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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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Ah yes, a fine angle that was.

I don't get what it has to do with the popularity of wrestling though? Wrestling has never been unpopular.

I didn't mean the sport, I meant the companies. So ECW used it to try and attract/hold onto (more) viewers, well I assume that why they did it.

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Just watched iMPACT. Once again it kicks the shite out of RAW in terms of entertainment and wrestling ability.

Enjoyed it very much, will be buying my first wrestling shirt in nearly 10 years shortly and it will be the EV2.0 one.

Is it just me or do you change you're mind every month?

Didn't you say you were never watching either show again? rolleyes.gif

You also always seem to talk about RAW .. I suggest watching SmackDown which is totally overlooked by a lot of people. You have Mysterio/Del Rio, McIntyre/Cody/Christian/Hardy, Kofi/Ziggler, Kane/Taker, CM Punk cutting some of the best promos and probably going solo again soon, and it's looking like we're heading for a Swagger/MVP as well. All of which are great in their own ways. All that compared to RAWs 'we don't know what to do with half our talent so we'll stick them all in the title match'

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If Punk goes solo, will Gallows and Mercury be punted? A good idea might be to have them as a tag team if Punk goes solo, as they both have experience of tag wrestling and WWE desperately needs new tag teams. Shame if the SES is split up soon, as it had the potential to be great.

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I hope Mercury is punted. He's only ever looked good with a really good tag team wrestler. Utterly shit. Shame Bob Holly isn't around as he's the ultimate tag wrestler and he could probably have teamed with Mercury. I don't quite think Gallows is good enough to carry that waste of space.

As for Smackdown ... I just find it too dull really. I catch the good matches every week but I tend to avoid watching the whole show. It's definately the "wrestling" show of the week's TV although Impact these days tends to be better in that regard.

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Smackdown in terms of storylines is on autopilot right now until they move to SyFy in October. The channel that it is shown on currently, MyNetwork Tv, isn't even broadcast anymore in large parts of the States so the WWE have little interest in putting any emphasis on Smackdown right now.

What that does mean is that Smackdown is able to put on decent matches every week that last more than 2 mins, and have long running storylines such as Dolph annd Vickie and the possible Laycool break-up.

Smackdown might not be as good as the famous Smackdown 6 era but IMO is currently the best wrestling show on TV right now.

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Is it just me or do you change you're mind every month?

Didn't you say you were never watching either show again? rolleyes.gif

You also always seem to talk about RAW .. I suggest watching SmackDown which is totally overlooked by a lot of people. You have Mysterio/Del Rio, McIntyre/Cody/Christian/Hardy, Kofi/Ziggler, Kane/Taker, CM Punk cutting some of the best promos and probably going solo again soon, and it's looking like we're heading for a Swagger/MVP as well. All of which are great in their own ways. All that compared to RAWs 'we don't know what to do with half our talent so we'll stick them all in the title match'

Just moved house last week got my SKY Sports all set up again saw Smackdown thought that Kingston vs Ziggler was a cracking match, laycool really annoy me though!

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Just moved house last week got my SKY Sports all set up again saw Smackdown thought that Kingston vs Ziggler was a cracking match, laycool really annoy me though!

It's getting boring as f**k now. They have had about 4 matches for the IC title in as many weeks...reminds me when they had Matt vs MVP for the US title every week for about 3 months.

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I suppose Kingston/Ziggler is a fresh match to someone who has only got Sky in the last week. :P

Dragon Gate Infinity #161

I'm going to do PBP on the matches that look worth doing a PBP on. I'll give smaller recaps to matches that are shown in full but they don't appeal to me enough to make me do a PBP. Clipped matches aren't even on my radar.

* Doing in full.

Susumu Yokosuka and K-Ness vs. NOSAWA and MAZADA ( 1/2* )

YAMATO and Akira Tozawa vs Magnitude Kishiwada and Don Fujii* ( **1/2 )

Naruki Doi and Masato Yoshino vs. Yasushi Kanda and Kenichiro Arai ( *** )

Susumu Yokosuka and K-Ness vs. NOSAWA and MAZADA

I'm not sure I like the idea of NOSAWA and MAZADA in Dragon Gate to be honest. Too slow and lumbering. Hopefully they prove me wrong here. Sure enough this match is just horribly dull for the most part. NOSAWA and MAZADA weren't even that interested in adding too much heelishness to their performance to make up for the fact that the match was lacking in action. The crowd didn't help either. This seems like it was on quite a small show so the fans weren't too interested in what was going on. Even when Susumu came in to liven the match up, the crowd were more interested in sitting on their hands. When they did eventually reach the final stretch, it was disjointed and didn't help matters. Not a good match at all. 1/2*

YAMATO and Akira Tozawa vs. Magnitude Kishiwada and Don Fujii

This match should at least be decent. YAMATO and Akira go to work early. They keep Don in the ring. Don into the ropes and a Double Dropkick from Kamikaze. AKIRA WITH A SUICIDE DIVE ON KISH !!! SUICIDE DIVE ON DON !!! Kish and Don have a table at the ready. Akira gets sent face first into a table. CHOKESLAM ON THE TABLE FROM DON !!! Kish gets back in the ring and Akira attacks. AKIRA SPRINGBOARDS INTO A CHOKESLAM !!! DOUBLE CHOKESLAM ON AKIRA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Could have been early bother for Kamikaze there. TOP ROPE SPLASH FROM KISHIWADA !!! BOSTON CRAB FROM FUJII !!! YAMATO comes in. SLEEPER ON FUJII !!! He then lays a stomp in. BACK DROP DRIVER FROM KISH LANDS YAMATO RIGHT ON HIS NECK !!! GUILLOTINE CHOKE FROM YAMATO TO KISH !!! Akira into the ropes and Don stops him. Double Knees from Akira and that gets a two count. Kick to the head from YAMATO. GERMAN SUPLEX FROM AKIRA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! GERMAN SUPLEX ... Kish reaches the ropes and in comes Don. Enziguri from Akira. Slaps from both men. SPEAR FROM YAMATO TO AKIRA !!! LARIAT ON AKIRA !!! BOSTON CRAB FROM DON !!! HALF CRAB !!! IT'S OVER !!!

That was a LOT of fun for the amount of time that it was on. Almost like a spring tag team match. **1/2

Naruki Doi and Masato Yoshino vs. Yasushi Kanda and Kenichiro Arai

It'd be harsh to say that I'm not looking forward to this match. In all seriousness, I have no idea who Kanda and Arai are. This was good fun stuff. Good to see heels that are willing to heel up big time rather than just stay slow in order to garner heat. All sorts of fun stuff, including all four of the heel stable coming in to get their hands on Yoshino. Arai in particular acted like a big time cunt and the crowd acted accordingly towards his character. For all of the work that the heels did to take control of the match, it didn't help them though. A fun match. ***

This was a fun episode. It got off to a pretty bad start, but then we had a great fun tag team sprint and then a very solid main event to round things off.

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Dragon Gate Infinity #162

Looks like we have a couple of quality matches on this card. This show will also have the final of the tag team tournament to decide who will face CIMA and Gamma for the Open the Twin Gate Championships.

* Full PBP

Masaaki Mochizuki © vs. Shingo Takagi - FIP Heavyweight Championship* ( **** )

Susumu Yokosuka and K-Ness vs. Naruki Doi and Masato Yoshino* ( ****1/4 )

Masaaki Mochizuki © vs. Shingo Takagi - FIP Heavyweight Championship

Lockup and Shingo looks for a Hiptoss and they go against the ropes. Shingo then slaps Moch. Kicks vs. chops and then Moch into the ropes and both men collide. Both men block shots and we have a stalemate from that. They lock hands and Moch goes to the wrist of Shingo and then lands some kicks including a big 'un to the head. Arm Ringer from Moch and a kick to the arm. Arm Bar from Moch and then he opts for a Suplex. Shingo to the apron. Kick to the back from Moch. Moch to the middle buckle. Moch avoids a DVD. THE STOKE ON THE APRON FROM MOCHIZUKI !!! Moch gets back into the ring. Kicks from Moch and then an he works on the arm, but Shingo drags him back to the corner. That doesn't get him very far. Kicks to the chest and Shingo is firing up. Slaps from Moch and then a kick to the arm. European Uppercut from Shingo and then Moch goes to the floor. Back into the ring they go. Leg over the middle rope and Shingo continues his work. Back Elbow from Shingo. Shingo with a Clothesline in the corner and then he rolls through to a Guillotine Choke. SUPER Strength Suplex from Shingo and then Moch gets set on the top rope. TOP ROPE SUPERPLEX FROM SHINGO !!! Shingo then walks across the chest and lands a Knee Drop on Moch. Into the corner and Shingo with a chop. Shingo gets hit with an elbow strike. Moch into the corner and Shingo runs into a boot. He lands a Clothesline though. Leaping Kick from Moch and he's back in the match. Spin Kick from Moch. He tries a springboard and gets caught. Super Armbar Takedown from Moch and then he goes for the Cross Armbreaker. Shingo lands a Powerbomb to escape from that. Shingo runs into a Spin Kick and then the Springboard Enziguri. PUMPING BOMBER FROM SHINGO !!! BURNING HAMMER ... countered ... BIG KNEE !!! PUMPING BOMBER AGAIN FROM SHINGO !!! Moch avoids a move. HALF NELSON SUPLEX FROM MOCHIZUKI !!! MADE IN JAPAN FROM SHINGO DROPS MOCH ON HIS HEAD !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! That was a BRUTAL move there. Moch avoids a move. Lariats from both men. Spin Kick to the head and a series of kicks from Moch. ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Running kicks to the chest from Mochizuki. Kicks to the arm. SUPERKICK !!! RUNNING SPIN KICK TO THE FACE !!! Shingo avoids a move. MINORU SPECIAL FROM MOCHIZUKI !!! HE HAS SHINGO STRETCHED !!! TRIANGLE CHOKE !!! SHINGO ESCAPES !!! Moch set on the top rope. SUPER DEATH VALLEY DRIVER FROM SHINGO !!! Shingo can't make the cover as his arm is knackered. Lariats vs. kicks now. Shingo seems to be getting the better of this. PUMPING BOMBER FROM SHINGO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! WRIST CLUTCH ... COUNTERED TO THE VICTORY ROLL FROM MOCH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! DRAGON SUPLEX FROM MOCHIZUKI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOUUUUTTTT !!! MODIFIED FUJIWARA ARMBAR FROM MOCHIZUKI !!! IT'S OVER !!!

That was a great match there. Suffered from the usual Dragon Gate problem of non-selling of the injuries, but that is something that I'm getting used to now with this promotion. It was a surprisingly one sided match once the work on the arm began. Shingo had big moments where it looked like he might win, but I don't think the Mochizuki win was never in doubt. ****

Susumu Yokosuka and K-Ness vs. Naruki Doi and Masato Yoshino

Yoshino and Susumu are going to get this match going. Lockup and against the ropes they go. Susumu with an Exploder Suplex and then he runs into a boot. Tarantula Head Scissors from Yoshino. In comes Doi and the Drop Toe Hold/Dropkick combo. Ness into the ring and he eats a Double Gutbuster and then a Double Dropkick. Kick to the leg and then another. Elbow to the leg and then Doi goes to work. In comes Yoshino and we have the Wishbone Legsplit. Leg Grapevine Drop from Yoshino. Head first into the top buckle goes Ness. Yoshino charges and runs into a boot. Double Back Elbow from Susumu and Ness and then Susumu with some leg work of his own on Yoshino. Doi comes in and breaks the submission with kicks and then everyone is now in the ring. Back Elbow from Susumu to Doi. Wishbone Legsplit from Susumu and Ness. Ness with the Snapmare and then a Leg Drop and that gets a two count. Chinlock from Ness. Yoshino gets a boot on the bottom rope and then Susumu pulls him to the ringpost and slams the knee into the ringpost. The referee gets over but the damage has been done. Dragon Screw from Ness and then the Figure Four Leglock. Yoshino turns the move over, but Susumu comes in and turns it back around. Yoshino then reaches the bottom rope. Susumu then stands on the leg of Yoshino. Chop from Susumu and then Yoshino comes back. Both men exchange slaps and then Dropkick to the knee from Susumu. Double Knee Breaker from Susumu and then he locks in a Figure Four Leglock of his own. Yoshino is reaching and he eventually reaches the ropes. Ness comes into the ring and sends Yoshino into the corner. Ness runs into boots. TORNADO DDT FROM YOSHINO !!! Susumu comes in. TILT-A-WHIRL REVERSE DDT FROM YOSHINO !!! Doi now into the ring and the audience are quite excited. Susumu runs into a boot. Doi into the ropes and a Cross Body gets a two count. DOI 555 blocked. Doi into the corner but Susumu charges into a Drop Toe Hold. CANNONBALL IN THE CORNER TO SUSUMU !!! ASSISTED SENTON BOMB FROM DOI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... NESS SAVES !!! SLING BLADE ... BLOCKED TO THE ENZIGURI !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! JUNGLE FROM YOSHINO !!! In comes Susumu to make the save. LOADS of counters lead to Ness and Susumu getting the advantage. DOMINATOR/KNEE DROP COMBO FROM SUSUMU/K-NESS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! CRADLE PILEDRIVER ... countered. Doi to the top rope and Susumu stops him. Doi fights him off, but Ness with an assisted Enziguri. SUPERPLEX FROM NESS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! SPINEBUSTER/SLING BLADE COMBO FROM DOI AND YOSHINO !!! Assisted Back Elbow. DROPKICK/SENTON FROM YOSHINO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Yoshino with a Dropkick on Doi. TILT-A-WHIRL BACKBREAKER ON YOSHINO !!! Susumu with a Lariat on Yoshino. SUPER EXPLODER ON YOSHINO !!! CROSS ARM POWERBOMB !!! KICK TO THE HEAD !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... DOI SAVES !!! Forearms all around. LARIAT ON DOI !!! WRIST CLUTCH BRAINBUSTER FROM NESS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... YOSHINO SAVES !!! Yoshino gets a Sunset Flip. Double Palm Strike from Ness and Susumu. MUGAN ASSISTED !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! MUGAN ... Yoshino blocks. NESS WITH ENZIGURI ON SUSUMU !!! DOI 555 !!! BAKATARE SLIDING KICK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... NESS SAVES !!! MUSCULAR BOMB ... COUNTERED !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! SUICIDE DIVE ON NESS !!! Yoshino into the ring. LARIAT FROM SUSUMU !!! TORBELLINO !!! LARIAT !!! TORBELLINO !!! BOTH MEN DOWN !!! This is epic stuff here. Yoshino kips up. VICTORY ROLL FROM SUSUMU !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! LIGHTNING SPIRAL !!! SLIDING KICK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! SOL NACIENTE !!! THE MATCH IS OVER !!!

That was a terrific match there. Suitably epic for a Puro tournament final. They didn't spend too much time with the feeling out process before they went into the madness of the second half of the match. ****1/4

AWESOME couple of matches in that selection.

You can watch these matches and clipped stuff here ...


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Smackdown in terms of storylines is on autopilot right now until they move to SyFy in October. The channel that it is shown on currently, MyNetwork Tv, isn't even broadcast anymore in large parts of the States so the WWE have little interest in putting any emphasis on Smackdown right now.

What that does mean is that Smackdown is able to put on decent matches every week that last more than 2 mins, and have long running storylines such as Dolph annd Vickie and the possible Laycool break-up.

Smackdown might not be as good as the famous Smackdown 6 era but IMO is currently the best wrestling show on TV right now.

Does that mean that NXT is getting punted? I really enjoy it, perhaps more to RAW/SD.

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FCW have been advertising saying people from NXT 3 will be on their shows. Don't know if that has significance, but it would lean towards the idea of there being a third season.

Well if SD is going to move in October then they could have another one, at least. There was always gonna be a limit on how many series they could do.

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Might go to the Manchester Evening News Arena next time TNA/WWE/UFC come a calling, never seen a wrestling event in my life before, can see it being brilliant though, I think the difference between watching it on tv and seeing it live will be massive, I'll be marking out!

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Its a 5 man tag match from Summerlsam, Minus Bret Hart and Daniel Bryan from WWE and Skip Shieffield and Darren Young from Nexus.

The arena has been advertising Shemus/Orton/Cena in a cage match, but sometimes when a venue advertises a match, it's a dark match.

Edited by gav-ffc
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