Jericho. HHH has the ladder. Ladder to the chest from HHH. Body Slam from HBK to Jericho and then a Double Ladder Suplex drops the ladder on the back of Jericho and the audience likes that. DX then slide the ladder into the chest of Show. HBK and HHH are now heading for the gold and Show goes in and stops the two of them in short order. Show with a brutal beating on HHH in the corner while Jericho is in the ring. He Dropkicks a ladder into the ribs of HHH. Bulldog into the ladder from Jericho. HBK onto the apron and Jericho knocks him back off. HHH gets whipped into the ladder. Running Slam from the Show gets the same result and now they have HHH hung in the ladder. HBK into the ring and he landss a chop, but he gets whipped into HHH. SHOW WITH AN AVALANCHE IN THERE !!! Jericho gets sent into the ladder and he ends up on the floor. Show misses a charge. Right hands from HHH now. Knee 2 Face from HHH. He now has the ladder. Ladder to the head of Show and then he tosses it onto the head of Jericho. CHOKESLAM FROM SHOW ... COUNTERED TO A DDT !!! FLYING ELBOW DROP FROM HBK !!! SWEET CHIN MUSIC FROM HBK ... INTO A CODEBREAKER !!! SPINEBUSTER ON JERICHO !!! SPEAR ON HHH !!! Show now sets the ladder up and he's climbing. HHH with a chair to the back of Show. SHOW WITH THE BIG RIGHT HAND SENDING THE CHAIR INTO THE FACE OF HHH !!! Both members of DX send Show off of the ladder. PEDIGREE ON SHOW FROM HHH !!! HBK is now heading for the gold. HBK GETS PUSHED OFF OF THE LADDER TO THE FLOOR ONTO SHOW !!! Jericho now has the ladder in the ring. HHH back into the ring and gets stopped. Jericho is CLOSE. POWERBOMB OFF OF THE LADDER FROM HHH TO JERICHO !!! HHH now goes for the belts and Show stops him. CHOKESLAM FROM SHOW !!! HHH in the ring with Show now. Body Slam from Show while HBK looks like he's stirring. Hiptoss brings HBK back into the ring. Jericho has DX between the rungs of the ladder and lands a couple of chair shots. HHH is then sent to the floor as is HBK and Show goes out and gets them. SHOW WITH THE CHOKESLAM ON HBK INTO SHOW THROUGH A TABLE !!! Jericho has the broken ladder. Jericho now goes for the gold on the shoulders of Show. In comes HBK and HHH. SWEET CHIN MUSIC FROM HBK AND JERICHO TAKES A NASTY SPILL TO THE TABLE ON THE FLOOR !!! Show sent over the top rope with a ladder shot. HHH holds the ladder and HBK is now climbing the ladder. HE HAS THE BELTS !!!

Okay, so the second half of the match was better than I remember it being. Doesn't stop the first half of the match being fucking nonsense. I can see why this match lost me pretty early. *1/2

It was a good end to the year. Not amazing or anything but it was solid most of the way with even the women looking to provide a good match.

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Name me one person in the world of wrestling that is currently cutting better promos than the Naitch?

Woooooo!!! Oh, you meant the real one. :(:P

FWIW, I thought that Flair should have stayed retired after Mania XXIV. It was a fitting end to a glorious career. A combination of his ego and his dire financial situation (how many divorces has has he had to pay for now?) probably meant that he wouldn't be out of the game for long and TNA was probably the best/only place suitable.

It would be nice to see him back in WWE in either an advisory capacity or as on-screen talent (heel manager or GM) but I don't see Vince touching him now.

There have been glimpses of his best in TNA but only glimpses. He's not quite pissing all over his legacy by being in TNA but he needs to think about his future with the company before it does get damaged.

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Ric Flair will never retire. When he dies he'll still be wrestling in some form. He obviously doesn't have a proper marriage, unlike Shawn Michaels who enjoys spending time with his family. He also loves himself too much to not be on tv.

I don't care because he is the best promo-ist in the game. I wouldn't say he's the best thing in TNA, AJ takes that IMO, but he is damn near it.

The EV 2.0 vs Fortune is gonna be good, hopefully. Interested to see where it goes at least.

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