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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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The first Impact on Challenge TV is at midnight tonight.

Is it last week's? That could be decent though, (assuming it's last week's) then you could watch it then find a stream of this week's and watch it straight after. Of course one Impact is usually enough bullshit booking a week for me.

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I think they should retire Lawler now, at least in terms of being on commentary or being on camera. His banter grew weary and tiresome long ago, and if WWE really are looking to move forward then they need to get rid of this relic.

Totally disagree, Jim Ross and Lawler together are the best commentary pairing in Sport IMO. It's a pity JR doesn't want to commentate anymore and unfortunately, Lawler just looks out of place when he's with someone as exuberant as Michael Cole. dry.gif

On a totally unrelated note, I went to see WWE in Aberdeen a few month back and whilst it was entertaining it was NOTHING compared to TNA in Glasgow the other week. WWE looked like an amateur company compared to TNA. Not just the fact, that TNA had a titantron, huge lights and an excellent seating system in place but the effort they went to was unreal. They managed to get Greg Hemphill (Victor from Still Game) as a special guest referee and they pushed Earl Hebner as their biggest heel. Throughout the show, they handed out backstage passes as well. This was totally in contrast to WWE who just had a ring and had dozens upon dozens of children running to the front only to be ignored by the wrestlers. WWE had no titantron and made very little effort.

At first, I thought fair enough, it'd be hard to do what they do in the US and the fact, I'd only seen it on T.V may have covered up a few of the botched moves but I was totally blown away by TNA and I'd 100% go again. Absolutely fantastic.

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I was impressed with what I seen of the TNA setup. It looked absolutely brilliant.

I can only assume WWE feel that they don't need to take their full whammy on the road with them. Last time I seen their setup, it was no different to what they had when I seen them at the SECC in the summer of 1993.

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I love the Osirian Portal... the hypnosis/dancing deal done on Sabian and Joker at COD was such a ridiculously cool moment. :D

That was actually the match of the night. Wasn't hard of course, but it was a superb match.

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It was mention on Impact tonight but someone is returning to TNA:

Christopher Daniels as Suicide against Kendrick and Robbie E for a spot in the three way at Against All Odds.

Thank f**k he's coming back that's all I'm saying

eta my thoughts on tonight's impact:

Loved the opening promo, couple wee digs at Nash, Booker and Sting from Bischoff. Steiner pulled a good one as well, even if he asked to be called "yes, sir or no, sir"

The X-division match was decent, as I've said and they mentioned, it's gonna be Suicide, Kendrick and Robbie E for the other spot. Suicide should win and go on to beat the Bucks (in the triple threat) at AAO.

The main event was pretty good, some good wrestling and the finish was still really good eventhough I already knew the turn was coming. Came together better than I thought. The back and forth between AJ and Bischoff was good as well, felt somewhat real and that AJ was proper pissed at Bischoff and Hogan for coming in(probably is to a certain extent)

Although now it's Angle, Steiner, Crimson, AJ, Kaz and Beer Money (possibly with Flair) vs Terry, Gunner, Murphy, Jarrett, Abyss and the Hardyz. Still leaves the same problem that Immortal had, they're too powerful. Anderson was even siding with them which would mean RVD is as well. Also poses the question why would AJ have been attacked by Crimson if he was part of the group, I know at that time TNA probably wanted the MEM to be coming back but it's a plot hole that now exists.

Everything else on the show was pretty sub-standard, Joe and Pope's feud didn't really move along although Pope's promo was decent enough but they fucked off before they could get anything going, not sure who the Japanese guy was (Joe's cameraman wtf?). Bubba Ray seems to have been hitting the sunbeds! I don't really give two shits about that feud or the Knockout match, although the last woman standing match should be decent enough. The Jarretts thing was just shit and I don't care if they are renewing their vows on Impact.

I also caught some of the main event for superstars, wasn't bad. I don't think anyone cares enough for it to require spoilers but it was Barretta and JTG against Hawkins and Reks. When it was Barretta against the other two there was some decent stuff and it was a better match than any of the matches that Santino and Koslov have been in on Raw, I assume that none of them get on SD(I've not caught it in about three weeks). Certainly they deserve a place on SD if people like Truth and Hornswoggle are getting tv time.

Edited by forehead7
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f**k me, no been in this thread in a while. Anyway, recent thoughts

- Glad Del Rio won the rumble, but you already know that,

- Was the actual Rumble match the end of Cena/Nexus? Seems like an awful throwaway end to a long feud, albeit with two different Nexus leaders.

- Booker T and Nash got an amazing reception at the Rumble and need to be kept on full time.

- Gutted that Husky Harris took the punt on Monday, he has so much more to offer than David Otunga.

- Derrick Bateman needs to win NXT.

- After watching Starrcade 97, if WWE doesn't sign Sting, I might actually cry.

- Jerry Lawler/Miz at EC should be a fun match. I expect plenty of Alex Riley interference and Miz to retain.

No read the thread in weeks so if any of this has already been mentioned, I'm not really sorry.

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On a totally unrelated note, I went to see WWE in Aberdeen a few month back and whilst it was entertaining it was NOTHING compared to TNA in Glasgow the other week. WWE looked like an amateur company compared to TNA. Not just the fact, that TNA had a titantron, huge lights and an excellent seating system in place but the effort they went to was unreal. They managed to get Greg Hemphill (Victor from Still Game) as a special guest referee and they pushed Earl Hebner as their biggest heel. Throughout the show, they handed out backstage passes as well. This was totally in contrast to WWE who just had a ring and had dozens upon dozens of children running to the front only to be ignored by the wrestlers. WWE had no titantron and made very little effort.

Actually they dont. JB uses this as a way to get the crowd going. I've been to countless shows here and in the US and I have yet to see this actually happen without you buying the whole $100 PPV package. Apart from the couple that got married and Hemphill and his kids, no one else went backstage at the Glasgow event. We were seated right above the backstage pass entrance.

- After watching Starrcade 97, if WWE doesn't sign Sting, I might actually cry.

I can't talk highly enough of Sting and the build up to the match at Starrcade 97, probably the most eagerly anticipated match of all time. Bischoff spent over a year building the anticipation between Sting and Hogan and that fued is probably the biggest reason WCW was kicking WWF's ass at the time.

Edited by The Hero of the Day
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I can't talk highly enough of Sting and the build up to the match at Starrcade 97, probably the most eagerly anticipated match of all time. Bischoff spent over a year building the anticipation between Sting and Hogan and that fued is probably the biggest reason WCW was kicking WWF's ass at the time.

Yep, the build up to that was just so so special. Just a pity the match itself wasn't up to much.

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