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Mo Wonderboy

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Smackdown was pretty good. Thought commentary was really good, started with Cole's "good" when Matthews said Booker wasn't on. Henry putting Cole and Matthews down in the main event was good as well.

Bryan was pretty good, his segments were really good, with AJ and then with Show. Main event was good as well.

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So incase some of you don't know, Nash has been talking some shit about Warrior recently, and at one point challenged Warrior to an MMA fight.

Warriors response:


Warrior seems to come across really well in that video, I thought he was meant to be Iron Sheik mental. Quite surprised to be honest.

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Nash vs Warrior in an MMA fight would be so bad and awkward that I kind of want to see it.

I agree with Ginge, Warrior comes out of that looking pretty good. He is a bit mental though, just sort of the way he thinks rather than him being kayfabe, Sting mental.

Love all the wee shots he gets in on HHH as well in that video laugh.gif

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Is anyone watching Impact? I think what I've just watched might actually be the dumbest thing I've ever seen.

What was it? I tried to turn it on but the signal on Challenge is shite, I watched it on Friday though.

I seem to recall there being a lot of awfulness on it, can't recall anything in particular though.

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It was intially one thing but I'm an hour and a bit in and it's been moment after moment of pure unadulterated shit. The initial thing was one of the Knockouts literally trying to drown another, I think it was Gail Kim or her tag partner on Traci Brooks. I mean christ, that's just fucking stupid. It's like they're trying to insult the viewers intelligence. Sting going up to Bischoff's son and giving him that little "Hey kid, catch" speech was a close second. RVD is embarrassing. It's probably the worst non-Diva performance I've ever seen. I'm 99% sure that it was pure luck that Gunner didn't land on his head when RVD reversed the piledriver. This extrovert Sting is also pretty cringeworthy. Only remotely decent things on the show so far have been the stuff involving Robert Roode and the X-Division tag match.

EDIT: Eric Young is also amazing actually.

Edited by ginge123
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It was intially one thing but I'm an hour and a bit in and it's been moment after moment of pure unadulterated shit. The initial thing was one of the Knockouts literally trying to drown another, I think it was Gail Kim or her tag partner on Traci Brooks. I mean christ, that's just fucking stupid. It's like they're trying to insult the viewers intelligence. Sting going up to Bischoff's son and giving him that little "Hey kid, catch" speech was a close second. RVD is embarrassing. It's probably the worst non-Diva performance I've ever seen. I'm 99% sure that it was pure luck that Gunner didn't land on his head when RVD reversed the piledriver. This extrovert Sting is also pretty cringeworthy. Only remotely decent things on the show so far have been the stuff involving Robert Roode and the X-Division tag match.

EDIT: Eric Young is also amazing actually.

Yeah the Diva's thing was stupid. I'm not sure where they were. Is there just a pool for the women to chill in at Orlando Studios? Or was it a private pool(maybe Tracy's house) that Madison and Gail gatecrashed, oh and Mickie James just happen to walk by, all four in bikinis?

Yeah, that's all TNA need, more shite wrestlers to fill their undercard.

RVD is a car crash, if that had been during an actual match, I would've loved Gunner to get up and properly start beating on him(I recall Benoit doing that to Albert when Albert dropped him from the press slam) or like Sting did when Hardy was off his face at Victory Road(?).

Yeah, Roode, Bully Ray(the name being an exception) and Aries/Kid Kash are fucking electric at the moment. I'm really enjoying their work and it's pretty much the only reason I tune in each week. Yeah Eric Young is great.

Has the tag team thing happened yet?

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You know that a segment's really, really bad when you're not questioning the set up, i.e. all four knockouts happening to be near the pool and all four happening to be in bikinis, but when what happens in the angle is to dumb to comprehend.

Just came back from the last break for the 6 man, just doing the introductions.

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