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Mo Wonderboy

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I had my first class last night, at Wrestlezone in Aberdeen, and I am in so much pain it's unbelievable but it's still one of the best things I've ever done. Two and a half hours of taking bumps took it's toll on me this morning though.

My girlfriend took the piss out of me, saying how fake it was. After my first session she wasn't taking the piss anymore, I was a mess. Until you take bumps, it's hard to appreciate the toll it takes on your body. At SWA they did this thing where they made you bump onto piss thin gym mats then moved them away and made you do it on the floor.....fucking agony. Compared to that a wrestling ring feels like a big plump matress. Although after the first couple it gets better. You're not in as much pain after 2/3 sessions. The first session I took was on a Saturday, where they last from noon until 5pm, 5 hours of bumps is no fun.

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Here you go then Ludo:


edit, look at Hardy going past the ring post and into the ring, surprised he didn't fall over.

Just watched that. Hardy is a total Swampy. What a little c**t. Sting was absolutely raging in there. Hardy looked utterly wasted. p***k! Think Bischoff came down just to stretch the whole thing out a bit longer. I was thinking that when he said "We've decided to level the playing field' to Sting that he was going to whip out a bottle of vodka and demand that Sting down it! Think the quickness of the match may also have been to job Hardy, i.e. teach him a lesson. He got in no offence and it was an utter humilitation. Think they went with that instead of not having a match at all.

Oh was it Tenay who said that Sting's title win was the best of his career?! Haha! Pipe down you flange!

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My girlfriend took the piss out of me, saying how fake it was. After my first session she wasn't taking the piss anymore, I was a mess. Until you take bumps, it's hard to appreciate the toll it takes on your body. At SWA they did this thing where they made you bump onto piss thin gym mats then moved them away and made you do it on the floor.....fucking agony. Compared to that a wrestling ring feels like a big plump matress. Although after the first couple it gets better. You're not in as much pain after 2/3 sessions. The first session I took was on a Saturday, where they last from noon until 5pm, 5 hours of bumps is no fun.

My girlfriend is still taking the piss out of me because she thinks I have to wear little shorts :(

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I don't have Sky and I can't stay up to the early hours of the morning when I have work. This is my main source of info.

If you want to watch RAW or find out what happened if you've got the time, try this site,


Each part is 15 mins, just search for the next part in the search bar and you'll get the next one etc...

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If you want to watch RAW or find out what happened if you've got the time, try this site,


Each part is 15 mins, just search for the next part in the search bar and you'll get the next one etc...

Cheers that's brilliant. Never knew about anything like that. :D

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Rewatched that and while he was in the ring, I didn't think Hardy was too drunk but then:

when Sting approaches him in the corner and Hardy tries to go under the ropes and fucks it up. Also I hope Hardy wasn't so drunk that he didn't feel how hard Sting was hitting him, couple of stiff punches and pulling him out the corner by his hair.

I timed it. From bell to bell it was about 1 minute and 28 seconds. But from when Sting actually takes Hardy and starts hitting him it was about 20 seconds.

He's not drunk at all, he just as high as the Lighthouse Family.

Look at Sting, he says "you gotta be kidding me to" Hebner when he is making his way to the ring. And I thought Hardy always said that Sting was his idol and inspiration to get into wrestling? Some way to treat a man your supposed to respect...

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Watching some TNA thing on Challenge. I haven't watched wrestling in years.

Some black guy came on screen and was shouting things - but my volume was on mute. I thought for a second it was Didier Drogba. :ph34r:

Edit - I like how they're talking about Victory Road. I can relate to that.

A wild Onix appeared!

Onix used Bodyslam!

Edited by Smurph
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Watching some TNA thing on Challenge. I haven't watched wrestling in years.

Some black guy came on screen and was shouting things - but my volume was on mute. I thought for a second it was Didier Drogba. :ph34r:

Edit - I like how they're talking about Victory Road. I can relate to that.

A wild Onix appeared!

Onix used Bodyslam!

Probably the Pope.

If it's anything like the main event then it'd more likely be a successful horn drill ph34r.gif

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What's the point in having Eric Young run around with the old TNA title if they weren't gonna have them bring it back when Immortal fell?

I don't really like the new one, don't get me wrong it's still better than the Immortal one, but it just seems too flashy.

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I'm talking utter pish here, but I think it would be amusing if WWE did a word for word remake for Anchorman with the following cast;

Ron Burgundy - Santino Marella

Brick Tamland - Vladimir Kozlov

Champ - Sheamus

Brian Fantana - Cody Rhodes

Veronica Corningstone - Beth Phoenix

I reckon it would be ace! They would speak in thier 'own' voices of course (i.e. their wrestling character voice or else everyone would be wondering why Santino as Ron Burgundy was speaking with a Canadian accent).

Vladamir: "I love...carpet. I love....desk"

Santino: "Brick are you just looking at things in the office and saying you love them?"

Vladamir: "I love lamp!"

Santino: "Do you really love the lamp or are you just saying this because you saw it?"

Vladamir: "I love lamp! I love lamp"

Edited by DA Baracus
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I managed to go spoiler free for Victory Road last night and Impact on Tuesday.

Impact: I thought it was really good. The opening section was very good and Gen Me and Ink Inc had a good match. Flair's "How many of your mothers have I slept with? Raise your hands" comment was gold. The 6 knockout tag match was the worst wrestling match I've ever seen.

Victory Road:

Bubba-Dreamer was pretty enjoyable, better than I expected it to be.

The Knockout tag match was really bad. Rosita takes not being able to work to a whole new level. Ending was stupid.

Matt Morgan I like but Hernandez is shite and pretty dangerous in the ring IMO. Crap match and the ending was horrific.

The Ultimate X match was good. If they break up Gen Me they are stupid. Kazarian is a great wrestler and they should be putting him in more matches on a week to week basis. I want more Robbie E too.

I'm really not sure where they are going with Ink Inc. Beer Money are excellent and it was a fairly good match.

AJ is the best wrestler in the world right now. Hardy did OK too but he is still fat. Ric Flair managing Hardy makes me sad :( . Probably the match of the night.

Anderson-RVD was plodding along OK despite all the botches until another screwy ending. I'd love to know what their plan was with this if the main event had gone as planned.

The main event was unbelievable. I knew something big was going to happen given the length of discussion on wrestling forums about the PPV. I was very confused watching it live and expected Bischoff to come out and restart the match or something. However, having read about Hardy and watching it back it's obvious what happened on a second viewing. If I was Sting I'd be absolutely raging. Why did they let Hardy go out like that? There's no way that was a work. Sting's punches looked real and Hardy was obviously trying to kick out at the end. Hardy is a huge waste of talent and should be sacked if he doesn't go to rehab. I feel sorry for TNA who have shown great faith in him throughout his court case and the folks in the US who paid for that.

Overall the PPV once again solved nothing. There were 8 matches, with 7 based on feuds that were happening. Only 1 of those feuds came to anything approaching a resolution and the Ultimate X match looks to have created a Gen Me feud.

Edited by Marshmallo
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The main event was unbelievable. I knew something big was going to happen given the length of discussion on wrestling forums about the PPV. I was very confused watching it live and expected Bischoff to come out and restart the match or something. However, having read about Hardy and watching it back it's obvious what happened on a second viewing. If I was Sting I'd be absolutely raging. Why did they let Hardy go out like that? There's no way that was a work. Sting's punches looked real and Hardy was obviously trying to kick out at the end. Hardy is a huge waste of talent and should be sacked if he doesn't go to rehab. I feel sorry for TNA who have shown great faith in him throughout his court case and the folks in the US who paid for that.

Overall the PPV once again solved nothing. There were 8 matches, with 7 based on feuds that were happening. Only 1 of those feuds came to anything approaching a resolution and the Ultimate X match looks to have created a Gen Me feud.

He'd be nowhere near TNA if he wasn't so over wherever he goes.

Exactly PPV's in TNA with the exception of Lockdown and BFG are just like any normal impact. They give away PPV quality matches on Impact week in week out and then expect the PPV to sell even though they had seen the same match two weeks prior on Impact. Very poorly booked.

And that'll be Hogan back hiding until the Lockdown PPV no doubt.

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I just watched RAW there, The Miz and Cole hahaha!, they just keep getting better and better!.

They were brilliant. Especially The Miz. I loved Cole in the plastic cage and coming out of it pointing to it as if it was some sort of masterpiece.

What The Miz did was probably one of the best moments that has happened on RAW recently, I thought it had been getting quite boring but it really picked back up again this week.

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