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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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I only got 146. I'm pretty rubbish at these and my mind usually goes blank. Missed some really obvious ones.

Of those with over 25 appearances alone, I missed:

Farooq (despite getting Bradshaw!)






R Truth

Dlo Brown

Di Biase

The most obscure one I got (deliberately) was probably Kenny Dykstra :lol:

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116. I'm not very good at these, my mind goes blank and I just end up repeating the same answers to myself.

Also missed some really obvious ones:

Mick Foley (was raging when I missed him!)





Ultimate Warrior

Andre The Giant


I have no idea how I missed Warrior and Andre, especially as I was racking my brains trying to think of 80's wrestlers. I managed to get Hillbilly Jim but missed out these 2 plus Vader and Jimmy Snuka :lol:

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I missed some absolute corkers on there. I was too busy going and thinking of good ones, I missed so many ones, many of which we've discussed on this thread recently. Shame on me. I wound up with 140, which was naw bad, but I still wanted at least another 60 on there, and looking at the ones I missed, probably could have.

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142. towards the end I just started reeling off every diva I could think of tbh :lol:

I hit that stage quite early! I reeled out Sable and then was like "GO!". Managed to forget...

Tori and Victoria. WHIT?!

Even more shocking, among the males I forgot where...

CM Punk


Rey Mysterio


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Biggest miss was Finlay at 28 appearances so I know my big players reasonably well.

The worst thing is I got one member of a tag team but didn't bother to put the other. Grandmaster Sexay(got him with Lawler) but didn't get Scotty Too Hotty. Tried Santino(they didn't give me it for just Santino apparently mad.gif), thought I'd tried Kozlov as well but didn't get him dry.gif

Mispelled Heidenreich and the Iron Sheik (think I tried Shiek).

They spelled Natalya wrong(they had Natayla) so I'm claiming 171. Also put in "Davey Hart Smith" but it's David sad.gif

I also just started spamming divas, managed to miss Stacey Keiblerm, Maria and Christy Hemme.

I also went through TNA's roster and tried to add as many rejects, even thought of last night's PPV card. Missed Elijah Burke/The Pope(I've seen the PPV dry.gif), also Shannon Moore but I don't mind him cause he's shite.

Missing The Sandman and David Otunga are also some of the highlights.

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Biggest name I missed was Booker T which was a gutter. Also forgot about The Miz, Shelton Shelton Benjamin, MVP, Kofi, Savageph34r.gif, Swagger, R-Truth, Sheamus. It was a bad idea starting from as back as I can remember and working forward. I should have began just now and worked my way back as I ran out of time to mention all of the current ones.

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I'm not being funny or that... what even is NXT now?

It seems to have gone from the show where developmental guys compete for a contract to the "wee show" like ECW was towards the end with its own storylines and everything. It has Johnny Curtis, who I thought had already won a series of NXT yet is still on the show??blink.gif

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