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Mo Wonderboy

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I thought the Sin Cara/Sin Cara segment was pretty cool.

Reminded me of the All Star show I went to in Dunoon. Two guys just posing to the crowd for a reaction for ages. Except at All Star, the reactions weren't blatantly piped in.

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Yeah the injured thing was ridiculous. I mean, you could still have had them in the league but just say that they were now out of it, mathematically.

The end to the Crimson push seemed stupid, he's still unbeaten but they don't want him to get the title shot?

Maybe Crimson is injured? That has to be the only reason for the sudden stop to his push?

It's coming a mile off; Storm to turn heel on Roode in the BFG main event, costing him the title.

Also Fortune now must be the most ineffectual group in wrestling ever. They are never together anymore and never do anything as a group so what's the point?

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Maybe Crimson is injured? That has to be the only reason for the sudden stop to his push?

I personally don't think he's ready for the title shot yet, he's a cracking talent but I wouldn't say he should be main eventing BFG.

It's coming a mile off; Storm to turn heel on Roode in the BFG main event, costing him the title.

I was going to say that's horrendous overbooking and is too screwy an ending for their biggest match of the year. Then I remembered what company it was :lol: . Surely even TNA aren't stupid enough to do that?

Also Fortune now must be the most ineffectual group in wrestling ever. They are never together anymore and never do anything as a group so what's the point?

It all went downhill when that fud Daniels joined. The other four look cool as f**k, have a bit of swagger and are great wrestlers. Daniels looks bizarre and is a terrible, terrible wrestler.

I think there was potential for a great PPV. I'm on my phone just now but when I'm on my computer later I'll outline how my card would've looked.

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Maybe Crimson is injured? That has to be the only reason for the sudden stop to his push?

It's coming a mile off; Storm to turn heel on Roode in the BFG main event, costing him the title.

Also Fortune now must be the most ineffectual group in wrestling ever. They are never together anymore and never do anything as a group so what's the point?

He mentioned it on Impact when he'd be back.

2 weeks

Tags just in case, but I've just put the time, nothing more.

I reckon they should've had them feud before now and have them face each other at BFG, it being the biggest PPV and that would be a good feud. I can't see Angle holding onto the belt at BFG so I don't think Storm'll go heel.

This week was pretty funny. Again, small spoilers:

Daniels kept mentioning his win over AJ

It all went downhill when that fud Daniels joined. The other four look cool as f**k, have a bit of swagger and are great wrestlers. Daniels looks bizarre and is a terrible, terrible wrestler.

He might look bizarre but he isn't a terrible wrestler. He's better than Kaz and Storm.

Edited by forehead7
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I'll give it a watch tomorrow. I don't know what others think but I'm a big fan of how it looks on paper.

There's potential there. HHH and Punk should be cracking. The Tag Match, US and IC matches will hopefully be good. The two main title matches could be decent. Hopefully they'll let Phoenix absolutely rape (metaphorically or literally) Kelly Kelly.

That's enough for me.

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CM Punk vs Austin is being touted for Wrestlemania. Austin has already said if he could cherry-pick an opponent it'd be CM Punk, and alluding to the Mayweather fight last night, Punk said that's the fight everyone wants to see.

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Right, some thoughts from ROH last night...

* Lethal/Homicide vs. Ciampa/Rhino: I love when people just start in ROH, they have this fire under their ass and Rhino has been no different. Everyone else brought a good game including, surprisingly, Homicide. This plus the hot crowd meant that the action was very good and exciting and a good way to get the crowd into it. ***

* Bennett/Shelton: What a waste of Shelton Benjamin this is. Mike Bennett is absolutely terrible and Shelton isn't good enough to drag anything out of him. Once again, this was a very basic match from the ROH rookie. *

* Young Bucks vs. Bravados vs. O'Reilly/Cole: Oh aye, I'll be having some of this. The action here was mental, fast paced and also had a nice flow to it. It was as close to a scramble match as you can have in ROH these days. The pace was frightening. ***3/4

* Generico vs. Jimmy Jacobs: The fans seemed to know that we were going to see Kevin Steen here, and sure enough, he comes out and cuts a promo which goes above and beyond the angle from the last iPPV. It basically amounts to him calling out Corino and Generico, but the way in which he does it is very, very special. The post-match angle with Generico and Steen held apart was amazing. Plus, the pop when Steen turned up was fairly brilliant. N/A

* Haas vs. Elgin: I'm a huge fan of Elgin, and he showed why here. He has all sorts in his locker and he's as good a purveyor of the big man style on the indies that you're ever likely to see. Haas holds his end up here, but it's an Elgin showcase, which makes the result a bit of a shock but that's ROH booking for you. **1/2

* Edwards vs. Strong, Three Stages of Hell: I have seen this getting rave reviews, but I don't buy it. It was a good match. There were times when it went off the charts with the exchanges, but at 40+ minutes, it really should have been shorter and both guys looked lost for long spells at a time, and for that reason, it's not a top match. ***1/2

* Briscoes vs. ANX, Ladder War III: Each of these matches has had a different feel to it, and this was no different, as they went down the bloody brawl route rather than a ladder match route. This made it more of a No DQ match than a ladder match, but the spots were still madness and it felt like all four guys wanted to kill each other. ****1/4

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Can't watch NOC tonight so I'll give it a watch tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it, the card for this one is pretty good instead of the usual good ME and shite undercard.

It's pretty obvious Nash will make an appearance tonight. Anyone see Rock coming back to set up his Survivor Series match?

If this HHH/Punk feud is going to continue then HHH HAS to win tonight (obviously not cleanly) or simply not loose. This has me thinking Nash will interfere and attack both. Making it look like he and HHH are not working together, then eventually have the big reveal where we find out they are. Then have Punk feud with both where Punk eventually wins the rivalry.

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I think Miz and Truth are going to side with either HHH or Punk, turning one of them heel. I'd quite like it if it was Triple H.

As for Austin vs. Punk, more recently, Austin has said he has a match left in him.

I'd love it if Nash showed up with pals and helped HHH and Miz/Truth made the save for Punk, setting up old guys vs new(er) guys

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Does anyone think Stephanie will be on NOC tonight.

Hopefully ph34r.gif

Austin and Punk have been taking wee shots at each other for months on twitter so there's certainly a chance it could happen if Austin can go again.

The most recent Impact was just on Challenge, I thought it aired on Tuesday nights for the first time?

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Looks a great card tonight.

Definite interference in the Punk HHH match, a few ways it could go. Like the idea of Awesome Truth getting involved.

I'll be really disappointed if Night of Champions ends WITHOUT an appearance by the Internet Champion with an Internet Championship belt.

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Hopefully ph34r.gif

Austin and Punk have been taking wee shots at each other for months on twitter so there's certainly a chance it could happen if Austin can go again.

The most recent Impact was just on Challenge, I thought it aired on Tuesday nights for the first time?

they changed the first showing to Sundays a few weeks ago

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