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Mo Wonderboy

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He has, however, won titles all over the globe, competed in pretty much every noteworthy indy company in the US and the UK, and also had a few belters as the X Division champ in TNA. The Kazarian and Moore matches were decent. Especially given that Shannon Moore is fucking terrible.

He was also involved in the astonishingly good 12 man World X Cup match and stood out in it. More will come to mind !

No doubt about his resumé but you need to take that with a pinch of salt.

To be fair to him, he was introduced when I wasn't watching wrestling and the majority of his tna career was in that time.

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Right, I see two potential candidates for my 2010 MOTY list so I'm going to watch them again and do the PBP on them.

AJ Styles © vs. Douglas Williams - TNA TV Championship ( ****1/4 )

Motor City Machine Guns © vs. Generation Me, Full Metal Mayhem Match - TNA Tag Team Championships ( **** )

AJ Styles © vs. Douglas Williams - TNA TV Championship

Dougie boy in a high profile match in TNA. It's nice to see that he's made it in the US in the "big leagues". If this match happened about six years ago, the internet would be going fucking mental about it. Lockup and against the ropes they go. Styles pushes Williams. "USA !" chant breaks out. I wonder who the heel is supposed to be here. Back to serious stuff and Williams with some nice stuff and he goes to the arm but gets sweeped down. Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock from Williams. Styles escapes but gets locked into a Front Facelock and they go against the ropes. Williams now with right hands and Styles into the ropes. STYLES CLASH ... Williams gets under the legs. Williams goes to the cravat and then a Snapmare and a Chinlock. Into the corner and Styles gets a cheap shot in. Williams gets over Styles. Chaos Theory is blocked and Styles sends Williams to the floor. Williams takes his time about getting back into the ring. Kick to the stomach and right hands from Styles, but Williams comes back with shots of his own. Williams misses a high knee. Styles onto the apron and he gets kicked to the floor by Williams. Williams to the apron and he lands the Cannonball off of the apron. European Uppercuts and then back into the ring, but Styles attacks Williams using his ... umm ... experience. Styles into the corner and suffers a kick to the thigh and then a Short Arm Clothesline and that gets a one count. European Uppercuts from Williams as he works over Styles. Styles comes back with right hands and chops. Williams with the High Knee and then to the top rope. Styles gets up and sends Williams to the floor. Elbows to the back of the head from Styles. LIONSAULT ACROSS THE BACK OF THE HEAD FROM STYLES !!! That was quite nice. That gets a two count for Styles. Williams now makes a comeback and then a Headbutt. Rebound Dropkick from Styles. That gets a two count. Chinlock from Styles and the fans are beginning to get behind this match a bit. Williams battles to his feet and he hits some right hands. Chop from Styles and then Williams blocks a Suplex. Williams onto he apron and he lands a forearm. Dropkick and now Williams is caught in the ropes and Styles now works on the knee. Styles with a sort of one man Wishbone Legsplit. FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK FROM STYLES !!! Williams rolls and finds the bottom rope but they roll to the floor. WILLIAMS TURNS THE MOVE ON THE FLOOR !!! I like that spot. Both men are now battling against the count. Both men get in the ring at 8. Knee 2 Face from Williams and then European Uppercuts and now he's a house on fire. Styles avoids a Suplex. Exploder Suplex from Williams and that gets a two count. Knee Lift from Williams and then he's into the corner. Styles runs into a boot. Leaping European Uppercut from Williams and that gets a two count. Williams goes behind. QUEDABRA DDT FROM STYLES !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! That came out of nowhere there. FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK FROM STYLES ... COUNTERED TO THE SMALL PACKAGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Big right hand from Styles. Williams now comes back with right hands. Big right hand from both men now. PELE KICK SENDS WILLIAMS TO THE FLOOR !!! PESCADO ... misses. CHAOS THEORY ON THE FLOOR FROM WILLIAMS !!! HOLY SHIT !!! Williams gets into the ring at the six and Styles is in big trouble. STYLES BEATS THE COUNT AT THE NINE COUNT !!! STYLES CLASH FROM WILLIAMS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

I like how the Chaos Theory on the floor basically spelled the end. They could have done a bit of finisher killing there, but a good bit of booking. The one gripe I had with the match was that Williams' knee was supposedly badly hurt and then he completely forgot about it. That's a minor gripe as the action built and built brilliantly. They didn't need a million nearfalls and a long final stretch. All they needed was a good build to a good outcome. ****1/4

Motor City Machine Guns © vs. Generation Me, Full Metal Mayhem Match - TNA Tag Team Championships

Generation Me are waiting on the aisle for their opponents. GM take the early control of the match. Head first into the apron goes Sabin. Jeremy has a chair in the seated position and GM try stuff. SLINGSHOT X-FACTOR INTO A MOONSAULT OFF OF THE APRON ON THE GUNS !!! Into the ring and right hands from Max to Sabin as Jeremy sets a table on the floor. Max is trying for a Suplex and then Sabin manages to escape. WHEELBARROW DDT FROM GENERATION ME !!! Some nice stuff going on at the moment. BRUTAL LARIAT FROM SABIN TO JEREMY !!! Shelley sends Max to the floor. Sabin is still in the ring with Jeremy. Jawbreaker from Jeremy. Jeremy wedges a chair in the corner. MCMG with some stuff, but Sabin gets a chair thrown at him. DROPKICK SENDS THE HEAD OF SHELLEY INTO THE CHAIR IN THE CORNER !!! Baseball Slide from the Guns. SABIN WITH A SUICIDE DIVE ... RIGHT INTO THE CHAIR SHOT FROM MAX !!! Jeremy now sends the chair into the ring. Into the corner. SLICED BREAD #2 ... blocked. BUCKLE BOMB INTO A LADDER FROM MAX !!! JEREMY DROPS A LADDER ACROSS SHELLEY !!! The Bucks now go for the gold. The Guns manage to take the Bucks off of the ladder. DOUBLE STOMP TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD AND A SUICIDE DIVE FROM JEREMY TO THE GUNS !!! Max is now going for the gold. Max pulled down. Jawbreaker on Shelley. DRAGON SCREW IN THE LADDER FROM SHELLEY !!! DOUBLE STOMP TO MAX IN THE LADDER !!! JEREMY SUPLEXED ONTO IT !!! BULLDOG ONTO IT !!! This is some quality stuff from the Guns at the moment. Sabin goes for the gold but he's stopped as Shelley can't keep the Bucks away. YAKUZA KICK SENDS JEREMY INTO THE LADDER !!! HESISTATION DROPKICK SENDS A CHAIR INTO THE FACE OF MAX !!! Loads of stuff on the Bucks. SHELLEY WITH A DOUBLE STOMP !!! There is some craziness going on here. The fans are going MENTAL for this stuff and you can't really blame them. A bit contrived, but there's some real madness here. Shelley is going for the gold. The Guns want a new ladder because the one they were using was crap. What in the name of f**k is going on now. The Guns are now climbing and all four men are now on the ladders. Wonder what's going to happen here. They all wind up down. CODEBREAKER WITH A CHAIR FROM THE GUNS !!! Shelley now sends another ladder into the ring. This is reminiscent of the table bridge that they used at Wrestlemania 2000. It makes sense so I have no problems seeing it again. DOOMSDAY PLANCHA ON THE FLOOR FROM THE GUNS !!! That is awesome. Sabin now back into the ring and now the Guns are preparing another table. Chair across the back and then Jeremy slides a chair across the table. Sabin now on a table. SUPERKICK ON JEREMY !!! SLICED BREAD #2 OFF OF THE APRON THROUGH A TABLE FROM SHELLEY !!! Sabin and Max are now heading for the gold and they both have chairs up there. Chair duel. MAX FALLS OFF AND GOES THROUGH THE TABLE !!! THE GUNS WIN !!!

Slow and contrived at times sure, but wrestling IS contrived so you can only punish how slow it was. All four men bust their asses in a big way here. ****

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I've always thought Williams was a bit bland but that match with Styles last night was class and it was nice to see just a normal wrestling match withough ref bumps etc.

On the whole though the PPV was pretty dire. Having PPV's in the Impact Zone is just so shit and the crowd are a complete embarrassment.

Most of the stuff is soooooooo predictable as well.

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I'm not a regular in here but if a PPV was the night before then I wouldn't come in this thread until I had watched it as there is always a chance results will be spilled at some point throughout the thread.

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I'm not a regular in here but if a PPV was the night before then I wouldn't come in this thread until I had watched it as there is always a chance results will be spilled at some point throughout the thread.

Exactly, I think that goes for any show. If it has happened and you dont wanna know what happened on it why the hell would you go on any wrestling site or forum?

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Exactly, I think that goes for any show. If it has happened and you dont wanna know what happened on it why the hell would you go on any wrestling site or forum?

Well there are other wrstling promotions outwith the one that just had a PPV.

It's just an unwritten rule that you don't spoil anything that has not been on TV here yet.

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Exactly, I think that goes for any show. If it has happened and you dont wanna know what happened on it why the hell would you go on any wrestling site or forum?

Nah, Shuggie's right, I should've posted it in spoilers. People might come on here today/tomorrow talking about RAW but catch TNA spoilers since it's not on until friday here.

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According to multiple sources, we can confirm that TNA star Samoa Joe’s contract has expired.

Joe, who has been with TNA since 2005, is one of the most valued members on the TNA roster. There is hope that both sides will be able to reach a new deal, but negotiations are ongoing and nothing has been signed yet.

Joe worked Sunday’s Final Resolution pay-per-view, losing a hard fought submission match to Jeff Jarrett due to referee stoppage. Due to the backstage controversy surrounding Jeff Hardy at the PPV, there was talk that Joe would be pulled from the PPV in the event that Hardy was deemed unable to perform and the main event would have been changed to a triple threat match involving Matt Morgan, Jeff Jarrett and Mr. Anderson.

The general feeling is that Joe will re-sign with TNA, but there might be some interest from WWE. Joe has many allies in WWE from his days in TNA & ROH (including CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Kaval and Evan Bourne) and it’s been said that Joe’s chance of getting a fair push in WWE are better now than they’ve ever been.

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According to multiple sources, we can confirm that TNA star Samoa Joe's contract has expired.

Joe, who has been with TNA since 2005, is one of the most valued members on the TNA roster. There is hope that both sides will be able to reach a new deal, but negotiations are ongoing and nothing has been signed yet.

Joe worked Sunday's Final Resolution pay-per-view, losing a hard fought submission match to Jeff Jarrett due to referee stoppage. Due to the backstage controversy surrounding Jeff Hardy at the PPV, there was talk that Joe would be pulled from the PPV in the event that Hardy was deemed unable to perform and the main event would have been changed to a triple threat match involving Matt Morgan, Jeff Jarrett and Mr. Anderson.

The general feeling is that Joe will re-sign with TNA, but there might be some interest from WWE. Joe has many allies in WWE from his days in TNA & ROH (including CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Kaval and Evan Bourne) and it's been said that Joe's chance of getting a fair push in WWE are better now than they've ever been.

That's what's gonna happen if they keep mis-using their talent. Lethal will probably leave if he doesn't stop getting fucked about. AJ is probably the only one who's not been truly fucked over, and even now he's just lost the World Heavyweight title and the TV title in the past few months.

Made sure I've put the spoiler tags this time biggrin.gif

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On the latest episode of "Highway 2 Helms", former WWE star "Hurrican" Shane Helms' weekly web show, co-host Marty Gardner asked Helms who his least favorite wrestler of all-time is. His answer? Shawn Michaels. Helms stated that Michaels was one of his idols growing up, but "he really let me down as a person". Helms then went on to really tear into Michaels, saying he believes Michaels is "the biggest hypocrite in the business" and that "his whole religious gimmick is a f***ing work".

Helms said that he doesn't discount Michaels ring work and says that his matches with The Undertaker are some of the greatest matches of all-time, but as a person Michaels is a "cock-eyed cross-eyed piece of sh**.

Helms then told a story about being so angry at Michaels at a show last year that he wanted to hit him, not caring if he got fired by WWE over it. Michaels was having an argument with Chris Jericho at catering and was verbally attacking Jericho, which Helms did not agree with. Helms did not explain what the issue between Michaels and Jericho was about.

Helms went on to say Michaels is "one of the biggest drug users in the history of the business...who has snorted more coke and done more steroids" than anybody else in wrestling.

I've seen a couple of the Highway 2 Helms shows and found them quite entertaining.....but this made me laugh.laugh.gif

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As mentioned last night, Jeff Hardy was nearly pulled from Final Resolution and stripped of the TNA World Championship due to his condition. The word now is that Hardy's condition was not the result of being drunk, but exhaustion due to his recent schedule.

Hardy flew home from the Middle East tour this past Wednesday and immediately flew home to North Carolina, where he was home for just a day before flying to Michigan for an appearance at a monster truck event in Detroit with Jesse Neal and Shannon Moore. He was spotted heading to his room fairly early in the evening, and flew from Michigan to Orlando on Sunday for the PPV.

Edited by DomDom
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