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Mo Wonderboy

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I quite liked The Hurricane gimmick. Infact, up to when he lost that gimmick, Helms was like a different wrestler. After that he seemed to lose motivation a bit. In that 2010 indy match I watched, he had put on a shitload of weight. I think he might be copying good mate Matt Hardy there though.

That said, that match with Shelton did seem more like the 3 Count Helms than before.

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Helms had a match with either Loki or AJ on heat back before either went to TNA, it was pretty good for the small amount of time that it was on. Was really surprised that they didn't pick whoever it was who was wrestling him. Specially since they had the cruiserweight division back in the day.

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Who gave me a -1 just for saying I dont like The Hurricane :lol: Are we not allowed opinions anymore?

Anyway, I just got round to watching Smackdown and Raw there. Kanes promo was better than usual but I dunno why they bother with the music etc in the background. Raw was ok until the end which I thought was pretty good. The 6 pack challenge looks a belter but then again it could end up a big clusterfuck.

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There's been some pretty harsh red dots given in this thread. Tough crowd.

The Best of Gregory Shane Helms Part Two

I hope there a bit of an improvement in this selection. It's not gone quite as well as I'd hoped so far. Probably still be better than the Ken Shamrock one that I'm doing next ! This completes the Helms collection ...

3 Count vs. Yung Dragons, Ladder Match - WCW New Blood Rising ( ***3/4 )

Shane Helms vs. Billy Kidman - WCW Thunder 31/01/2001 ( *** )

Gregory Helms © vs. Billy Kidman - WCW Cruiserweight Championship - WWE Smackdown 07/05/2001 ( **1/4 )

The Hurricane vs. AJ Styles - WWE Metal ( *3/4 )

Kid Kash © vs. Funaki vs. Gregory Helms vs. Jamie Noble vs. Nunzio vs. Paul London, Cruiserweight Open Match - WWE Cruiserweight Championship - WWE Royal Rumble 2006 ( ***1/2 )

Gregory Helms © vs. Paul London vs. Brian Kendrick vs. Funaki vs. Kid Kash vs. Super Crazy vs. Nunzio vs. Psicosis vs. Scotty 2 Hotty - WWE Cruiserweight Championship - WWE No Way Out 2006 ( ** )

Gregory Helms vs. Matt Hardy - WWE Smackdown 22/09/2006 ( * )

Gregory Helms and Chavo Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio and Matt Hardy - WWE Smackdown 06/10/2006 ( **1/2 )

Gregory Helms vs. Matt Hardy - WWE No Mercy 2006 ( ***3/4 )

3 Count vs. Yung Dragons, Ladder Match - WCW New Blood Rising

Here's the original ladder match involving these six men. Noble is wearing a mask which helps me to recognize who is who. Helms and Noble are getting this one going. Lockup and a takedown. Reversals from both men to get this one going. Back Elbow from Helms and then everyone runs towards the ladders. I don't understand why there's tag rules. Yang takes a ladder down to the ring and sets it. Moore stops him. Yang into the corner. Ladder against the corner. Both men battle around the ladder. BACK BODY DROP INTO THE LADDER FROM YANG TO MOORE !!! Ladder horizontally across the middle rope now. In comes Helms and he crotches Yang. Noble into the ring. SPINNING SPLASH FROM MOORE TO NOBLE !!! Noble gets swing onto the ladder. All three men on the ladder. SHANNON MOORE THROWN INTO A SPLASH ON THEM !!! That's quality stuff there. 3 Count now have the ladder set and they head up the ladder. Tank Abbott is cheerleading on the floor. DOOMSDAY DEVICE FROM BOTH TEAMS ON EITHER SIDE OF THE LADDER !!! Madness. Yang goes for it but he gets pushed off. Baseball Slide from Moore. NOBLE WITH A FUCKING MASSIVE PLANCHA OFF THE TOP RUNG OF THE LADDER TO THE FLOOR !!! Why is is always Yang going for it ? Evan and Moore come into the ring. Kaz is there. He slams Evan into the middle of the ring. SLEEPER DROP OFF OF THE LADDER FROM MOORE !!! HELMS WITH THE SWINGING NECKBREAKER OFF OF THE LADDER !!! SUPERPLEX OFF OF THE LADDER FROM EVAN TO KAZ !!! Everyone is down and this is just frantic stuff at the moment. Ladder set against the corner from 3 Count. DOUBLE LEG DROP ON A LADDER ON YANG !!! Two ladders set in two corners now. Yang flips. Spin Kicks. Double Clothesline. This is horrible to catch up on. POWERSLAM ON KAZ ON THE LADDER FROM EVAN !!! Ladder now set against the top rope. SPRINGBOARD SENDS THE LADDER INTO THE FACE OF NOBLE !!! 3 Count do some dancing. ASAI MOONSAULT FROM YANG TO MOORE !!! Two ladders set in two corners to be climbed. Moore set on the top rope. SUPER RANA FROM NOBLE !!! THE SPLASHES FROM THE TOP OF TWO LADDERS FROM DRAGONS !!! NOBLE HAS THE GOLD RECORD !!! DOUBLE DROPKICK SENDS THE DRAGONS OFF OF THE LADDERS !!! Ladder shot sends down Tank. Ladder against Helms. Helms is put in the ladder. Leg Drop from Noble to Helms doesn't use the ladder. That was kinda stupid. The Dragons go for the gold. Yang climbs. Moore climbs one. Kaz climbs one. LIGER BOMB OFF OF THE LADDER FROM NOBLE TO MOORE !!! Both Helms and Kaz climb. ABBOTT PUSHES THE LADDERS DOWN !!! Helms goes for it. He has it.

The goofy stuff with Abbott knocks 1/4* off of this match, but this was better than their Starrcade outing. The action was just relentless and all six men performed as if they were auditioning for the WWE. ***3/4

Shane Helms vs. Billy Kidman - WCW Thunder 31/01/2001

At least this match has got Kidman in it. That makes up for having to watch Shannon Moore a couple of times. Helms with right hands to get going. Kidman to the apron and he gets the Slingshot Head Scissors. Right hands in the corner from Kidman. Helms runs into a boot and then a Rana. Forearm from Kidman. Both men end up on the floor from a wheelbarrow move. HELMS WITH A PLANCHA OFF THE TOP ROPE ONTO KIDMAN !!! Helms then gets sent into the front row. KIDMAN SPRINGS OFF OF THE RAILING WITH A PLANCHA ONTO HELMS !!! Back into the ring they go. Slingshot is caught by Helms. TKO ONTO THE KNEE FROM HELMS !!! Running Neckbreaker from Helms gets a two count. Helms then chokes Kidman. Snapmare and then Helms to the middle rope and he lands a big Fist Drop. That gets a two count. Kidman then fights back. Kidman misses a charge and runs into a Gutwrench Suplex from Helms and that gets a two count. Back Elbow from Helms. Helms then chokes Kidman over the bottom rope and gets a stomp for good measure. Double Clothesline and Helms recovers pretty quickly. Snapmare from Helms and then a Chinlock. Some things never change. Kidman escapes and tries to hit the ropes and that doesn't end well for Helms. Head Scissors from Helms now. He gets a couple of nearfalls from that. Kidman blocks a Suplex and then drops behind. Back Drop Suplex from Kidman. Neckbreaker over the knee from Helms. A modified Butterfly Lock from Helms. Kidman escapes but walks into a right hand. Both men exchange right hands. Dropkick from Kidman. Helms into the ropes and a Back Body Drop. SKY HIGH FROM KIDMAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Clothesline ducked. Both men with reversals. Helms set on the top rope. Front Suplex. SUPER SUNSET FLIP !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! THE FINAL CUT ... stopped. Reverse Suplex from Kidman. Both men with reverals. Kidman crotched on the top. VERTEBREAKER FROM HELMS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

See what happens when you give two cruiserweights 10 minutes and let them just unload on each other ? Two sided stuff with a ton of reversals and stuff you'd never see on a TV match in WWE nowadays. ***

Gregory Helms © vs. Billy Kidman - WCW Cruiserweight Championship - WWE Smackdown 07/05/2001

This would be the first cruiserweight title match to take place in WWE. Lockup and a Headlock from Kidman. School Boy gets a quick one count for Kidman. Slap from Helms and Kidman with right hands. Kidman onto the apron. Slingshot Head Scissors and a Dropkick sends Helms to the floor. PESCADO FROM KIDMAN !!! X-Pac is watching backstage. Kidman to the top rope and the Cross Body gets a two count. Forearm from Kidman. Kick from Kidman. Kidman is sent over the top rope with a Hiptoss. Stomps to the stomach from Helms and then he sends Kidman HARD into the ringpost. Into the ring and a two count for Helms. Backbreaker from Helms and that gets a two count. Kidman comes back. ACID DROP FROM KIDMAN !!! Right hands from Kidman. Kidman gets under Helms. SKY HIGH FROM KIDMAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Clothesline ducked. SUPERKICK FROM HELMS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! MICHINOKU DRIVER FROM KIDMAN !!! SHOOTING STAR PRESS FROM KIDMAN ... MISSES !!! THE FINAL CUT FROM HELMS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! VERTEBREAKER ... blocked. KIDMAN DROPS HELMS ON HIS FACE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

An unreal amount of action fitted into that amount of time there. **1/4

The Hurricane vs. AJ Styles - WWE Metal

I have no idea when this match was, but at about five minutes, I don't see it breaking into my archive. Hurricane offers a handshake and Styles wants none of it. Lockup and a Headlock from Hurricane. Down goes Styles and then Helms into the ropes. Styles into the ropes and he charges down Helms. Clothesline from Helms. Hiptoss from Helms and then a Tilt-a-Whirl Head Scissors and that gets a two count. Head first into the top buckle goes Styles and then right hands from Helms. Japanese Stranglehold from Helms. Styles rolls down Helms to escape from that. BRAINBUSTER FROM STYLES !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Styles then goes to the Chinlock. Helms escapes the move but then Styles slaps him. CHOKESLAM FROM HELMS ... Styles escapes. Running Neckbreaker from Helms. Right hands from Helms. Back Body Drop from Helms and that gets a two count. Styles runs into an elbow. BLOCKBUSTER FROM HELMS !!! EYE OF THE HURRICANE ... blocked. SUPERKICK FROM STYLES !!! He heads for the top rope. SHOOTING STAR PRESS ... MISSES !!! VERTEBREAKER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Considering this was basically an extended squash, it was a whole load of fun. *3/4

Kid Kash © vs. Funaki vs. Gregory Helms vs. Jamie Noble vs. Nunzio vs. Paul London, Cruiserweight Open Match - WWE Cruiserweight Championship - WWE Royal Rumble 2006

Should be a fun spotfest if nothing else. Everyone looking for pins right away. The first person to get a three count over anyone wins. Everyone then surround Helms and they lay a beating down. Kash comes and helps and then right hands from Funaki to Kash. Kicks from Kash and a big kick gets a two count. Kash into the ropes and he avoids a Backbreaker and a Neckbreaker from Nunzio gets a two count. Noble gets involved. Noble and Guido go to work. Big chop from Noble wakes the crowd up. Powerslam from Guido gets a two count, but then Noble with the Cross Armbreaker. Dropsault onto Noble and Helms gets a two count for London. Stomp to the chest from London. Body Slam on Helms and then a Senton Splash. Noble and Funaki brawl, as do Kash and Guido. Helms with a right hand on London and he gets sent to the floor. SICILIAN SLICE ON HELMS !!! Noble stops a cover. GIBSON DRIVER ... stopped. Catapult sends Noble into the corner. Bulldog from Funaki. That gets a two count as Kash saves. Guido is sent over the top rope onto London and Helms. Leg Lariat from Noble gets a two count as Funaki saves. Right hands from Funaki to Noble. NOBLE WITH THE SUICIDE DIVE TO THE FLOOR !!! Kash and Funaki in the ring. Funaki onto the apron. Kash sends Funaki off the top rope into everyone. SUPERKICK SENDS KASH TO THE FLOOR !!! London wants to dive. London to the top. SHOOTING STAR PLANCHA TO THE FLOOR FROM LONDON !!! Back into the ring with Kash. London and Helms to the top rope. TOP ROPE SWINGING NECKBREAKER FROM HELMS TO LONDON !!! Kick from Kash. DEAD LEVEL ON LONDON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... FUNAKI SAVES !!! Everyone else gets into the ring. Backbreaker gets a two count for Kash. SICK KICK FROM NOBLE TO KASH !!! Funaki with a kick to the stomach. Slap from Funaki. TORNADO DDT ... blocked. Chops from Noble to the seated Funaki. DOUBLE KNEE GUTBUSTER FROM NOBLE AND THE DRAGON SLEEPER ON FUNAKI !!! HELMS SAVES !!! SHINING WIZARD FROM HELMS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

f**k yeah ! Okay, so there wasn't anything even resembling psychology in this one, but oh man that was a cracking way to open a show. The first half was a bit tedious but when they exploded into the dives it was 100mph stuff from that point onwards. All sorts of major spots after that. Good fun. ***1/2

Gregory Helms © vs. Paul London vs. Brian Kendrick vs. Funaki vs. Kid Kash vs. Super Crazy vs. Nunzio vs. Psicosis vs. Scotty 2 Hotty - WWE Cruiserweight Championship - WWE No Way Out 2006

Certainly no arguements about watching another one of these matches. Pretty much everyone hates Helms. Everyone brawls in the ring to get this going. Helms is quite happy to hang on the floor for now. Scotty with right hands on Guido. Knee to the stomach from Guido. London and Kash have paired off. DOUBLE STOMP TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD IF GUIDO !!! Double Dropkick on Scotty. London then gets sent to the floor as does Kendrick. STEREO PESCADOS FROM THE MEXICOOLS TO LONDON AND KENDRICK !!! MOONSAULT FROM KASH ... MISSES !!! Bulldog from Funaki gets a two count. Helms into the ring with stomps on Kash. Helms is now surrounded and the cruiserweights go nuts. Kendrick and London come in and stop that pattern. Psicosis runs into a Rana from London. Missile Dropkick from Crazy to London. Mexicools run into boots. DOUBLE ROLLING SLAM FROM THE MEXICOOLS !!! Guido and Funaki then exchange right hands. Psicosis to the floor. Stomp to the back from London and then more of the same. Helms with right hands on London who then comes back. Shoulder Blocks from London. Psicosis sent to the floor. Basement Dropkick. Back Drop Suplex from Scotty to Kash. TKO INTO THE KNEE FROM HELMS TO SCOTTY !!! Helms and Kash then shove and exchange right hands. School Boy gets a two count for Scotty. Scotty to the apron. Helms is sent to the floor. Guido runs into boots. Cannonball off of the apron from Scotty to Helms. Kash and Psicosis go at it. Psicosis misses a shot and ends up on the floor. SLINGSHOT RANA TO THE FLOOR ON PSICOSIS !!! SICILIAN SLICE ON LONDON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KENDRICK SAVES !!! Into the corner they go and Kendrick into the ropes. Alleyoop Dropkick from the Hooligans. STEREO PLANCHAS TO THE FLOOR ON THE OTHERS FROM THE HOOLIGANS !!! Crazy runs into a Back Elbow. SHINING WIZARD ... Spin Kick from Crazy gets a two count. SLICED BREAD #2 FROM KENDRICK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... SAVED !!! SENTON SPLASH FROM LONDON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... SCOTTY SAVES !!! SUPERKICK FROM SCOTTY TO LONDON !!! London to the floor. Bulldog from Scotty. THE WORM FROM SCOTTY TO HELMS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... PSICOSIS MAKES THE SAVE !!! Kash and Psicosis into the ring now. Psicosis and Kash do battle. Kick to the head. DEAD LEVEL FROM KASH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... CRAZY SAVES WITH THE MOONSAULT !!! HELMS STEALS THE PIN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

If there was anything before that final stretch that was actually worth anything, I'd have been rating this match much higher, but it was all over the place. There might have been too many people in it. **

Gregory Helms vs. Matt Hardy - WWE Smackdown 22/09/2006

Hardy looks a little bit peeved at Helms. Kick to the stomach and then Hardy with right hands. Clothesline from Hardy and then more right hands. Kick from Helms. Helms sent to the floor over the top. PESCADO FROM HARDY !!! Back into the ring they go. Hardy runs into a boot from Helms who heads for the top rope. Right hand from Hardy stops him up there. BRUTAL Neck Snap over the top rope from Helms and then a Swinging Neckbreaker gets a two count. Choke from Helms using the top rope for leverage. Ace Crusher over the top rope from Helms. Stomp to the stomach follows that. Arm Ringer from Helms and then a Knee Drop gets a two count. Helms grabs the arm and gets a Chinlock. Headbutt from Hardy. CODEBREAKER FROM HELMS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Sleeper Hold from Helms and Hardy is in trouble. Jawbreaker from Hardy. Helms jumps into a right hand. SIDE EFFECT FROM HARDY !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Helms walks into an elbow. MOONSAULT PRESS FROM HARDY !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! TWIST OF FATE ... countered. SHINING WIZARD FROM HELMS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Helms then tries to expose the steel. LOW BLOW BEHIND THE BACK OF THE REF FROM HARDY !!! SCHOOL BOY WITH THE TIGHTS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Other than that ending, this was some pretty boring stuff. Stalling for time and chinlockery untill they finally decided to send the match home. *

Gregory Helms and Chavo Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio and Matt Hardy - WWE Smackdown 06/10/2006

Chavo wants to start the match with Rey and then decides to let Helms have him. Rey goes for Chavo and Helms attacks from behind. Rey into the ropes and he gets under Helms and lands a Rana. Into the corner and Hardy in. Right hands on Helms. Helms into the ropes and a Clothesline and Elbow Drop from Hardy. Right hands from Hardy. Rey into the ring. Springboard Double Axe Handle from Rey. He's sent into the ropes. SKY HIGH FROM HELMS !!! That was a BIG move. Into the corner and in comes Chavo with a series of stomps. European Uppercut and then some more stomps from Chavo. Kick to the stomach. European Uppercut and back in comes Helms. Head first into the top buckle goes Rey. Drop Toe Hold sends Helms face first into the middle buckle and in comes Hardy. Clothesline and a Bulldog on Helms and that gets a two count. Chavo gets involved and Rey unloads on him. Rey onto the apron. Chavo sent to the floor. CODEBREAKER FROM HELMS !!! Helms then unloads with rights and lefts of his own. Choke with the boot follows that from Helms. Helms pulls down Hardy and then gets a Head Scissors. Elbow Drop to the back from Helms and then back into the corner and Chavo comes in and he unloads a beating on Hardy. JBL puts Vickie over big time. Right hands from Chavo and then Helms in there with a kick. Chavo then chokes Hardy over the middle rope, but he comes back with a Clothesline. SIDE EFFECT TO CHAVO !!! Rey gets the fans into this. HOT TAG !!! SEATED SENTON HELMS !!! KICKS AHOY !!! Rey with a Springboard Cross Body on Chavo. Head Scissor Takedown on Helms. KICK TO THE HEAD OF CHAVO !!! Clothesline on Rey from Helms. Chavo into the corner. RANA INTO THE MIDDLE ROPE !!! 619 ON BOTH MEN !!! TWIST OF FATE !!! DROP THE DIME !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Constant wall to wall action from bell to bell here. This one just flew by. **1/2

Gregory Helms vs. Matt Hardy - WWE No Mercy 2006

If this is as good as reviews suggest that it is, this should be great viewing. This is a rivalry that has gone on for yonks. Takedown from Helms and he gets a Chinlock. Headlock from Hardy and into the ropes. He takes down Helms. Lockup and a Waistlock Takedown from Hardy. Both men exchange moves and we have a stalemate. Lockup and Helms goes to the arm and Hardy gets away from that pretty quickly. Kick to the back from Helms and then he drops an elbow. He then sends Hardy face first into two buckles. Stomps in the corner and then a choke with the boot. Suplex from Hardy out of nowhere. Right hands from both men now. Back Elbow and an Elbow Drop gets a one count for Hardy. Clothesline sends Helms to the floor. PESCADO FROM HARDY !!! Into the ring and Helms gets pulled into a Powerbomb for a two count. Hardy with right hands and then he lands some more from the second buckle. Hot Shot from Helms puts a stop to that. Neckbreaker over the knee from Helms gets a two count. Helms runs into an elbow. Hardy goes up and Helms stops him. SUPER RUSSIAN LEGSWEEP FROM HELMS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Front Facelock from Helms. Butterfly Lock from Helms and then he lands knees to the head and gets a two count. Choke with the boot from Helms again and he gets in the face of the referee. Hardy with rights. CODEBREAKER FROM HELMS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Helms then chokes Hardy over the middle rope. Helms gets in the face of the fans again. Arm Ringer and then the Arm Drag and then he locks the arm and has a Chinlock. Helms then picks up Hardy. HARDY WITH THE REVERSE DDT !!! JBL references the Godwins for that. Cool beans. Right hands from both men now. Forearms from Hardy and then down goes Helms. Clothesline gets the same result. Clothesline and a Bulldog from Hardy and that gets a two count. Body Slam from Hardy and then to the middle buckle. Second Rope Leg Drop from Hardy. That gets a two count. TWIST OF FATE FROM HARDY ... COUNTERED TO THE INVERTED KILLSWITCH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! INVERTED KILLSWITCH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! A THIRD ONE !!! Helms then taunts to the crowd and heads for the top rope. Helms is looking shaky. He jumps right into the right hand. SIDE EFFECT FROM HARDY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! SIDE EFFECT AGAIN FROM HARDY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Standing STO from Hardy. MOONSAULT FROM HARDY ... HITS THE KNEES !!! SHINING WIZARD ... COUNTERED TO THE SCHOOL BOY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! SHINING WIZARD FROM HARDY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Hardy then gets set on the top rope. He fights Helms off, but then gets crotched on the top rope. SUPER SHINING WIZARD FROM HELMS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... FOOT ON THE BOTTOM ROPE !!! THE FINAL CUT ... counters. TWIST OF FATE FROM HARDY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was a cracking match there. They managed to get some believable nearfalls into this match without killing any finishers. The two of them went out there and really went balls to the wall. Some terrific reversing in the first half of the match and I was kinda disappointed that they didn't continue that into the big stuff, but that's a very minor gripe. ***3/4

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The Best of Gregory Shane Helms Part Two

See for these reviews of bunches of matches you do, do you just get the matches off what you can find on Youtube etc? or do you use DVD's of PPV's or downloaded stuff?

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I hope there a bit of an improvement in this selection. It's not gone quite as well as I'd hoped so far. Probably still be better than the Ken Shamrock one that I'm doing next ! This completes the Helms collection ...

I vaguely remember being a huge fan of the Ken Shamrock-Steve Blackman stuff! (Cheesehead :lol: ).

PS I was still young :)

Edited by garymcc1874
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Can't imagine there being too much Repo Man. I think I'd probably have to move into Demolition territory. Not something I have a problem with actually.

Haku is honestly the hardest fucker in wrestling history. Notoriously hard and the one man you do not mess about with.

I'm going to kill you for mentioning Akeem/One Man Gang.

Having Rick Rude to do is probably gonna be super fun. Means listening to his entrance theme over and over again.

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Luna Vachon has died aged 48.

She was a brilliantly placed manager at the time in WWE when she first came in.

That's come as a bit of a shock.

She was brilliantly used throughout the 90s by WWE but they didn't really know what to do with her by the time her tenure ended. The ONLY wrestler capable of putting Sable over in a match and cracking as a manager too.

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Sad to hear about the passing of Luna. She was a fantastic heel back in the day.

Just watching this weeks Smackdown and I have to say Alberto Del Rio is fantastic! I love his ludicrous entrance and he can go in the ring as well. Lets hope the WWE don't drop the ball with him.

I also wish the Undertaker would go away. His gimmick and promos are tedious and his matches are now almost unwatchable. Just retire now.

On a side note I noticed that Drew McIntyre has now been relegated to fighting Chris Masters on Superstars. So much for the 'chosen one'.

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Youtube Channel thought this would be useful to some. This puts up the wrestling shows. Raw, NXT, Smackdown, Superstars, Impact, Reaction, Xplosion and recent FCW and ROH. It's in parts, but he puts it in a playlist normally and the sync is sometimes out. I prefer it to downloading and watching on tv as it eliminates, virtually, the virus threat and you don't get adverts.
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