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Mo Wonderboy

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There's going to be a 4th season of NXT if anyone still cares.

R Truth - Jonny Curtis

Dolph Ziggler - Jacob Novak

Daniel Bryan - Derek Bateman

Alberto Del Rio - Conor O'Brian

Chris Masters - Byron Saxton

Ted DiBiase - Brodus Clay

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I went to Mania 2002 in Toronto, met loads just by happening to be in a bar near there hotel, spent an afternoon getting pissed with Earl Hebner and his son in a Mexican restraunt, top men. JR came in, he was a bit of a tool, Mr Perfect, Boss Man & Brock came over as well who were all ok, it was after this Mania when Brock debuted on Raw and Perfect told us he would be the next big thing. Also met Spike Dudley, Maven Molly Holly & the coach elsewhere who were all spot on, Cole was a p***k. Met people at the excess thing in Toronto as well but obviously it wasn't as fun. It was insane, the place was crawling with Wrestlers, saw Lita, RVD and Dreamer from a far, completely surreal.

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There's going to be a 4th season of NXT if anyone still cares.

R Truth - Jonny Curtis

Dolph Ziggler - Jacob Novak

Daniel Bryan - Derek Bateman

Alberto Del Rio - Conor O'Brian

Chris Masters - Byron Saxton

Ted DiBiase - Brodus Clay

Bolds should be good, underlined could be.

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Just had a thought, who has met any wrestlers here and if so who?

I've only met a few and they are John Cena, Torrie Wilson and Junkie Hardy.

Big Show in the Apple store in Buchanan Street



Christopher Daniels

Steve Corino

Tracey Smothers/Chris Hammrick

2 Cold Scorpio

Desmond Wolf

Colt Cabana

all at 1PW, I also met Yokozuna at Motherwell Civic Centre as he was wrestling there a few years before he died. He came out for autographs and photos afterwards but walked out half way through due to a "You fat b*****d" chant.laugh.gif

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Is anyone still interested in the Nexus/Cena crap? It's just terrible. Time and time again Nexus have been shown to NOT be even a small threat to Cena. The man is able to take them all on and easily beat them, which totally flies in the face of wrestling psychology. Now, as the top man in WWE, you would expec Cean to easily beat them in a one on one match, perhaps a one on two (although that would be pushing it). But basic wrestling psychology says that those with the superior numbers should triumph. It wouldn't make Cena look weak if he took a beating from a 2/3/4/5/etc on one attack. It would garner him more sympathy and help the Nexus look like a plausible threat. Sadly they are too scared to let Cena look even a bit weak, and he easily smashes through them all no matter the numbers. What utter shite. Why then should anyone care? The Nexus are proven failures and are proven to be absolutely no threat at all to Cena. And what has Barrett done to be such a threat? Nothing. He at least has a few wins, but so what?

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Is anyone still interested in the Nexus/Cena crap? It's just terrible. Time and time again Nexus have been shown to NOT be even a small threat to Cena. The man is able to take them all on and easily beat them, which totally flies in the face of wrestling psychology. Now, as the top man in WWE, you would expec Cean to easily beat them in a one on one match, perhaps a one on two (although that would be pushing it). But basic wrestling psychology says that those with the superior numbers should triumph. It wouldn't make Cena look weak if he took a beating from a 2/3/4/5/etc on one attack. It would garner him more sympathy and help the Nexus look like a plausible threat. Sadly they are too scared to let Cena look even a bit weak, and he easily smashes through them all no matter the numbers. What utter shite. Why then should anyone care? The Nexus are proven failures and are proven to be absolutely no threat at all to Cena. And what has Barrett done to be such a threat? Nothing. He at least has a few wins, but so what?

Well he hasn't beaten them all on his own, the Raw locker room keeps getting involved or Randy Orton has helped.

I do agree that they've fucked it up. At the start, it was a great idea. Getting rid of Darren Young was a good idea, but he's still hanging around for some reason. They should've got Otunga to leave, adding in Harris and McGillicutty was a good idea as well.

They should've put the belt on Barrett, no doubt.

Raw was pretty good. The Del Rio-Danielson match was really good. Would love to see them in a proper, full length match. TNA should look at that and see that a heel can win a match without the referee being a feature. Danielson is holding a part of his body, Del Rio sees it and exploits it, making him tap out to a move causing pain to that area. It's simple but well done.

The rest was alright, main event was great. Kudos to Lawler, thought it was gonna be horrible but the old hardcore stipulation masks the age well, again. Problems I had was that he was slow climbing the ladder everytime, except when Miz was at the top when he races up there, bit stupid for me. But Cole coming in was a good thing.

Think that that might be it for Lawler, can see him getting the boot now. Although, that would leave Cole and Punk, two heels.

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Judging by Monday, Punk is no longer an out and out heel after the way he commentated Lawler vs Miz.

Maybe thats it for Cole? Or maybe im just praying for a JR return and Cole becoming GM.

I honestly think Cole would be superb as GM

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Whats the name of that bloody website that you can watch all of the old WWF and WCW programmes on as well as shit like Simpsons and Family Guy? Its a streaming site. I've mentioned it a few times in the past but the name of its slipped me.

Justin TV?

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