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Mo Wonderboy

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I've not been a big fan of the King for a long, loooong time but I'm still really happy to see he looks like he's finally getting his WM match. He undoubtedly deserves it not just for his contribution over the last two decades but I think he's acquitted himself very well over the last 2-3 months.

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I'm not sure how it's gonna work but I've read the TNA spoilers and turns out "they" are:

AJ, Kaz and Beer Money (presumably with Flair). Immortal hit the ring after a ref bump in the Anderson/Hardy match and then Fortune turned on them and beat down on Jeff. The report said Matt Hardy, Rob Terry, Gunner and Murphy looked on amazed.

My thoughts:

Not sure about it. Was liking those four as heels, I did say a while ago that AJ should go face and save the company, seems they're doing it with all four. Hope they keep them at least a little bit heel, more for the cocky aspects because they pull that off very well. Pretty dominant stable if Flair is still with them.

Also not really sure why you need Steiner to return for it though. Must've really been forced with Nash and Booker going to WWE.

Edited by forehead7
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Taker? New to me. All over the internet is saying Sting. Someone posted this video as well:



That really is an awesome promo but I'm itching to see this new promo, link anyone please?

TNA really need to stop developing storylines until after the wrestlers have signed a contract. That a couple of times in the past few months where it looks like they have had to reshuffle.

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Sting has always refused to go to WWE, but now with the whole PG shite it's entirely possible that he might go. At first I never even thought Taker, I was thinking somebody new was coming. Normally with Taker they don't announce his return, they just do it.

Mania is shaping up very nicely at this point.


WHC Tile - Del Rio vs Edge

WWE Title - Miz vs Cena

Punk vs Orton

Cole vs King

Nexus (minus Punk) vs Corre (minus Barrett) (I can't see Justin Gabriel not being in MITB)

MITB - Mysterio vs Morrison vs R-Truth vs Christian vs McIntyre vs Bourne vs Riley vs Gabriel

Triple H vs Sheamus

Barrett vs Taker

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Alex Riley was eliminated early from the Rumble match last night. That is why the commentary team started to ask where he went during the match. This was said to have been a major mistake on Riley's part.

Aye it looked a botch at the time, just slipped off the apron.

I like this elimination chamber idea, is it to be a #1 contender's match? Good that there will be some closure re King and Miz.

Booker should go to SD, there are a lot of young, midcard heels there for him to feud with and put over.

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Sting has always refused to go to WWE, but now with the whole PG shite it's entirely possible that he might go. At first I never even thought Taker, I was thinking somebody new was coming. Normally with Taker they don't announce his return, they just do it.

Just about every Taker return I can think of involved a few weeks of teasers etc.

It's Jimmy Wang Yang


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Aye it looked a botch at the time, just slipped off the apron.

I like this elimination chamber idea, is it to be a #1 contender's match? Good that there will be some closure re King and Miz.

Booker should go to SD, there are a lot of young, midcard heels there for him to feud with and put over.

The RAW Chamber match will be a #1 contenders match. The Smackdown one, I think, will be for the WHC.

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Beiber should be in the ring signing at some point during the show before a camera cuts backstage. A door gets knocked on and the guy says "Goldberg, it's time". Goldberg is then brought out in his usual fashion and gives Beiber the squash match treatment.

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Beiber should be in the ring signing at some point during the show before a camera cuts backstage. A door gets knocked on and the guy says "Goldberg, it's time". Goldberg is then brought out in his usual fashion and gives Beiber the squash match treatment.


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Apparently the rumours about Sting signing were nearly 100% true. Either a slight delay in the contract signing between the two parties before the Rumble or Vince did not want Sting in the Rumble because they had Nash and Booker. That was the main reason HHH never made the return. If Sting has not signed(or does not) I'm sure WWE will have back up plans, more so with Undertaker.

I would love for them to go with the match I had as what I would like to have seen at Mania.

Sting vs Booker T vs Kevin Nash vs Big Show - wCw reunion match.

My WM card was this.

Miley Cyrus singing the US National Anthem

IC Title Match:

Kofi Kingston vs Jack Swagger

Continued feud

wCw Match:

Sting vs Booker T vs Kevin Nash vs Big Show

Makes sense with the wCw HOF plans.

US Title Match:

David Hart Smith vs Tyson Kidd

Tyson Kidd defeats Bryan with the help of the Bella Twins

Divas Title Match - Over The Top Rope:

Every Diva involved, Daniel Bryan as guest Ref. Awesome Kong wins.

Money In The Bank:

Cody Rhodes vs Dolph Ziggler vs Rey Mysterio vs Drew McIntyre vs Ted Dibiase vs Randy Orton vs John Cena vz Zack Ryder

King of Kings Match

Sheamus vs HHH

Corre / Nexus Elimination match, Falls count anywhere, NoDQ:

Wade Barrett, Justin Gabriel, Heath Slater, Ezekiel Jackson,Skip Sheffied


CM Punk, David Otunga, Micheal McGillicutty, Husky Harris,Mason Ryan

Streak vs Brand match

Undertaker vs Kane

Loser must go to Raw.

WWE Title Match:

Miz vs John Morrison

Morrison wins at Elimination Chamber

World Heavyweight Title Match:

Edge vs Christian vs Del Rio

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Apparently the rumours about Sting signing were nearly 100% true. Either a slight delay in the contract signing between the two parties before the Rumble or Vince did not want Sting in the Rumble because they had Nash and Booker. That was the main reason HHH never made the return. If Sting has not signed(or does not) I'm sure WWE will have back up plans, more so with Undertaker.

I would love for them to go with the match I had as what I would like to have seen at Mania.

Sting vs Booker T vs Kevin Nash vs Big Show - wCw reunion match.

My WM card was this.

Miley Cyrus singing the US National Anthem

IC Title Match:

Kofi Kingston vs Jack Swagger

Continued feud

wCw Match:

Sting vs Booker T vs Kevin Nash vs Big Show

Makes sense with the wCw HOF plans.

US Title Match:

David Hart Smith vs Tyson Kidd

Tyson Kidd defeats Bryan with the help of the Bella Twins

Divas Title Match - Over The Top Rope:

Every Diva involved, Daniel Bryan as guest Ref. Awesome Kong wins.

Money In The Bank:

Cody Rhodes vs Dolph Ziggler vs Rey Mysterio vs Drew McIntyre vs Ted Dibiase vs Randy Orton vs John Cena vz Zack Ryder

King of Kings Match

Sheamus vs HHH

Corre / Nexus Elimination match, Falls count anywhere, NoDQ:

Wade Barrett, Justin Gabriel, Heath Slater, Ezekiel Jackson,Skip Sheffied


CM Punk, David Otunga, Micheal McGillicutty, Husky Harris,Mason Ryan

Streak vs Brand match

Undertaker vs Kane

Loser must go to Raw.

WWE Title Match:

Miz vs John Morrison

Morrison wins at Elimination Chamber

World Heavyweight Title Match:

Edge vs Christian vs Del Rio

Zack Ryder isn't going to be at Mania nevermind the MITB match. Doubt if either DHS or Kidd will be on the card either. Evan Bourne is supposed to be returning by Mania so I'd have him and Morrison in the MITB instead of Ryder and Cena. Cena will be challenging for the title at Mania, just because he's superman.

Also, I hope that Sting shows up at the EC PPV, just to fool people. Maybe have lights out and lights on and everyone is knocked out. Then he reveals himself on the 21st.

Edited by forehead7
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