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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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Wait? Vince was on? f**k sake?

Yeah he opened it, acknowledged the Superbowl and then said Mania is the only thing that super-cedes it. Then said we'll find out who's guest hosting Mania next week.

They didn't even mention anything about his coma though, seems stupid since they had that Stephanie video with it ages ago.

Edited by forehead7
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They didn't even mention anything about his coma though, seems stupid since they had that Stephanie video with it ages ago.

That was just a daft comedy skit about LInda's run for Senate though.

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So I take it I'm the only one who thinks its both?

Taker returns, lights go off midway through the segment and then spotlight on the Wrestlemania sign but wait who's that on top?

IWC shits itself with excitement, I feel smug as f**k.

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As far as unpopular opinions go, TNA's entrance music is shite barring none compared to WWE's which has in the main, always been catchy except when they start fucking about with a character's music ie Kane.

Beer Money have the best music in wrestling today. AJ, Angle, Jeff Hardy and Joe also have awesome entrance music.

Oh aye, that was a time where you rarely got a misfire music wise. I mean, you had X-Factor, but that's about it.

:lol: :lol: I remember that music. Lyrics were something like "I got everything I've ever wanted and ....something something something!" ...cringe.

Unpopular opinions:

American Badass was The Undertaker's best gimmick.

Stone Cold's "WHAT?" catchphrase was fun for about a week, then it just got annoying.

Edge should be nowhere near as decorated a champion as he has become.

RTC were awesome.


Agree with all, the amount of heat RTC got for a bunch of lower midcarders was unreal.

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Damn it!!!

I hate be right all the time but didn't a certain Hero of the Day say Kurt Angle wouldn't be happy with the current storyline with Jarrett?

Kurt Angle made the following comments on Twitter earlier this evening:

The "Jarrett" segments on TNA Impact were appalling. It made me look like a dead beat Dad, which I am not (I can assure you). And it made Karen and Jeff look like the perfect American Family. MY kids were calling Jeff "Daddy Jeff". NOBODY will ever replace me as the Father of my kids. You want me to look like the bad person? Don't forget who wanted the divorce! I didn't walk away from my family, Karen did. So keep your little "act" going on TV. It's amusing to me, but don't think for a million years that my fans are buying this crap.

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Wrestling Observer editor Dave Meltzer stated during yesterday’s episode of Wrestling Observer Radio that there has been absolutely no contact between Steve “Sting” Borden and World Wrestling Entertainment officials.


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